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Rate Their Chances - Smash Ultimate Edition! Day 672: Five Most Likely First and Third Parties for Smash 6, and Final Goodbyes


Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2020
Anyone's guess really.

I'll say ... Geno. With Doom Guy as a surprise double announcement. (I know that's crazy! Let me have this!)

Darkhorse 'Want' pick: Agumon (I keep imagining a trailer opening like the Charizard/Greninja one, but then you see Urshifu fall .... and look up to see...)
Those would be awesome characters

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Geno, Rex, Lloyd and Travis are my predictions.

I'm betting its someone on the smaller side.


Smash Lord
Aug 31, 2018
I have 3 predictions:

Realistic: Travis (Honorable mention: Dante)

Optimistic: Phoenix Wright (Honorable Mention: Monokuma) (They're the only 2 characters I want that can't be construed as deconfirmed or impossible)

Pessimistic: Marx (Dishonorable mention: Eevee)

If I had to go with 1, It'd be Travis, with Marx and Dante as close 2nds.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2019
I have to say Reimu on this one. Really. There's no other option. She's both my realistic and optimistic pick for Smash Ultimate DLC.

I also predict that Sakurai will do one of two things: Announce the Fighter's Pass being delayed, or present details on the new fighter. Maybe both.

Noms: Amiya x10
Or 5? Does this count as a paragraph? Probably not.
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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
For my predictions, I'd probably have at least six candidates:
1: Travis Touchdown - Part of my suspicion stems from the close ties the No More Heroes series has with Nintendo for quite sometime and quite the following for support. Similarly is that curious interview statement from Suda51 where normally he'd be quite vocal and persistent about Travis being in Smash, yet changes tune to "That's going to be a big 'No comment' from me!" seems quite indicative that Travis might be in the running.
2: Ryu Hayabusa - One of the oldest and toughest retro heroes alongside Simon and Mega Man, not to mention Nintendo and Koei Tecmo are on really good terms with each other. Ryu's name has been thrown around a fair bit, so I think it's likely Ryu could show up.
3: Euden - If we're still on the beat of first-parties, then Dragalia Lost could be quite the surprising addition, and represents Nintendo's foray into smartphone games too. While he does come off as a standard swordfighter, his ability to transform into a dragon could be pretty cool.
4: Capcom character (Phoenix Wright, Dante, Amaterasu). Any new Capcom character would be great to see, be it Dante, Phoenix Wright or Ammy. But I'd be over the moon if we got Phoenix. Same also applies for Dante.
5: Reimu Hakurei - One of the more risky picks I have for Fighter 7. Touhou has been a longtime doujin/indie series and has recently started becoming more popular to discuss in terms of Smash Bros. I'd be surprised if she's next, but I don't think Reimu would be Fighter 7 unless that Tournament theory was in play (about a lightweight fighter who uses projectiles or something? I haven't really been following speculation all that much cause of uni work)
6: Kazuma Kiryu - The Yakuza series has been skyrocketing in mainstream awareness, both through Yakuza 0 and the remakes/remasters of classic games introducing more people to the Dragon of Dojima. Kiryu's probably held back by a lack of presence on Nintendo platforms, since Yakuza 1 and 2 only received Wii U ports exclusive to Japan and nowhere else, but he's probably one of the rising stars Nintendo and Sega might want to capitalise on by showing up in Smash.

Runner up is a new Xenoblade character, be it Melia, Rex & Pyra/Mythra or Elma.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2008
It's going to be an Undertale/Deltarune character.

I don't really believe that, I just feel that someone needs to make the unlikeliest predictions because I feel that this is going to be another unlikely newcomer that no one saw coming. Or maybe it'll be someone terribly predictable and speculation will truly lose all life in it.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
I'm going all in on Minecraft Steve. I feel like there's a lot of things going for him, some smal, some big.

