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ROB Q&A!! Read this before asking questions...ALL OF IT!


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! <
you can't get in to do that if they're doing blizzard. I'll make sure to just run away and laser next time :( the approach with aerial blizzards which I can't do anything to upclose except roll away from it.

JCaesar: you'll have a chance to play him tomorrow so you can see what I mean. Hopefully there's something awesome that I'm just not doing...which means that at the moment I suck, but in the future, I won't lose to that **** again ^_^


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Eh don't count on me, the only good IC I've ever played was one time on wifi, so that hardly counts for anything.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2008
well...at least you can see what kind of craziness I'm talking about :(
I feel your pain, Amanita being the best IC's in SoCal ***** alot of people.
But against ROB I feel it can be some what in ROB's favor, like 60/40 in ROB's favor.
Its pretty simple to get them off and keep them off.
What they will do the most is tap the B button continuously to shoot Ice Bergs and then in close range to mess you up they will full jump and then Down-B you for a nice wall.
Also in to approach you they can continuously spam the Side-B, since Popo ends alittle before Nana he can grab you and it will lead up to a Chain grab.
But yea like they said Gryos, Laser, and D-Smash ****.
Laser= Since IC's are light they can get sent back pretty far and then just F-air them away and its easy to gimp them, use lasers on opponents off the ledge, it ruins their sync or de-sync.
Gyro= A perfectly spaced gyro can get in the way of their Ice Bergs and their CG.
D-Smash-***** everyone, Popo might block it but since Nanas shield comes out alittle after you initiate it you will hit her and prevent any sort of CG or punishment.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
My friend who mains ICs told me that ROB ***** them. Dsmash and ROBs aerial game are very nice in this match up.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Don't forget to coddle the balls.

No, really, we have this entire thread dedicated to advanced ROB play and a whole other thread dedicated to ROB advanced tactics. Try reading before asking silly questions?


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Question for OS, checked the thread but didn't see anything:

How often do you use the Utilt, and what's a good situation to use it in?

I've been trying to decide to turning off Tap Up Jump since it helps my Ganondorf autocancel Stomping, but tilting is a weakness of mine and I'm thinking of turning C-stick into Attack instead to utilize the Utilt. But this is just thoughts on my part, don't need you to answer that.

EDIT: OH! Also, do you think that going for the Dair spike is even worth it, or is it better to just Fair pressure/Nair KO them off?

Also, I just noticed that I totally ripped off you/Kel/Sliq's sig >.<


Smash Cadet
May 20, 2008
Westminster, CA
Some people dont know that the UpTilt hits twice when you are at a super close range. If you can position yourself so that ROB is in collision with the enemy who is shielding, they will shield the first hit and drop their shield to counter, but the second hit will pop them up.
....Or, if they know about the double hit, you get punished by a shield grab. >_>

Keep in mind that if you do happen land UpTilt on them and they are knocked sideways, you could follow up with more UpTilts in a Pseudo-Jab Lock, until they DI behind you or up.
And if the UpTilt knocks them up, you can proceed to combo them for a free 10-40% in almost any situation.

UpTilt -> UpTilt -> UpTilt
UpTilt -> UAir
UpTilt -> UpTilt -> UAir
UpTilt -> UpTilt -> UpSmash (My Favorite)
UpTilt -> UpSmash -> UpSmash (Only if enemy is fresh from a new stock. About <20%, depending on the character)

Note that after an UpSmash, you should expect follow up with a Bair, Fair, or a SHLaser, as they will DI to the side. If they don't, Uair them or Nair if you think they will air-dodge.

