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Ragnarok Mafia - Game over!


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
He's not anywhere near hammer.

FoS's are only for when you want to point at something scummy but have your vote on something scummier.

FoS'ing someone nowhere near lynch instead of voting shows reluctance to step on people's toes, which is typically anti-Town.

I don't like it.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
He's not anywhere near hammer.

FoS's are only for when you want to point at something scummy but have your vote on something scummier.

FoS'ing someone nowhere near lynch instead of voting shows reluctance to step on people's toes, which is typically anti-Town.

I don't like it.
Then this vote comes from me putting down a fos on DH rather than a vote on DH. In other words, it is not centered around you disagreeing with my summary of DH's play aside from stating that the second paragraph is wifom without going into critique of the questions I presented in it.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
What is to critique about the second paragraph? Literally all you did was WIFOM about why DH is FoS'ing people on T-Block's wagon. It's absolutely null and added jack diddly.

It's fluff.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Like, I can collapse that ENTIRE post into less than 10 words.

Dark horse did stuff. It might mean something.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
What is to critique about the second paragraph? Literally all you did was WIFOM about why DH is FoS'ing people on T-Block's wagon. It's absolutely null and added jack diddly. It's fluff.
So you believe that DH is fossing people on T-Block's wagon coincidentally? In other words he has individual rationale as to why JTB, dabuz, and me are all scum. He has given weak reasons for dabuz, there are substantial reasons that JO_OEY listed to fos me, however he wrote absolutely nothing wrt JTB. And under these circumstances he doesn't state that T-block is a town tell but marks him as a "rollercoaster." Are you satisfied with DH's explanation behind his foses because I'm not.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
So you believe that DH is fossing people on T-Block's wagon coincidentally? In other words he has individual rationale as to why JTB, dabuz, and me are all scum. He has given weak reasons for dabuz, there are substantial reasons that JO_OEY listed to fos me, however he wrote absolutely nothing wrt JTB. And under these circumstances he doesn't state that T-block is a town tell but marks him as a "rollercoaster." Are you satisfied with DH's explanation behind his foses because I'm not.
DH's motivations for his FoS's are his own. I personally am a little skeptical that he has 4 scum reads this early on Day 1, but I don't necessarily believe that's scummy.

I'm attacking your attack on him, not defending him.

What you have pointed out regarding him does not make him scum. It's fine to ask for further justification on his FoS's and stances, but calling him scum and fluffing the **** out of that mini-case is not gonna fly with me.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
Like, I can collapse that ENTIRE post into less than 10 words.
Darkhorse this game seems to have played by chainsaw'ing T-block. (Again this could be coincidence as most material this game centers around T-block and RVS. The parenthesis is what I wanted to determine for myself after I got a response from DH.)

Raziek said:
Dark horse did stuff. It might mean something.
I never stated that Darkhorse didn't do anything. I literally summarized all of DH's post. I know he did "stuff." Herp derp.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
DH's motivations for his FoS's are his own. I personally am a little skeptical that he has 4 scum reads this early on Day 1, but I don't necessarily believe that's scummy.

I'm attacking your attack on him, not defending him.

What you have pointed out regarding him does not make him scum. It's fine to ask for further justification on his FoS's and stances, but calling him scum and fluffing the **** out of that mini-case is not gonna fly with me.
If your attacking my attack on him, then address the damn points or at least wait until DH comes on to explain his actions for himself. I am curious why you decided to react with a counter-vote wrt my fos on him. Honestly I wanted to hear what he has to say. In addition why are you so concerned about me calling DH scum? He better be a super #1 town read or someone affectionate because I don't see the travesty in questioning someone else's alignment.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I'm concerned about you calling him scum because your justification smells.

All you have is that he's been rather "concise" with his reads, and that he's focused a lot on T-Block.

You're then claiming his voting pattern to be a chainsaw, which this early in the game, is a rather ridiculous claim to make. Would you like to skip a step and claim that I'm chainsawing you for FoS'ing him?

I voted you because your "case" on him is bogus.

