Deleted member
I have your tourney set with him, but I dont think I have your money match D: it might've also been played on my TV, but for a decent portion somewhere in the tournament I think someone accidentally stopped my recording, because I know im missing some matches that I thought I should've had. Sorry. The only money match I have is a hylian one with alsm and Mr. G&W.Thanks for uploading all of these for us, Zach
By the way, do you happen to have my MM vs. Infinity's MK on there, by any chance? If so, can you please upload that set for me? There was also some friendlies that I had with his Wario, too on that TV, but you don't have to upload those if you don't want to.
Oh, and congrats on the doubles and singles win! Good stuff Trela, glad to be uploading your victories.