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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
Thanks man.

and about the box, probably not gonna happen. mostly because Box -> Ekans = wtf

and secondly, I have dial up internet, i don't feel like going to google images to find a pic of snake's box, download said image while on dial-up, open up Illustrator and Photoshop, fix image, then upload a fairly big image to photobucket again, while on dial-up.
Aug 6, 2008
Solid Snake, born of an ekans egg... I wonder if he is cold blooded...


But my biggest qualm with Eternal Poison, by far, is the fact that you can't level grind and boost weaker characters that get killed easily. There's no way to replay a level once you complete it and no free battles (as far as I can tell) that you can engage in to level up. When you couple this with the fact that characters stay dead for the round once they're killed, you'll soon find weaker characters lagging behind the rest of the bunch. By a lot. This would have been fine if you could help bolster the character by equipping overpowered armor or weapons, but items in Eternal Poison have level requirements. Fail.
-Review by IGN-

I found this statement laughable. This whole statement is extremely similar to Fire Emblem for most of the series. One a player dies they stay dead. You get limited chapters to train certain people. FE has a lot of people that get left behind because they are too weak. There is even the same sort of system that you cannot use better weapons until you level up your weapon class. FE's system of battling was great with and unique with these additions, and this guy feels these options are fail. You sir are fail.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
lool people who complain about that **** are just too dumb to play the **** game and give up too easily


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I trust gameinformers reviews with my life

they've never been wrong from anything i've played they reviewed


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
If Game Informer is the stupid GameStop magazine, I'd shoot any of the games they give over an 8.0

Then again, I have strange tastes in everything and for the mainstream their reviews are probably spot on.

Jun 8, 2009
Buying Sonic 3D games... Was the worst mistake I've ever made in my life :(

And yeah, anything with the score 8.0 and up is the good ones. I'm gonna try out epic mickey and kirby's epic yarn.

Also, the word epic is widely used in most games in the E3.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I hate mw2

and no susa...its an independent magazine run out of your very own MINNESOTA. I suggest you get a subscription and stop wasting your time on anything else. I think its like...the top game magazine on the market right now. You're crazy not to keep up!

and they're pretty rough with their ratings actually, which I like. They wont actually praise a game unless its....good. But they have no problems with trashing **** and lettin people know whats really good


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Everyone hates MW2.....

Okay, odd that they would choose an already popular name. ^^; I also don't keep up with the gaming community at all anymore.

In fact, I stopped caring about any upcoming releases of games like 3 years ago when I was 14. I just... stopped caring. When a new game comes out, if it is good, I will hear of it.

Then there are those "unknown about" games that I find because I search for certain games.

Also I REALLY want to work on an RPG game (even if it's just some ****ty graphic's 2D game) but I need a storywriter and would need to touch up on my coding skills.

Every RPG I've ever played falls into 1 of 2 categories.

1) Amazing ****ing fighting system that is balanced and requires more than just mashing A to attack to end the battle as fast as possible. You have to actually THINK about what moves you use, use the weaknesses and strengths of your party to combat the monsters in a given area and you are unable to grind past a certain point. However the story for the game is pretty ****ty

2) The story is ****ing amazing, but the battle system blows. (See: Pretty much every FF game)

I want to work on an RPG with a balanced fighting system (already have a few ideas) but I have NOOOOO idea for a good, non-cliche story. =[



Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
Its true susa..its hard to find one that manages to mix both in well together. I've liked some of the little things in every FF game, and enoyed how some of the suikoden games worked if you've ever played any

suikoden III is the closest thing to having both IMO, but it just seemed like it didn't have the effort put into it that it should've, it really could've been something


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
The Tales series has both. Some have omfg drool I'm in love stories, but the battle system is poorly balanced...and then others have "wtf is this this makes no sense but omfg these battles are hard!"

I really do want to create "The best RPG ever" with a fantastic plot and storyline, but also a workable battle system that can't be abused.

I see abuse as:

  • Being able to mash A - never needing any special techniques. Possibly using items if you ever need to heal.
  • Being able to grind - I like games like Pokemon that reduced your experience depending on your level, etc. However I do want to see a game that actually dwindles down to 0xp gained rather quickly to avoid massive grindfests early in the game to make the game a breeze, but I do want to cater to those who want to grind to make that "arcs" boss easier if they leveled up in the "worst possible way" so the boss is almost-impossible to beat. I've had games like this where I actually had to restart the game because of how I leveled my characters T_T... that doesn't make a good game any more than a game I can grind to level 100 and 1 hit everything for the entirety of the game. At that point you're only playing it for the story, and I don't see why you're playing an RPG... go play a visual novel or something. :x
  • Being able to abuse the **** out of items. I've seen items in RPG games that are just stupidly broken and it makes me wonder why the creator of the game even ADDED that item. I do see items as a major part of an RPG, and I like how the Tale's system dealt with it... by not letting you item spam.. so you at least need to time when you use your items very carefully.
  • Being able to spam the **** out of special attacks. This is no better than mashing A. Special attacks need to have limits (usually done with MP/PP) but need to be limited with how they recover be done in a non-abusable way. This is where the largest problem with items comes in IMO (Elixers that recover 100% MP for example...) where you can stock up on x99 of the item, spam your special attack, and when you run out just refill.

