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Ragnarok Mafia - Game over!


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
God, My head hurts reading this.

Why has no one pointed this out?

He's practically implying that "Agree with me or DIE"

Really don't like this post
T-Block and I play together quite frequently.

I'm referring to our most recent game, Gurren Laggan, in which we were both Town, but our thinking didn't line up like it usually does. That made me think he was scum, so I went with the wagon on him on Day 1.

I like being able to trust T-Block. It's an RVS poke at him for our interaction in our most recent game, not a threat.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Hate this response to T-Block. Dabuz here just brushes the attack aside. To me, this seems like an attempt to hope no one picks up on it.

I'm curious as to why so many people are reacting to it as a reaching case. What was so wrong with it?

Then of course, T-Block comes in with saying that "It really wasn't a case, just pointing out some odd stuff." This, to me, seems as if T-Block is backing down to avoid getting further noticed
Which do you feel is scummier if it all? I mean if T-Block wasn't really presenting a case then Dabuz' shrugging off the case doesn't seem like a big deal to me.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
It's not the lack of vote in itself that I find odd. It's the fact that his voting behaviour after that post suggested (since votes came from silly reasons) that he would have thrown a vote down on Dark Horse for having a scummy name, yet he doesn't with that post, perhaps because others had not yet been throwing votes around. Is it so much of a stretch to think that he might have been afraid of sticking out as the first person to vote someone else?

@Armor, Killstic: What are your thoughts on the above?
I believe that the above paragraph you wrote is disorganized as you attempt to mangle two separate lines of reasoning into one. First of all, dabuz asks if he can vote DH for having a scummy name. However in the following post he votes for Raziek and never does vote for DH. Second, you point out his lack of a vote until other people decide to start voting. (minor fos wrt T-Block)

I don't think that dabuz was self-conscious in his first two posts. He ended up voting for Raziek when he asked to vote for Dark Horse. The discrepancy between these two posts seem that dabuz is not concerned with consistency and therefore wasn't very self-conscious during his conduct in RVS. I do believe that his response in #95 is important to take a glimpse at:

dabuz said:
T-Block: Fair warning, i won't be able to respond ASAP for a while tonight.
dabuz seems concerned about T-Block waiting. (null wrt dabuz)

dabuz said:
Now, the reason i didn't just vote is because im new here and i figured it would be more humorous to ask if we can for a silly reason, than just voting.
Justification for RVS merits point of interest to gauge & compare future behavior in this game. (null wrt dabuz atm)

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Which do you feel is scummier if it all? I mean if T-Block wasn't really presenting a case then Dabuz' shrugging off the case doesn't seem like a big deal to me.
Pretty much the reason why my head hurts.

Overall, dabuz, as ive seen townies back down before, and could just be an idiot tell, while dabuz's post seemed to be just trying to shrugg it off, which is anti-town.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Dislike kill's latest post.

The first paragraph just seemes to be...writing critique, and a restatement, with an ending fos that you didn't explain

Then your defense of dabuz...it seems as though you're playing to his habits, a not using anything in te game

Then you list two actions that you think were null. Why list them?

Overall, it's a really stanceless post, as the only reads brought are t-block (FoS tacked on with no explanation), and dabuz (actually, not really, just seems to
Say how dabuz wasn't conscious, says something needs looking at, and two nulls


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
The first paragraph just seemes to be...writing critique, and a restatement, with an ending fos that you didn't explain
My opinion on the paragraph is that it seemed forced. Even more so by asking what Armor and I thought of it wrt dabuz. I placed a minor fos on the post for future reference. I'm still null wrt T-Block.

Dark Horse said:
Then your defense of dabuz...it seems as though you're playing to his habits, a not using anything in te game
It's not a defense. It's an analysis. The fact that dabuz expresses concern over his availability to address a response to T-Block in #95 doesn't strike me as the type of concern scum-mates would have wrt to each other.

DH said:
Then you list two actions that you think were null. Why list them?
Because you're not supposed to look at them for town|scum tells.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
@JTB: T-Block's play strikes me as null. His behavior shifts though in RVS from #68 to #74 in which he goes from joking to serious is uncanny. Want an answer to his statement in #133 which he is not answering at the moment. What are your thoughts on T-Block's #134?