I do want to see his reaction to all of this, however.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Of interest is that DH is concerned about T-block going under the radar. However he approaches this by fosing people who were on T-block's wagon. If DH was concerned about T-block going under the radar, then why would he fos the people who were trying to put pressure on him, especially when I was focusing on getting an explanation for T-block's #133? It is possible that DH is distancing and trying to not make this look like a blatant chain-saw defense. One more thing of interest is that he drops Raziek from his list despite noting that he disliked his post in RVS wrt T-block. Not much justification has been given behind his fos on JTB and his read on T-block is "rollercoaster."

FoS Dark Horse.
I'm sorry but where is DH FoS'ing people that are voting T-Block? Is he FoS'ing them because they're voting for T-Block? I'm asking because he can dislike that T-Block is trying to stay under the radar and still dislike the people on wagon becuase of faulty reasoning if he sees it that way. They aren't mutually exclusive.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
I re-read through DH's posts to find out why he thought I was scum. There was nothing clear and concise. During this period I noted that there was a heavy address to the points concerning T-block. Especially wrt your initial RVS statement. Regarding being concise, he's been addressing points that more or less center around T-block exclusively (the caveat being that most of this game has been concerning T-block already). This is my first time noting a chainsaw so if I have taken note of it at an improper time then I apologize. I don't believe you are chainsaw'ing. I took into account the fact that multiple people pertaining to T-block were addressed in DH's fos and that in particular, JTB was fossed without substantial justification. Again I want to see how DH responds. If I was convinced he was scum from this then I would have put down a vote, not a FoS.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Don't like him. This is mostly because of his FoS on you but still having you at null. Obvtown wouldn't be my choice of words but I guess I'm biased since I was the co-mod. Replacing in probably had a lot to do with his townie appearance. He also hard bussed his scum mate as soon as he came into the game. His play generally consisted of bussing his scummate and pushing a townie lynch at the same time and then pretending to second guess himself, go back and re-read and then rehash the same reasoning for a lynch as before. He was definitely the most active poster I think. It was either him or Kuz.

Ok, see T-Block called out Dabuz for being afraid to vote/not sticking his neck out and T-Block and Raziek were essentially doing the same thing just in different ways. T-Blocks self vote did nothing and Raziek voting the mods did nothing and Dabuz not voting anyone did nothing. Do you understand now?
Okay I guess. I still don't really agree with it, but I can kinda see where you're coming from with it. So yes :p

@Joey: Thanks for the catchup post. You seem to have a bit of a contradiction between your stances on my initial push on dabuz though. When you comment on my 74 you say you agree with the accusation, but when you comment on DH's 159 you seem to disagree with it - explain? Also, why did you feel the need to post a vig list so early in the game?
Oh I was talking to DH from a general stand point without using my views on it. I still agree with your earlier push on him. Vig picks just incase I miss something huge during band/sleeping and theres a lynch. Not really possible but it could happen.

Joey: why are you using rvs as a cover for everything? You seem to dismiss my post asawful simply because all of the actions took place in rvs.

Would you do something like dabuz did in rvs?

Also, that last line when I was dissecting kill was more of a joke, not part of the attack.
People act dumb in RVS as scum or town. I wouldn't do the exact thing Dabuz did in RVS but I'm pretty dumb so I would do dumb things in RVS too XD! The fact that most of it was targeting RVS things made it bad since we wouldn't get too much from RVS at all. Oh @ joke. Sorry for assuming things.



Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2011
I'm sorry but where is DH FoS'ing people that are voting T-Block? Is he FoS'ing them because they're voting for T-Block? I'm asking because he can dislike that T-Block is trying to stay under the radar and still dislike the people on wagon becuase of faulty reasoning if he sees it that way. They aren't mutually exclusive.
From what I gathered his justification on dabuz|JTB are pretty weak for being scum. I don't really understand how he is substantiating his scum reads based on RVS behavior and little snippets of statements:

FoS wrt dabuz:
DH said:
Hate this response to T-Block. Dabuz here just brushes the attack aside. To me, this seems like an attempt to hope no one picks up on it.
FoS wrt JTB:
DH said:
And then there's the AtE here. Really dislike how he dismisses it with "It's stupid"
DH said:
It's the way you're like "It's a null tell, and it's stupid to consider it." How you used stupid, which implies you're angry.
DH said:
JTB, that's exactly what I mean. You're simply dismissing it, and then using AtE.