  • Very popular, a fitting E3 reveal.
  • I could imagine Nintendo wanting to get as much out of the Microsoft partnership as possible, because there's no guarantee how long it will last.
  • Minecraft helped Banjo get in, Nintendo might return the favor.
  • Most of the longer trailers were either for multiple/complex characters (Belmont, Hero. Smash 4 Palutena) or slower-paced trailers simmilar to in their game (Isabelle, Byleth). I could easily see Steve being in either of those categories.
  • He is not lightweight and would probably have a projectile.
  • We know this character is practically done (via the missing tourney slots), but they're not going into detail. What if they're waiting for Minecon?
The last time I was this confident about a character, it was... Arle for FP5. My gut doesn't exactly have the best track record, but I'm still gonna belive it unconditionally!

noms: PMD x maximum
I was right, even down to the Minecon presentation. This feels... Incredible


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2013
New Jersey
I, for one, welcome our Steve and Alex and more overlords.

Winners: SEGA reps, Atlus reps, Square-Enix reps

All of these have multiple candidates and with Steve proving that two characters from the same company across different passes can happen, hope may rise again from them. Look out for Arle, Kiryu, Axel Stone, Demi-fiend, 2B, Lara Croft, and others on those lines.

I think of SNK as an exception since Terry came with so much that it's hard to think more reps from them will come.

Indie reps (debatably), characters of western origin

If Banjo was the exception that proved the rule, Steve truly broke the role for the latter, so characters like Crash Bandicoot and Rayman may be likelier than before (albeit, on that first one I think he may be out of budget range now). Steve may also be considered the first indie, thus opening the door for Undertale reps, Shantae, Shovel Knight and Reimu in the future, though this one can be debated.

Losers: Microsoft reps, in particular Master Chief

Unfortunately if Banjo and Steve's separation of passes is any indication, Chief's chances are toast. The best he can hope for now is a Mii Costume, as I think he's done for. Others like Blinx and Marcus Fenix were never really in consideration so I'm sorry to them too, but this is mostly about Chief.

General big characters

Stuff like Crash, a Rockstar rep, or other "massive" announcements may are probably too big for the rest of the pass now. Well, not as badly as Chief is screwed, and I still think there's hope, but they may be starting to tiptoe a dark line.

At least, that's my takeaway from this.


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Steve satisfaction rating: 100%

Steve was honestly my second most wanted character because I had a ton of fond memories playing Minecraft.

Back in pass 1, Banjo was ranked above Steve (Shantae is currently my most wanted period) and when the bear and bird entered, Steve rose to my #2 spot (Heavy from TF2 became my new #3).

With Pass 2 starting with Min Min, and the pandemic sorta making it a bit more challenging to work with publishers, I didn't expect a Western character to appear early. I was wrong on that front, and on who it would be!

And they managed to keep his animations in the Minecraft style without making it too janky! That was my biggest fear going in!

So overall: 100% satisfied. Rest of pass can be whoever.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2018
Steve satisfaction rating: oof (0%)

There are very few video game characters I can claim I didn't want in Smash.

Steve was one of them.

I'm not gonna lie, and I know this is a VERY hot take... but I was honestly more excited for Byleth than I am for Steve. Yes, that's right. I was more freaking excited for a FIRE EMBLEM character than I am for Steve. Let that sink in for a moment.

Yeah, I know, Minecraft is the best-selling game of all time and all that jazz, and that's cool, but... not going to lie, he's just a real boring pick. I was hoping for somebody a bit more... I dunno, flashy? Exciting? Honestly, I dislike the prospect of Master Chief, too, but I would have gladly taken him over Steve.

I mean, Steve's barely even a character, for crying out loud!

I dunno, seeing Steve just killed the hype for me. Hopefully Nintendo reveals somebody more exciting next time, though as far as I'm concerned, that's not a particularly difficult task.

Just... of ALL the possible Microsoft reps, why oh why did it have to be THE one I absolutely didn't want? Just... blech.

I normally wouldn't complain about additions to Smash, but Steve doesn't even have the visual flair that the rest of the pass has. It just feels like corporate shilling at this point. I normally wouldn't insult a DLC character by calling them a bad addition to Smash, but unfortunately, my feelings on the matter are strong enough that they override that- Steve is, so far, the only addition to the game I'd consider outright bad. Again, even Byleth was more exciting.

