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Rumors Run Rampant! History of SSBB's rumors


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2006
The thread isn't available to view anymore, what did it say?


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
not just a staff member. The CREATOR of Megaman. So it's legit.
He didn't say Nintendo hasn't contacted Capcom (who own the rights) and that Capcom hasn't contacted him ;) very very sneaky haha

Also, I love the dickas$ mod on that "prophets" post where he's all polite and says it's just a rumour and to discard it but gets *****slapped for it haha


It was an actual vocal interview and the interviewer was asking questions from fans.
They happened to pull out our very own bluebomber22 from the boards question which was "Is Megaman in Super Smash Bros Brawl?"
He basically answered. "I love the smash bros series. Unfortunately Nintendo hasn't personnally contacted me but they still have a few months. If someone at Nintendo hears this podcast then, maybe they'll give me a call. *laugh*"

and that's about it


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Stockton, CA
I've got another one for ya.


This guy is making some pretty outlandish claims, and lots of GameFAQers are believing him.
well, for those lazy enough to not try to find all the posts, here they are:

X2 Sticker Packs
X5 Random Trophies
The Battleship Halberd Trophy
??? amount of coins (Usually a huge amount)
Stage: Subspace Palace
Game Mode: Subspace Survival
Game Mode: Boss Showdown! (only the 1P version)
Challenger: JaJaMaru (1st play through)
Subspace Emissary: Episode 2

Also, your Subspace Emissary accomplishments are displayed on the Wi-fi mode:' Top Brawler' profile. (Does not change your rank however).

JaJaMaru is a ninja, I have no clue what game he is from to be honest. He is really fun to play as, and is similar to Sheik except his shuriken are WAY stronger than the needles. His Final Smash is some sort of Frog too, as apposed to Sheik's Harp of the Sheikah, which is a lame attack.

Top Brawler is a wi-fi mode that allows friends to view each others records over wi-fi. More importantly, there is a 'Top 100' list of players based on these profiles (the ones that submitted the information).

I imagine it will be quite an honor to be on this list once the game gets rolling. (I was ranked 17th! out of all the testers, in case you wanted to know) The number 1 brawler is known as The Top Brawler, and is rewarded with the Top Brawler Trophy. This stays in your collection forever.

There is a list of:

Wifi Matches Won/Lost
Vs Matches Won/Lost
Subspace Acheivements
Total Playtime
Damage Taken/ Given
Classic Mode Highscore
Target Test Best times
Smash Off (Formally Known as Multi-man Melee) Highscores
Homerun Contest Distance
Stickers Aquired
Trophies Aquired
Boss Trophies Aquired
Coin Total

Ridley is not in Brawl at all, not as a boss or character.
The Metroid series only has two playable characters, Sylux and Samus, and Sylux is very similar to Samus.

Takamaru the samurai? He is in as an Assist Trophy yes.

Unlocking Captain Falcon is rather hard to explain but I will do my best.

Captain Falcon is in Brawl, you unlock him if you finish Zero Suit Samus's first mission (The first time you play as her)under one minute, and than choose him over Snake, win against Snake, and than pick him over Zero Suit Samus.

Captain Falcon is nearly the same as he was in Super Smash Brother's Melee, but is a bit slower. His Final Smash is "Final Stretch", a random fighter get's "Rival" over their head, and Captain Falcon's ship Blue Falcon,slams toward them (Usually KO'ing, and when it does KO, Captain Falcon crosses his arms and poses with cool fire around him).

Well, for those wondering about Lucario,

Lucario requires one to collect 100 trophies to unlock, to me one of the hardest characters to unlock.

His A moves are actually punch combos, every single one of them!

This might seem stale but his B moves make it work very nicely. His standard B move is a blue version of Mewtwo's dark ball, I think it is called Aura Blast or something. Smash+B is Vacuum Punch, which pulls the foe to Lucario. Up B, is Extremespeed, which is like Mewtwo's Teleport, but it is directional like Zelda's, and it causes damage. Down B is Counter, (Think Marth).

His Final Smash is 'Close Combat', he dashes at the opponent (Like Link's Final Smash), and than unleashes a blinding fury of punches, easily KO'ing the foe at 40%+.

Ness and Wolf are both in Brawl, to get them you must beat Classic with Lucas and Fox respectively.

Wolf O'Donnell is an interesting character actually, because he plays much differently from Fox (Unlike Falco in Super Smash Brothers: Melee) He has no Blaster, instead he uses a Rocket Launcher similar to Snake's, and his UP+B is a Jet Pack. If anything he plays like Snake!

