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Ragnarok Mafia - Game over!


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
I thought that his post was kind of scummy. Ugh I saw someone mark posts like that in mafiascum and thought I might try the same thing. Bad idea. I found that post in particular to be questionable, but I still haven't found T-block to do anything that pushes him down to scum.
Man, you are all over the place =o

@Killstic: If you had to lynch someone right now, would it be me? If a "kind of scummy", "questionable" post isn't enough to move me from null, do you think you're going to have a strong scumread by the end of Day 1?


@Gova: Thoughts on Killstic so far? I'm asking you because you co-modded Newbie XIII. From what I've read of endgame, Acrostic was obvtown as scum, and likely would have won if he had claimed VT instead of a PR. What made him obvtown in that game, and are you seeing those qualities here? Was he on the forefront a lot?


@Dark Horse: Can you elaborate on your GLG leaning scum read?



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky

1. Ryker:
#71 - Ughhhh I should have looked at the player list before I signed up for this.
2. Gova:
#118 - Don't like the last sentence. Set up speculation ohhh nooo! Other than that I think you're pretty townie.
3. T-block:
#38 - Voting yourself for RVS? Ehhhh.
#68 - Really don't like this. >_>
#74 - I like you more for this post. Seems like you're the only one taking us out of RVS, plus your accusation makes sense to me.
#88 - Don't like you calling JTB out for that. Its like you're trying to put pressure on him for commenting instead of questioning, which is what he would do if he either didn't have a read himself, agree'd with you, or just wanted to see what would play out (which he said he did).
4. Raziek:
#93 - Looks like you're trying to fish for meta. :/.
#98 - ...Right after JTB said it as well. I don't see how Dabuz is playing the newb card. Do you mean in his 95? I don't see that as him playing the newb card but as him saying why hes taking this RVS as more of a joke.
#102 - I see what you were going for now... and I still don't like it. Trying to figure out if he's a noob for any faction is stupid since 1) he's in a hydra and 2) there is no way that it would help us since he's played enough games to know what scum should and shouldn't do even if he was town in all of those games.
#104 - Here is why I don't like 103 + the fact that bringing it up so randomly and early doesn't really make anything look better ._.
5. Seikend:
6. Armor:
#115 - Liking Armor's response to pressure on him!
7. dabuz:
#76 - REALLY don't like this vote for obvious reasons. Even for RVS... it still looks really bad.
#113/114 - What? Is that in response to Killstic claiming town? Where is the "I'm really new" coming from? That makes me think you're talking about Armor or yourself, both of which I don't see this making sense for. Either you're accusing a hydra for more than they deserve or you're accusing Armor for something he didn't do. Which is it... or is it something else?
#121 - Now I'm really confused >_>'!
8. giraffelasergun:
9. Killstic:
#103 - Ewwwwww. Don't like D:! Look at my response to Raziek's number 104 if you want reasons why.
#110 - I think I know where my vote is going unless someone else looks worse. Unless the question at the end is going somewhere cool... I think you're going to be my vote.
#111 - I don't see how he was assuming there was an indy faction instead of saying that an indy claim would be possible.
#117 - Gova has a good point about the first question that I didn't pick up. You're misunderstanding Armor lol. Totally saying that if someone didn't claim town, then they would claim indy, since claiming scum is obviously the worst idea ever.
10. Dark Horse:
11. Terywj:
13. JTB:
#91 - Makes sense and I like you for this, but I still don't think T-block is scummy for what he said.

This is what I have so far if you're interested, but this will also be in the next post I have.


#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
T, what are you talking about with my glg null-scum?

I havent mentioned anything about glg being null-leaning-scum that I remember.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Oh I see. I missed that you switched to talking to dabuz >_<


Still interested in hearing why you have dabuz leaning scum though.

@Raziek: What is your stance on dabuz at the moment? If it's town, don't give reasoning.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Real slick on my part.

Glg really hasn't done much this game. Can anyone name things that he's done?

Meanwhile, he then asks me why I'm just analyzing stuff, and not getting any reads.

It's being kind of hypocritical, as he's telling me I'm not getting anything, yet he hasn't done anything.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Double slick.

Though he could be, he isn't as bad, as dabuz and JTB.

