Well let me tell you by experience that I havee had trouble with that PR system. Tournies happen alot, and the distance to each always seem to be getting longer. Rgv travels 6 hrs away for every IT, TYS, or any other houston tournament. We have made alot of these solely because there brawl players here are much more active. Now I understand that winning 1 or 2 tournaments should not merit any kind of placement on the PR. However, nobody should say ''the next 3 tournys counting toward the PR should be OOS, Dallas, Houston'' and expect RGV to make it to all. Then when we dont show, we lose our positions on the PR, causing drama/problems. I believe a panel system is the best way to go about it since panelist will remove bias opinions and we can speak through experience on each smashers performance. If SA somehow started to play again, we could have 6 panelists, 1 from the Valley, 1 From Dallas, 2 from Houston, 1 in Austin, 1 in SA.
EDIT- Think about it if RGV had tournies that counted toward the PR, im sure you guys would be able to relate to how I feel. I can gurantee a good 12-16 turnout here without any ooc players going. its the same as TYS