Sonic pairs with Pit/ Mario/ Kirby depending on the choices you make in the Subspace Emissary. You unlock Knuckles actually, by beating c-lassic Mode with him on Hard.

Knuckles is one the better characters to be honest. He is basically overpowered. He is a very heavy character, yet he is also fast on his feet... and he has tons of strong punches. He can actually climb ledges, when you use his UP B, which is Echindna Glide, and can burrow underground with his DOWN B. His Final Smash is a powerful punch to the ground that literally KO's anyone it hits, damaging anyone one the ground with shockwaves.

Guys, there are way more than 3 third party characters, Knuckles isn't what you'd expect I'm sure, but it does not change the fact that he is in. Angel Island Zone is one of the Sonic Stages, so it is only natural.

Capcom has no part of this game, so those asking for Pheonix Wright and Megaman are out of luck.

You can expect however, to see two of Square's characters, Cecil and Geno. If you need more detail, Cecil is a faster version of Ike, with a different Final Smash, and Geno is a blue Scarecrow from some obscure Mario game that attacks using stars and lazers.

Yes, there are third party bosses, as Dr. Eggman andMetal Gear are fought in the Subspace Emissary.

Ganondorf is definately in, and he actually has his own moveset. His appearence is much different from that of Super Smash Brother's:Melee, and he has a white hole in his chest for some reason. His Down: B pulls out a light sword too, which I thought was very out of character. He has alot of magic based attacks, and is slower than Ike.

Alright there are 500 trophies in total, and 44 characters.As per my testing, I've tested extensively where I know everything there is to know about the game. I'm taking the time to read everyone's posts, so forgive me for the lack of speedy replies.

All charactershave different color schemes, but yes only Wario has an Alternate costume...

For the person asking about Top Brawler, I will tell you that is concent only, and the only way you can view a profile is by having that person on your Friend List.

Some makes me smile, some gives me the urge to kill (no Ridley!? and Sylux playable!? I hate Sylux!!! Where's Space Pirate!?!?!?). Well, we'll find out more of his false/actual info when he wakes up.

The Director

Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2007
North Carolina
^^Don't know what to think about this. Hmm. 44 characters sounds about right...but Knuckles? Sounds cool, but unlikely.

Sylux? Looks cool, that's about all I need to know. I'm not a Ridley freak like a lot of people here, but I do believe he deserves a spot before ANY other Metroid character. He's been there since the beginning.

Wolf...ahh, Wolf. (breathes easy)


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
. . .Odd, some of that seems really interesting and possible. . . .but some of it (Cecil/JaJaMaru/ Sylux and Knux!?!? I looked up JaJaMaru and IDK if he is even a nintendo character. . .) sound like lies out the ***. Did they take his thread down. . .can't see it.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
(Cecil/JaJaMaru/ Sylux and Knux!?!? I looked up JaJaMaru and IDK if he is even a nintendo character. . .) sound like lies out the ***.
JaJaMaru is indeed a character that appeared on a Nintendo console however, he is a third party character.

More information about him here.

He could be our obscure character of Brawl, much like Game & Watch if this information holds true. However... do note how the guy uses Wolf, Ness, and Lucario in his post to make it seem like it's true. Lucario with similar moves as Mewtwo? Sounds fishy to me, it could be him going off of Chaos Zero and stealing some stuff to make it seem real.

We'll have to wait and see. And if it is true, I'm glad Knuckles made it in, he's my favorite Sonic character! :D


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
JaJaMaru is indeed a character that appeared on a Nintendo console however, he is a third party character.

More information about him here.
I know, looked him up already.

Thats my point. . .IDK why he would be a 3rd party pick. Possible but he was a 3rd party char from the Nes days and aint been back sence.

And yea, I think the guy was replying to people and those where all his replies. . . some people could have asked about does things so we don't know why he was replying about those characters. Still, very fishy. . . I hope to find his thread.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
I know, looked him up already.

Thats my point. . .IDK why he would be a 3rd party pick. Possible but he was a 3rd party char from the Nes days and aint been back sense.
Seems kind of obscure to me as well. Don't see why so many people believe the guy either. It could be because he's going off of Chaos Zero with the confirmation of Ness, Wolf, and Lucario in his post. I honestly don't have a clue as to why they'd pick JaJaMaru to be in the game.

A lot of the post sounds odd to me. Especially, the obscure way to unlock C. Falcon. 100 trophies for Lucario doesn't sound that bad but, didn't Sakurai say you'd unlock characters as you go in the SSE? I'm deeply confused if this information this guy posted holds true...