That's why I didn't mention him with dabu and JTB.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky

1. Ryker:
#71 - Ughhhh I should have looked at the player list before I signed up for this.
2. Gova:
#118 - Don't like the last sentence. Set up speculation ohhh nooo! Other than that I think you're pretty townie.
#131 - Like this as well. Don't see how Raziek fits into this but I still like this as a whole.
#132 - I don't see how T-blocks latest reasoning for Dabuz matches with T-block's self vote and Raziek's WL vote. Someone explain this please? ._.
#156 - This looks good as well.
#177 - Liking gova more based on this find.
3. T-block:
#38 - Voting yourself for RVS? Ehhhh.
#68 - Really don't like this. >_>
#74 - I like you more for this post. Seems like you're the only one taking us out of RVS, plus your accusation makes sense to me.
#88 - Don't like you calling JTB out for that. Its like you're trying to put pressure on him for commenting instead of questioning, which is what he would do if he either didn't have a read himself, agree'd with you, or just wanted to see what would play out (which he said he did).
#122 - Basically makes me feel that you're complete town. Completely agree with this, and to me it makes it impossible to see this as reaching anymore.
#133 - :|. And I thought you were townie. May need to re-think about you, but this one post isn't bringing you to my scum list or anything.
#141 - Don't like this. First question looks bad. Second statement doesn't give enough reasoning to make us believe what you're saying. You went out of your way to say you might have mafia powers, so it could look like that you're wanting to vote yourself. Still don't know why you said that ._.!
#150 - Why are you doing this doridori thing all of a sudden? I like the rest of 150 though.
#155 - Really like this. Shows exactly how I felt about the situation XD!
#174 - This makes me feel better about you if you take out the second response. Don't like response to second Dark Horse quote... but I do agree that you've shown that you don't care about being noticed.
#175 - Liking this as well. Starting to think the same about you that I did before 133.
#182 - I really like your GLG call out. Its very well fitting and deserved.
4. Raziek:
#93 - Looks like you're trying to fish for meta. :/.
#98 - ...Right after JTB said it as well. I don't see how Dabuz is playing the newb card. Do you mean in his 95? I don't see that as him playing the newb card but as him saying why hes taking this RVS as more of a joke.
#102 - I see what you were going for now... and I still don't like it. Trying to figure out if he's a noob for any faction is stupid since 1) he's in a hydra and 2) there is no way that it would help us since he's played enough games to know what scum should and shouldn't do even if he was town in all of those games.
#104 - Here is why I don't like 103 + the fact that bringing it up so randomly and early doesn't really make anything look better ._.
5. Seikend:
6. Armor:
#115 - Liking Armor's response to pressure on him!
#146 - I don't see how T-block's stuff on Dabuz could be a joke. It could be searching for reactions sure, but not a joke. Of course you stated that it could be trying to get reactions as well so XD!
7. dabuz:
#76 - REALLY don't like this vote for obvious reasons. Even for RVS... it still looks really bad.
#113/114 - What? Is that in response to Killstic claiming town? Where is the "I'm really new" coming from? That makes me think you're talking about Armor or yourself, both of which I don't see this making sense for. Either you're accusing a hydra for more than they deserve or you're accusing Armor for something he didn't do. Which is it... or is it something else?
#121 - Now I'm really confused >_>'! Please explain what you mean in 113/114 whenever possible please! Also, I don't see how he used RVS to put a pressure question on you. Please point to where he did? It also seems like you're trying to play it WAY too safe. "I don't like he did and its scummy, but it looks like his style, so hes null. I'm gonna watch him though!" :/.
#126 - Seems that you're trying to use AtE to be more convincing that your post was purely humor and nothing else. Thats just my opinion though.
#138 - What? He asks if they're going to vote him and says he would understand if they voted him. How is that defending himself at all? You're accusing him for false information. Asking if they're going to vote him for his "contradiction" = defending himself? Please go into depth about this. While I like JTB/Gova's accusations on T-block... yours looks like garbage. Half of your accusation is false, and the other half is not legit at all. As soon as I saw the word "might" it was obvious that you have no power behind your accusation what so ever.
#139 - After reading this I realized I may just be misunderstanding you due to poor grammar or something. Please explain your last line >_>.
#160 - Noted that T-block isn't responding to your question ._.! Like this post as a whole. Edit: Nevermind. He did respond earlier. It was just small. Went from liking this post to hating it because of that.
#184 - As soon as you said "avoiding the questions" I stoped caring about this post lol. Look at 141 and 153 (Just because he doesn't put an @Dabuz doesn't mean that he didn't answer the question at hand). He answered the question there. It was short and all, but he still answered. Hes not avoiding anything. Plus he answered again. Just because its not what you want doesn't mean hes avoiding anything. You're making a case on him because hes not giving you what you want, but you're playing it off as a case because hes not giving you anything.
