Smash Journeyman

Revenge of the Indians!
Doubles Bracket (18 Entrants: 9 Teams)

1st Place: 90$ Enveloping Shadow Hit Colbol + Linguini
2nd Place: 63$ I be 6 you be 9: Harriet the Guy + RockCrock
3rd Place: 18$ *****z: BlackHaze + SmashMac
4th Place: 9$ Ban DreamLand: Apollo + Pi
5th Place: The Sex Panthers: Bairjew + Van
5th Place: Freedom Isn’t Free: Clay + Dwayne
7th Place: Pretty in Pink: OPPE + BBQ
7th Place: Team Rocket: McNinja + The Grapist
9th Place: Mama Foop: IRESMRTZ + Isonomy
Singles Bracket (12 Entrants)

1st Place: 270$ Colbol
2nd Place: 189$ BlackHaze
3rd Place: 54$ Linguini
4th Place: 27$ Harriet the Guy
5th Place: Rockcrock
5th Place: Apollo
7th Place: Hydra
7th Place: SasukeBowser
9th Place: SmashMac

9th Place: Dwayne
9th Place: Clay
9th Place: PolMex
Swiss Results (24 Entrants)
1st: Colbol
2nd: Linguini
3rd: Harriet the Guy
4th: BlackHaze
5th: Hydra
6th: RockCrock
7th: SmashMac
8th: PolMex
9th: Apollo
10th: Clay
11th: SasukeBowser
12th: Dwayne :
13th: Rula :
14th: SwordDancer
15th: BBQ
16th: Pi
17th: Bairjew
18th: Van
19th: Hacker
20th: HeadShouldersKneesandToes
21st: McNinja
22nd: The Grapist
23rd: Sentinel
24th: McFuzzy
1st: Colbol
2nd: Linguini
3rd: Harriet the Guy
4th: BlackHaze
5th: Hydra
6th: RockCrock

7th: SmashMac

8th: PolMex
9th: Apollo
10th: Clay
11th: SasukeBowser

12th: Dwayne :
13th: Rula :
14th: SwordDancer
15th: BBQ
16th: Pi
17th: Bairjew
18th: Van
19th: Hacker
20th: HeadShouldersKneesandToes
21st: McNinja
22nd: The Grapist
23rd: Sentinel
24th: McFuzzy