A good RPG should have many classes IMO. This is why I ****ing loved Final Fantasty: Tactics (or whatever) for the gameboy advance. OH MY ****ING GOD it was love. But it wasn't very balanced and some chars./classes were just... so overpowered. <_<

Classes add variety, just like a good fighter will have more than just 3 characters. It's more likely to please everyone.

I also don't like games like Fire Emblem where Swordmasters are just stupidly ****ing good. Put a Vague Katta on them and LOL you have an OMA right there. That ***** will clear every single level single-handingly with an elixer on him to heal JUST in case. Then you get the stupid Falcon Knights or whatever who are weak against seemingly everything (Weapon type, bows, magic, low defense compared to Wyvern Riders) and are ****ing useless as **** (except that one who can summon 3 NPC's to aid you)

I can rant for way longer, but I think everyone knows what I'm getting at.

I should go to a drawing board and start planning this **** out.

Jun 8, 2009
Final Fantasy IV and VI are the best. I'm probably the saddest person here. I also like Persona 3, FES, P3P and 4.

And if you see my guide, once again, there is another unnecessary addition.
Aug 6, 2008
Tales series I have sort of stopped loving so much on replays. The story is great after the first couple playthroughs and mysterious, but after playing it once or twice it loses it's value. The battle system is really unique I think for when it first came out, but now it needs an improvement. Literally the whole game strategy is to run around you opponent and mash the attack button. Specials do not make it all that much better because most of them are bad and use up too much TP. Once your TP is gone, it is back to button mashing. Even then, it still ends up being, button mash -> special finish -> repeat. I think I might like the game better if I mixed up who I played as instead of the main character all the time. Guy in abyss is awesome.

I have only played abyss, symphonia 1/2, and phantasia. Of them, I rank phantasia the best. The rest sort of fall into line with each other.
p.s. I have played the radiant mythology of the tales series. Proved to me how much I only like the series for the story and not the battle system. Radiant mythology is only for those that love quest completion and their battle system.

The one game series I always come back to for the game play is fire emblem. Even after my 20th playthrough, I still like playing it. I skip all the storylines now except for when I have not heard it for around half a year. I am not exactly sure what it is about the game system I like, but I suppose it is because each playthrough is slightly different than the last. The random stat growths make it impossible to always play the same way each map and with many characters to choose from, you can mix up your teams. I think I have started getting to the point where I do not want to play things merely because they are easy to complete, but I want to mix in some competition or hard dynamics. I thought before that HHM in FE7 was hard, but now after starting it again, it does not seem so bad. I might actually start working on trying to complete Shadow Dragon on hard now.

However, I refuse to play advance wars anymore. I like the overall feel of endless warfare, which is why I like MW2 over many other shooters, but I am horrible at trying to complete missions that start you out on the disadvantage, and I am supposed to somehow complete these whacky accomplishments in a timely manner. Espically since the AI is actually smarter and will not needlessly rush you down which is easy to formulate a strategy to counter. Its an endless thing of either bait and kill or rush and hope for the best.

Overall, it seems harder to get into pure gaming anymore. Once before I had all the time in the world. Some 6+ hours each day and a full 48 hours on the weekend meant I could really get into a new game and complete it. But now, I cannot find the time to really get into it. I start up a new game, but then I end up quitting and revert to something that I can do in a quicker manner like Smash, strategy games, fourms, archery, etc. I do not think I will even get around to completing disagea even (if I ever figure how out to play the game properly). Heck, I picked up like 7 games recently due to past memories of the series like Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals, FInal Fantasy X, and a few others. Never got around to even starting them, or getting a few hours past it. I have never even completed Xenosage which I would really like to complete, but I still never get around to doing it. Anyone else having this problem at all?


Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2007
yo guys does anyone else count the seconds in their head while they play as Snake? Sometimes I be like.. 1..2..3! and then I do some typa action (throw it, spotdodge, iono anything), basically like a reaction to their actions and the nades timing. lol... anyone else do something like this?
Aug 6, 2008
I do that randomly at times when I am trying for something specific, but it takes too much of my concentration away from my opponent. So I never resorted to that method. I, and I think more do this than not, do things purely by a sort of 6th sense. When you have thrown thousands of grenades, you develop a sort of feeling of when they blow up.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I like to be as exact as possible.

I glance for grenades because it's not like I can do anything during the startup animation regardless. Plus knowing when it's to late to try and throw combo into a mine or know that my C4 is going to blow up in 3 seconds so I can combo with that (or to avoid it because it might kill me) is very useful. :x

I have a 'feeling' for each of them, but when you're off by 3-4 seconds on a possible C4 combo, it sucks. =[



Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
susa, I have a tactics file thats 100% completely lol, it was one of the greatest games ever....too bad the storyline was lame

the tales battle systems were kinda cool...but I dont think it was any better than a final fantasy game


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
it might be best if you can just find a pre made story from something that you can think you could turn into an rpg imo

cuz if you aren't creative then....:l

whats your avi from? It looks so familiar btu i cant put my finger on it


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2010
New Orleans
I am not too big on RPGs to be hones, but I absolutely LOVED Chrono Trigger. It had good bosses, a good story, good length, and it was challenging. I want to play more games like Chrono Trigger. I only played it because my friend told me to. I have no regrets.:cool:


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Interesting Data....

Taken from the top 500 placings of the Brawl Community PR thingie.. just shows MKs popularity steadily decline to about 1 in 5 players playing him...not that much for a top tier character to be honest.

Nearly 35% of the top 20 players.....by the way, this accounts for secondaries....

I hope John doesn't mind me posting this here oo

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