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Ragnarok Mafia - Game over!


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I feel good knowing I called you out correctly on it, but it was still way too reaching to build a case on.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Role PMS
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, Gova! You are Valkyrie Randgris, Mafia Strongman.

As a servant of Odin and protector of his temple, you are outraged at all these treasure hunting adventurers. With the help of the Dark Lord, Mafia Jailer(Ryker) and Moonlight Flower, Ascetic Mafia(dabuz), you plan to get revenge on these turds. You're also pretty ridiculously strong. STRONGMAN.

Mafia: You guys get a night kill and also can communicate privately.
The night kill will be performed by whoever sent in the kill command.
1-time Earthquake: If you send in the night kill, you may choose to kill using Earthquake. This will bypass any protection. This may only be used once.

You're mafia aligned and win when your faction overpowers all other players, or it is logically impossible for you to lose.
Safeclaim said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, ______! You are The Knight, Vanilla Townie

Trained here in the city of Prontera, you serve under King Tristan III's army. With your mastery of both the sword and the shield, you will defend this city!

Abilities(if you need to fake claim a power)
Bowling Bash
Cavalier Mastery

You're town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, Gova! You are The Dark Lord, Mafia Jailer

You are the representation of all evil in the world. That's pretty dang evil. As a REAL evil dude, you've decided to ruin town's day and invade them. But you're actually kinda weak alone, so you summoned Valkyrie Randgris, Mafia Strongman(Gova) and Moonlight Flower Ascetic Mafia(dabuz) to balance the set-up odds :bee:.

Mafia: You guys get a night kill and also can communicate privately.
The night kill will be performed by whoever sent in the kill command.
Fire Wall: Every night, you may entrap one player in a firewall. This will prevent them from using their night action, but also keep them safe from the mafia night kill. Ironically you kind of hate fire.

You're mafia aligned and win when your faction overpowers all other players, or it is logically impossible for you to lose.
Safeclaim said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, _____! You are The Wizard, Town Jailer

Trained in the city of Geffen, you are a master of the elements surrounding you. Use the destructive power of nature to rid the town of these ugly monsters!

Abilities (if you need to fake claim a power)
Ice Wall
Jupitel Thunder
Meteor Storm

You're town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, dabuz! You are Moonlight Flower, Ascetic Mafia

Humans abandoned you and now you're all mad and feral and still pretty cute. You have a big giant bell that you smack people with, it's pretty cool. You have teamed up with Dark Lord, Mafia Jailer (Ryker) and Valkyrie Randgris, Mafia Strongman (Gova) to bring havoc to the human settlements. Having been raised by wild Nine Tail foxes, you are a master of deception.

Mafia: You guys get a night kill and also can communicate privately.
Ascetic: You are immune to all night actions, helpful or harmful, except for night kills.

You're mafia aligned and win when your faction overpowers all other players, or it is logically impossible for you to lose.
Safeclaim said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, ______! You are The Blacksmith, Vanilla Townie!

Muscles that would make G-lyfe jealous. Okay, that's a lie. But you're extremely strong from your time spent forging and your knowledge of crafting is infinite. Build weapons, destroy monsters, what a simple life!

Abilities (if you need to fake claim a power)
Hammer Fall
Weapon Perfection
Adrenaline Rush

You're town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.
Role I wanted to mess around with here. Also I messed up and forgot to give dabuz link to the QT for the entirety of D1 lmao.

Mafia here had an interesting conundrum that they avoided entirely. With the Jailer role, they get a roleblocker, at the cost of not being able to nkill the person they roleblock. They had a 1 time strongman to bypass this or if they ran into any trouble with a certain bulletproof or if things went horribly wrong for mafia (say, the JOAT got bulletproof and the UniBack-up picked up the Jailer). The Jailer also added a lot of WIFOM to the mafia, that I gave them a protective role and more or less confirmed that there was no town Jailer. Was there a town protective? Serial Killer??? The ascetic mafia is a weird role but I like it. It serves as a godfather to nerf the (already neutered) cop without supplying misinformation. It also comically implied that there was a SK in this game, since it wasn't NKill immune.

