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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.

Jun 8, 2009
I got a local tourney tomorrow and unfortunately, I'm screwed.

I'm one of the 5 out of 19 people not using MK. What should I do?

Edit: Wish me luck guys


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2010
New Orleans
Page 1337...nice. Also beserk do not forget that chances are you will be fighting a lot of noobish Mks who fall for snakes traps easily.

Just remember to grenade counter and use all of your projectiles.
That or just use Mk


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
why would you buy a nintendo handheld at launch anyway? you KNOW there's going to be 3 "upgrades" that they already had planned out from the start, does no one learn?
Jun 8, 2009
Page 1337...nice. Also beserk do not forget that chances are you will be fighting a lot of noobish Mks who fall for snakes traps easily.

Just remember to grenade counter and use all of your projectiles.
That or just use Mk
Thanks and.... Thank the comprehensive match up guides and pro users, I got 3rd PLACE! Well I was suppose to get 4th but luckily the MK chose RC. I lost against a Wario. Again. However, I'm satisfied and it was all thanks to you guys, Susa and some part of that was thanks to the noobish MKs.

I read the new 3DS will be 250 dollars. NOT WORTH IT!!
True, but I still want to try out the games.

why would you buy a nintendo handheld at launch anyway? you KNOW there's going to be 3 "upgrades" that they already had planned out from the start, does no one learn?
I've also wondered that fact. Some people just don't know how to spend their money on things worth using.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2010
New Orleans
The 3D is a total gimmik. 3D does not add any type of new gameplay or gameplay opportunities. Not worth the money. I am just going to get Pokemon Black/White for my normal DS.
Jun 8, 2009
Nintendo should think about more gameplay additions than fancy graphic features.

Question: I heard that there is another "unique" feature in the 3DS. According to wikipedia:
"The system features several additions to the design of the original DS, including a slider on the side of the device that adjusts the intensity of the 3D effect, a round nub analog input called the "Slide Pad", an accelerometer, and a gyroscope. In addition, there is an infra-red communicator port situated on the top of the unit."
The accelerometer was used on the motion devices. Is this an interesting part about the 3DS or it's still useless. Just asking.


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2009
SuSa is still ****ing retardedly good

he beat my MK in a MM set when I thought I could practically any non ranked snake with metaknight. That being said as we later found out I should have gone marth the whole set.

he took TKD and AC to last hit.

beat fox16 1$
beat flamewavek1$
lost to mojoe 1$
beat zekey in 2 different MMs 1$
beat my mk 1$(at least this tourney taught me stick to my main)
SuSa beat the kirby he and I played in doubles braket with ganon-kirby
SuSa and I beat oki and willyo 1$

and we pretty much ***** every other random team we played in doubles friendlies.

susa knows what he's talking about everyone else stfu


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
susa is good but a lot of his theorycraft is still garbs : p

also brawl is more mental than anything, you don't really get much worse for taking time off as long as you can warm up a little IMO spam and azen could still **** 99% of the community lol


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
SuSa is still ****ing retardedly good

he beat my MK in a MM set when I thought I could practically any non ranked snake with metaknight. That being said as we later found out I should have gone marth the whole set.

he took TKD and AC to last hit.

beat fox16 1$
beat flamewavek1$
lost to mojoe 1$
beat zekey in 2 different MMs 1$
beat my mk 1$(at least this tourney taught me stick to my main)
SuSa beat the kirby he and I played in doubles braket with ganon-kirby
SuSa and I beat oki and willyo 1$

and we pretty much ***** every other random team we played in doubles friendlies.

susa knows what he's talking about everyone else stfu
The Ganon vs Kirby was a $1 money match as well. I had borrowed $1 from Tony because I only had a $5. I just challenge the group of people there "$1mm vs my Ganon?"