We waited four months for this?!
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Smash Lord
Jul 29, 2014
Drenthe, NL
I just posted my opinions in the newcomer thread but I guess I'll do it again.

I have little attachment to Minecraft but I really do understand why he's in. Can't really deny it's a good financial decision. Guess this inclusion is even giving me more of an insentive to give Minecraft a spin. Not mad at all, I for sure would take this over a Gen 8 mon any day. Does he look kinda dumb in motion? Yeah but hey, it's faithfull. What u gonna do? I do have to dock points for just being a western third-party tho, makes me a little worried for Rayman and the Knight. Tho this is an even bigger oof for Master Chief, no denying that.

Satisfaction: 50%
Hades (Kid Icarus) x10


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
Satisfaction rating: 10%.

Not much to say for me. I'm mostly pretty "meh" on this announcement. I've never played Minecraft in my entire life, so there's no appeal for me there. But on the other hand, I'm not super pissed or anything about this character, either. My satisfaction rating might go up depending on what the bonus content and Mii costumes that come with Steve are, but for now, it's gonna stay at 10%. For me personally, the wait for FP8 has already started now.

Edit: Oh yeah, nominations.
Nominating Concept: A Bravely Default character x10.
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Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2013
In that corner over there
Switch FC
Remember when I called Byleth the worst addition?
I was wrong.
I know he didn't prevent Banjo from getting in, but that doesn't matter. I'm upset that all the people who made animations of Steve murdering Banjo finally got their reward. Yes, Minecraft is massively successful, but when even Sakurai himself basically admitted he didn't want to add this character, you know it's a bad inclusion. The only reason he made it in is because Nintendo basically forced him to.
I can't wait to see Tetris revealed as fighter 8 in a few months.
Noms: Tetris x 5 or 10 or whatever
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Well my satisfaction is 0%. Shocking, I know.

This just feels like such a corporate pick. Like it was determined by sales projections and nothing else. I get that it's probably Sakurai just being tired, but not even he looked excited for what should've been a huge reveal.

I guess it was inevitable given the source material, but did they really have to make Steve look like ass? He looks so freaking out of place. Even on the banner he looks off.

As for the moveset, I don't care. I think the block building will turn out broken, but we'll see. Definitely not worth the effort of reworking every stage, that's for sure.

Easily the worst addition to Smash, ever, in my book. I'm going to buy every other character individually, even though it'll cost me the same amount of cash, just so I don't have Steve on my copy of Smash.

I was talking to some friends about this, and one of them said "I'm going to buy him and play him online just for the meme", and that encapsulates how I feel about this whole thing honestly.

Noms: Jason & SOPHIA x10
I'll do a confirmed and disconfirmed post soon.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
I was right, even down to the Minecon presentation. This feels... Incredible
Good Job. Have 100 noms since I’m in a generous mood ^_^.

I’ll post my reaction, but I want to gauge something first. MH got short charged, so do we wanna give it more time for ratings? Not like a fixed schedule situation but a MH day part 2 since it got kind of screwed lol.

No fixed schedule is planned as of now. Maybe when 78 is revealed we might, if not 79.
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Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2013
New Jersey
Steve Satisfaction: 85%.

Steve looks so bad and out of place for Smash... and I'm all for it! The moveset seems great, the music was tight, and everything feels just right about this inclusion. It hit all the right notes for me, and I was honest-to-god expecting something really crappy. Not so crappy that I love it! And in an honest, endearing way instead of an "eww" way.

And, this is a character I recognize out of the gate and don't have to force myself to care about (no offense but Min Min was hard to care about). It's not hard for me to say that Steve has easily been the best character revealed this year. Byleth was from a game I liked too, but Steve comes from a special place and has made a ton of people happy (even if he's also got nearly as much disappointed.)

Red x 10.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2018
Do Steve/Direct satisfaction ratings.
Steve satisfaction rating: 90%

He was a character I wanted to see. Not at the same level as Isaac, or even Elma, Shantae or Phoenix, but still. Minecraft is huge, this spot is deserved.

What is also a satisfaction to me is that the future characters probably won't be as big as Steve is (whether you like it or not). He is a western character and a big name, in my opinion it lowers the chance of other western big names, especially Master Chief, including Crash and Doom, but probably not Rayman.