One of the things for the mafia is that all the roles were designed to do different things if the UniBack-up picked them up. Jailer would be beneficial, strongman neutral, and ascetic would actually be a nerf, since he would be immune to clearing and docs. Just something interesting.

Also the mafia may look strong with an immunity to things, a way to bypass doctors, and essentially a roleblocker, but all these roles more or less do nothing. None of them can really cause the day phase WIFOM like a godfather can or hurt town like an extra kill or redirector. Maybe mafia was a little stronger than town here.[/collapse]
[collapse=Town PRs]
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, Seikend! You are The Soul Linker, Town Cop Enabler

You are a master of the spiritual arts. You can invoke the powers of one's ancestors. Some find this a blatant disrespect for the dead, while others understand and fully accept the blessings you have to offer.

Soul Link: While you are alive, any and all cops will be able to use their ability.

You're town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, JTB! You are The Crusader, Town Doctor Enabler!

You are a servant of the Gods who has chosen to take a more direct route of combating evil. Your solid metal plate and shield protect those that cannot protect themselves.

Devotion: While you are alive, any and all doctors will be able to use their ability.

You're town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, T-block! You are The Super Novice, Town Back-up

During your days as a novice, you were new and confused about this world. Everyone chooses a profession and has some sort of specialization, but you just didn't know what to do. So you stayed as a novice, and went down the rare and miserable path of a Super Novice. You're not really good at anything yet. In fact you're pretty much useless.

Unemployed: You have no profession. However, when a player with a power role dies, town or mafia, you will take on their player ability(s) in place of your current ability.

You're town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

I swear it was random
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, Dark Horse! You are The Alchemist, Town Jack of A Trade.

Science rules! You have studied the world on a chemical level and have discovered the secrets of life and death. Some view you as a mad scientist, but you prefer to think yourself as a gardener with cheat codes.

Bioethics: One time during the game at night, you may send me the command "Create: (Homunculus)." You may choose between four different Homunculus: Lif(Healing Sprite), Flilr(Speedy Bird), Vanilmirth(Aggressive Slime), Amistr(Defensive Sheep). Each Homunculus has a different power, so choose wisely.

You're town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, Armor! You are The Star Gladiator, Town Cop

Warrior of the Sun, Moon, and Stars. You have been training all your life to remove the limits a normal human faces. As sacrifice to strengthen your connection to the celestial bodies, you have blinded yourself. But now, you can feel the light above you like never before.

Knowledge of the Sun, Moon, and Stars: You can feel the intentions of those around you. At night, you may PM me the command Investigate: Player, and you will be informed if they are "Mafia" or "Not Mafia."

You're town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.
The JoAT could choose between Vanilmirth(vengeful), Flilr(Tracker), Lif(Bulletproof), Amistr(Doctor), but I didn't want them to be able to just be like "lol doctor aw yeah" since I couldn't think of 4 roles to balance between. I got lazy with that role and honestly it was kind of an afterthought, and to give town some power since they really don't have much.

Enablers are cool roles. The Cop was town and the (Paranoid) Doctor was mafia. I thought about making one of the Enablers scum, but I dunno I kinda liked it like I had it. I really wanted to make people think that Jailer can be a mafia role, I've seen so many protectives claim and just get away with it. If anything this game is going to get referenced like "WELL THAT GAME HAD A MAFIA JAILER >: C."

