Here comes Bjay’s shoutouts ^_^ but before that…first I wanna quickly say that despite I didn’t really play much, as well as being tired, and eventually…falling asleep for a bit :$ I had a great time at the tournament ^_^ It was a bunch of fun, and it was great meeting many people as well as well as getting to know them too. Darn cupcakes were too pricey for my ‘I’m such a cheapass’ style too, so I only had one I hope to come back to Melbourne soon ^_^ I want to hang out with you guys more as well =D I also wish I didn’t forget my camera on the tournament day =(
Anywho, here comes my
essay shoutouts (in alphabetical order) ^_^
berimbau – awwwww pat you’re always mean to me =( but that meanness always makes me laugh and smile ^^; I wonder if your whinging makes you laugh and smile xD We didn’t really play each other in Smash this time overall, but you know you’re too good anyway =) Hopefully I can play you more often though, as I would like to. Besides, I have a special sparkly buddy named Pikachu who is awaiting you =) I hope to see you again soon =]
ComboTurtle – LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL where to begin Tom. Whether it’s by elbow-dropping, or the things you say, you always crack me up. I was also surprised you were okay when you were leaning on the railing on the top bunk on cao’s bed at the hostel during that moment when that hostel guy was kicking our ‘people on the streets’ out. I’m glad I didn’t miss that, considering I went to go have a shower and came back just in time to see that candid moment. In terms of Smash I didn’t really play you this time round overall, but it wouldn’t have made much difference as you would have kicked my arse anyway, as you’re a much better player

…who happens to have a **** Marth

I guess it makes up for all the times when you were always wanting to vs my Peach. Good times. Glad to see you again,
Dedu – lol stueyy, you had quite the adventure in Melbourne huh? Thanks for all your help here and there, and thanks for making me laugh a fair bit too

I was surprised you were okay when you ‘flew’ across the room from the top bunk into the locker (literally laughing out loud in real life as I type this) and it was quite random, but I’m glad you were okay. I’m glad I was sitting there still and wasn’t about to move out too, cause somehow the railing of the bunk bed was dangling right infront of my face x.o but yeah, glad you were okay and thanks for always making me laugh with many of the things you say

Cheers for also being very helpful with many things. It was good to see you again, hope you had a ball (which I’m sure you did) when you randomly and mysteriously went out from 4am to 7am, I wonder if Sam and Jaz had as much fun finding you as much as you did going out
Jaz – JULLA! Lol you’re too good =) Great performance from you for Melee, including all those suicides and stuff

I don’t feel as bad losing to you now. I couldn’t believe canceling Battlefield would land a match on Yoshi’s Story though T_T But nonetheless that was a very close match and yeah I was pretty happy cause by then I was playing much better. Don’t feel bad about kirbyciding in Brawl too, you had to do what you had to do to win. The only thing I frown upon is
camping actually. I loathe it to death and want to burn anyone that does it =) Anywho, I did jump into the Kirbycides a fair few times, and escaped a couple of them here and there but it was evened out by having 2 of my stocks wiped out =p Thanks for all the talks and stuff too =) You know I appreciate it heaps ^_^ Hopefully one day your appreciation for Wario will rise =D
Kulla – Simon! Grats on the Brawl victories, excluding my first time playing Brawl, and over Wi-Fi, we still haven’t really played each other huh? Infact, it was sorta like that for Melee too

Bahh I sorta feel bad about winning in our match in Melee, mainly for the fact cause you pretty much had me 75% through the game and I don’t know what I did (or was it something you did?) and then I somehow won. I’ll have to make sure I vs you more in general, oh and yes I’m ‘75%’ proud of you for having a smaller average of cigs on Sunday. =D It was great to see and talk to you again. ^_^
Unreon – awww jason we didn’t really talk much at Melbourne, naw did we really play Smash either, and your short appearance in Melbourne didn’t help either =p Nonetheless it was great to see you again and talk when we did. I hope you’ll be ‘right with all that uni stuff though T_T Sounds like too much to handle.
Blazey – Hey Blazey, nice tie .

Didn’t really get to talk to you much, but I wanna say thanks for letting me have the rest of your fried rice ^__________^! It was very delicious :D
CAOTIC – David la! Thanks for all your help with everything, for putting up with me, all the hassle I gave, and all my annoying questions too, and for showing me a great time in Melbourne. I had a wonderful time, and miss Melbourne already. It was great hanging out with you, and it was great to know you a lot better too =) Good stuff on the tournament too, I couldn’t begin to imagine how much effort it would take to run a tournament like that, not to mention all the organization and what not too. Once again, thanks again for everything Dave, I appreciate it lots! I’ll be back in Melbourne soon :D I could keep going on and on, but yeah it wouldn’t make much difference as it would probably be a repetition of ‘thank you’ over and over

Hope your laptop is okay

I hope to see you soon =)
Chris – Hey Chris! It was great meeting you and getting to know you as well! Unfortunately, we still haven’t versed each other at Brawl lol, but there’s many other opportunities for that. We’ll be able to have our Pika ditto

I hope to see you again soon and hang out more next time! ^_^ It was a pleasure meeting you!
Emily – Em! Aww why would I hate you for teaming up with Sloth for Melee teams?