#186 - REALLY dislike this. He answered your questions. Yet you're saying "I don't think he has :D!" which makes it seem like you're trying to justify your vote through BS reasoning. Plus its the whole calling him out for avoiding things because its not the response you want. Yeah you're scummy lol.
8. giraffelasergun:
#125 - Don't like your first sentence at all. Just because you would have done it doesn't mean that Dabuz wouldn't have, which makes it look like you're defending Dabuz or trying to call out T-block based on stuff you would/wouldn't do. Second sentence looks a bit better, but it doesn't make me think you're townie at all.
#145 - I feel like you're just jumping on the weakest stuff possible at this point. Any reasons why you didn't comment on T-block vs World or anything along those lines over him saying hes not a jester? >_>.
#170 - What? I think he's getting a lot out of the questions that hes asking ._.'! This looks like an attempt to defend Kill at this point.
9. Killstic:
#103 - Ewwwwww. Don't like D:! Look at my response to Raziek's number 104 if you want reasons why.
#110 - I think I know where my vote is going unless someone else looks worse. Unless the question at the end is going somewhere cool... I think you're going to be my vote.
#111 - I don't see how he was assuming there was an indy faction instead of saying that an indy claim would be possible.
#117 - Gova has a good point about the first question that I didn't pick up. You're misunderstanding Armor lol. Totally saying that if someone didn't claim town, then they would claim indy, since claiming scum is obviously the worst idea ever.
#128 - Don't like first sentence and FoS. You're trying to make T-block look scummy for asking a question about you that could make you look bad. Second sentence looks worse than the first, since you're defending yourself through saying its a joke even though we were out of RVS by like 20-30 posts >_>.
#144 - Yes it can. You're looking for a way to jump on the wagon without looking suspicious at this point. Your (not you specifically, you as in anyone) responces in things can be changed based on what others say about the situation. Thats polluting the answer. Your call out on him is weak and your vote is weaker. You're also probably scum.
#163 - What? The first paragraph of yours looks so bad. Combining two seperate lines of reasoning into one? They're both reasons for having him as suspicious so theres no reason to keep them seperate. >_>. Second paragraph is garbage since Dabuz already said he was trying to have more fun since hes new here. It looks like you're trying to defend Dabuz through assuming things.
#166 - So since you were called out you're changing what its about completely. Okay. Asking for others opinions = forced? Don't like it at all. Didn't your slot FoS/Vote T-Block earlier? What brought him from FoS/Vote worthy to null?
#171 - Don't like this at all. Being irked due to ending an explanation in a question? No thank you! Asking how others feel about it = bad thing? No thank you! I don't see how its inappropriate or how his explanation is scattered. You're using things only you can stand behind to call him out. Do not like! "I don't think that Dabuz was being afraid/self conscious" is kinda supporting dabuz, since his accusations were everywhere, and him not being scared/self-confident would defend against that perfectly. Really looks like an attempt to defend Dabuz. Don't like the "future reference" line, either.
#179 - First paragraph combined with 163 and having T-block as a null makes me beleive that you're trying trying really hard to paint him as scum. REALLY don't like this at all. Your response to fake content is something I can see and I agree with. Same with third.
#181 - Don't agree with this, but I won't call you scummy for thinking like this at all. But you didn't answer his question ._.
10. Dark Horse:
#159 - Bleck. Gross. Awful. I'll respond to things in order.
@ Raziek's post: Because it was the 3rd/4th post in the game? Lol.
@ Dabuz vs T-block: This was awful RVS. You're not going to get anywhere by calling out people for RVS.
@ People calling it reaching: Because he was voting Dabuz for something in RVS
@ It being a case: Saying "this looks scummy!" with reasoning isn't a case. Thats explaining why something looks scummy. I can see it not being a case.
@ AtE: What? There isn't any in that post at all.
#165 - Makes me feel a little bit better about Dark Horse. I like everything he said and I agree with him fully.
#168 - Shows how I feel about Kill's post very well. Responces two the first two quotes are great. Don't like the responses to the third quote. Makes me feel that you're reaching for something. Don't like the end, since personal attacks make your accusation against him WAY weaker, since now I believe its a personality/play distaste instead of actually thinking they're scummy.
11. Terywj:
13. JTB:
#91 - Makes sense and I like you for this, but I still don't think T-block is scummy for what he said.
#130 - Shows what I know/think about. Really like this. However, I don't see how his reasoning and voting patterns match up with his self vote, which is what hes calling Dabuz out on. While he voted himself early on, his later votes and posts show that he wouldn't really do that and he is seriously playing. Dabuz's votes after his dark horse statement showed that he would have voted for Dark Horse because of his name, but for some reason he didn't. Thats what I got out of it anyways.
#142 - Like this answer as well! Agree'ing with the fact that you couldn't know the answer to this at all.
#146 - Agreeing with second part. Liking first part. If Killstic believes in what he said about T-block, then he should have jumped on this before my re-read is over.
#149 - Can I lynch you for this? :v

