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Rule #2: Never listen to Fino +1


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music

Instead of going to bed like I planned to, I just spent the past hour or so playing against a Peach main (Dark Pch if u know him, alright guy). When we started, I was thinking, "Ok, if I just do this a bit more, and do this better, MAYBE I can win." But by the time we finished, he was 3 stocking me pretty much every other match. Man **** that mu

After we finished playing, he did tell me that he lost to dabuz in a tourney though, so that made me a little happier :)

Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
Of course I am. Robots only have to plug themselves in to regain energy. :p


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2008
Orlando, Florida
No one has posted in the interview theea. :mad::mad::mad:


How To Play The Peach Matchup by Draconoa

Zori Rating:

4 out of 5 Stars

Peach solidly beats Olimar. She clearly outprioritizes and out speeds our moves, and the fact that she can easily avoid approaching on the ground means that we have to take her aerials head on. Olimar has a really difficult time keeping up with Peach at times, but it's still possible as long as you play correctly. It's extremely important to play quickly in efficiently in this matchup, as the windows for punishing are very small, yet you must exploit them to win.

Moveset Analysis

~First, we'll analyze certain aspects of her moveset that give Olimar trouble.~

Peach's fair is actually not too good a move in the Olimar matchup, contrary to initial perceptions. It's slow, and slightly telegraphed making it very easy to counter. Here's a problem though that most Olis will probably come across. Peach's fair is incredibly safe on shield, especially against Olimar due to his slow grab. If Peach fairs your shield, she's guaranteed a smooth transition to jabbing your shield or just jabbing you if you decide to drop your shield. She can cross this up with a grab, if she's expecting you to hold up the shield in anticipation for the jab.

Here are your best options in regard to fair on your shield:
-If Peach is going to jab after fair, an usmash OoS can punish her with the correct spacing or a yellow. Fair OoS can also work well. Grabbing her after she jabs isn't guaranteed since she can just jab again to beat grab.
-If Peach is going to grab after fair, the best way to beat it is to grab as soon as the fair hits your shield. Rolling away is ok, but if you do it too slowly Peach will just follow you with float.
*Spotdodging after fair hits your shield often doesn't work. If she jabs, she can do jab1, cancel it, and just grab you after the stopdodge. If you spotdodge a grab, her jab can catch you when you leave the animation.
-One of Peach's best options after fair on shield, is to do jab1 and then cancel into grab. In this case, refer to the options to handle the grab. Unfortunately, the amount of time that can exist between jab1 and jab2 is very long, and it's easy for Peach to seem like she's going to grab, but just go back to jab2.

In general, the fair on shield is a very advantageous position for Peach. She can even fair and just retreat to just not bother with it. It's very important to avoid this situation. The best way to accomplish this is to stop shielding her fair, and start beating it.

While Peach's fair is a very useful tool for attacking our shield, just beating it flatout with our fair is quite easy. The hitbox for her fair comes out on frame 16, ours on frame 7. It takes less than half the time. When Peach fairs, just quickly sh fair. And space it so you make sure our fair hits and not Peach's. This of course requires either prediction or very good reaction speed.

tldr; Don't shield Peach's fair, just fair her.

Dair is another great shield pressuring move for Peach. It may seem unpunishable, but punishing it is actually not too difficult. The difference between a shorthopped dair and floating dair are very large in terms of what Peach can follow up with and how Olimar punishes.

Floating Dair:
-When Peach hits your shield with a floating dair, there are two major ways to punish this. If she attempts to do another dair, usmash OoS can hit her before her second dair begins. Another good option is to drop the float and nair. To beat this, just grab Peach after the nair falls.

Shorthopped dair:
-A shorthopped dair will end while Peach is in the air, or she'll autocancel it. It's actually a really good option, but for Peach to use it effectively she needs to be close to Olimar on the ground anyway, and that should never happen, as our ground game prevents that. Much like the fair, she can follow up with either grab or jab, and it's a situation in which you want to avoid shielding. Just stay mobile enough to avoid her from sh dairing your shield.