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
My opinion on the paragraph is that it seemed forced. Even more so by asking what Armor and I thought of it wrt dabuz. I placed a minor fos on the post for future reference. I'm still null wrt T-Block.
You think it's forced?

Care to explain?

It's not a defense. It's an analysis. The fact that dabuz expresses concern over his availability to address a response to T-Block in #95 doesn't strike me as the type of concern scum-mates would have wrt to each other.
So it's an analysis, eh?

In that case, what do you think of dabuz?

Even if it seems to be an analysis, it definitely seems as though you bring up points supporting dabuz, with the "head not right" part, and now how it doesn't look like s vs s

Also, you just did an analysis of dabuz. What your final thought?

Because you're not supposed to look at them for town|scum tells.
You're not supposed to?

What if somebody manages to find something there? Why are you not factoring I'm your own flaws?

More importantly, why do you think you have the authority to tell a whole what is null?

On something almost unrelated: Minor FoSes? Christ, have you been taking mafia lessons from smashmachine?


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2010
Dark Horse, its nice that you can analysis all these posts and asks a lot of questions, but can you actually get any information and or results from what you're doing? It really looks like you asks a lot of questions that don't have a purpose.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
You think it's forced? Care to explain?
An explanation that ends in a question irks me. Even more so, asking for feedback wrt the question made me think that he was wary of how other people interpreted his rationale. It seemed forced because I thought him turning it into a question topic seemed inappropriate and his explanation on dabuz seemed scattered based on my criticism of the lack of clarity in #163.

Dark Horse said:
In that case, what do you think of dabuz?
I have to discuss this with my partner. I think we might have conflicting positions on this. Based on what I've read I think that dabuz is null-town as he is applying pressure on T-Block and issuing responses. I would prefer observing his actions after T-Block addresses RVS to form a more definitive read.

Dark Horse said:
Even if it seems to be an analysis, it definitely seems as though you bring up points supporting dabuz, with the "head not right" part, and now how it doesn't look like s vs s
I don't believe this is scum v. scum or it is distancing. Supporting dabuz? I don't think that dabuz was being afraid|self-conscious in RVS and that T-Block's assumption on the matter is incorrect based on the reasoning he uses in the above explanation.

DH said:
You're not supposed to?
If you want to do it, go ahead. But that's not the type of information I got from reading the above posts.

DH said:
What if somebody manages to find something there? Why are you not factoring I'm your own flaws?
If you want to read into what I've quoted, then go ahead. I'm not putting up a red flag and stating that you shouldn't look deeper. Honestly knock yourself out.

DH said:
More importantly, why do you think you have the authority to tell a whole what is null?
Dude. It's my opinion. If you have a different stance then pitch it to me.

DH said:
On something almost unrelated: Minor FoSes? Christ, have you been taking mafia lessons from smashmachine?
... No.

DH said:
Kill, what about that minor fos on T-Block? Fizzles away without any explanation or posts.
I explained that the fos was on T-Block's post for future reference.

GLG said:
Dark Horse, its nice that you can analysis all these posts and asks a lot of questions, but can you actually get any information and or results from what you're doing? It really looks like you asks a lot of questions that don't have a purpose.
Thank you GLG.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
T-Block and I play together quite frequently.

I'm referring to our most recent game, Gurren Laggan, in which we were both Town, but our thinking didn't line up like it usually does. That made me think he was scum, so I went with the wagon on him on Day 1.

I like being able to trust T-Block. It's an RVS poke at him for our interaction in our most recent game, not a threat.

I like when we can catch scum together too.

You didn't answer my question in 122 though D=


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
What is this crap. So lost.

Also, community service project starting tomorrow. Out during the weekdays until 4:30PM EST-ish.
What is the purpose of the first line? It's not that much to read, and posts are relatively short and to the point. You clearly didn't put my effort into reading, but you feel the need to post and justify what is presumably future inactivity?

IGMEOY. Please don't make me try to read inactive Tery.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Hate this response to T-Block. Dabuz here just brushes the attack aside. To me, this seems like an attempt to hope no one picks up on it.