I can't take anymore LOL. It gets my general ideas across and everything else said doesn't change my opinions on people much at all.

Scum list:


Vig list:




KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Oh! I wanted to say something at T-block that I didn't get to:

Tery is just being Tery with his away statement. I've seen him do that as scum, town, and through aim during our hydra conversations. Don't think hes scummy for that because it won't get you anywhere. Not trying to be the guy that ruins things through meta but yeeeah.



Smash Rookie
Jul 21, 2011
What's vig?

Not much contribution on my part, but I agree with Joey on GLG and kill, though I think dabuz's actions aren't necessarily scummy. Early on he seemed to overreact to T-block's pressure. Maybe it was just emotional, or maybe it WAS a scumtell, but I don't think I'll be reading into it further unless i have more evidence to believe dabuz is scum.


Smash Rookie
Jul 21, 2011
Oh crap, I'm gonna run out of sp!


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
@Gova: Thoughts on Killstic so far? I'm asking you because you co-modded Newbie XIII. From what I've read of endgame, Acrostic was obvtown as scum, and likely would have won if he had claimed VT instead of a PR. What made him obvtown in that game, and are you seeing those qualities here? Was he on the forefront a lot?
Don't like him. This is mostly because of his FoS on you but still having you at null. Obvtown wouldn't be my choice of words but I guess I'm biased since I was the co-mod. Replacing in probably had a lot to do with his townie appearance. He also hard bussed his scum mate as soon as he came into the game. His play generally consisted of bussing his scummate and pushing a townie lynch at the same time and then pretending to second guess himself, go back and re-read and then rehash the same reasoning for a lynch as before. He was definitely the most active poster I think. It was either him or Kuz.

#132 - I don't see how T-blocks latest reasoning for Dabuz matches with T-block's self vote and Raziek's WL vote. Someone explain this please? ._.
Ok, see T-Block called out Dabuz for being afraid to vote/not sticking his neck out and T-Block and Raziek were essentially doing the same thing just in different ways. T-Blocks self vote did nothing and Raziek voting the mods did nothing and Dabuz not voting anyone did nothing. Do you understand now?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
People that I would like the Vig to kill. Note that both lists are in order from who I think is most scummy/should be killed to least scummy/shouldn't be killed. If they're not on vig list, then I don't see why a Vig would kill them unless the vig really thinks they're scum (but even then inactives would probably be a better vig kill).



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Gova I'll respond later. Band time.

Wow I worded my previous post poorly. The vig list is a list of people I would like the vig to kill from the ones I want the most to the ones I want the least.



Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
@Joey: Thanks for the catchup post. You seem to have a bit of a contradiction between your stances on my initial push on dabuz though. When you comment on my 74 you say you agree with the accusation, but when you comment on DH's 159 you seem to disagree with it - explain? Also, why did you feel the need to post a vig list so early in the game?

@Gova: Cool. Have you ever played with him as town?


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
In YT mafia but that was a long time ago and he barely posted at all. He got vigged N1 for being useless or he was killed by the SK since he was a safe kill. Don't remember which one off the top of my head.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
T-Block: No: its just that glg hasn't been as summy as dabuz an JTB.

What do you mean by "not confidnent?"