You can hit Peach while she's dairing, but this only works of you hit Peach where her hitbox isn't active. This is basically her head, and the upper chest area. Attacking her hips or legs doesn't work and you will not beat it that way. Yellow usmash can reach through the legs and hit Peach in the chest, but only yellow and maybe red.

*DIing Dair is a very useful skill to have. It's mostly useful for not getting easily comboed by Peach. DI up and away.

Nair and bair are Peach's best aerials in the Olimar matchup. Nair allows Peach to land safely on top of Olimar. It also edgeguards very well, and can be used to punish spotdodges effectively with the ground float. Because of its speed and priority, Peach can use it in multiple situations where it's safe and very pressuring for Olimar.

Here are the situations in which Olimar actually can punish it. Nair on shield is very shieldgrabable, and Peach will only get away with nair on shield if she's blitzing you with jabs and groundfloat aerials. A floating nair is very effective on Olimar if he's falling into it, but very punishable in most other situations. Depending on the height, usmash can punish a floating nair. It's also possible to hit Peach out of nair with fair if you hit her after her initial hitbox frames, where the attack is strongest.

Nair a useful tool for Peach when she's edgeguarding or attempting to land safely within close range of Olimar. In MOST other cases, Olimar can handle it.

Bair is an incredibly difficult aerial for Olimar to punish. It outprioritizes all our moves, and is at the same time very fast. It's the compromise between her nair, and fair, which makes it very deadly. Near the edge it'll kill Olimar pretty well. The other area in which bair shines is camping. Peach can make a decent effort at camping Olimar. I'll cover that later though.

This move really makes it difficult to confront Peach within close range, if almost impossible. It hits on frame 2. None of our moves can compete with that, apart from our jab, frame 4, but it's easily countered.

If Peach is in range to jab, she'll probably do it. Jabbing is incredibly safe for Peach since she has so many different followups on Jab1:
-straight to jab2
-cancel it into grab
-pause for a couple frames, and then jab2

Jab1 to grab can be DIed out of, but only if you were in the air and near the jab's maximum range when she jabbed you. Guaranteed grab is a very deadly option, since it can easily put us offstage, where Peach can really **** Oli. Just going straight into jab 2 can put us in the same position, or at least create a lot of space between Peach and Oli and allow her to safely pluck a turnip. Pausing a little before jab2 is only useful for when Peach wants it to appear that she's going to grab.

In general, Peach's fsmash isn't really common to see since she spends most of the time in the air, but it's very key in certain points of the matchup. Fsmash ruins Oli if she catches it with us while we're in the air. On the ground it's shieldgrabable, but in the air fsmash outprioritizes our aerials and can outrange them as well.

Fsmash is most used when Peach is edgeguarding on stage. Peach will throw many turnips into the air, and charage an fsmash. Attempting to cross this path onto stage will usually lead to death. If you get hit by the turnip, you're pushed back onto the ledge or caught in vulnerable hitlag. Trying to whistle, Zcatch, outprioritize, or airdodge the turnip leaves you vulnerable to fsmash. It's best to just wait out the turnip rain until Peach is forced to pluck more, or she releases the charge on fsmash. As obvious as this may seem, this sometimes escapes Olimars as they try to rush back onstage.

Turnips are used for three basic things, edgeguarding like mentioned right above, comboing, camping, and approaching. Edgeguarding is already covered, turnips used for comboing are not really important (if Peach starts a combo with a turnip in hand it's often inescapble damage but miniscule) , and the camping aspect of Peach's game is more dependent on the bair than turnips.

Peach approaches with turnips almost solely through glide tossing. Glide tossing is easy to beat by grabbing or fsmashing. The only time glide tossed turnips are a threat to Oli is when he's in the air. Peach can catch Oli offguard in the air with a glidetossed turnip, and that glide toss can easily lead to a grab, fsmash, or jab. Be wary of that.