FoS wrt killstick:
DH said:
The first paragraph just seemes to be...writing critique, and a restatement, with an ending fos that you didn't explain

Then your defense of dabuz...it seems as though you're playing to his habits, a not using anything in te game

Then you list two actions that you think were null. Why list them?

Overall, it's a really stanceless post, as the only reads brought are t-block (FoS tacked on with no explanation), and dabuz (actually, not really, just seems to
Say how dabuz wasn't conscious, says something needs looking at, and two nulls
I do believe in the possibility of mutual exclusivity. But I don't believe that his fos is completely coincidental. I think that his justification on me seems plausible but I disagree with his assessment of JTB and dabuz.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2010
As opposed to you, who has done...what?

This is really the closest you've come to doing anything this game... can you actually get any information and or results from this?

JTB's post made it seem like he was calling me out on pretending to be a jester, so I said I never had any intention of doing so.

No, it wasn't. How can he make a post calling you out as jester when he just said there are no jesters in this game?

Yeah, dabuz is town btw... 95% sure.
This post raises red flags at me since you made this post right after dabuz re-voted you.
GLG, most, if not all, of my questions have and underlying tone to them. When I asked kill to elaborate, I was also implying that I didn't like how kill is just calling it forced, without explanation.
Most of your questions are really just "oh restate this" or really irrelevant as if you're just trying to make it seem like you're being helpful. Not only that, but you made several posts that are just questions and you only offer "oh x is scum" readwise and it's just like oh. I get that there are a lot of things that you want to comment on but you don't need to go asking a thousand questions.

I'll reply to relevant stuff in a sec.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
You don't give me a reason why in Raziek's #104... I was trying to reaction test Raziek to see how he would respond. I know it is not conventional to do it this way in forum mafia, but I usually would do this in EM (Epicmafia) to try to gauage a reaction.
There's no point in saying you're Town. Everyone says they're Town. >_>
Sorry. That is what I was talking about! I don't see any point in saying "I'm town!" Plus there are way better ways to look for reactions than for saying "I'm town". Like seriously even with that explanation I still don't see the point in saying that you're town. What reactions were you looking for and did it change your views on him?

Can you elaborate on this? I admit that my initial statements were non-conventional but simply going "eww gross cringe" is not a justification for why you are committing to an action.

I'm telling the truth :(

Do you think I'm lying?
This post just makes me feel that you're scum. Its literally nothing but AtE and a question. If you were trying to get reactions out of the question, then sure (honestly I was rushing so I don't remember if you were), however, besides that, I literally can't see any reason for saying anything like that as town.

I assumed that indie claim = they are indie = there is an indie faction.

Oh okay. That makes sense then.

This wasn't transparent to me. I assumed that he was stating that scum would claim indie and I explained it as such.
Don't worry XD! I wasn't calling you scummy for this! I was just stating that you misunderstood him!

Werekill wanted to apply pressure on T-block because he wanted to get a read. I assume he wanted to see what would happen with a wagon on T-block. I'll ask him on quicktopic|msn what he was thinking wrt to this post.
I still don't see why he would do that as town :/. Saying that you think hes scummy for that when its the townie thing to do is kinda... .-.'! Plus the statement about Dabuz made it way worse. Honestly, if the statement about Dabuz wasn't there... then I wouldn't have thought of it as a scummy thing and more of a pressure thing... but it looks really bad when the two things are combined.

That was Werekill again trying to apply pressure. The reason for the vote was weak (Acrostic admitting to this) as it was to apply pressure to T-block and try to get reads. If we went in with the vote, i.e. T-block we're going to vote you now to apply pressure to you then that would be "polluting the answer." I admit that my partners reasons for entering the vote were weak, but it was because he thought it would help him drive T-block into giving better responses. I believe that if you have doubt it is justified, but that is the reason|play-style my partner went with (Acrostic).
Okay I guess. So everything against T-block to this point (144) was reaction fishing basically? Please tell me if I'm wrong lol.

I think that T-block's assumption of Dabuz being afraid was wrong. I didn't respond to the post intending to defend Dabuz, I just re-read T-block's point and disagreed with it on re-read.
Okay. Just note that it really looked like you were and if he flips scum I'm probably going to go after you ._.'!