Also note that these combos are assuming you hit the opponent with an UpTilt while your enemy was grounded. If the enemy is in the air when you hit them with the UpTilt, you might only be able to follow up with an UAir.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
miami, Fl
Some people dont know that the UpTilt hits twice when you are at a super close range. If you can position yourself so that ROB is in collision with the enemy who is shielding, they will shield the first hit and drop their shield to counter, but the second hit will pop them up.
....Or, if they know about the double hit, you get punished by a shield grab. >_>

Keep in mind that if you do happen land UpTilt on them and they are knocked sideways, you could follow up with more UpTilts in a Pseudo-Jab Lock, until they DI behind you or up.
And if the UpTilt knocks them up, you can proceed to combo them for a free 10-40% in almost any situation.

UpTilt -> UpTilt -> UpTilt
UpTilt -> UAir
UpTilt -> UpTilt -> UAir
UpTilt -> UpTilt -> UpSmash (My Favorite)
UpTilt -> UpSmash -> UpSmash (Only if enemy is fresh from a new stock. About <20%, depending on the character)

Note that after an UpSmash, you should expect follow up with a Bair, Fair, or a SHLaser, as they will DI to the side. If they don't, Uair them or Nair if you think they will air-dodge.

Also note that these combos are assuming you hit the opponent with an UpTilt while your enemy was grounded. If the enemy is in the air when you hit them with the UpTilt, you might only be able to follow up with an UAir.
This honestly makes no sense at all -_-. Why would you utilt when you someone is already on the ground HOPING that they are ignorant of ROB and relying on them dropping there shield allowing you to hit with the second hit? You're "psuedo jab-lock" makes absolutely no sense whatsover either. Please provide video evidence of you jab locking with utilts in a match so that my ignorance may be remedied.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
the utilt is mad fast, I don't think I've ever had anyone powershield it. Also, I'm not positive you can DI out of it if you're DIing toward ROB's front so they're guaranteed to eat a couple hits if you hit from the front. you'll also get the double hit of the utilt if they were really close, like he mentioned.

maybe "jablock" is misleading, but you can get 2-3 hits easily if low dmg, esp if heavy char. followup attack is completely situational, but you can essentially use ANY move in your arsenal depending on their DI/skill (timing airdodges well, their ability to predict you, etc)


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
miami, Fl
the utilt is mad fast, I don't think I've ever had anyone powershield it. Also, I'm not positive you can DI out of it if you're DIing toward ROB's front so they're guaranteed to eat a couple hits if you hit from the front. you'll also get the double hit of the utilt if they were really close, like he mentioned.

maybe "jablock" is misleading, but you can get 2-3 hits easily if low dmg, esp if heavy char. followup attack is completely situational, but you can essentially use ANY move in your arsenal depending on their DI/skill (timing airdodges well, their ability to predict you, etc)
yeah I get you, IDK I guess i just never thought of utilting when that close to someone. Aside from using it as a quick juggle move or after an uair I really never use it. I usually habitually dtilt or ftilt when that close. Do you utilt more often than other moves in that situation?


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
miami, Fl
I don't always remember to. OS mentioned doing spot-dodge --> utilt (@ low damage esp) and that's how I got used to the close range of it against grounded opponents. at high damages, and depending on char, either jabs, dtilt>grab, ftilt
yah I get you but idk, I alwas etiher dsmash or dtilt out of a spot dodge just b/c of habit and how quick they come out. Im at work now, but when I get home Im definately gonna experiment with this.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
if you get a dash attack you can usually follow up a utilt at low percentages


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
Cypress, CA
A while back there was a strategy against Ness/Lucas which was essentially a chain grab against them off the stage. Yesterday I found out that if Lucas DI's, he can escape it, just for future reference, incase you went up against a Lucas in tourney and expected an automatic win. Ness is still screwed, though, regardless of DI.

On topic: I never had to face a halfway decent bowser, but do you have any tips on how to handle bowsers in general that may come in handy later? I saw your vids vs kishsquared, I guess I'm hoping for some insight on this matchup? Thanks.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Lots back-airs. Throw the gyro and pick it up, then the moment he jumps, throw it at him. If he catches it, rush him. If it hits him, pick it up. Repeat.
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