Being Edguarded

Edgeguarding is basically how Peach kills in this matchup, and she does it very well in this regard.

There's first the component of on stage edgeguarding, mentioned above under the fsmash section:
Fsmash is most used when Peach is edgeguarding on stage. Peach will throw many turnips into the air, and charage an fsmash. Attempting to cross this path onto stage will usually lead to death. If you get hit by the turnip, you're pushed back onto the ledge or caught in vulnerable hitlag. Trying to whistle, Zcatch, outprioritize, or airdodge the turnip leaves you vulnerable to fsmash. It's best to just wait out the turnip rain until Peach is forced to pluck more, or she releases the charge on fsmash. As obvious as this may seem, this sometimes escapes Olimars as they try to rush back onstage.
There's a slight variation to this where fsmash is replaced with usmash. Just stick to not airdodging or whistling and just waiting it out.

Offstage edgeguarding is also very dangerous. Peach's aerials don't pose much problem. Fair, Bair, Nair, and Uair are all single hits so whistling them isn't too complicated in that regard. Careful timing is required with nair though, and if you whistle uair Peach can nair you after your lag. It's better to actually get hit by the uair since it'll send you up and won't kill you until ridiculous percents.

Turnips are really a problem. Above the stage line I suggest simply fairing turnips since you can outprioritize them that way. Whistling turnips often lead to a trap where you'll get hit by one of Peach's aerials. Below the stage line, turnips are absolutely deadly. Whistling, airdodging, or outprioritizng them either leaves you too low to recover or gives Peach enough time to edgehog. The best way to survive against turnips below stage level is to just avoid the area in general or jump over them (You can actually footstool turnips, but that requires some funky spacing).

Handling Peach's Three Basic Approaches
Ground; this is very easy to handle. Purple toss followed by grab handles her very well. It's important though if you just want to grab or fsmash you do it at the right distance. You want it to be slightly inside fsmash/grab range. If you attempt to use fsmash/grab at max range, there's enough time for Peach to simple sh float and dair you to punish your lag. In fact, be VERY CAREFUL using fsmash/grab on a grounded Peach when she's in a neutral or dashing position.
Short hops; For Peach to use short hops effectively she either has to be very close since her jump doesn't get that far (and this you should be able to handle since it practically counts as a ground approach), or she must use a double jump to position herself correctly. Peach moves very effectively through short hops, and it's advised to simple pivot grab her.
Floats; Punishing floats is very important, and without knowledge on how to do it Peach can approach you very easily. There are three main float heights; high, middle, and low.
Low float is usually a ground float or a float a little higher. Fsmash and grab handle this float very well, as does ftilt. At this height Peach will probably fair/bair or nair. So it's key to not shield, and fair doesn't tend to work as well.
Middle float is the most common height for floating. To knock her out of float a yellow fsmash/yellow usmash(depends on her height) or fair. This is also when you want to grab Peach when she lands. Stay on her and don't let her out of your grasp at this height. If she starts to retreat as her float runs out, stick with her. Optimal spacing would just at the max range of grab/fsmash. This way it's easy to grab her when she lands, but also easy to maintain security of she suddenly floats toward you.
The last float is high float. This way very high, noticeably above the battlefield middle platforms height. Uair and tether(shorhopped of course!!) are the best counters. You want to maintain a more diagonal kind of spacing. If she's right above you, she can fastfall an aerial and that is not an easy option to beat.

General Tips and Goals Against Peach:
*A lot of these you probably may have inferred from the discussion above. They do correlate with each other after all.

