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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.

Jun 8, 2009
Don't ban MK.

Exclude him or if not, ignore him and act like all the players who use MK aren't in the power rankings. Lol.

Shame Smash Blue's upper part has MK on it. I mad :mad:


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
a little extreme, but it could change things for the better when you go over it a little more, cuz as long as mk is there the cp system is sorta pointless anyways

whats your avi from? I feel like I know and its killing me <_<


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Nu/v-13 from BlazBlue. (2nd time telling you)

Also fixing Game 1 by widening the stage list for game 1 has the opportunity to nerf MK without setting restrictions.

More restrictions is not the option. If you have to limit the game just to nerf one character, said character is banworthy....

Also removing the CP system entirely fixes the problem that it's broken. No more pocket MK's though, so more people would likely tier ***** or switch to MK.



Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
welcome to the memory of a depressed epileptic getting by on just one too many meds

removal of counterpick system would make me a happy snake

ya, I've always sort of had my pocket mk, its saved me alot more than I ever thought when I think back on it, despite the fact that I never even practiced mk, it was just sort of a thing I started using against bad people in minnesota that evolved into a serious thing at harder tourneys

cuz mk just wrecks some characters so hard on certain stages...you'd have to be bad NOT to win


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
something needs to be done to fix this game anyways, its been going waaayyyy too far in the wrong direction because of people like BPC


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
BPC is probably one of like 3 arguing a good direction for this game.....

He actually uses logical arguments, then people go and try to use ad hominem which is completely irrelevant to his arguments. Because they simply cannot beat his logic so they start attacking his credibility.

In fact, I support like 95% of what comes out of BPC's posts. He constructs them well and brings up very strong points.



Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
don't give up, just start being evil as possible.

Do what I do and;
Main Ganon in Melee
Sacred Combo little kids on their last stocks in Melee tourneys.
Chain grab/hobble little kids in tourney with Ice Climbers.
Censor Dodge on any forum you visit, all day.
have little to no regard for anyone but yourself.
only support villainous/evil characters in video games/tv shows/movies

it's easy.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Oh lmao. I can't deny that he bring sup good points, but literally half of his posts seem to be trollin' :\

kind of makes him entertaining though.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
It's 1/2 the people who seem to troll him, bring up ad hominem, and can't argue worth ****, and he gets pissed off by it.

Frankly, I'd be pissed off to if I spent all my time writing walls of text to try and ensure each point is well explained, and people still don't get it.



Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
no SuSa

and he's a TERRIBLE player, I dont care what you say, you cant deny the fact that he hasn't been to any tournies, jus tplays brawl- wifi, and got...2 stocked by a lucas and ***** in an offline mm

note that he plays mk

a player that bad with no experience shouldn't be telling people anything about this game, he just knows how to make a clean post


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
He's played one, and M2K lost to a Ness offline. Your point is?

Is M2K a bad player because he loses to a Ness?

It's ad hominem, and you should stop using it. How about when I back his posts? What are my credentials?

What if I just copy pasted his arguments and posted them as my own. Because I 95% back every **** word he says. (He's said a few questionable things, but that's more about his comments on players than his comments on the game)

The point is his logic is ****ing flawless but you attack his credentials as a player - which has nothing to do with his ****ing logic.

Stop using ad hominem, please. It makes you look bad and it's a fallacy.

My sig better show up



Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
your sig didn't show up

and dI always argue with him, but its a never ending argument because neither side will give up, regardless of what I say he just ends up skipping over any legitimate points I have and picks on the one thing he can find that seems faulty and will ignore the other points to an extreme extent

it reminds me of religion arguments, you can bring up the best points in the world on either side and noone will acknowledge or change their ideas regardless

its too bad m2k also has alot of accomplishments. But what does BPC have? nothing. lol

I forgot I'm going to a costume party tonight, give me ideas that dont cost money anyone <.<


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Point was that the Lucas example was moot.

My signature is M2K saying he's stupid. :p

Who is dl?

Also one side doesn't give up because they attack his ethos, and ignore his logic. The only arguments I've seen him ignore are ones that are attacking him as a player, not his arguments. If I'm wrong please link me to where he ignores a "good" point, because I haven't seen it yet.



Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I've tried arguing the legitimacy of stages, and countering his points, its just generally a circle of stage hazards and how certain characters will play out in each one as to if it will balance, or unbalance

like his argument of how top tiers benefit from the current stage list and aren't good enough to be there without it. They're partially there BECAUSE our stage list is what it is, if we decide to change things to a higher extreme nothing will change other than making a few characters worse and other ones better most likely, its a rotation you cant fix, you wont be able to balance this game no matter what you do at this point until we start with getting rid of mk

If I toned down the anger in my posts people would probably listen to what I say ~_~

I bet if I colored my posts and put it in a nicer format that would help too


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
It's a rotation that you can't fix, but it shouldn't exist.

You do follow the precedents set by the BBR and what people as a whole find competitive, etc? Right? In the end that's at least the goal of the BBR; at least that is what they argue about FOR EVERY CHANGE THEY MAKE.

Yes, it will nerf/buff a few characters here and there, but that's natural. Any change you make to the game will do this. Any change. It's inevitable.

The argument behind the stages is there are only two reasons to ban stages:

1) Over-centralizing
2) Degenerate

All 1 is is 2 to a far worse degree. "Do this or lose" is what it comes down to. If you don't you lose. That simple.

Also, here is why ad hominem is a fallacy.

Many of the arguments I've ever made, people agreed with my logic because of my supposed credibility as a player.

If I took away all my credibility after the fact - does it change my logic in any way? I mean, you JUST agreed with it? What if I said every tournament I've been to was a lie? I've never entered a tourney? (For the sake of proving why it's a fallacy.. haha)

It doesn't change what I'm saying, it just changes the bias you view it as.



Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
Logic does not equal experience/intelligence, the reason you have your own logic in the first place is because it was based on your actual experience playing the game in a tournament setting offline vs. a plethora of bad to good players because you live in an area thats fairly talented

Something I base heavily on an argument is how good the other player is. I shouldn't say how good, but how much EXPERIENCE they have. You dont necessarily have to be AMAZING, but as long as you've been to enough tournaments and had the official experience of playing under the things you argue for it gives much more credibility/backbone to an argument

He tried telling me I've never bothered playing on these stages, I dont think he even knew that most of them used to be legal in 08...lol. I even had to deal with stages like luigis mansion (that I actually was cp'ing..hahahhaa).

I mean...there were reasons we dropped most of those stages, and something else that bothers me is that BPC doesn't support japes, nor does any other BBR member if I recall, when its borderline being left out of our current ruleset imo, I dont see the problems it can promote like a stage such as...port town -_-


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino

You think I create any of my logic based on my tournament play. My logic precedes tournament play, then I use it in tournament play, and **** am I so used to being correct about things.

I throw how good the player is out the window. I attack and demolish their logic.

I support Japes. :x

Actually, I support everything being legal and players to simply have more strikes/bans to make up for such. :awesome:

08 metagame is different than 10 metagame.
08 metagame *****ed about DDD's chaingrab and walkoffs. FAST.

Hell, Delfino was banned for a while because it had a walkoff.
So was Castle Seige.
Yoshi's Island (melee)....

Green Greens was banned for a glitch that PRACTICALLY NEVER HAPPENS and is REALLY HARD to recreate, and because it has two desctructable walls.

The reason is our community banned things that were "gay", then one day decided we can't do that. Said we don't ban Meta Knight because we don't ban things that are gay and he is not over centralizing (what % is over centralizing anyways? As far as tournaments go, MK is roughly 35-40% of our metagame.... I would assume OC is 70%+ though)

This is also why it seems that more stagelists seem to be getting liberal.

Oh, not to mention how liberal MLG' stagelist is.



Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
theres a reason I wrote a blog on aib simply entitled "the brawl community sucks"

I will argue that 80% of brawl players are stupid, whiny, or just flat out bad.