Joey: why are you using rvs as a cover for everything? You seem to dismiss my post asawful simply because all of the actions took place in rvs.

Would you do something like dabuz did in rvs?

Also, that last line when I was dissecting kill was more of a joke, not part of the attack.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
@JTB: T-Block's play strikes me as null. His behavior shifts though in RVS from #68 to #74 in which he goes from joking to serious is uncanny. Want an answer to his statement in #133 which he is not answering at the moment. What are your thoughts on T-Block's #134?
His #134 is null to me.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
JTB's post made it seem like he was calling me out on pretending to be a jester, so I said I never had any intention of doing so.

I was calling you out for playing scummy, not being a jester :|


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Ugh, going through Joeys two posts is going to take a while.

DH is lulz.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
@Killstic: Why did you thank GLG in post 171?
At the end of #171 I found some of DH's questions (#168) to be unnecessary and seemed to be rather rhetorical (I was tempted to ignore them). How DH arrives at this within the following two responses written escapes me:

Man, you are all over the place =o @Killstic: If you had to lynch someone right now, would it be me? If a "kind of scummy", "questionable" post isn't enough to move me from null, do you think you're going to have a strong scumread by the end of Day 1?
To clarify, I disliked the post and wanted to question you about it. I designated my dislike with a "minor fos" which brought up misunderstanding. The vote was placed in order to apply pressure to see what tells we could get form your reaction. If it came down to a lynch, I would not want to lynch you. If I can't form reads then I usually drop it and move on to something else. However, I really wanted to get some response from you wrt #133 as mentioned previously. If you insist that it is anti-town to continue then I will stop as I don't have you as a scum read and it seems like something you wish to explain at a later time.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
In YT mafia but that was a long time ago and he barely posted at all. He got vigged N1 for being useless or he was killed by the SK since he was a safe kill. Don't remember which one off the top of my head.
I was atrocious in that game. Getting killed N1 as town, helped town immensely.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009

Vote Count
T-block[4]: Ryker, JTB, Killstic, dabuz
dabuz[1]: Gova,
Armor[1]: Terywj,
Ryker[1]: GLG,

WashedLaundry[<3]: Raziek You show great dedication to her :embarrass:!
Not Voting: Armor, Dark Horse, JO_OEY, Seikend,

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline is set for Monday, 8/15 at 11:59 PM EST.

Doridori Count: 29!!!
/dori dori
/dori dori is an invalid command! Were you looking for /doridori?



Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
Unvote: T-block

At this point, I don't believe that the difference between L-4 or L-3 will really prompt a dramatic change in behavior. I do want you to elaborate more on your town read with respect to dabuz wrt to your confidence in #191:

T-block said:
Yeah, dabuz is town btw... 95% sure.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
I'm not voting kill?

Vote: Killstic

On the subject of Killstic:

I was explaining that the statements were issued from my point of view. DH's following questions were with respect to other people having a different interpretation, which I never said couldn't|shouldn't happen.
In that case, why point them out in the first place for everyone?


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
So why does that lead you to thanking GLG? You made no mention of DH's questions being pointless before that. That reads to me as being glad that someone is helping to alleviate the pressure on you.

Werekill explicitly stated he had no read on me?

I promise I'll elaborate on my dabuz read at the end of the Day. Hold me to it.




Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
I reviewed DH's posts to address points that he found particularly scummy, but I couldn't really find a case presented. What I have noticed on a quick re-read is that there is a significant focus around T-block:

Dislike on Raziek's scum joke wrt T-block. Hates dabuz wrt brushing aside T-block's comment. States that T-block is backing down to avoid attention. Dislike how JTB is using AtE wrt T-block. Dabuz is shrugging off T-block which is anti-town. Dislikes Kill's critique of T-block, defense of dabuz, points out that there is a fos on T-block. Further question wrt T-block and dabuz. Dedicates separate post restating fos on T-block. Lists dabuz and JTB as null leaning scum|lists kill as scum|T-block "rollercoaster" ???. Hasn't mentioned GLG in his previous posts. GLG is hypocritical. Fos again on dabuz and JTB. Vote on Killstic.