No, not really. It's HOW he asked it, not what he stated. Explained this previously.
Yeah I noticed that. Sorry. I was responding as I was reading XD!

If you believe that I am defending dabuz, then how is this scummy. In addition, do you agree with T-block's analysis on dabuz which is why you are suspicious of me. If you don't agree with my analysis on the post then that is fine. It was something that I disliked and I wanted to bring up with T-block.
Defending a townie as scum leads to people thinking you're trying to look townie.

Defending a scum as scum obviously means you're defending your scum mate.

Defending a townie as town leads to saving a mislynch hopefully, but if not then whatever.

Defending a scum as town leads to you getting lynched.

3/4 of these situations are scummy things and its not worth the time at all to defend people unless you have a HUGE obvious town read on them.

I agree with T-block's push on Dabuz which includes that analysis.

Null =/= Scum. And I wasn't trying to fake content.
Thats not what I'm saying. I'm saying that with the vote on him + FoS and then changing him to a null afterwards just looks like you were trying to paint him as scum if you were scum, which I was under the thought that you were at the time (still am a bit). You were responding to something about "fake content" and used that wording. I agreed with that response. Honestly too lazy to pull the quote out though XD!

I didn't answer it because it would affect his response. I addressed it in #227 once I decided that pressure voting wasn't going to go anywhere.
Okay! Thanks!



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
@93 - "If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles." - Sun Tzu
@98 - Yes, I referred to his 95.
@102 - Both players are new. In addition to that, taking note of cognitive dissonance between hydra heads is a valuable tool.
You don't deny the fact that you were fishing for Meta?

Okay I guess. I don't see how noting anything between hydra heads is a good thing since they're different people and will obviously view things differently >_>'! That may just be me though.


#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Of interest is that DH is concerned about T-block going under the radar. However he approaches this by fosing people who were on T-block's wagon. If DH was concerned about T-block going under the radar, then why would he fos the people who were trying to put pressure on him, especially when I was focusing on getting an explanation for T-block's #133? It is possible that DH is distancing and trying to not make this look like a blatant chain-saw defense. One more thing of interest is that he drops Raziek from his list despite noting that he disliked his post in RVS wrt T-block. Not much justification has been given behind his fos on JTB and his read on T-block is "rollercoaster."
Kill, you have to realize that there's a difference between "Intention" and "Execution."

So he's going under the radar. Should I let him go under the radar some more? That seems to be the basis of your attack, as you're saying how I attracted attention to T-Block by attacking him, while attacking him too.

I took Raziek off because what he said could pass as RVS, unlike Dabuz.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Most of your questions are really just "oh restate this" or really irrelevant as if you're just trying to make it seem like you're being helpful. Not only that, but you made several posts that are just questions and you only offer "oh x is scum" readwise and it's just like oh. I get that there are a lot of things that you want to comment on but you don't need to go asking a thousand questions.
THat's exactly what I mean.

90% of the time, those questions are actually attacks.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Killstic: If I can mention people as scum for reasons other than just voting a person, should it be assumed that I'm voting them simply because they're voting a person?

In addition, I never attack them because they're voting t-block. I'm attacking for how they attack T-Block.

Glg somewhat agreed with T-Block in his 125. /so how about me attacking only people on T-Block's wagon?

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Kill: JTB and Dabuz aren't 100% scum reads, as I know I've only got a couple of things going against them. That's why, when dabuz asked me for their reads, I put them as "Null/leaning scum"


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
No, it wasn't. How can he make a post calling you out as jester when he just said there are no jesters in this game?
I said pretending to be a jester. Look, I'll paraphrase for you

T-block: lalalalalala
JTB: There are no jesters in this game.
T-block: I know. I wasn't trying to make anyone think I was a jester.

Is that so unnatural?

Can you do something useful now, instead of getting caught up in stuff like this?

This post raises red flags at me since you made this post right after dabuz re-voted you.
Voice your reasoning. Why?

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
"Kafra corporation takes no responsibility for any bodily or mental harm you may experience during the hunt. The families of the dead will receive a complimentary Kafra gift basket, including grape juice!"