I'm curious as to why so many people are reacting to it as a reaching case. What was so wrong with it?
dabuz said:
My response was meant to be silly because it even with the words: "real talk", it still felt RVS. I do actually respond to it in my 95 when i realize he was being serious.
This is a nice point by DH though.

dabuz, read my 74 again. Did you really not realize I was being serious with that post? Is there anything in that post that suggests I'm not being serious?

Dark Horse said:
Then of course, T-Block comes in with saying that "It really wasn't a case, just pointing out some odd stuff." This, to me, seems as if T-Block is backing down to avoid getting further noticed
Eh...look at the bigger picture, DH. From my overall play so far, do you really think I care about avoiding being noticed? =o I'm such an attention *****... that's why I play a supernovice ;)

T-Block, respond to this. This is the second time i've had to quote myself to get a response here.
...I've already responded to all there is to respond to. Your accusation is just... wrong x.x I wasn't at all trying to make it seem stupid to vote me for a contradiction - no clue where you got that from.



Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Dislike kill's latest post.

The first paragraph just seemes to be...writing critique, and a restatement, with an ending fos that you didn't explain

Then your defense of dabuz...it seems as though you're playing to his habits, a not using anything in te game

Then you list two actions that you think were null. Why list them?

Overall, it's a really stanceless post, as the only reads brought are t-block (FoS tacked on with no explanation), and dabuz (actually, not really, just seems to
Say how dabuz wasn't conscious, says something needs looking at, and two nulls
I like Dark Horse this game =o That's weird...

This post is basically exactly what I thought when I read KS's post.

One question though - what do you mean by saying their defense of dabuz uses his habits, rather than actions? They haven't played with dabuz before IIRC, and I'm not seeing how they were using habits in the first place.

I believe that the above paragraph you wrote is disorganized as you attempt to mangle two separate lines of reasoning into one. First of all, dabuz asks if he can vote DH for having a scummy name. However in the following post he votes for Raziek and never does vote for DH. Second, you point out his lack of a vote until other people decide to start voting. (minor fos wrt T-Block)
You do realize you just restated my post, with no accompanying analysis, right? I'm not sure you're sincere in thinking it's forced - it comes after DH confronts you about it, and it's based on how you feel about my posting style, when you've never played with me before.

I don't think that dabuz was self-conscious in his first two posts. He ended up voting for Raziek when he asked to vote for Dark Horse. The discrepancy between these two posts seem that dabuz is not concerned with consistency and therefore wasn't very self-conscious during his conduct in RVS. I do believe that his response in #95 is important to take a glimpse at:

dabuz seems concerned about T-Block waiting. (null wrt dabuz)

Justification for RVS merits point of interest to gauge & compare future behavior in this game. (null wrt dabuz atm)
Why do you go through the trouble of specifically outlining that his 95 is important to look at, and then restate his post without analyzing motivation and then call it null? How is this post important to note then? Do you think it could be useful in the future? I don't see how it would. Why are you trying to fake content?

dabuz's warning that he would not be able to respond shows that he is afraid of being pressured for not responding, suggesting he is very concerned with how others view him. Agree/disagree?


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Killstic, why did you FoS T-Block in 163 but still call him null in 166? Like, if you're gonna FoS someone that usually means you think they're scummy or suspicious or something but instead you're fosing him while keeping him as a null read. Doesn't make sense to me.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
You do realize you just restated my post, with no accompanying analysis, right? I'm not sure you're sincere in thinking it's forced - it comes after DH confronts you about it, and it's based on how you feel about my posting style, when you've never played with me before.
My impression of the post was that it was forced. I admit that I don't know you extensively to use as a comparison, however I didn't know that it was something that required meta in order to make a decision. My thoughts on it came in the first paragraph of #163 even though I didn't describe it as "forced." Rather that was my impression and the reason why I thought the paragraph struck me as being somewhat scummy.

