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Rumors Run Rampant! History of SSBB's rumors


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Serebii, can you comment on the recent leak where a guy confirmed Dragoon to be true...he also said Wolf, Captain Falcon, Ness, etc were playable and Lucario is replacing Mewtwo. I'm sure you're sick of hearing it now but I'm just seeing if you can confirm or deny any of it, does any contradict the info you were given?
If that would have contradicted some info, I guarentee he would have said something about it, just as he commented on this new rumor. If Serebii does not reply to your post, chances are there was no contradiction. Also, if Serebii simply says "my knowledge is incomplete" then chances are there is no contradiction.


Smash Cadet
Oct 21, 2007
<i>Prophets. You Gotta Love 'Em
What's this? Yes, after Dec. 28th update, ANOTHER prophet reared his/her head. This one said he/she knew of a Stage Builder, and also of the Dragoon item (saying there is an item you had to pick up multiple pieces for). The person said that Capt. Falcon, Ness, Sheik(still as a transformation) and Ganondorf would return. Lucario is replacing Mewtwo and Wolf would also be playable. Oh, and the smashboardians should be happy as Final Destination is back (no real surprise though). At the time of posting this, this rumor is relatively new, so it has yet to be debunked.</i>

Hard to debunk this one seeing as your not posting the whole story. The guy that posted the dragoon parts actully posted it in exact detail that the update did two months prior to confirmation.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2007
^As I just stated on the prophets thread, I could post on and on for ages on the prophet topic but I think my segment on this week's SmashDash will my point across just fine. ;)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2008
Just wanted to add that you guys can completely trust Serebii 100%(this is assuming it's actually his words, rather than someone supposedly talking to him on AIM, of course). I'm a veteran of the IGN boards(since 02) and also a big Pokemon fan, and not once in those five years has he ever posted anything incorrect...this is mainly because he is careful to not post rumors(and if he does he specifically states it isn't confirmed). He has far too many loyal fans to make something up for laughs, so if he says it you can bet it's true.

And also, don't bug him about his sources. He obviously can't reveal them, because that could result in the loss of their jobs and likely his website getting shut down too. Revealing characters 3 weeks early just isn't worth it. Although, he COULD make a random name on a random message board and reveal the info in that manner:grin:


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Rumors are funny stuff though being a Geno fan i'd still like to see him in it.
Rumors being false doesn't disprove a character being in, just disproves their known status


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
If that would have contradicted some info, I guarentee he would have said something about it, just as he commented on this new rumor. If Serebii does not reply to your post, chances are there was no contradiction. Also, if Serebii simply says "my knowledge is incomplete" then chances are there is no contradiction.
Like I said.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
So does this mean Namco has no part in Brawl at all? Man!
Nope. . .
1, The leaker could very well be a fake (and probly is).
2, He never said Namco didn't. Those where replies to people asking him things.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
Hmm....but he said Capcom wasn't in...hmm...some of the stuff he said was kinda strange.

1. No Ridley???
2. Knuckles is overpowered?


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2007
Looks like he posted again.

Hello, I am an anonymous source who has recently finished testing the upcoming Wii title Super Smash Brothers: Brawl. Refer to me as 'Jake' if you have a query on any of the information in this post. I shall not be using my real name for obvious reasons.

As you may know, the NSTC Super Smash Brothers: Brawl, is scheduled for launch on the 10th of February this quarter. Super Smash Brothers: Brawl Dojo! has been faithfully updating fans on a semi-weekly basis, until now. I plan to use this gap as a chance to release some information of my own.

This is the second leak session I will be making pertaining to the upcoming Nintendo Wii title: Super Smash Brothers: Brawl.

First off, I would like to tell you that I now have another consultant, my fellow tester "Ace" who has a better knowledge of Nintendo games in general than I. According to Ace,Ridleyis in Brawl, but not as a boss. He is a stage hazard in theMetroid stage Tallon IV, I had just asumed that it was some sort of dinosaur wildlife. Excuse my lack of knowledge on the subject, as I have onlybasicgaming experience with non-fighting games.