The universal back-up was a SUPER cool role, since it would take only the abilities of the first power role of either alignment to die. It works well with the enablers and with the JoAT they get to choose two different stupid animals. It's too bad that the JoAT takes a night before they get their ability, and Tracker is mad useless with this little time to get results. Bulletproof/doctor or vengeful might have done something for T-block. But oh well. I neutered the cop by putting enablers in the game. I unneutered him by putting this back-up in it, since it would catch the cop's death or the enabler's death. I reneutered it with the ascetic because I friggin hate cops lmao.[/collapse]
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, Raziek! You are The Assassin, Vanilla Townie

Trained in the deserts of Morroc, you have grown from a petty thief to a full time mercenary. You're considered the ultimate killing machine, and your mastery of poison and dual wielding blades can fall any foe in a matter of seconds.

None! How sad.

You are town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, giraffelasergun! You are The Rogue, Vanilla Townie

Self styled master of the streets. Many people critique you as playing dirty and fighting unfair, but all fighting is fair fighting to you. Death is a good friend of yours and you know that he doesn't judge.

None! How sad.

You are town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, Werekill/Acrostic! You are The Monk, Vanilla Townie

A strong inside results in a strong outside, and vice versa. You support your body with your spiritual power to reach powers unheard of by others.

None! How sad.

You are town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, Terywj! You are The Sage, Vanilla Townie

You have spent your entire life watching the flow of energy. Energy that makes people live and explosives blow up. And through your training, you now control that very energy.

None! How sad.

You are town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, JO_OEY! You are The Hunter, Vanilla Townie

You have lived traveling through the wilderness your whole life. You feel at ease in nature and have learned many skills essential to survival not just in the forests, but on the battlefield too.

None! How sad.

You are town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.
lol VTs. No comment here.[/collapse]
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, WashedLaundry! You are Kafra Vennit, Independent Super Secret Watcher.

Kafra Model Vennit, one of the 5 counterparts to Kafra Model Deporte(Sold2). You work for the mysterious, but seemingly trustable Kafra Organization. Many boys simply fall for your tomboyish looks. But you'll never be as great as the classic~

[noicon] Kafra- You know the set-up. Yep.
[noicon] Lovely- You may be lovers with any player you wish. If a player declares you their love, you won't be able to help yourself to oblige.
[noicon] Too Cute- You may not be targeted by a lynch or night actions.

You are independent and win if you survive. And by win, I actually mean that I'll give it a mention at the end story and might give you an MvP. No no no I'm not giving you an MvP that's stupid.
I'm disappointed WashedLaundry didn't continue through the entire game, but I forced Ryker to love her anyways <3~~~.
Sold2 said:
Welcome to Ragnarok Mafia, th3kuzinator. You are Kafra W, Independent 1-day late Assassin Wannabe

Ha! You're worse than both me and Laundry! Nobody likes you, W. Bahahaha.

Mod and stuff: I guess I'll let you do votecounts or what since you already did that.
Assassin: At night you may kill one player.
Wannabe: You can't.

You joint win if The Assassin or the character who has the fakeclaim of The Assassin wins.

Don't post any information relevant to the actual mafia game in thread. Actually you probably should just not post all that much even. Yeah you get the idea.
Raziek got killed </3. You never had a chance! Oh well.

These indies were a big joke. WashedLaundry was basically a lover who would die with whoever admitted their love for WashedLaundry, and it would have been hilarious. At least it would have been to me.[/collapse]

So there is it. No MVP, no comments on players or any of that, except I'm a little mad Ryker didn't get lynched on that last day. Y'all messed up lmao but it doesn't matter, the game was kind of a joke.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Lol, because naming conventions are kind of really important if you assume everyone thinks logically. Ryker was definitely scum since Doc enabler and a jailer don't make sense together. I'm surprised Seikend didn't see my logic in that either considering he was the one who fake-claimed nurse when there was a Jailer, both of which don't make sense to be in the same game, in Newbie 12.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I thought I said in the endgame that a nurse is a generic back-up for a protective role, and if I had a back-up for a jailer I'd call it a nurse. Remember a jailer is just another name for a paranoid doctor.