Killstic, why did you FoS T-Block in 163 but still call him null in 166? Like, if you're gonna FoS someone that usually means you think they're scummy or suspicious or something but instead you're fosing him while keeping him as a null read. Doesn't make sense to me.
I thought that his post was kind of scummy. Ugh I saw someone mark posts like that in mafiascum and thought I might try the same thing. Bad idea. I found that post in particular to be questionable, but I still haven't found T-block to do anything that pushes him down to scum.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
On top of that, I believe your other head thinks I'm scum, right KS? Have you had the chance to talk to him yet?
I have talked to him. I want to address the intent behind the underlined portion of #133. Aside from the initial supernovice jokes with Ryker, it seemed like you were being fairly serious throughout your dialogue with other people. Then comes #133 which seems somewhat out of character given the nature of previous posts.

T-block said:
I would understand if you guys wanted to vote me for that. Are you going to vote me for the contradiction now then? I mean... what if I had mafia powers =o


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Dark Horse, its nice that you can analysis all these posts and asks a lot of questions, but can you actually get any information and or results from what you're doing? It really looks like you asks a lot of questions that don't have a purpose.
As opposed to you, who has done...what?

Is there a reason you felt the need to clarify when JTB just quoted the part of the op stating that jesters weren't in this game?
This is really the closest you've come to doing anything this game... can you actually get any information and or results from this?

JTB's post made it seem like he was calling me out on pretending to be a jester, so I said I never had any intention of doing so.



Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
T-block I don't see the afraid Dabuz RVS case you're trying to make. If it comes across as being a major part of your fos on him, then I'm not going to agree with that premise. As for your intent wrt #133 I really want to know what you were thinking when you decided to write that.

Dabuz I see you watching, do you think that T-block has addressed your statements? Y|N


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
I would understand if you guys wanted to vote me for that. Are you going to vote me for the contradiction now then? I mean... what if I had mafia powers =o
OK, T-Block, im tired of you avoiding the questions in relation to this post, i am restating them

Also, just so you understand i want a good response instead of

"...I've already responded to all there is to respond to. Your accusation is just... wrong x.x I wasn't at all trying to make it seem stupid to vote me for a contradiction - no clue where you got that from."

The wording of that post quite plainly makes it seem like your implying its stupid to vote you for a contradiction, which was based off. At the same time, that contradiction came from a counter-response to you voting me based off a RVS.

Secondly, you have completely avoided responding to me asking why you were threatening with having mafia powers.

I am agreement with Dark Horse saying that it looks like you are tryign to back down to avoid getting noticed

Overall, dabuz, as ive seen townies back down before, and could just be an idiot tell, while dabuz's post seemed to be just trying to shrugg it off, which is anti-town.
But, i did not shrug it off once i realized it was actually a serious question, which you see if you look at my 95 and onward posts.


I like when we can catch scum together too.

You didn't answer my question in 122 though D=
What is the purpose of the first line? It's not that much to read, and posts are relatively short and to the point. You clearly didn't put my effort into reading, but you feel the need to post and justify what is presumably future inactivity?

IGMEOY. Please don't make me try to read inactive Tery.
I like Dark Horse this game =o That's weird...

This post is basically exactly what I thought when I read KS's post.
Then how come you did not say your opinions before Dark Horse posted that? It seems like here you are trying to coat tail Dark Horse because he makes a solid post.

dabuz's warning that he would not be able to respond shows that he is afraid of being pressured for not responding, suggesting he is very concerned with how others view him. Agree/disagree?
T-Block, this is assuming things. I said that because it was obvious the thread was very active at the time, and although i was there and posted, i was also multi-tasking with something else (actually a wifi-tourney). I figured since you posted a couple minutes before me, considering the thread's activeness, you would respond to me soon, its fair to let you know i won't be able to respond right away. You are reaching far with this analysis.

@Dark Horse: Reading your posts, it looks like you question the posts of others a lot, but do not give much analysis yourself and have yet to take a stance. What are your stances?



Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Also, no, i do not think T-Block addressed my statements.

Vote: T-Block

I forgot to put this vote in my 184 during my first response. I WANT A STATEMENT

BTW, whats with

/dori dori



Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
@Killstic: Why did you thank GLG in post 171?

