Matoi via Sega w/ PSO2 __ chance 100% __ in fighters pass 3 __ want score %100
Leaked on 01/23/2021
PSO2 New Genesis Cloud a cloud version released June 9th 2021 for Switch & PS4 in Japan
Feb 2021 Sega Financial Results
Since Sega already has a character in SSBU and Phantasy Star New Genesis is going to be an important part of Sega's revenue going forward. Matoi seems extremely likely to me.
Her play-style would likely be a high damage high reward glass cannon type
Nominations X5
Hey, I can tell you are new, so I am going to help you through RTC and its framework.
Posts usually go in a format of Chance Score, Chance Paragraph/Sentences. Want Score, Want Sentences. There is an example post in the OP post in the thread, but there are also plenty of users posts today that could serve as a solid example for the future. Next off, make sure you embed your links next time. Just dropping a few links without much context does not really help your argument.
While I understand your argument somewhat, I think you might need to be more objective with her chance. Right now you are saying you are completely certain that a Phantasy Star Character is getting in, despite the fact that as far as we know, there is only one fighter left. Next time, try to be more objective in terms of chance. Would a Phantasy Star character be cool? Perhaps, but unless you can make a stronger argument I cant really have your posts count for the final average.
That being said, I would love for you to come back. Perhaps you could nominate whoever you think would be cool to discuss next time.
Now, onto my ratings.
30% Chance
Honestly, a lot of what I said about Phoneix can be said here, except I am not nearly as bullish on Sega as I am Capcom. Arle honestly does not have much going against her right now outside of, well, competition.
For starters, Arle is a reasonably popular choice. While Arle has never been an S tier request, she always has done reasonably well for herself. She has been popular in Japan since the ballot days. While RTC is not a perfect barometer, she has always done fine for herself here. As a result, I feel at least somewhat comfortable saying that Arle is someone that is at least somewhat popular. It also helps her support has been relatively steady, also like Wrights. Some characters go through ebbs and flows of demand. Hayabusa, Dante, or Doomguy are all examples where there was a large spike in demand, but it kind of died down to an extent. Arle however is in a boat similar to Wright, Crash, or Rayman, where her fan demand has been pretty consistent.
Puyo also has the advantage of being alive and thriving on the switch. Puyo Puyo Tetris did well enough for itself to get a sequel, likely due to being one of the earliest Switch games out there. I still remember playing it in April of 2017 at PAX East. While it likely did well because it crossed over with Tetris and was a launch title, at leas tat the moment Puyo is pretty healthy and solidly in Nintendo's camp.
I think the only real argument against Arle is Sega competition. You got SMT, Eggman, and the Phantasy Star Concept as reasonable competition. Sega itself though does seem to be one of the safer bets for a CP 11 company.
I would say still if you wanted a relatively safe CP 11 bet, Arle is one of the safest.
100% Want
My want write up got lost, so I will be as brief as I can be for my noms. I love Puyo Puyo Fever. It is one of those gamecube games that might be on the obscure side but i have a lot of happy memories with, like Ribbit King. The multiplayer memories I made in high school with this game were great. I remember playing a lot of PPT when it launched on the switch, and it is a blast still. I still sometimes play it with friends. I would love to see a puzzle rep in smash, and Arle seems to me like the best bet.
Also maybe this could mean one day we get a ****ing tetris stage for the love of god.
Concept: Phantasy Star Rep
20% Chance
Honestly, I think this is a Falcom tier dark horse. While at first PS might be a bit of a weird choice, it honestly makes enough sense to choose.
For starters, this is clearly an old school Sakurai pick. Sakurai is a big fan of Phantasy Star. Heck, I put this on the fixed schedule after seeing that Sakurai entered and won an old Phantasy Star II contest. I could easily see Sakurai going for a pick he has personal nostalgia for like Terry. While Nintendo clearly has a role in selecting DLC, so does Sakurai. If we could see a "Sakurai Pick" like Terry or Joker, I could see Phantasy Star getting the nod.
Phantasy Star also has a good bit of legacy behind it. It was created by Sega because they felt with RPGs gaining popularity, they needed a JRPG. It is one of the grandaddys of the genre alongside Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and Ys. In order to stand out from other JRPGs, the development team decided instead of pure fantasy, they would lean on sci fi as well. Now, this might not seem that groundbreaking nowadays. You could hardly swing a cat without finding at least some sci fi in your JRPGs. Final Fantasy adopted plenty of Sci Fi elements as it went on, as did most JRPG series. But Phantasy Star was Sci Fi from the beginning, while everyone else was testing the waters with generic fantasy games inspired by Ultima. Other design decisions were made to make sure Phantasy Star stood out as much as it could, from 3D ish dungeons that the Famicon could not do, to having Alis as the main protagonist, having a female protagonist instead of a male one.
Phantasy Star itself did quite well, the first 4 games all were strong successful releases on the Sega Master System and Genesis. Phantasy Star Online was one of the killer apps of the dreamcast and an influencial MMO. The sequel is finally getting a localization and is a clear money maker for Sega. The franchise, while it has had a hiatus from the west, I would not say is completely underground. The Phantasy Star Series, in particular the genesis games and Online, get a ton of love in their respective console fanbases.
Now in terms of who, I'll be honest the Phantasy Star I am the most familiar with is PSIV, which is one of the best games on the Genesis. Most of the other games in the series I have a passing familiarity at best or have not played. You could do Chaz from IV, Rolf from II, or even someone from Online or Online 2 like Matoi. But if I had to bet, I would go with Alis. She is the most recurring protagonist, had an alternative continuity appearance in Online, and she has appeared in the most Sega crossover stuff. If I had to bet on a Phantasy Star character, I would say the order goes Alis>Matoi>=Rolf>Chaz, but that's just me.
Now, Phantasy Star is not without competition. Sega has plenty of competition you could choose from. But if I had to point out a sleeper pick, I would say Phantasy Star lines up well with other sleeper picks we have highlighted in the past, like Terry and Adol.
80% Want
Honestly, for broad concepts it is hard to rate because there are so many potential choices. If we did get a Phantasy Star rep, I would by happy with Alis the most because imo she deserves it the most and would be the most visually unique. Chaz and Rolf, I personally think might be a little boring, and I say that as someone who likes Phantasy Star. A PSO rep could be cool, I am on the unfamiliar side though. From what I have seen they would be ok, but I would prefer Alis be the rep just due to the historical reasons.
That being said, I would love Phantasy Star in smash just because it is a cool series. I like 4 a lot, and I have a vested interest in playing the other games at least somewhat. While my love for a rep is up in the air depending on who would be chosen, I think I can say that I would not be upset with this choice.
Kiryu x 20