Other than Ridleyhowever, 'Ace' found no decrepancies with the information I have given you, though he wants me to clarify that while the Top Brawler profiles are friend only, but the Top 100 is not.

Alright, now for some new information.

I will give you a full character list due to the demand.


Starting Roster:

- Mario, Peach, Bowser, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Yoshi, Link, Zelda/ Sheik, Wario, Samus/ Zero Suit Samus, Fox, IceClimber,Kirby, Meta Knight, King DeDeDe, Pit, Pikachu, Sonic, Pokemon Trainer, Ike,and Lucas

That is a total of twenty. 10 on the top row and than 10 on the bottom.



? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?

? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

-Secret Characters

Jigglypuff (C.lassic Mode Clear)

Luigi (Subspace Emissary)

Captain Falcon (In Subspace Emissary)

Ness(Beat C.lassic mode on Normal withLucas)

Wolf(Beat C.lassic mode on Normal withFox)

Zelgius (Beat C.lassic mode on Normal with Ike)

Cecil (In Subspace Emissary)

Ganondorf ( Clear Event 120: Triforce Gathering 2)

Plusleand Minun (Clear Event 80: Opposites Attack)

Sylux ( Clear Event 46: Hunting Season)

JaJaMaru-Kun, (Subspace Emissary Clear ),

Marth(BeatSmash Off Survival for the first time)

Lucario (Collect 100 trophies)

9-Volt (See every Assist Trophy)

Mr. GameN Watch (Complete Target Test with everystartingcharacter)

Geno (Subspace Emissary)

Dixie Kong (Subspace Emissary)

Mii Man/Girl [Caped version of your Chosen Mii] (Share with 30 friends over Wi-Fi/ or play 300 VS matches)

Snake (Subspace Emissary)

Knuckles (Clear C.lassic Mode with Sonic on Hard)

Krystal (Subspace Emissary)

Bowser Jr. (I cannot remember this one for the life of me! Neither does Ace...)

Tamagon (Clear All Events)

Ray (Unlock every character,thancomplete ****c mode with each )

Phew. There is your list, 44 in all. I'm taking questions on this list on MSN and on the forum.

Contact Information: Rock2ways@hotmail.com

And he posts again at the end:

Alright, I've had quite enough of the naysaying. if you wish to question, you allhave my MSN. I spent quite a bit of my time, risking my job to share this.

I will answerall questions in-depth on MSN, GameFAQs.com.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2006
The nail in the coffin for me was when he clearly feigned ignorance regarding Ganondorf, Ridley and Geno. Possibly in a bid to distance himself from the Smash community, since anyone who's been around throughout the game's development knows that Ridley and Geno are in high demand, and that many people hope Ganondorf will return.

The list of characters itself seems alright to me, though. The inclusion of Cecil from FFIV would (almost) make up for the disappointment of Mewtwo getting the axe.


Serebii Owner
Dec 7, 2007
Bournemouth, England
My source told me almost everything Pokémon related. Specifically characters and I can guarantee you that if he's right, which he has been so far on everythin, then Plusle & Minun are NOT playable

And with that I think I'm gonna stop posting here. Too many people are relying on me and I will get in trouble if I do anything else so ttfn


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
My source told me almost everything Pokémon related. Specifically characters and I can guarantee you that if he's right, which he has been so far on everythin, then Plusle & Minun are NOT playable

And with that I think I'm gonna stop posting here. Too many people are relying on me and I will get in trouble if I do anything else so ttfn
Oh heh, I thought you were saying they were...that would be horrible...

I thought it was a bad joke


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2008
Before you go, Serebii, can you confirm for me that Scizor isn't playable? I have this silly, desperate, one-in-a-billion-chance hope that he's playable, but if you could put the nail in the coffin for me I won't have to worry about it anymore:psycho:


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Yea. . .Tamagon (no devil icon. . ), 9-volt, Daisy, P&M, Zelgius and Mii all seem fake fake fakedey fake fake.

Thats it, Im sure this guy is lieing.