My impression of the post was that it was forced. I admit that I don't know you extensively to use as a comparison, however I didn't know that it was something that required meta in order to make a decision. My thoughts on it came in the first paragraph of #163 even though I didn't describe it as "forced." Rather that was my impression and the reason why I thought the paragraph struck me as being somewhat scummy.
It doesn't require meta if you can explain it properly. I see your explanation in 171, but I don't see how you arrive at the conclusion of "forced" from that. Asking questions like that has always been a part of my style. I don't see any criticism for lack of clarity in 163, and I don't see how my reasoning was scattered at all. This is what's making me think your saying my post was forced is forced.

I have talked to him. I want to address the intent behind the underlined portion of #133. Aside from the initial supernovice jokes with Ryker, it seemed like you were being fairly serious throughout your dialogue with other people. Then comes #133 which seems somewhat out of character given the nature of previous posts.
So... your other head thinks I'm null as well?

Why are we so hung up on 133? It's not pro-town for me to elaborate.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Yuck, a lot of other posts too.

I'll come back tomorrow.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Oh dabuz... stop making me doubt my town read on you, because I'm actually quite confident in it at the moment, and I like that.

You are twisting things all around to have something to accuse me for:

OK, T-Block, im tired of you avoiding the questions in relation to this post, i am restating them

Also, just so you understand i want a good response instead of

"...I've already responded to all there is to respond to. Your accusation is just... wrong x.x I wasn't at all trying to make it seem stupid to vote me for a contradiction - no clue where you got that from."

The wording of that post quite plainly makes it seem like your implying its stupid to vote you for a contradiction, which was based off. At the same time, that contradiction came from a counter-response to you voting me based off a RVS.
It does not suggest that I am implying it's stupid to vote me at all. Look at post 153. Does your point still hold?

Secondly, you have completely avoided responding to me asking why you were threatening with having mafia powers.
Indeed I have =)

I am agreement with Dark Horse saying that it looks like you are tryign to back down to avoid getting noticed
I'm not doing a very good job of not getting noticed then, am I? I'd like to think I'd be able to fly under the radar much better than this if I wanted to.

But, i did not shrug it off once i realized it was actually a serious question, which you see if you look at my 95 and onward posts.
I'm still kinda curious as to why you didn't think my initial post was serious though. Was there anything in it that hinted that I was joking?

Then how come you did not say your opinions before Dark Horse posted that? It seems like here you are trying to coat tail Dark Horse because he makes a solid post.
Umm... because DH happened to respond before I did? I can't be around this thread 24/7 to respond immediately to everything. You're just looking at everything I say now and are trying to make something out of everything.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Actually, I lied. I skimmed this page and wanted to address this.

Why are we so hung up on 133? It's not pro-town for me to elaborate.

Then why the hell would you even bring it up? All you have done now is spread WIFOM all over your 133. What are your intentions behind that? What does that do to help us find scum?

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
One question though - what do you mean by saying their defense of dabuz uses his habits, rather than actions? They haven't played with dabuz before IIRC, and I'm not seeing how they were using habits in the first place.
Their mention how they "Don't think Dabuz was right in the head for the first two posts, which is something the directly affects dabuz, rather than the game. ?

Dark Horse, its nice that you can analysis all these posts and asks a lot of questions, but can you actually get any information and or results from what you're doing? It really looks like you asks a lot of questions that don't have a purpose.
GLG, most, if not all, of my questions have and underlying tone to them. When I asked kill to elaborate, I was also implying that I didn't like how kill is just calling it forced, without explanation.

Technically, most of my questions are actually attacks in question form.


So far:

YOu & JTB: Null leaning scum
T-Block: A ****ing rollercoaster
Kill: Scum.

I don't see the AtE behind explaining why it's a null tell.
It's the way you're like "It's a null tell, and it's stupid to consider it." How you used stupid, which implies you're angry.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Or, maybe I mean it's just stupid to use it as a scumtell.



Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
@Ryker: It's anti-town to lynch town's Supernovice. Why would you do that? D=


@JTB: Things can be pro-town without directly helping to find scum.

@Dark Horse: It's not AtE. You can call something stupid without being angry... I do it all the time.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Is Washed Laundry in this game in the Killstic hydra? I got to like the middle of the second page and hes posted more than half of the cast (Not saying that its a bad thing. Saying that its confusing if hes not in the game ._.'!)

Other than that I'm reading now!

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