And god**** Mojoe plays so ****ing weird... :urg:

First match with Zekey was his DDD vs my Snake.
Second was Random Dittos, I beat him Mario vs Wario first game. I then beat him Jigglypuff vs Lucas the second.

I lost to Fox16 with Snake, I beat him twice with Sheik. (<3 Sheik)
I beat FlameWaveK with Snake.
Lost to Mojoe with Snake (Beat his Falco, lost to his Falco, lost to his Snake when I went Sheik? I suicided :glare: but I got lucky first game and should've lost it anyways...)

Made at least my doubles entry back. :x

TKD went on to 2-0 Tyrant and pretty much own everyone else and win the tournament..... He 2 stocked Tyrant first match, I don't remember their second.

I did better than Tyrant <3

I was also having friendlies that were fun as ****.

Had a ton with Hall, pretty much every one was going to last hit and he'd come out top. Finally figured out his camping and beat him our last game. Wanted to play more but also wanted to go get money matches in. He refuses to take my advice on "work on your non-camp game" because "You can't base someone off 1 match you had a year and a half ago and a few friendlies" - when all that's changed since that tournament match is that his camping is even better... but he doesn't adapt, he's readable, and he has next-to-no mixup game. =| He could easily be higher on our PR, but I'm just some random trying to base how he plays off a few friendlies and watching his other friendlies and watching his tournament matches.

He loses because his opponent gets in past his camping and he doesn't know what to do then.

Beat Havok's Snake with Sheik. XD

I should just main Sheik.... =\



Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
NapZzz, that is exactly what it feels like playing him. He makes some really ******** decisions, and they just work for reasons beyond comprehension. But ****, he is actually good though and he got some HARD reads off me. >.<


I know. <3 Sheik is a character that is based off reading and baiting. The two things I'm best at. =P



Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2009
btw etecoon SuSa missed 2 grabs off rolls he read against TKD because he was rusty he ended up losing momentum because of it. and lost that match when TKD was like at 105% which realistically could have been an uptilt off a read.

if he had won game 1 he on game 3 could have cp'd FD TKD likely would have gone fox and SuSa could have gone shiek to beat him. If you were there you wouldn't doubt for a second what I am saying.

while I am not saying SuSa would have won the set if he hadn't been rusty that set was certainly in his grasp.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I never said susa wasn't very very good, I said his theorycraft is often absurd

you can be incredible and have silly opinions(see: M2K's claims that diddy ***** meta knight)


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I never said susa wasn't very very good, I said his theorycraft is often absurd

you can be incredible and have silly opinions(see: M2K's claims that diddy ***** meta knight)
excepts everything he does he basis off of his theory crafting. I believe he has a post about it.
Etecoon, I'm human and can make mistakes. I wasn't fully aware of a lot of Falco's options when I made that 6-4 statement over a year ago.

Also being 11 months rusty is a huge setback when I'm missing wavebounces, DACUS's, Pivot Grabs, grenade tactics (instant grabbing, platform dropping), I didn't have time to learn how to platform cancel (which would have been useful in many situations), I'm mistiming my grenades when I cook them, and I was having issues even doing B-reversal.

As the day went on and I played more matches, I was increasingly getting those skills back... but I still couldn't even DACUS 100% of the time or pivot grab, I didn't do a single instant grenade grab the entire day.....

I only won any of the matches I did purely off my ability to read my opponents....which isn't enough when you lack mixups or better control of the stage. Especially not when you're Snake who NEEDS those mixups and control.

I should've just gone Sheik for this tournament.

Everything I do is based off of theorycraft and me knowing how people think. I don't start off reading my opponent, I read their personality.
I then adapt to my opponent specifically to read them.
Are they the kind who rolls towards the ledge? Presuming I'd think nobody would be stupid enough to do so? - Not sure who.
Are they the kind who constantly try to roll away from me? Havok, Hall
Are they the kind who like to do getup attacks? Knowing their rolls are bad? - Paper (G&W) and others
Are they the kind of person who like to do normal standups? - Zekey (DDD), it's all he did.



Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
So. There's a new Snake/Fox main in Texas by the name of Megafox. He's a 12 year old AiB player.

He went to his first offline tourney about a month ago. He ***** 2 people in bracket, and had very close sets against some of the top players.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qulanLPb1U <- made one of the players ragequit in losers bracket

Last week, he went to his second tourney. In the first round, he 2-stocked a pikachu. Game 2 he switches to falco. HE 3 STOCKS THE PIKA WITH FALCO. Next round he played Trela.

Trela (Lucario) vs megafox112 (Snake) 1
Trela (Lucario) vs megafox112 (Fox) 2
(Btw, Trela is #5 in TX atm)

In loser's, he beat 2 snake mains in the ditto. Then he played K Prime and almost won.

K Prime (Pikachu) vs megafox112 (Snake) 1
K Prime (Pikachu) vs megafox112 (Falco) 2
K Prime (Pikachu) vs megafox112 (Snake) 3

He went to his third tourney the other day.

Espy (Sonic) vs megafox112 (Snake) 1
Espy (Snake) vs megafox112 (Fox) 2

Paw (Zss) vs Megafox112 (Snake) 1
Paw (Zss) vs Megafox112 (Snake) 2

Right now he's getting alot of hype in TX. He has no idea how MU's or counterpicking works, he just has fun. He doesn't watch vids and he lived on AiB and it makes his playstyle completely unique and fun to watch. Everyone's calling him Razer 2.0. And now Razer wants to come to the next tourney just to meet him.



Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta
i can relate to that kid. i was 13 when i randomly ***** 3 top players in my region one after another. tbh though, we both just got lucky, snake can do a lot of dumb **** against people who aren't 'perfect', or know the match up.

cool **** though



Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
San Diego
Don't take it so offensively Susa. I know the flaws in my play style and my weaknesses. I even believe I said something along the lines of "I know what you mean I've been working hard to eliminate those weaknesses something something".

Why you so judgemental dude? My attitude in frendlies is almost the same for most of my bracket matches. I'm just playing to play. I'm sorry I wasn't in a mindset where I absolutely had to try and 3 stock my opponents. Apparently you weren't either went you said you were gonna play seriously after our 4ish match. It's just my attitude. It's why I can get serious and beat guys like Lain, DSF, or Havok every now and then; and then turn around and lose to Vicegrip or Jebus (not taking anything away from you guys. Vice I love your Ness. Jebus you need to help me practice the diddy MU in the near future).

Look, your theorycrafting is good and I appreciate what you're doing for the community, but before treating me like I'm a one dimensional player off the few games you can judge me on please go out and apply that theory towards, I dunno, placing well or beating someone.

I'm sorry, that last comment was kinda uncalled for, but treating me like I'm some top level jerk (when I'm not top level or a jerk) or talking **** about me post robocop when you yourself haven't been out and about hurt too.

And for the record, I've never cared about being on the PR. Hell I only just found out two days ago. For me it's always been about beating the guys that matter and getting known for being a unique player.

Making me crawl out of lurking to defend myself...


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I was going Ganon. I wanted to see if I could prove to you that once someone got past your camping you'd not do so well.

Sadly Ganon can't get past your camping at all. XD I should've predicted that and gone someone a little more reasonable about that. I was "serious" for every match BUT that one. (Who's serious if they pick Ganon? :s)

Two things.
I've never cared about being on the PR. Hell I only just found out two days ago. For me it's always been about beating the guys that matter and getting known for being a unique player.
Indirectly, that's the exact type of attitude that gets you on the PR. You want to beat the top dogs, compete with the best of the best - and be known as someone unique. Unique in this game can easily help in your placing of top - because if you're fighting just like everyone else... well then wouldn't everyone else be top?

but before treating me like I'm a one dimensional player off the few games you can judge me on
I'm not. I'm telling you, based off those few games - and all the games of yours I watched that you are EXTREMELY powerful in one aspect, it completely overshadows your other gameplay. I am not saying your other gameplay is bad it's just NOWHERE NEAR ON PAR with your camping.

