I, for one, welcome our Steve and Alex and more overlords.
Winners: SEGA reps, Atlus reps, Square-Enix reps
All of these have multiple candidates and with Steve proving that two characters from the same company across different passes can happen, hope may rise again from them. Look out for Arle, Kiryu, Axel Stone, Demi-fiend, 2B, Lara Croft, and others on those lines.
I think of SNK as an exception since Terry came with so much that it's hard to think more reps from them will come.
Indie reps (debatably), characters of western origin
If Banjo was the exception that proved the rule, Steve truly broke the role for the latter, so characters like Crash Bandicoot and Rayman may be likelier than before (albeit, on that first one I think he may be out of budget range now). Steve may also be considered the first indie, thus opening the door for Undertale reps, Shantae, Shovel Knight and Reimu in the future, though this one can be debated.
Losers: Microsoft reps, in particular Master Chief
Unfortunately if Banjo and Steve's separation of passes is any indication, Chief's chances are toast. The best he can hope for now is a Mii Costume, as I think he's done for. Others like Blinx and Marcus Fenix were never really in consideration so I'm sorry to them too, but this is mostly about Chief.
General big characters
Stuff like Crash, a Rockstar rep, or other "massive" announcements may are probably too big for the rest of the pass now. Well, not as badly as Chief is screwed, and I still think there's hope, but they may be starting to tiptoe a dark line.
At least, that's my takeaway from this.