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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
throwing bananas up in the air or behind you is gdlk against 95% of the diddys out there, they are almost universally greedy and get like some insane separation anxiety when apart from their naners


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2010
New Orleans
I play the Diddy MU as safe as possible and generally do well. Like Tech Chase said, Diddy is a monster at mid range, but his long range game is pretty weak compared to Snakes. No matter how the fight is going I am always keeping distance making sure to have as many traps and explosives as I can to keep Diddy distracted. At some point Diddy is going to slip up and get hurt by a explosive. That is only a small part of the fight though. Eventually Diddy is going to break through and get up close to you. You have to be prepared. I generally have a mine or c4 in front of me to make it harder for Diddy to just run in there and combo me. Once Diddy gets in close you HAVE to be prepared to punish with an f-tilt and or get in a grab for a d-throw chase. If you are camping correctly Diddy should get a decent amount of damage from grenades, and that will make him want to rush in even more. We really have to Diddys short life span compared to our absurdly long lives.

As for bananas.....I will either throw them right off the stage when I get them, or get them behind me and protect them with grenades and bombs. Diddy will be like a drug addict without his fix if deprived of his bananas. It does not take much for Snake to tack on a crapload of damage.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I think guarding them/throwing them in the air is better, it's very easy for him to just pull new ones if you throw them off the stage IMO


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Agawam, MA
throwing bananas up in the air or behind you is gdlk against 95% of the diddys out there, they are almost universally greedy and get like some insane separation anxiety when apart from their naners
Also, just pulling a nade while you have a banana in hand puts you in a pretty safe position. Diddy is not too hard to tech chase, at least for me.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Diddy is about average difficulty for tech chasing. His get up attack hits towards us so you have to predict it to punish accordingly or you get hit. His rolls are both of average distance so no need to boost grab. It's just a matter of predicting. And honestly with bananas on the stage and your traps you can actually make it much easier on yourself when do you tech chase if you plan it out like I do. It ***** <3

Also playing keep-away with Naners > throwing them off the stage.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
Is it possible to train myself to react faster? My reaction time is garbage (could be the weed, but I enter every tourney high so that probably won't change) which is why I hardy ever go for the dthrow techchase, unless it's a against a character with garbage rolls like Oli.

I usually go for a dash attack or ftilt (if they roll behind/close to me) instead of going for a re-grab.

I feel like I could be doing better if my tech chasing wasn't so garbage.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Well for starters trying to react accordingly while high doesn't work out as much.

If you don't want to do it sober than do this:

Practice using D-throw on certain characters and get to know what their animations are for each action.


However the reason my tech chasing works is because I predict rather than react. If you use D-Throw on the opponent a few times and take note of what they do you can generally get a feel for what they'll do unless they're top level players. Observing is the first step for good tech chase skills.

And naturally you can use landmines and grenades to force your opponent into bad situations and limit options. It's all very straightforward actually. It just requires you to turn on your brain and observe really. Once you get that part figured out, then adapt and limit options. That is the second step.

The last thing to remember is "Don't bite off more than you can chew" If you have made a successful read it is often times better to just end it with an F-Tilt. Nothing wrong with a 30 ish % combo. Many times players get overzealous when they do get that first read off and attempt that next grab only to mess it up. I always just start off safe in the beginning. Because I play very defensively , my matches drag on and I get more opportunities to see what they're reactions out of a grab are. When I feel like I have figured out their pattern I'll go for that 5 or 6 grab chain and it works because I've turned it from a total stab in the dark to an educated guess. Or I'll pull all Infern (I summon thee!) and go for the Dair or something high risk-high reward.

Okay long tech chase rant done. Holla if you need more advice. It's kind of my thing.



Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
Well for starters trying to react accordingly while high doesn't work out as much.

If you don't want to do it sober than do this:

Practice using D-throw on certain characters and get to know what their animations are for each action.


However the reason my tech chasing works is because I predict rather than react. If you use D-Throw on the opponent a few times and take note of what they do you can generally get a feel for what they'll do unless they're top level players. Observing is the first step for good tech chase skills.

And naturally you can use landmines and grenades to force your opponent into bad situations and limit options. It's all very straightforward actually. It just requires you to turn on your brain and observe really. Once you get that part figured out, then adapt and limit options. That is the second step.