Serebii Owner
Dec 7, 2007
Bournemouth, England
I'm pretty sure its fake. I cant be 100% but there is a bit of information in there that contradicts information that I have and all of my info so far has turned out right so far

As anyone following my posts knows, I don't have everything, but I have a good chunk and one of the things given contradicts my info

I cannot reveal what it is as it would be a leak but this seems to be fake

Again this is all depending on if my sources are right, but all the info given to me that has been revealed by various means has been accurate with me getting it months in advance

So yeah, I'm calling probable fake on this


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Seems kind of obscure to me as well. Don't see why so many people believe the guy either. It could be because he's going off of Chaos Zero with the confirmation of Ness, Wolf, and Lucario in his post. I honestly don't have a clue as to why they'd pick JaJaMaru to be in the game.

A lot of the post sounds odd to me. Especially, the obscure way to unlock C. Falcon. 100 trophies for Lucario doesn't sound that bad but, didn't Sakurai say you'd unlock characters as you go in the SSE? I'm deeply confused if this information this guy posted holds true...
Well, it was said that many/most characters would be unlocked in SSE. . . we don't know if it's for all characters. And I also have no clue why Jajamaru would be in . . .could easly be a "this sounds possible because not even the leaker knows wth game he is from so he might be telling the truth" statment meant to trick people into thinking maybe he is creditable.

He has a very odd sense of "leek of knowing" about some of these things like Jaja, Ganon and Geno. I don't think he is a real leaker. . .sounds like a fake. But some of that makes me smile. . . which I guess it's suppose to do (44 chars/ "top brawler"/ Jaja after I read up on him etc).

@ Serebii: You don't have to directly state what it is you know, just point at something and say "Thats not right according to what I know". You don't have to tell what it is thats wrong with the info, just what part contradics your sources.


Serebii Owner
Dec 7, 2007
Bournemouth, England
@ Serebii: You don't have to directly state what it is you know, just point at something and say "Thats not right according to what I know". You don't have to tell what it is thats wrong with the info, just what part contradics your sources.
Yes, but if I were to do that, it could confirm or deny something else that isnt meant to be revealed yet


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Yes, but if I were to do that, it could confirm or deny something else that isnt meant to be revealed yet
OOOhh, now I get it. I was thinking you could say something like. . ."Thats not how Lucario is unlocked" but in doing so you would be claiming that you KNOW how Lucario is unlocked. . . .meaning he IS in the game. . . meaning you confirmed something.

I see.:p

(Im only using Lucario as a example because your a pokemon person plus the rumors. I don't know think you would be able to de-confirm someone like Jaja if you don't know everything. . .and Pokemon seems to be apart of what you know.)


Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
I'm reposting this because it hasn't been put up on the list.

Remember this crappy article? http://nintendrone.blog.com/1780019/?page=12


I'm tired of seeing this. People are so quick to assume that Ness, Falco, Young Link & Ganondorf are gone. Seriously.

That's the source of the rumor. The site was debunked as fake before. Also the source for alternate costume/color schemes. There are a bunch of rumors there.

Oh, and that's the same site that said the starting list was leaked by a Prima strategy guide writer. Also false. http://nintendrone.blog.com/2368798/?page=3


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
I also just noticed that that topic has been deleted

It's fake and thats that :p
Well, that's partly because it reached 500 posts which everyone knows on GFAQs topics get locked/deleted once they reach that point (25 pages = 500 posts). Still, with what you said, I'm relieved the information isn't true or comparable to what your sources have told you.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2007
Well, it was said that many/most characters would be unlocked in SSE. . . we don't know if it's for all characters. And I also have no clue why Jajamaru would be in . . .could easly be a "this sounds possible because not even the leaker knows wth game he is from so he might be telling the truth" statment meant to trick people into thinking maybe he is creditable.

He has a very odd sense of "leek of knowing" about some of these things like Jaja, Ganon and Geno. I don't think he is a real leaker. . .sounds like a fake.
I agree with that definately. He seemed a bit too unknowledgable.

'His appearence is much different from that of Super Smash Brother's:Melee, and he has a white hole in his chest for some reason. His Down: B pulls out a light sword too, which I thought was very out of character.'