Stealing sounds incorrect/harsh - besides, I didn’t mind either way, I was already on a run of bad luck with finding a team mate and I still got to team up with him for Brawl, which makes me happy =) Arrrh you’re so good with Peach though! It’s just sooo fast and makes my Peach even more slower than usual! It was great versing you though, despite I got slaughtered

(but it was sorta a close match…yeah? I can’t remember :$) It was great getting to know you as well ^_^ Yeah I feel better, I still didn’t realise/can’t believe that I fell asleep at the tournament for a fair bit T.T but at least the flash woke me up. I’ll be back at Melbourne :D We gotta hang out more!
Jei Jei – Jei! It was great to see you again :D It was awesome talking to you too! I was hoping to hang out with you more but there’s always next time

Next time hopefully I can vs you in XvSF too, though I bet you’re too good

I hope to see you again soon, and hopefully we can vs each other in more Smash. Versing each other at N2C wasn’t enough, and I’ll use my Wario against ya

Good to see you again!
Joemo – Hey! Pleasure to finally meet you. We didn’t really play each other at all, only for one match which counted, which you clearly should have won if it weren’t for that accidental PK Thunder suicide with Lucas T_T Nonetheless it was a very close match though, but you pretty much had me lost through the match until that suicide T.T I’ll see you soon hopefully on Wi-Fi yeah? Our matches are always hilarious ^_^
Mr. Phantasmo – Hey Adam

Jim beam beanie hat? There was one near my bed in the hostel, but when I looked at it, it was a baret..o.O There was also this blue jacket as well. Not sure if they were yours…but yeah I just left it, since everyone I asked if it was theirs just declined, I thought it was the guy that was staying with us. It was very nice to meet you…but now I sorta feel responsible with the Jim Beam hat, but I only read your post…when I arrived back home in Sydney T.T
Myst Walker – Sam la! Thanks for everything! Melty Blood, Poker, hanging out, all the times you’ve made me laugh heapsss and especially for housing me, as well as many other things! You’ve done more than enough, and I’m very grateful for that =) It was great seeing you again and getting to know you much more, you’ve made my stay and time in Melbourne very great. Hopefully one day I’ll become as good as you in Melty Blood and Poker one day. Ohh and Bowser > Ness – I’ll show you one day =( Btw, you’ve very excellent choice in food! ^_^ I hope to see you again soon :D It was great hanging out with you!
Redact – Phil! Thanks for teaming up with me in Melee! I appreciate it! We did pretty alright in teams! We lost to a great team (Em and Sloth), which I’m cool with. Lol at the team names though, I still believe that Pony Justice > Justice Pony, after all, in my mind it was giving some sort of justice. What justice? PONY JUSTICE! Redact fails. Redact fails again also for failing to provide a shoutout to Bjay
Shaz – heyy shaz! I don’t know why I had this impression you were a really tall person (as tall as Bringer) but I was incorrect, but you’re still way taller than me anyway (that goes for pretty much the majority since I am after all, pretty short). I don’t know why I brought that up in my shoutout for you, but hey that’s good old random me. ^_^ It was nice to meet you and to talk to you here and there, you’re a pretty funny guy! I only got to play you once in Smash though, and that was only once in Brawl too T_T Hopefully I’ll be able to vs you more.
Bringer – Heyy Ryannnn/Bringerrrrr! It was very nice meeting you! It was great hanging out with you, as well as talking with you too! ^_^ Thanks for the meal again, despite I still feel guilty

I didn’t get to verse you much in terms of Smash. But every match you were pretty much too good, especially that DK of yours! Woah!! ^_^ I’ll see you soon in Sydney :D
Daltsy – heyy Tim! (lol am I the only one calls you Tim [sometimes]?) It was great to finally meet you! You’ve got all these interesting stories which I enjoyed listening to, shame I didn’t have any stories of my own to share

Didn’t get to play much Smash either, but it was good when we could when there was the opportunity! Aww I hope to see you again soon ^_^ Take it easy yeah?
Hybrid – Hey George! It was great to meet you and to also talk to ya! Didn’t get to talk to you as much and play as much Smash either

but hopefully next time ^_^
Sloth – Bryceeee! Ahh it was great to get to know you better, as well as hanging out with you and talking and what not! Cheers for teaming up with me in Brawl ^_^ You know I appreciate it! Thanks for also hanging out with me on my last day in Melbourne too, as well as all the talks too! I appreciate it heaps! I hope we can hang out more next time, and by then hopefully I can play you in DDR as well ^_^ as well as other games

Ice and Watch ftw! Sorry again I left fairly early I’m sorta glad I did now. Cause I got a bit lost (missed Bourke Street like 2 times), but not for too long. Instead of seeing the Bourke St sign, I kept being distracted by the ‘BLOOD DONORS’ Street sign :$, but yeah looks like it only took 15 minutes for me to walk to Spencer St ^_^ I hope to see you soon =D
And that’s it…I guess. It feels very unfinished, especially because of the fact I know I’ve left plenty of people out and I’m having trouble remembering atm T.T I also feel that I haven’t finished saying everything I want to in the shoutouts too, so I’ll just leave it at that and hopefully it’s enough of a shoutout (nah it’s not enough). I’m gonna go afk soon for a bit after this post. But yes thanks everyoneee =) I’m glad I went to Melbourne. It has made me very happy ^_^ Big thanks again to everyone!
I'll upload some pics later.