Also, t-block, not bad. No saying stuff just to say stuff in the latter stages of the game, still seeing some misuse of wiform to shut down valid points though.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
Alright, still pri salty, but cooled down a bit from before.

Sooooup. Your gambit with fake reads was alright, I was a bit harsh at the time. The problem was Town had no reason to trust you. Doing it D1, without being confirmed town or even having a strong town rep was your downfall.

You can't play with an attitude that you don't care how people think about you, because that's what the whole game is about. You need that rep or you have no power.

Still, the wagon on you was grimy as hell, and while I can't blame you for self hammering when town was voting for the dumbest reasons, it did bug me. I think too often you just go with how you're feeling at the time, instead of just sitting back and thinking, y'know.

Dark Horse, I liked you D1. You seemed pretty town. But where did you go?

RedRyu, I've already said most of what I've wanted to say. Agree with JTB though, a large part of convincing me you were scum was just your complete unwillingness to compromise. Like I felt both Dabuz and Gova were scum and I would have voted them if you had. Anyways, I was a bit harsh earlier, and I apologise. Nothing personal.

JTB, I liked your play this game. Fairly Obvtown, and only doubted you because of your link to Ryker.

Ryker, Lol, purely saved by your connection to JTB. Just a little mad.

Hey Sold, Thanks for hosting. The Mafia Jailer completely threw me off, was not expecting that at all haha. Besides my general bitterness it was a good game.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
Lol, because naming conventions are kind of really important if you assume everyone thinks logically. Ryker was definitely scum since Doc enabler and a jailer don't make sense together. I'm surprised Seikend didn't see my logic in that either considering he was the one who fake-claimed nurse when there was a Jailer, both of which don't make sense to be in the same game, in Newbie 12.
What Adumb said.

It's just the name, to me the name isn't what's relevant, it's the role's action.

So a Doc Enabler enables roles that Protect etc.

Makes more sense to me but eh.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
The naming conventions don't though. And the logical thing to do is make naming conventions be the same.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Fairly Obvtown

Hey Sold, Thanks for hosting. The Mafia Jailer completely threw me off, was not expecting that at all haha. Besides my general bitterness it was a good game.

I spent a BILLION hours on this so appreciate it.

As for ragnarok mafia yeah no problem it didn't take me long at all or anything lol. Okay just kidding, those role PMs took me a good 3 hours.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX

Shout outs to Sold for giving Ryker a good safe claim.

Shout outs to Ryker for getting a good safe claim.

Shout outs to Dabuz for being town.

Shout outs to VT's.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Gotta say, kinda funny game, but sadly, WAAAAY too much inactivity from town :/ Also, it felt like that day 1 soupamario lynch REALLY messed up town momentum for the whole game

As a whole, good setup

Also, thanks to T-Block and adumbrodeus for saying i improved



Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Also, t-block, not bad. No saying stuff just to say stuff in the latter stages of the game, still seeing some misuse of wiform to shut down valid points though.
Where? The only thing that comes to mind was Ryker's question about whether JTB would do what he did D3. It came from scum, plus I didn't really know what he meant by the question lol

Some of my thoughts:

I just realized that mafia jailer should have made sense to me because of my role. My role PM specifically says I can take mafia powers as well (hence 133) if they are the first to die. My bad =x

WHY DIDN'T MORE PEOPLE GO WITH THE NO LYNCH D3? I mean... I could have pushed it harder, but there shouldn't have been a reason to. Even if you guys didn't know I was a Tracker, I CLEARLY HAD REASON TO PUSH A NO LYNCH, plus I had mafia thinking exactly what I wanted them to think about my role:

[9:21:27 PM] Shigeru Miyamoto: fair enough
[9:21:31 PM] Shigeru Miyamoto: So
[9:21:38 PM] Shigeru Miyamoto: Who would TBlock NOT protect?
[9:21:43 PM] Shigeru Miyamoto: JTB?
[9:21:48 PM] Shigeru Miyamoto: Kill him?
[9:22:00 PM] Gova: thats the thing
[9:22:03 PM] Gova: i have no clue
[9:22:13 PM] Gova: like
[9:22:18 PM] Gova: im assuming there's a bp
[9:22:22 PM] Gova: cuz of my strongman
[9:22:32 PM] Shigeru Miyamoto: JTB
[9:22:35 PM] Shigeru Miyamoto: Easy
[9:22:39 PM] Gova: someone is trying to draw a nk
[9:22:40 PM] Gova: yea
[9:22:41 PM] Shigeru Miyamoto: If he doesn't die
[9:22:43 PM] Shigeru Miyamoto: We don't care
[9:22:50 PM] Shigeru Miyamoto: Armor will just confirm you scum
[9:23:11 PM] Shigeru Miyamoto: Then we get another shot at killing someone who matters
[9:23:17 PM] Shigeru Miyamoto: It'll come down to me vs. TBlock
At first I didn't care because I probably would have lynched JTB after Ryker flipped mafia (even as Jailer) and we would have lost, but scum team is saying they would have killed JTB. D4 with Seikend, Armor, T-block, Red Ryu, Gova, dabuz, Ryker. I would have tracked Ryker, Armor would have copped either Gova or dabuz. Then we get at least one more night of information as they can kill only one of me and Armor. Town would have been in much better shape.

So seriously, JTB and Seikend, why were you opposed to No Lynch?

Special shoutout to Armor and Soup for making the end of D1 the most hilarious thing I've ever seen in a game of mafia.

Ryker, when are you going to stop being so easy to read? ;D

Thanks S2 for hosting, and for giving me Supernovice <3 Even though I didn't play all that great, I still enjoyed the game overall. What did the other homunculi do?


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
What the **** town. Ryker was the right lynch, guys; even this dead guy could see it. >_<

I only DH hadn't killed me... I actually had 2/3 of the scum called.

GG, I suppose, and interesting setup, Sold, like I've already said to you.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
So seriously, JTB and Seikend, why were you opposed to No Lynch?
Overconfidence basically.

I simply couldn't see how Ryker could be scum when I was sure JTB was town.

From that, there were only 3 possible scum candidates, Gova, RR and Dabuz. I would have been fine with just lynching any of those 3 each day, unless someone came up with a Night Action Result to say otherwise.

I didn't see anything to gain from wasting a Day, especially without knowing the mafia powers.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
What the **** town. Ryker was the right lynch, guys; even this dead guy could see it. >_<

I only DH hadn't killed me... I actually had 2/3 of the scum called.

GG, I suppose, and interesting setup, Sold, like I've already said to you.
Was your third pick JTB?


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Ryker, not counting any hypothetical ongoing games, when the hell was the last time you were town?
Oh, and it goes without saying, but vote: no MvP. Town played pretty badly and scum coasted the whole game.
My gog, when was the last time scum HAVEN'T coasted the hell out of a game >_<


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
Ryker, Gova, and T-Block were my picks.
Fair enough.

I would have lynched Ryker in a heartbeat if it wasn't for JTB's claim.

I really need to learn to ignore game mechanics speculation, screwed me over so much.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Meadowsizzle was town, though that was me. I don't think he's ever been town other than that though.

That reminds me that when I randomized the roles I felt really trolled. T-block as Super Novice, Ryker as scum in general, the strong scumteam, JTB as doc enabler(you always die early bro), and Armor as Star Gladiator. All of that is really silly to me.


Smash Rookie
Jul 21, 2011

Stuff is SOOOO sweet and yeah I'll talk about things if people ask me things.

Also yes Ryker DID jail me every night and it pissed me off lmao.
AWWWW **** man this **** looks so boss.
Not sure how I feel about this game. But goddammit ryker trolling with him forever being scum.
Kinda wanna sign up for another game now... gg all.
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