You cant argue anything from this game without having experience...its just that simple SuSa. REAL experience. You probably wouldn't even have the same views as you might have now if you had never been to any tournaments and just stuck to playing wifi every now and then or something

keep in mind you've missed out on basically a full year of this game, and an important one at that

Heres all I can view right now, some people are looking to keep the game more simple and clean stage list wise, almost more simple to a traditional fighter, and some want to just keep throwing more things in with the hope that it will change things for the better (my biased view thats basically a tl;dr of any argument I make of this)

I actually support japes even though its a bad stage for snake


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I know everything about the Smash Lab.

Then I quit because I was sick of people indirectly belittling my intelligence.

After about 4 months of WiFi I quit playing WiFi seriously. I did occasional friendlies when asked.
I would plan my playstyles and tactics through theorycraft, and theorycraft alone.
I would then apply that theory into tournaments.
At most, I would be mildly wrong on things. Not to any large margin. But wrong nontheless.

If you want a small stage list, don't do it biased based off absolutely no backing and no criteria for what defines a "neutral" stage. [Without changing the meaning of neutral]

If you want a small stage list, I already suggested the only way to acquire that.

666 matchups, find the best stage for each and every matchup.

But to do that you have to argue over 14,000~ possibilities, many of them which reach subjective bounds.

Snake's best stages:
Rainbow Cruise
Jungle Japes

Disputing this, undeniably shows why this is such a subjective way to create a starter stage list. If you're going to do it in the name of stability and balance, it shouldn't be heavily biased.

Nowhere, NO ****ING WHERE, do I see any supporting argument that static=neutral and dynamic=not neutral.

In fact, I can stay that dynamic is more neutral than static, and have just as much (non-existant) supporting evidence that the static=neutral argument has.

Our current stage list, except maybe Smashville is ****ing horrible.



Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
next year or whenever an anime con I might wanna go to shows up I'm gonna try to cosplay solid snake. Not the most original idea, yeah. But I just cant resist my true calling


Smash Champion
Jul 27, 2009
In an alternate universe.
I'd never heard of the Static/Dynamic part before SuSa..

But what exactly is the difference? Since I assume it's associated with stages.

The only other place I've seen those words used to describe something, was "walls" in Pierce's thread over in the tactical or data boards, can't remember.

Either way, I'll meatride and say I actually enjoyed reading your posts :D
Jun 8, 2009
I wonder the stage advantage of Snake against most characters now.

Wooo!!! I got the Scarab Gun and the soccer ball Easter eggs in Halo 2.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I'd never heard of the Static/Dynamic part before SuSa..

But what exactly is the difference? Since I assume it's associated with stages.

The only other place I've seen those words used to describe something, was "walls" in Pierce's thread over in the tactical or data boards, can't remember.

Either way, I'll meatride and say I actually enjoyed reading your posts :D
Static = doesn't move or hardly effects gameplay if it does (read: Current starter list)

Dynamic = Moves, or in some way effects gameplay. (see: All counterpicks)

A stage that doesn't move doesn't make it neutral. (See: Diddy on FD)

A stage that move's also doesn't make it neutral (See: MK on RC)

Currently we favor characters that do well on static stages. We may as well dictate who you can use Game1 since a large portion of the cast (Sheik is part of this) is not viable for game 1 against a majority of the cast.


Except Yoshi's Island (brawl) which can just be striked, wallah. You just put yourself at an advantage over her Game1 because of stupid stage selection off a limited stage list.

Higher stage list = better median of matchup = overall fairer Game1 = if your character sucks on this, it's because your character is bad.



Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
a player that bad with no experience shouldn't be telling people anything about this game, he just knows how to make a clean post
I agree with that part of the post, anyone with a "good grammar" can be "cool" in a gaming forum.

Edit: SuSa, from what region you are? SoCal? if that's so you are a lucky one.
Jun 8, 2009
Ness ***** all.

Peach is too good.

Napz, Snake is a good choice or Samus. You can try out Peach :)

Edit: Lol

Edit 2: Lol 2000th post. One more post until the 2000th post excluding the OP.

@Rated: Bad players post made up opinions about match-ups. I respect the people who truly play competitive brawl even though they suck.

I got 5th place in a small local tourney (Like about 15 only). The first to third placers are MKs. Lol
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