Smash Lord
Frayed Wire joins the fray
Chance: 1%
It's very unlikely we'll be seeing a second Gen 7 Pokemon, especially with Gen 8 on the way. Incineroar has basically proven that new Pokemon characters will most likely be starters in the future, and unfortunately, Ultra Beasts seem to be the gimmick of Gen 7, I don't believe we'll be seeing more Ultra Beasts in Gen 8...
Want: 0%
Not that I really mind in all honesty. My apologies to
, but Ultra Beasts weren't really something I enjoyed in Sun and Moon, especially with the terror that some of them have become, namely Pheromosa, Kartana, and Celesteela. To me, they serve as evidence of the ever increasing power creep in Pokemon. Plus, with Pokemon already commanding quite the presence in the roster, I'd prefer the series take a break.
Predictions: Master Chief
TBH, it's either this guy, Banjo, or Steve. Personally, he's not my preferred choice, but it could very well happen. 13.07%
Nominations: I believe we're allowed to give 100 nominations to a character not on the schedule, correct? So, how about...
Q*Bert x100
Chance: 1%
It's very unlikely we'll be seeing a second Gen 7 Pokemon, especially with Gen 8 on the way. Incineroar has basically proven that new Pokemon characters will most likely be starters in the future, and unfortunately, Ultra Beasts seem to be the gimmick of Gen 7, I don't believe we'll be seeing more Ultra Beasts in Gen 8...
Want: 0%
Not that I really mind in all honesty. My apologies to

Predictions: Master Chief
TBH, it's either this guy, Banjo, or Steve. Personally, he's not my preferred choice, but it could very well happen. 13.07%
Nominations: I believe we're allowed to give 100 nominations to a character not on the schedule, correct? So, how about...
Q*Bert x100