Some examples would be nice, even if it has to be in addition to insults. You can even fill in the lack of footage with "LOLs" if it makes you feel cool but at least try.
I gave multiple examples [Ganondorf was the requested character]. If you'd like I can give more for other characters, based on who I've played against and what I've seen.
Since I doubt you'll go back and read my post, I'll copy the part where I gave suggestions for punishing rolls and methods of getting the opportunity for a punish. Here's what I already said:
Thor said:
As for catching rolls as Ganondorf? I'm no Ganondorf main, but you have dashing right at them and potentially attacking (DA is plenty strong as Dorf) or not overcommitting and gaining more stage control (to continue to force the situation until they are at the ledge and have fewer options), flame choke, and Warlock Kick. You also have pivot fsmash and pivot ftilt if they roll behind you, or jump towards them and bair. Also if you trap them at the ledge, dsmash is great (in addition to pivot ftilt and pivot fsmash). If you're sure of yourself, fair and dair also work wonders (laggier though).
So to make it a short list:
A) Run at them and get more stage control - eventually they run out of stage (quickly), and that's your chance. This option doesn't feel rewarding, but it can lead you directly to E, or else make them try to jump over you and airdodge, which is fine if you don't overcommit to aerials.
B) Dash attack them if you are close enough - strong, puts them above you, good chance to tack on more damage. Quick punish options.
C) Flame Choke them - this one is not very easy, but if you can space it you get a lot of percent (since flame choke doesn't seem to be teachable). This might not work on some rollers (Lucario, Little Mac this is not very likely, it's easier to do if you do good ol' tourism, aka run through their shield and Flame Choke, though you have to be close enough for that).
D) Warlock Kick them - this usually reaches and does reasonable damage, and also puts them airborne. Timing is often before they roll, but considering lag apparently makes other punishes so hard, they will likely roll and not see the startup until it's too late - a read, but an effective option.
E) If they are rolling around you, pivot ftilt, pivot fsmash, bair, or even dair can do a lot of damage, and again they put the opponent above you, which Ganondorf wants.
Laugh out loud out loud out loud? Hm...
At this point I'm in agreement with DeLux - it's easier to just let people believe something is OP (Ike fsmash, Kirby's rock, Smash 4 rolling) and just win more for it, than actually explain why it's not an issue. For Glory may be a roll trap, but rolling isn't good if you move beyond that to tournaments and the like (watching Jtails vs Nairo from KTAR X, rolls look questionable at best...).
There it is. Played a guy from Japan who was using Link to my Pacman. Because of the lag, it was literally impossible to stop him. He just shot arrows and rolled and when i tried to be aggressive he'd throw out a downsmash after rolling 7 times in a row. Lag + rolls + projectile = no solution. I find it surprising that people have fun zoning like that... but to each his own I suppose.
7 times in a row? If you mean he did that 7 times in a row, jeez... adapt. If he rolls -> dsmash, jump it and use an aerial, or shield it and grab or do a smash of your own [dsmash has even more lag than a roll]. If by that you mean he rolled seven times, then dsmashed, either he's rolling through you (pivot ftilt him) or he's on the ledge, so just jump over him and kick him offstage - then you have the advantageous position, and even if he gets onstage, you can repeat the pivots and/or SH aerials, depending on what they do. Plus if you can hydrant and force him high, the water may be enough to gimp him (which is very satisfying for PacMan, I can say that much).
Aggression doesn't mean "I'm going to use this powerful smash attack", it means "I'm going to take offensive options" - if you had attacked with, I dunno, a low lag aerial (or even just run him down and then shielded mid-run), you'd get a lot farther than... well whatever you did.
Empty jumps and empty runs are beautiful things against heavy rollers - they commit and then you can punish without yourself committing.
I don't know how bad the lag was, but if it was just arrows you could running shield, or even roll past them yourself, to close the gap. Double jumping over them is not a terrible idea (bait the arrow release), and you can gain height with the hydrant (and use it as a single-use shield against arrows). You also have your own fruit to throw at him (and can kick the hydrant his way if he just waits for you to come from behind it). These ideas are all just off the top of my head though.
EDIT: At this point I'd also love the people I tagged above to come in just for general advice, since they played a very slow character in Brawl that lived off of punishes and hard reads (more or less), so seeing what they think about For Glory (or roll punishes in general) would be very nice.