Serebii Owner
Dec 7, 2007
Bournemouth, England
Before you go, Serebii, can you confirm for me that Scizor isn't playable? I have this silly, desperate, one-in-a-billion-chance hope that he's playable, but if you could put the nail in the coffin for me I won't have to worry about it anymore:psycho:
Wasn't he shown as a Pokeball Pokemon at E For All?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2007
MII-man/woman with a cape? That's so random. Thanks for the info Serebii, must be pretty crap to know stuff which you can't talk about for a game you can't play. See you online sometime maybe when Brawl comes out.


Serebii Owner
Dec 7, 2007
Bournemouth, England
MII-man/woman with a cape? That's so random. Thanks for the info Serebii, must be pretty crap to know stuff which you can't talk about for a game you can't play. See you online sometime maybe when Brawl comes out.
Whats even more annoying is I may be doing a section for my site which means I gotta know everything way before it even comes out over here...its what I hate, no suprises in games anymore :/


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
My source told me almost everything Pokémon related. Specifically characters and I can guarantee you that if he's right, which he has been so far on everythin, then Plusle & Minun are NOT playable

And with that I think I'm gonna stop posting here. Too many people are relying on me and I will get in trouble if I do anything else so ttfn
Thank god. I'm sorry, but they weren't needed in the game. There are so many better choices for pokemon. You don't have to stop posting here. Just stick around to deconfirm supposed roster leaks.


Smash Rookie
Jan 3, 2008
Hey Smashchu, I think you should edit the last rumor in your first post. The part that says Wolf is playable. Because from my knowledge, ChaosZero didn't say Wolf was playable, he said that he is in the game. Whether he is playable or not, we'll find out in a month.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
New Jersey
Actually he said it was intended to be seen as playable, nothing more.

@Serebii (if you're still in our presence): Does anything CZ said contradict your info, like Nintendoughs did? If you can't disclose that info thats alright : \


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
@ Serebii-

Love the site and wanted to ask/point something out.
I can't get the 3rd gen IV checker to work (points) so I've been using the 4th gen with my emerald version...that's okay to do (asks), right?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2007
Whats even more annoying is I may be doing a section for my site which means I gotta know everything way before it even comes out over here...its what I hate, no suprises in games anymore :/
True, it sucks europe's still not got a date. I asked in Game today and they said that Brawl's scheduled for Q1, but they also told me before in June that Mario Galaxy was coming out the next week...

I think I'll spoil it for myself with some, maybe all characters, but Subspace is the part I don't want to know about till I play it.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2006
If that would have contradicted some info, I guarentee he would have said something about it, just as he commented on this new rumor. If Serebii does not reply to your post, chances are there was no contradiction. Also, if Serebii simply says "my knowledge is incomplete" then chances are there is no contradiction.
Actually, from a couple of his posts, I'm not sure you can jump to that conclusion. He said his knowledge on the game was incomplete and he also stated that he knows almost everything Pokemon related in the game. That being said, I get the impression that he only knows about the Pokemon related aspects of the game.

That being said, the only piece of info that we know FOR SURE that he knows is whether Lucario replaced Mewtwo or not. Now, if he tells us that the info contradicts his, then he'd pretty much be confirming Mewtwo, and he could get into trouble. If he tell us it doesn't contradict his info, then he'd be confirming Mewtwo out and Lucario in, and he'd still get in trouble. It's pretty much a bad situation for him regardless, so NOW I can see why he's keeping quiet about it.

Still a sucky scenario for us to be in right now. :(

Edit: Then again, he should also know if Ness is in or not, since he also claims to know all the old characters who didn't make the cut. The same situation still applies, though.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2007
Actually, from a couple of his posts, I'm not sure you can jump to that conclusion. He said his knowledge on the game was incomplete and he also stated that he knows almost everything Pokemon related in the game. That being said, I get the impression that he only knows about the Pokemon related aspects of the game.

That being said, the only piece of info that we know FOR SURE that he knows is whether Lucario replaced Mewtwo or not. Now, if he tells us that the info contradicts his, then he'd pretty much be confirming Mewtwo, and he could get into trouble. If he tell us it doesn't contradict his info, then he'd be confirming Mewtwo out and Lucario in, and he'd still get in trouble. It's pretty much a bad situation for him regardless, so NOW I can see why he's keeping quiet about it.