The fact he knows of Gannon more than simply as 'that Falcon clone from the last game.' yet doesn't refer to him being in TP form is a bit odd. I know not everyone played TP and some people couldn't be bothered to get to the end, but if it seemed so 'out of character', surely you'd at least look him up on wiki or something for more knowledge. His language style really seems to attempt to make you think 'wow, he doesn't know about that? Well he still confirmed it, sounds more likely to me since how would he know that without playing the game?'

'His Final Smash is "Final Stretch", a random fighter get's "Rival" over their head, and Captain Falcon's ship Blue Falcon,slams toward them (Usually KO'ing, and when it does KO, Captain Falcon crosses his arms and poses with cool fire around him).'

That gets me, simply put, if the final smash was not controlled by falcon but was a 'helper' type one. Then what is that pose thing about? What reason would that be in for? Surely for such a small final smash, a loss of control for a taunt wouldn't even serve a purpose.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2007
I'm pretty sure its fake. I cant be 100% but there is a bit of information in there that contradicts information that I have and all of my info so far has turned out right so far

As anyone following my posts knows, I don't have everything, but I have a good chunk and one of the things given contradicts my info

I cannot reveal what it is as it would be a leak but this seems to be fake

Again this is all depending on if my sources are right, but all the info given to me that has been revealed by various means has been accurate with me getting it months in advance

So yeah, I'm calling probable fake on this
That CF is a starter, Lucario is a unlockable also. And thats what you know probably.

Oh wait cool, um Pokemon Trainer was heard talking in the Japanesse Demo Movies. Will he have a Us voice actor. Would that be a leak at all, I mean we already know he talks in Japanesse ?


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I also just noticed that that topic has been deleted

It's fake and thats that :p
Now IDK what all in it contradicts anything your sources told you but they also deleted that chois dude's thread when it was made and it turned out to be right (well, atleast in the dragoon part).

It's most likely fake but untill something clearly contradicts it we all (people with out leaked info) wont know 100%.

But again, it is most likely fake. . .like 99% likely to be a fake imo.


Smash Rookie
Nov 15, 2007
Near Ithaca, NY
I think the guy is most likely fake. Not only because of the information he gives out, but also because he says he is one of the games testers. Shouldn't the game testers be Japanese? This guy seems like he knows his English, plus he is posting the leak on an English game site.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
You guys really didn't need Serebii to tell you that one rumor was fake...I Liked PART of it, but still...


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
That was a pretty cool rumor. Too bad it was fake. If that were true, I wouldn't have been as upset about the whole Mewtwo situation.

Edit: and I noticed Black/Light doesn't have "Lucario for pokeball" in his sig anymore. Do you believe Mewtwo's out and Luc's in as well?


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Oh, I know. You just never know though, I don't want to outrightly call someone a liar without first debunking him/her with actual evidence of him/her lying.

Yea, I see what your saying. Even if what he says is REALLY out there I would still like to debunk it with hard proof before outright yelling "lair!!!".

On the bright side he seems to be commenting to people's replies and if he post more things than he will get to something that can be proven wrong or right (via update next week) somewhere down the line.

We already have Serebii saying something contradicts what his sources told him . . . .but we would have to know WHAT his sources told him and when it was said to know if its something that could have changed (Like how to unlock Lucario or any of those characters for example). If Serebii could atleast say what general thing it applies to (unlocking chars/ "top brawler"/ something else) than we can atleast see if it could have changed or not between than and now.

@ Boofer- I really don't know as of now. All these rumors along with how serebii is tip-toeing around the topic (along with other things that he said) plus the guy with his Dragoon thing. . . I only find confort in knowing that Im not alone in the "we WILL be pissed off if Lucario is in and Mew2 is out" gang. Im just prepareing for the worst. . .but I still say Nya is full of crap about the 35 char thing.

(Plus, the sig was unneeded now. I rarely see Lucario fan-boys now-a-days and I got what I wanted with PT. . . as in, a character who reps what Pokemon really is as a game with pokemon that are unique in smash.)


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007

Yea, I see what your saying. Even if what he says is REALLY out there I would still like to debunk it with hard proof before outright yelling "lair!!!".

On the bright side he seems to be commenting to people's replies and if he post more things than he will get to something that can be proven wrong or right (via update next week) somewhere down the line.

We already have Serebii saying something contradicts what his sources told him . . . .but we would have to know WHAT his sources told him and when it was said to know if its something that could have changed (Like how to unlock Lucario or any of those characters for example). If Serebii could atleast say what general thing it applies to (unlocking chars/ "top brawler"/ something else) than we can atleast see if it could have changed or not between than and now.
How do we know what his sources told him when he hasn't really revealed any info other than a few minor obvious details?