Vote Count
T-block[3]: Ryker, JTB, dabuz
dabuz[1]: Gova,
Ryker[1]: GLG,
Killstic[2]: Dark Horse, Raziek

WashedLaundry[0]: Forever alone...
Not Voting: Armor, Dark Horse, JO_OEY, Killstiq Seikend, T-block, Terywj

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline is set for Monday, 8/15 at 11:59 PM EST.
T-block is now facing... straight forward!
T-block's head is now tilted... to the left!
Shameless prod dodging. I'll jump in when I can.

Shame on you. Ryker has been Shamed!
Shame Count
Ryker[1]: Sold2


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
been grinding in league lately with the season ending soon, so I haven't been paying much attention to this game


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
ill definitely catch up tomorrow, epic skype call made me completely forget about this


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
It does not suggest that I am implying it's stupid to vote me at all. Look at post 153. Does your point still hold?

I'm not doing a very good job of not getting noticed then, am I? I'd like to think I'd be able to fly under the radar much better than this if I wanted to.
i'm still concerned about how it looks like your trying to slip out from the pressure after gaining all the attention.

I'm still kinda curious as to why you didn't think my initial post was serious though. Was there anything in it that hinted that I was joking?

Not in YOUR post, but there were still a few RVS posts afterwards, so an extremely serious post didn't make sense with all the RVS.

@T-Block: As much as i dislike your avoidance of the 133, it seems like you aren't going to give anything. A lot of your defense seems to be strawmanning (I believe thats the term), and your biggest defense is that its anti-town to tell us about the 133.

Even so, you are not mixing up stories under pressure, and you have gotten town out of RVS (as you mentioned in your 122). There is someone right now who seems extremely scummy, so...

FoS: T-Block

What the hell is dori dori?

Unvote: Armor

I'll go grab some food and start reading, perhaps.
Thoughts? You have been EXTREMELY quiet this game.

I reviewed DH's posts to address points that he found particularly scummy, but I couldn't really find a case presented. What I have noticed on a quick re-read is that there is a significant focus around T-block:

Dislike on Raziek's scum joke wrt T-block. Hates dabuz wrt brushing aside T-block's comment. States that T-block is backing down to avoid attention. Dislike how JTB is using AtE wrt T-block. Dabuz is shrugging off T-block which is anti-town. Dislikes Kill's critique of T-block, defense of dabuz, points out that there is a fos on T-block. Further question wrt T-block and dabuz. Dedicates separate post restating fos on T-block. Lists dabuz and JTB as null leaning scum|lists kill as scum|T-block "rollercoaster" ???. Hasn't mentioned GLG in his previous posts. GLG is hypocritical. Fos again on dabuz and JTB. Vote on Killstic.

FoS Dark Horse.
This looks like an attempt to do two things:

1: A DESPERATE attempt to persuade town to make a case on Dark Horse, quite scummy considering he is the one voting you.

2: DIVERT attention back to the case on T-Block

Also, this post is basically you trying to make Dark Horse appear anti-town based on his opinions and reasoning.

So you believe that DH is fossing people on T-Block's wagon coincidentally? In other words he has individual rationale as to why JTB, dabuz, and me are all scum. He has given weak reasons for dabuz, there are substantial reasons that JO_OEY listed to fos me, however he wrote absolutely nothing wrt JTB. And under these circumstances he doesn't state that T-block is a town tell but marks him as a "rollercoaster." Are you satisfied with DH's explanation behind his foses because I'm not.
Now you are trying to use JO_OEY's lack of wrt to JTB as a way to discredit Dark Horse's opinions

From what I gathered his justification on dabuz|JTB are pretty weak for being scum. I don't really understand how he is substantiating his scum reads based on RVS behavior and little snippets of statements:
I do believe in the possibility of mutual exclusivity. But I don't believe that his fos is completely coincidental. I think that his justification on me seems plausible but I disagree with his assessment of JTB and dabuz.
what is this? You basically just claimed that Dark Horse has good reason to suspect you. Also, when did you mention Dark Horse's fos? This is the first time i recall seeing ANY mention of that fos

I re-read through DH's posts to find out why he thought I was scum. There was nothing clear and concise. During this period I noted that there was a heavy address to the points concerning T-block. Especially wrt your initial RVS statement. Regarding being concise, he's been addressing points that more or less center around T-block exclusively (the caveat being that most of this game has been concerning T-block already). This is my first time noting a chainsaw so if I have taken note of it at an improper time then I apologize. I don't believe you are chainsaw'ing. I took into account the fact that multiple people pertaining to T-block were addressed in DH's fos and that in particular, JTB was fossed without substantial justification. Again I want to see how DH responds. If I was convinced he was scum from this then I would have put down a vote, not a FoS.
So, you are trying to defend yourself without even trying to make 100% sure of why he is questioning you. Now, you are saying DH did have a focus around T-Block like its a bad thing, T-Block and everything surrounding him was the focus of the game until you starting responding poorly to the pressure.

