Nintendo’s Flagship Franchise
Because that’s the only way to justify the amount of love it’s gotten over the others...
Chance: 5%
Want: 0%
Another Sword-Wielding character from Fire Emblem? OMG so unique!
Look - at this point, Fire Emblem fatigue has set in for most of the fanbase. I think that’s literally the only franchise that could give us a character who:
- Wields a flaming chainsaw
- Turns into a dragon
- Is able to use a completely unique pinning move with a built-in followup
- Uses elemental attacks that only two others on the roster have
- Can counter vertically, giving an easy KO option
- Did I mention they turn into a ****ing DRAGON?!
...and have a large portion of the fanbase think it’s lame.
Now, people have written pages about how unique Celica
could be. But just because someone could be unique doesn’t mean they will (Dark Samus and Daisy fans could tell you all about that) - particularly for the series where many people think Ike is literally just a male Marth. And moreso than for any other weapon, people are hostile toward swordsmen, anime swordsmen in particular.
“But Cap! Celica is a mage! She’d use magic!”
Yes. I bet her best moves involve that magic in her right hand there in her official art.
Now, I’m not anti Fire Emblem (I’d have loved to see Azura), but the fatigue has set in for me. Plus Sakurai even said that he thought the series got too much and then added Corrin on top of it. And Chrom. And as a Zelda fan, it just feels all kinds of wrong for Zelda to have fewer characters (and fewer uniques) than Fire Emblem.
“But Cap, Zelda has loads of stages and items! It’s perfectly well repped over Fire Emblem!”
...In that case, let's toss out of the Zelda items aside from the heart containers and also take out Spirit Tracks and then we’ll get Midna and Urbosa. Oh, and while we’re at it, take out the two Fire Emblem echoes and Corrin, and you can get four stages of your choice and a few weapons as random drops. And I’ll even let you keep Corrin as an assist trophy.
Doesn’t feel the same, does it?
Besides, Celica doesn’t have a game coming out soon. That’d be Edelgard and the two guys nobody cares about since they’re not waifu material. If Nintendo went that route, they’d probably favor the new promotional character who was incredibly well received over an older one (speaking of ignoring the dudes since they can’t be waifu’d - doesn’t Celica have a counterpart named Alm or something to that effect?).
So all in all, there’s nothing I personally have against Celica, but maybe let’s let another series get the spotlight for once. It would be nice to get another FE stage since I’m trying to plan music and getting that settled on the three FE stages is ridiculous, but I think we can get a different character there.
Nom: More DLC x5