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2007
Thank you for debunking that, Serebii!

But I should point out that threads only get deleted if the mods deem them false or disruptive or trolling or off-topic (and the mods are pretty finnicky over at GameFAQs), so it being deleted doesn't really prove anything.

But I would believe your sources over this guy any day.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
New Jersey
Nice rumor. People are getting smarter. The fact that Sylux over Ridley? I highly doubt it. 2 Sega and 2 SE reps? Eh, I doubt it.

I'll call fake on this one.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2007

Yea, I see what your saying. Even if what he says is REALLY out there I would still like to debunk it with hard proof before outright yelling "lair!!!".

On the bright side he seems to be commenting to people's replies and if he post more things than he will get to something that can be proven wrong or right (via update next week) somewhere down the line.

We already have Serebii saying something contradicts what his sources told him . . . .but we would have to know WHAT his sources told him and when it was said to know if its something that could have changed (Like how to unlock Lucario or any of those characters for example). If Serebii could atleast say what general thing it applies to (unlocking chars/ "top brawler"/ something else) than we can atleast see if it could have changed or not between than and now.
I'd make a guess that it would have something to do with Lucario's moves, the way he says everything he does is a punch seems slightly odd.

@psyco- I think the reason that people needed Serebii to say it's a fake is because he is the only one here who has a chance of knowing. As said before in another thread, people flamed the person who uploaded Melee's true roster to hell because 'they liked part of it, but still' You can't know what's right or wrong, even with Ness or Mewtwo you don't know that they won't be back/replaced. Fine if you don't think it's trustworthy, but saying it's obviously fake etc is ridiculous.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 11, 2007
Considering as he was so eager to give out his information, you would think he would give more of it in more detail, wouldn't you?

He "played" through the entire SSE. Giving each team up and the entire structure would surely have proven he was real, but we all know how that went down.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Ganondorf is definately in, and he actually has his own moveset. His appearence is much different from that of Super Smash Brother's:Melee, and he has a white hole in his chest for some reason. His Down: B pulls out a light sword too, which I thought was very out of character. He has alot of magic based attacks, and is slower than Ike.
this guy doesn't even know about TP Ganondorf... what a *******. theres no way I'm beliving anything this guys says.

No Ridley AT ALL (not even as a boss?), but Stylux? and he plays similar to Samus? not a chance!

No Megaman, but Cecil? first off, he's from Final Fantasy, and Square already said that if they put in a character, they wouldn't be from FF because they have to many characters to choose from. and if they did choose one, it sure as hell wouldn't be Cecil... Knuckles won't be in either, we already have Sonic.

JaJaMaru? I REMEMBER THAT GAME! that was the first Japan only game I ever played! I played it when I was 7 or 8 years old! it was part of this thing my dads friend had that has 99 NES games on it (probably pirated)!... but yeah, no chance in hell he would be in, unless he's first/second party, which I don't think he is... and even then he's not likely...

thats all I can remember, but it doesn't matter. all of this is crap and I fell sorry for the people stupid enough to believe it.

PS: Lucario IS NOT replacing Mewtwo...


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
How do we know what his sources told him when he hasn't really revealed any info other than a few minor obvious details?
Thats what Im saying. His sources could have told him how to unlock Lucario some months ago (he once said he got info from his sorces some odd months ago) which could easly have been changed. OR his sources could have told him Lucario's B attacks which would most likely not have changed proving this guy to be lieing.

We need some comment on the importance of what this guy is claiming which contradicts his (serebii) info and when Serebii got w/e info. Could be something small that could have changed or something big which wouldn't have changed.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Thats what Im saying. His sources could have told him how to unlock Lucario some months ago (he once said he got info from his sorces some odd months ago) which could easly have been changed. OR his sources could have told him Lucario's B attacks which would most likely not have changed proving this guy to be lieing.

We need some comment on the importance of what this guy is claiming which contradicts his (serebii) info and when Serebii got w/e info. Could be something small that could have changed or something big which wouldn't have changed.
OH your saying this OTHER guy is contradicting Serebii...gotcha now


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Question for Serebii: Is there more than one contradiction to your info?


Smash Rookie
Oct 10, 2007
Serebii, can you comment on the recent leak where a guy confirmed Dragoon to be true...he also said Wolf, Captain Falcon, Ness, etc were playable and Lucario is replacing Mewtwo. I'm sure you're sick of hearing it now but I'm just seeing if you can confirm or deny any of it, does any contradict the info you were given?
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