I think you didn't vote DH because it would look even scummier to vote the person pressuring you, because of the way he is pressuring you.

Vote: Killstic

Poor reaction to pressure. Trying to discredit Dark Horse based on how he gets his opinions. Attempting to divert attention back to T-block and to DH. You claimed DH has a good reason to suspect you.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Not in YOUR post, but there were still a few RVS posts afterwards, so an extremely serious post didn't make sense with all the RVS.
Making stuff up after the fact now? Your response followed essentially directly after mine. How can you justify your 76 by the posts that followed afterwards?

@T-Block: As much as i dislike your avoidance of the 133, it seems like you aren't going to give anything. A lot of your defense seems to be strawmanning (I believe thats the term), and your biggest defense is that its anti-town to tell us about the 133.

Even so, you are not mixing up stories under pressure, and you have gotten town out of RVS (as you mentioned in your 122). There is someone right now who seems extremely scummy, so...

FoS: T-Block
dabuz, can you tell me why 133 was scummy?

Strawmanning is the act of misrepresenting your opponent's argument as something much weaker, and then refuting it, claiming to have refuted the original argument.

Example from wikipedia:

Person A: Our society should spend more money helping the poor.
Person B: Studies show that handouts don't work; they just create more poverty and humiliate the recipients. That money could be better spent.

In this case, Person B has transformed Person A's position from "more money" to "more handouts", which is easier for Person B to defeat.

I don't think I've done any strawmanning. Perhaps you mean a different term?


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Ok, then yes, strawmanning is not the term i was looking for. idk what the term is, but you keep a lot of your sentences short, without much content in them, so its hard to respond to them and keep a discussion going.

For your 133:

I would understand if you guys wanted to vote me for that. Are you going to vote me for the contradiction now then? I mean... what if I had mafia powers =o
Do i really have to keep saying why i think its scummy? Your implying you might have mafia powers. YOUR IMPLYING YOU MIGHT HAVE MAFIA POWERS! Thats threatening, makes town uneasy. The first thing i think about whenever i read that post is:

"Is he mafia? Could he be vig? Maybe indy? Bluff? Looking for reactions? I don't like this post, he knows this post will gain attention and suspicion, but why would he make this post?"

And whats even worse is, you refuse to explain why you would make that post.

Now, explain how im making up stuff here. Also, I can't be asked to justify my 76 based on posts made AFTER it, that question doesn't make sense to me. Not sure if you realized, but once it became apparent to me RVS was over, i noted that by posting

"Ok, sounds like serious mode is starting.




Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
My god that font is hard to read.

You said you didn't realize it was serious at first because it was in RVS and there were RVS posts afterwards. But the post in question is 76, which comes BEFORE the RVS posts afterwards. So you never really did answer this question:

"I'm still kinda curious as to why you didn't think my initial post was serious though. Was there anything in it that hinted that I was joking?"

...because you said it was because RVS posts came afterwards, but your post came before those posts happened.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Real talk:

Only my self-vote had been cast at this point - no votes on other players.

dabuz, you seem to have no problem with casting a vote once others started to do so (Raziek in 54, yourself in 69). Your reasons for those votes were no better than someone having a scummy name. Why so scared to place your vote on Dark Horse here, before others started throwing their vote around? Afraid of drawing attention to yourself?
post 69

DAMN, T-Block trying to call me out on horseplay

VOTE: T-Block
JTB's post # 75, obviously a humorous post part of the RVS, comes right after your post and before my post. Also, look at the whole thread of posts surrounding both of our posts, they were joke posts. YOU may not of thought the post was less than serious if in my shoes, but I was still in a humorous RVS mood and didn't realize the post to be serious. Its as simple as the way my mind works.
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