You're a good player, you're a great Snake, and I'm only trying to give you advice because I think you can still become better. You can either choose to accept that advice, and look at it from my standpoint. Or you can somewhat shrug it off as you have, saying I can't judge you off these few matches we've had or watching your matches.

Just because I haven't been around, doesn't mean I haven't tried to watch. Especially if it pertains to Snake.

I've heard so many compliments about you on this board, and from just that way day of how I knew you as a player I made it my goal to learn more about your Snake - what makes these people view you so highly, so that I can try to take those pieces and use it for my own.

In our friendlies, I learned a few things. Nothing you stated - but things that were shown. You showed me what of mine didn't work, you showed me things I was going that could be punished. You showed me a method to camp so that I don't get outcamped. But you did not offer to speak about these, but I saw them. I could have asked - but I prefer to work things out on my own. I'd love for you to tell me what I could improve on so that I may look at it and go "Okay. I'll play with this a bit and see where it goes then.

In fact, if you have ANY comments on my playstyle. I'd love to hear them.


Aug 6, 2008
I do not even remember how you freakin play.

Heck, I do not even remember how to play brawl. The last time I tried, I ended up trying to wavedash OoS into an attempted Reverse dolphin slash to kill my opponent the moment they hit by shield. Never doing brawl marth again after doing melee marth.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
haha he said that xD?

goes to show kids dont say mu ratios be4 u know all options

its 50/50

but a year ago il let u off susa :laugh:
Was before I had any practice with DEHF or SK92. :urg: But based off any experience I did have, I did have a pretty over-opionated view on it.

Also one last comment to Hall (if he reads this)

I didn't mean for that last comment to come off as offensive as it did. I'm not saying you're clueless (as that'd imply you're a **** player) but I hope my last post somewhat cleared that up.... You're a good player, but I still think you can become a great player.

Also 50 cent money match with Jeebus. Just remembered that one, but hardly means jack ****.
He wins game 1
I CP him to Rainbow Cruise - due to time constraints he just forfeits the match.
I win game 3.

So not much to say on that (I mean... it was 50 cents... hahahah) ... =\ really wish we could've had the full money match happen... his Diddy is insane now..



Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado


We go pollute SoCal's atmosphere with various fumes, mash faces in at a couple of tournaments, and spend the rest of the time slayin' bitties

i'm a little srsly

edit: That kid from Texas is fun to watch. He gives zero ****s while he plays, a respectable amount. He can come on the roadtrip.


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
San Diego
I appreciate it Susa, but you've caught me at the point where I'm drifting away competitively. Australia was my swan song. I've really only got the time and money for locals nowadays. I'm the same way in working things out myself in that everything I've come about to be as a player I've worked out myself or came to my own conclusion. I blew things up and DSF taught me to pivot and it all went from there.

I disagree with beating top players for the PR though. If you want to get on one you not only have to beat top players, but you can't lose to unranked players either. You gotta adopt a "I need to beat everyone" mentality.

I apologize if at any point I came off at offensive. I also apologize that I didn't offer any advice. Part of it is that I'm not very good at giving out advice especially if you're already an achieved player. Polishing something that's already developed is a hard thing since it's all little things at that point. If I could offer one thing it's to dash attack as your opponent's feet are making their way towards the ground. Especially catches Marth's off guard. If I see you again I'll make it a point to share what I can.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN


We go pollute SoCal's atmosphere with various fumes, mash faces in at a couple of tournaments, and spend the rest of the time slayin' bitties

i'm a little srsly

edit: That kid from Texas is fun to watch. He gives zero ****s while he plays, a respectable amount. He can come on the roadtrip.

I really wanna go to genesis II
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