The last thing to remember is "Don't bite off more than you can chew" If you have made a successful read it is often times better to just end it with an F-Tilt. Nothing wrong with a 30 ish % combo. Many times players get overzealous when they do get that first read off and attempt that next grab only to mess it up. I always just start off safe in the beginning. Because I play very defensively , my matches drag on and I get more opportunities to see what they're reactions out of a grab are. When I feel like I have figured out their pattern I'll go for that 5 or 6 grab chain and it works because I've turned it from a total stab in the dark to an educated guess. Or I'll pull all Infern (I summon thee!) and go for the Dair or something high risk-high reward.

Okay long tech chase rant done. Holla if you need more advice. It's kind of my thing.

i just read too sometimes i do better than other times. Like i was fighting a wario in tourney who had the lead on me. i was at like 90 2 stock he was 0 2 stock i got a grab and tech chased hm all the way to 70% and finished with a ftilt lol. i won :) reading very high level ppl is not reliable so i usually go for one regrab to a regular punish.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
For sure and no problem. I get around though you'd be surprised. I still need to hit up the West Coast anyway. That's on my to do list for the summer.
Aug 6, 2008
About the reaction thing, play melee with people who play very fast. It will improve your ability to notice things.

Also, I can finally do my own frame testing now woot.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
We need to all go to Genesis 2

Edit: I may have to go back to playing some Melee then, but at the same time I don't want to. I recently stopped playing it and I still feel a little, over melee, right now.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I can't play Brawl high at all. It makes me play like garbage and I don't get how people can do it lol I can play drunk but my fingers are always like 2 of 3 frames behind my brain lol


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
I think I play a lot better when I'm high, and I still go into each tourney with the intent to win and improve. It's not like I can't do those things when I'm high.

IMO being high also makes Brawl more enjoyable than it normaly would be. High Melee isn't as good for me since the game is so naturally more fast paced than Brawl, with Brawl I have more time to think about everything. Snake is a good High character, unless you are trying to tech chase.

I really only play brawl high, now that I think about it. At tourneys/smashfests I smoke, at home when I play Brawl by myself, I smoke. All I do is smoke and smash lol.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
The only character I can play in that state is Wario. I'll be having fun and giggling at strange noises and farts. Snake is too complicated for me there lol I'll be like oh **** too many projectiles cant keep track of them..lol


Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2007
I'm going to try throwing them up in the air and guarding bananas for Diddy, since I usually just ignore the bananas and try to camp LMAO thats probably why i get *****.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Hey its not my fault you keep posting every time I type your name lol

By the way are we still down for our title match this weekend? I'm bringing my recording setup also if you want it recorded.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
alright np man

lol also why would you get high at a tourny u go there to win/improve i dont understand

normally im srs then when i am out of the tourny / finish finals me and izaw go smoke a joint :bee:
I get surprised everytime I read those post about smashers and "getting high" is like there's a high % of smashers that use it.

I don't though, I am not fond to that stuff, but I don't judge people bcuz of that since I am not anyone to judge.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009

It's a really comfortable way of squatting. It's really ****ing hard to do for most Americans, because our squat has us balancing on our tiptoes, like a catcher.

I wanted an original resolution :)
went back to this for reference, noticed one of them is on their toes, not even all asians can do it apparently <_< it also appears to be the tallest person in the group, supporting my theory that most people don't have the body frame/center of gravity necessary for this

still making some attempt to learn this because even if I can't do it it indirectly makes me do some other good things(lose weight, build monstrous lower body strength/flexibility, first step in my plan to running away and joining the circus!)


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
The only character I can play in that state is Wario. I'll be having fun and giggling at strange noises and farts. Snake is too complicated for me there lol I'll be like oh **** too many projectiles cant keep track of them..lol
I like that Snake is more complicated to play, it makes good use of my high by thinking all the time.

I've never played Brawl while high. Not to mention go to a tournament high. I should try it sometime, maybe.
Do it.
/peer pressure.

I also like to review my tournament matches while high as well.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2010
New Orleans
I asked my mom about going to WHOBO and basically her response was

*My hopes of going*

LF> White parents please


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR

I saw the picture and after reading the post I got off my chair and tried it.

Easiest **** ever.

oh wait I'm asian
wait, that's "only for asian people" or just short people. Since I am really short 5'3 but I can't! I tried so much but I couldnt so that I ragequit. :D
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