Of interest is that DH is concerned about T-block going under the radar. However he approaches this by fosing people who were on T-block's wagon. If DH was concerned about T-block going under the radar, then why would he fos the people who were trying to put pressure on him, especially when I was focusing on getting an explanation for T-block's #133? It is possible that DH is distancing and trying to not make this look like a blatant chain-saw defense. One more thing of interest is that he drops Raziek from his list despite noting that he disliked his post in RVS wrt T-block. Not much justification has been given behind his fos on JTB and his read on T-block is "rollercoaster."

FoS Dark Horse.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
T-block said:
So why does that lead you to thanking GLG? You made no mention of DH's questions being pointless before that. That reads to me as being glad that someone is helping to alleviate the pressure on you.
I used elipses followed by a No in one of my responses. "... No" should give you the impression that at the very least I'm not getting a thrill from answering his end questions.

I was glad that GLG pointed out that some of his questions were pointless, because I was afraid that no one else would notice. I don't remember how I felt about answering DH's questions, but I do know that I was thanking GLG because the questions at the end were getting trivial.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
@Raziek: What do you think of Killstic's eagerness to offer self-meta here?
Sorry I missed that.

It's null. I asked him, and he provided me information. Whether it's terribly true or not could go either way, but if I really want to read into his meta (fairly unlikely), I'll just read one of the games they've been in.

I moreso asked simply to see if they were new or not, as I didn't know it was a hydra, and both of the players IN said hydra are relatively unknown to me, aside from knowing Werekill from the BlazBlue thread.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
@JO_OEY: I tried to address all your points. If you have any other questions go ahead and ask.

JOEY said:
#104 - Here is why I don't like 103 + the fact that bringing it up so randomly and early doesn't really make anything look better ._. #103 - Ewwwwww. Don't like D:! Look at my response to Raziek's number 104 if you want reasons why.
You don't give me a reason why in Raziek's #104... I was trying to reaction test Raziek to see how he would respond. I know it is not conventional to do it this way in forum mafia, but I usually would do this in EM (Epicmafia) to try to gauage a reaction.

J said:
#110 - I think I know where my vote is going unless someone else looks worse. Unless the question at the end is going somewhere cool... I think you're going to be my vote.
Can you elaborate on this? I admit that my initial statements were non-conventional but simply going "eww gross cringe" is not a justification for why you are committing to an action.

J said:
#111 - I don't see how he was assuming there was an indy faction instead of saying that an indy claim would be possible.
I assumed that indie claim = they are indie = there is an indie faction.

J said:
#117 - Gova has a good point about the first question that I didn't pick up. You're misunderstanding Armor lol. Totally saying that if someone didn't claim town, then they would claim indy, since claiming scum is obviously the worst idea ever.
This wasn't transparent to me. I assumed that he was stating that scum would claim indie and I explained it as such.

J said:
#128 - Don't like first sentence and FoS. You're trying to make T-block look scummy for asking a question about you that could make you look bad. Second sentence looks worse than the first, since you're defending yourself through saying its a joke even though we were out of RVS by like 20-30 posts >_>.
Werekill wanted to apply pressure on T-block because he wanted to get a read. I assume he wanted to see what would happen with a wagon on T-block. I'll ask him on quicktopic|msn what he was thinking wrt to this post.

J said:
#144 - Yes it can. You're looking for a way to jump on the wagon without looking suspicious at this point. Your (not you specifically, you as in anyone) responces in things can be changed based on what others say about the situation. Thats polluting the answer. Your call out on him is weak and your vote is weaker. You're also probably scum.
That was Werekill again trying to apply pressure. The reason for the vote was weak (Acrostic admitting to this) as it was to apply pressure to T-block and try to get reads. If we went in with the vote, i.e. T-block we're going to vote you now to apply pressure to you then that would be "polluting the answer." I admit that my partners reasons for entering the vote were weak, but it was because he thought it would help him drive T-block into giving better responses. I believe that if you have doubt it is justified, but that is the reason|play-style my partner went with (Acrostic).

J said:
#163 - What? The first paragraph of yours looks so bad. Combining two seperate lines of reasoning into one? They're both reasons for having him as suspicious so theres no reason to keep them seperate. >_>. Second paragraph is garbage since Dabuz already said he was trying to have more fun since hes new here. It looks like you're trying to defend Dabuz through assuming things.
I think that T-block's assumption of Dabuz being afraid was wrong. I didn't respond to the post intending to defend Dabuz, I just re-read T-block's point and disagreed with it on re-read.