-Shielding is not good in this matchup. A lot of Peach's moves that land on shield are both unpunishable and may lead to a guaranteed grab. There still are a couple moves that can be punished with shielding, and these moves should be shielded. shieldable moves: fsmash, dsmash, usmash, ftilt, nair(sometimes).
-Most of this matchup is simple punishing Peach for whatever she's doing. The windows for these punishes are very small though, so it's important to keep up and stay active.
-Going hand in hand with the tip above, you must stay very safe. Peach can easily punish Oli for doing something stupid, and that often ends in quite a lengthy percent gain or gimp. The name of the game is to play very safe, and then when you see an opening exploit it to its fullest. That's how you play the game in general, but especially the Peach matchup.
-Stay calm. When Peach is comboing you from Timbuktu to home, just wait for the opening out of the combo, whether it be through whistling, airdodging, using an aerial, etc. This also applies to being edgeguarded.
-There are general zones and positions to be aware about. When Peach is in the air and Oli on the ground, she has a very advantageous position. When both characters are in the air (assuming that one isn't way above the other like being juggled or something) it's actually an equal situation. Our aerials can contend with Peach's if given the proper spacing and timing (and it's not near to impossible either). When Oli is in the air and Peach on the ground, Peach easily has the advantage, since her smashes are now very safe. When both characters are on the ground, it's heavily in Oli's favor, unless it's within jab range; in that case it's Peach's heavy advantage.[/QUOTE]


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
I refuse to play mafia. Sounds like a lot of work, moreso than in person.

Also fino, you can still save me from bad anime.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Man, thanks for quoting that Noa, for some reason I totally forgot that writeup existed :chuckle: Mu is still bs though. And I promise I'll put some questions in the interview thread later today :)


Banned via Administration
Feb 14, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
You could've just linked the thread instead of copying and pasting that giant wall of text. I don't care about the Olimar and Peach matchup because I'm going to use DK against Peaches.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
And I'm gonna use Marth once I train him properly, but just in case someone cps her I'd like to know what to do. At least I'll be less helpless :D

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
The matchup isn't that bad, it's completely doable for Olimar. You just have to completely adjust your playstyle and your arsenal. Vocal, seeing as your you're mostly a ground based Olimar, I can see Peach wrecking you for now lol. You'll just have to adapt.

But I gotta say though, Noa's writeup saved me in the Peach matchup XD


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
The matchup isn't that bad, it's completely doable for Olimar. You just have to completely adjust your playstyle and your arsenal. Vocal, seeing as your you're mostly a ground based Olimar, I can see Peach wrecking you for now lol. You'll just have to adapt.

But I gotta say though, Noa's writeup saved me in the Peach matchup XD
See, the main problem I get is that I don't know how to kill her. Like, I'd be getting her to 150%+ before I get a stock off of her simply because I have no idea what the best way to do it is. Playing against Dark Pch last night definitely gave me a lesson in aiming my pikmin better, so I can rack up some damage that way (along with some well spaced/timed fairs and fsmashes), but I'm afraid to go for usmash and she never lands long enough for me to get a grab in :/

When I first picked up Oli I was only playing against Peach lol. For me I have to adjust to other matchups.
I'm shocked you didn't quit :laugh:

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
All WiiWare and Virtual Console Games are installed through WADs. If you download the WAD, there are ways to install them into your Wii without the Shopping Channel.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
*looks at current list of owned wiiware/ VC games*

draconoa, some good games are:
megaman 9 (but not 10, thats pretty bad)
world of goo
gradius rebirth
Bubble Bobble
Kirby 64
LOZ: ocarina and majoras mask
streets of rage 3
castlevania 4
and donkey kong country game
super metroid
phantasy star 4 (if you like old school RPGs with some challenge)
kid chameleon
and ninja gaiden game
beat trip bit
contra 3
gun star heroes (if you like contra-esque games)

every game on this list i found enjoyable and are worth downloading, even though, due to how easy it is to get roms for any VC games, i would suggest giving the wiiware games a try first



Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Digimon World 3 was fantastic :) And PCs work fine for emulating, I just like having my games on a tv screen. I still need to get on that MGS though; I played the second on PS2 and it was amazing, I keep meaning to go back and play the original

edit: i saw someone playing World of Goo once on a laptop, it looked uber cool
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