Still a sucky scenario for us to be in right now. :(
No im sure he at least knows the starting roster. Making me think he knows Falcon is not unlockable and Lucario is something else he knows or he would of said like he did with plusle and minun.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2007
Actually, from a couple of his posts, I'm not sure you can jump to that conclusion. He said his knowledge on the game was incomplete and he also stated that he knows almost everything Pokemon related in the game. That being said, I get the impression that he only knows about the Pokemon related aspects of the game.

That being said, the only piece of info that we know FOR SURE that he knows is whether Lucario replaced Mewtwo or not. Now, if he tells us that the info contradicts his, then he'd pretty much be confirming Mewtwo, and he could get into trouble. If he tell us it doesn't contradict his info, then he'd be confirming Mewtwo out and Lucario in, and he'd still get in trouble. It's pretty much a bad situation for him regardless, so NOW I can see why he's keeping quiet about it.

Still a sucky scenario for us to be in right now. :(
well said, that makes sense, and we can't be expecting him to jeopardize himself/sources. He'll post if he wants, just leave him alone everyone


Serebii Owner
Dec 7, 2007
Bournemouth, England
All this of me dispelling these rumours is likely to get me in trouble. So until the game comes out, I'm going to stay completely silent...even if people are being idiots so I shall bid you all adieu. I'm going back to lurking


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Actually he said it was intended to be seen as playable, nothing more.

@Serebii (if you're still in our presence): Does anything CZ said contradict your info, like Nintendoughs did? If you can't disclose that info thats alright : \
Well, I don't think he will answer you. He already said "I can not confirm nor deny" what CZ said. . .BUTTT he can deconfirm what Nin10 is saying meaning that atleast we know that Lucario is in (seeing as he knows almost everything about pokemon in brawl and CZ said mew2 =out and Lucario =in but Serebii couldn't deconfirm that) and what this guy is saying about pokemon is fake (meaning he is a fake).

He says "one pokey vet is coming and one new one is coming"
He says "I can't confirm or deny what CZ said" (which was Mew2 is gone and Lucario is in)
He said that something nin10 said was contradicting to what he knows yet nothing about the CZ one was stated as such.
Jpuff was confirmed by Snake's VA.

Connect the dots. . . .Lucario in/ Mew2 out/ me p!ssed off at Lucario.:ohwell:


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
erm yeah, the IV calculation is the same in both
Oh, okay. Thanks for the info! Also, were you at the Boston Journey Across America in 2006 because someone there had a "Serebii.net" nametag.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2007
That's what you aaaalways say, Serebii. :p

But me and Serebii are freinds, I remember those days when he worked on project dawn or wolf or something. And we all tryed to guess it and we thought it was a Dr. Who reference. On the bright side we can assume Lucario is in Brawl.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Actually, from a couple of his posts, I'm not sure you can jump to that conclusion. He said his knowledge on the game was incomplete and he also stated that he knows almost everything Pokemon related in the game. That being said, I get the impression that he only knows about the Pokemon related aspects of the game.

That being said, the only piece of info that we know FOR SURE that he knows is whether Lucario replaced Mewtwo or not. Now, if he tells us that the info contradicts his, then he'd pretty much be confirming Mewtwo, and he could get into trouble. If he tell us it doesn't contradict his info, then he'd be confirming Mewtwo out and Lucario in, and he'd still get in trouble. It's pretty much a bad situation for him regardless, so NOW I can see why he's keeping quiet about it.

Still a sucky scenario for us to be in right now. :(
Well he definitely knows at least a little more than Pokemon related info. Do you remember the quote in which he said that not all of the character with original movesets are returning? That.

And actually, I CAN jump to that conclusion, because if he has no knowledge of something, then it can't contradict his info now can it?

I will say this though. There is definitely something going on between Mewtwo and Lucario because why wouldn't Serebii confirm that Lucario ISN'T playable? He wasn't sure this list was fake until Plusle and Minum were allegedly in the game. He confirmed that they weren't. I'm treating this like Lucario's in.
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