J said:
#166 - So since you were called out you're changing what its about completely. Okay. Asking for others opinions = forced? Don't like it at all. Didn't your slot FoS/Vote T-Block earlier? What brought him from FoS/Vote worthy to null?
No, not really. It's HOW he asked it, not what he stated. Explained this previously.

J said:
#171 - Don't like this at all. Being irked due to ending an explanation in a question? No thank you! Asking how others feel about it = bad thing? No thank you! I don't see how its inappropriate or how his explanation is scattered. You're using things only you can stand behind to call him out. Do not like! "I don't think that Dabuz was being afraid/self conscious" is kinda supporting dabuz, since his accusations were everywhere, and him not being scared/self-confident would defend against that perfectly. Really looks like an attempt to defend Dabuz. Don't like the "future reference" line, either.
If you believe that I am defending dabuz, then how is this scummy. In addition, do you agree with T-block's analysis on dabuz which is why you are suspicious of me. If you don't agree with my analysis on the post then that is fine. It was something that I disliked and I wanted to bring up with T-block.

J said:
#179 - First paragraph combined with 163 and having T-block as a null makes me beleive that you're trying trying really hard to paint him as scum. REALLY don't like this at all. Your response to fake content is something I can see and I agree with. Same with third.
Null =/= Scum. And I wasn't trying to fake content.

J said:
#181 - Don't agree with this, but I won't call you scummy for thinking like this at all. But you didn't answer his question ._.
I didn't answer it because it would affect his response. I addressed it in #227 once I decided that pressure voting wasn't going to go anywhere.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
@Raziek: What is your stance on dabuz at the moment? If it's town, don't give reasoning.
Slight Town lean at this time. I don't consider myself terribly amazing at reading Dabuz, ongoing game notwithstanding.
4. Raziek:
#93 - Looks like you're trying to fish for meta. :/.
#98 - ...Right after JTB said it as well. I don't see how Dabuz is playing the newb card. Do you mean in his 95? I don't see that as him playing the newb card but as him saying why hes taking this RVS as more of a joke.
#102 - I see what you were going for now... and I still don't like it. Trying to figure out if he's a noob for any faction is stupid since 1) he's in a hydra and 2) there is no way that it would help us since he's played enough games to know what scum should and shouldn't do even if he was town in all of those games.
#104 - Here is why I don't like 103 + the fact that bringing it up so randomly and early doesn't really make anything look better ._.
@93 - "If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles." - Sun Tzu
@98 - Yes, I referred to his 95.
@102 - Both players are new. In addition to that, taking note of cognitive dissonance between hydra heads is a valuable tool.
I reviewed DH's posts to address points that he found particularly scummy, but I couldn't really find a case presented. What I have noticed on a quick re-read is that there is a significant focus around T-block:

Dislike on Raziek's scum joke wrt T-block. Hates dabuz wrt brushing aside T-block's comment. States that T-block is backing down to avoid attention. Dislike how JTB is using AtE wrt T-block. Dabuz is shrugging off T-block which is anti-town. Dislikes Kill's critique of T-block, defense of dabuz, points out that there is a fos on T-block. Further question wrt T-block and dabuz. Dedicates separate post restating fos on T-block. Lists dabuz and JTB as null leaning scum|lists kill as scum|T-block "rollercoaster" ???. Hasn't mentioned GLG in his previous posts. GLG is hypocritical. Fos again on dabuz and JTB. Vote on Killstic.

Of interest is that DH is concerned about T-block going under the radar. However he approaches this by fosing people who were on T-block's wagon. If DH was concerned about T-block going under the radar, then why would he fos the people who were trying to put pressure on him, especially when I was focusing on getting an explanation for T-block's #133? It is possible that DH is distancing and trying to not make this look like a blatant chain-saw defense. One more thing of interest is that he drops Raziek from his list despite noting that he disliked his post in RVS wrt T-block. Not much justification has been given behind his fos on JTB and his read on T-block is "rollercoaster."

FoS Dark Horse.
Your first paragraph is just a summary of DH's play.

Second is a whole lot of WIFOM.

Then you FoS DH instead of simply voting him? Weak.


vote: Killstic


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
Elaborate. If DH is going to point out that T-block is going under the radar, then why is he eager to fos|vote people who are on his wagon. The reason why I put it initially down as a fos is because I want to hear a response from DH before I decide on whether or not it is scummy.
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