Also, it confirms once more that it's Nintendo that is chosing the characters, not Sakurai. Therefore, it certainly lowers the chance of niche characters like Geno, of existing series like BWD or Dixie, and boosts the chance of potential cross promotion picks (see Corrin and Byleth). And if Golden Sun Remake is indeed a thing, that's only good news for Isaac in Smash...
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Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Mexico City
Satisfaction: 80%
Guess I just can't help it, can I? I'm not a big Minecraft player. Never got to bring myself to play it for days. My best experience with the game was playing with a pair of good friends I have and fight the Ender Dragon alongside them. That's as far as I go, nothing but a pair of good experiences here and there.

What really makes Steve so great is that he's breathen new life into Smash's speculation. I can't stress that enough. Smash needed big names again. We've been debating for so long whether third-parties were out of the picture and whether we'd have huge franchises again. There's the answer: we do and there's no reason to think things are stopping there. I wouldn't have chosen Steve over other guests at all, but the guy had all the pedigree you could ask for. That's all that matters.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
I feel we should do this after the presentation as we'll have more details in literally 2 days, feels too soon to rate satisfaction when we have 45 minutes of info in less than 48 hours
We got gameplay which is our modus operandi. We waited on Terry for gameplay, but did Banjo and Hero at E3. I believe we waited for Joker and gameplay to but idr.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Good Job. Have 100 noms since I’m in a generous mood ^_^.

I’ll post my reaction, but I want to gauge something first. MH got short charged, so do we wanna give it more time for ratings? Not like a fixed schedule situation but a MH day part 2 since it got kind of screwed lol.

No fixed schedule is planned as of now. Maybe when 78 is revealed we might, if not 79.
What do you mean by MH?

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
We got gameplay which is our modus operandi. We waited on Terry for gameplay, but did Banjo and Hero at E3. I believe we waited for Joker and gameplay to but idr.
This confuses me then because we were literally told we'd get that in 2 days but I'll bite. Gonna take a while cause it's been half an hour since I saw it but I'm still in shock


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
Easily the worst addition to Smash, ever, in my book. I'm going to buy every other character individually, even though it'll cost me the same amount of cash, just so I don't have Steve on my copy of Smash.
I have to admit, part of me is legitimately surprised that the first person to admit to doing this isn't me with regards to my least wanted. I suppose I don't need to elaborate on who that'd be.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Steve Satisfaction Rating


Out of 9 characters who I give a 100% want to, Steve is one of them. I practically lost my **** when I heard the spider and skeleton noises. This is basically how I imagined Steve and the stage to be like so I am absolutely ecstatic. Steve looks really fun and the stage changing depending on the biomes is great. I love that and everything about this reveal. From the little gags they did to Steve eating in spite at you during his final Smash. I'm curious about the music and how they are handling it but the one song we heard was good.

I'm still shaking. I finally got a character who I have a strong attachment to. I was also hyped for Banjo but I didn't have much personal attachment to him. This might seem a bit rushing into it, but I'm already calling Steve's challenger pack my favorite so far. Minecraft got represented so well and I'm so happy about that.

I get all the disappointment and mixed feelings. Not everyone likes Minecraft, or they don't like how Steve looks in Smash, and that's ok. I did notice as well that Sakurai didn't seem as excited as he could have been, though I will say that it might not have to do with Sakurai not liking the pick as much as it was about whether or not he was capable of representing Minecraft right. But I think he did a great job. Good lord the lengths that this man goes to is insane. But the thing is that we got 4 more characters to go! So there is hope that the people who didn't like Steve will like the next character and so forth.

Overall, I'm hyped. I hope that Steve comes out on the 3rd though I'm thinking the release date will be two weeks.

Noms: Arthur x10


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Satisfaction 85%

I've had a love/hate relationship with Minecraft but recently I've embraced the fact that I enjoy Minecraft. Steve was always sort of a meme to me but I think that is why I found the reveal so funny to me and I am quite happy with the addition. I wish the animations weren't so stiff but that is part of the charm.
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