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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
today I entered a small local with the intent of not using snake but instead practicing my diddy/mk

but of course I couldn't keep away from the manliness and ended up mostly using snake. gay


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
I've only played MGS4, but i freaking loved it. I've gone back and beat it 5 more times since I loved it so much.

I'm not really into RPG's, so I don't like the Final Fantasy series. The only RPG's I ever liked were both Golden Suns, and The Legend of Dragoon. (And Pokemon I guess if you consider it an RPG)

Fighting games are my favorites. Tekken is my favorite series of games.

I don't blame you for going back to Snake. Have you seen how firm his heine is? Even in MGS4 he's old as hell, but his ass is still as firm as ever.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
I don't blame you for going back to Snake. Have you seen how firm his heine is? Even in MGS4 he's old as hell, but his ass is still as firm as ever.
I'm sorry, but you just got the award for "gayest post I've ever seen". You took that waaaaaaay too far. Please, go watch some (straight) porn and lift some weights. It might help.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
Sorry, I don't spend my spare time staring at a video game character's glutes. I also don't imagine how firm it would feel to grab said character's cheeks.

In related news, I love using synonyms for '***' in conversation.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
synonyms are great.

It's not like I STARE at it, it's just always there, it's so defined, especially in large/hd tv's.

Like when, for whatever reason, Snake comes in 2nd he turns his back to you and is practically showing it off. You never mean to look at it, it just draws you in.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
synonyms are great.

It's not like I STARE at it, it's just always there, it's so defined, especially in large/hd tv's.

Like when, for whatever reason, Snake comes in 2nd he turns his back to you and is practically showing it off. You never mean to look at it, it just draws you in.
I don't think AZ balances out how gay you are.

That is saying something because AZ is the greatest group I have ever seen.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
Actually I do like Ke$ha a bit. I also like some of Britney Spears' stuff too. I'm more of a smooth jazz/various types of metal/various types of techno/video game music guy.

But I do enjoy some pop every now and then.
Aug 6, 2008
Has anyone ever read the DearS series before? I thought the ending was espically funny xD

Boobs are not fantastic, lolis are with their tight hips and slender bodies.
Alright, I cannot leave this topic unattended too. It is just too tempting to make fun of Yume (umei). Yume, you are now the pedobear :laugh:

Your youtube hotlinking does not effect me :bee:

I honestly see no way that anyone can possibly find this stuff appealing

anyone attracted to loli's is probably gonna grow up into a pedophile and end up ****** a kid or something. Deep down they all deny it but its gonna happen.
The one thing I have learned Nappy is that the human race will like anything in the world. It might not be everyone, but someone like it. If it becomes popular enough it grows. Look at smash. It started out small, but it grew into something huge that now even has competitive matches with it.

Many people might not understand why we like a video game series and play it for competition, but neither do we understand other people's motives for things. If we did we would get along.

However, if that were the case shouldn't we be sympathisizing with criminalistic action? But, most do not. That's the sad fact of the human race. Try as we might, we will never end come to this world peace people talk about. We can come close, but in the end we will always be fighting over it still. :(

3. No Explicit Profanity or Inappropriate Material
Smash Boards strives to maintain a family-friendly site. Content that may be considered offensive is not allowed, at the discretion of the staff. Smash Boards employs an automatic censor to remove some vulgar language; do not attempt to bypass the censor. Do not post content that is excessively vulgar, profane, graphic, or violent in nature. Pornography and other sexually explicit material is strictly prohibited. Additionally, discussion about engaging in drug and/or alcohol use is not allowed, regardless of a user's age or laws in his/her jurisdiction.

If in doubt about whether some content is permissible under this rule, ask a moderator before posting it.

  • Censor dodging - 1 point, 5 days
  • Inappropriate content, mild - 1 point, 5 days
  • Inappropriate content, major - 3 points, 14 days
  • Pornography/explicit images - Permanent ban, subject to administrator's discretion
This is directly quoted from Smash World Fourms rule book.
How many times have we crossed the 2nd bullet point? I think about 3 people have just crossed that line in a few short hours :laugh:
Aug 6, 2008
I love censor dodging
Well, that number one rule goes to show you how much our board gets moderated. We probably have some violation of those bullet points everyday. I know for a fact the discussion of b00ze was talked about at some time or another. I am starting to agree we need more active mod-ation.

actually, panda probably violated the thing too when he posted the info about the 100,000,000 army every man has :laugh:


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I'm sorry, but you just got the award for "gayest post I've ever seen". You took that waaaaaaay too far. Please, go watch some (straight) porn and lift some weights. It might help.
gay people seem to be in better shape on average, pretty sure they work out more. the straight thing to do would be go chill on the couch and eat pizza

besides, it's snake, we're all A LITTLE GAY for snake

too much pedophilia in this topic today D:


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
E ven though yume is a loli loving pedophile he's awesome because he lets me know about all the kewl animes and helped me find something I was looking for <3


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
guys, did u know that snake can take a granade out " press B" throw it and hog to the edge by edgedropping quickly jumping and b.

in my case I jump with the L trigger so I do : press down, quickly L then neutral b.

I can't get a video since I don't have camera. but if anyone does please tell if this is known or unsafe or old as hell or it just sucks.


ps: Yume... I like adult women that looks like Lolis like a girl on my languages class at college, she's 19 and she's epicly cute at the point that I am starting to talk to her XD.

ps: if anyone can please do a vid about it.


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
I honestly see no way that anyone can possibly find this stuff appealing

anyone attracted to loli's is probably gonna grow up into a pedophile and end up ****** a kid or something. Deep down they all deny it but its gonna happen.
Honestly it's unfair to assume that Lolicons are pedophiles :mad:. Just because we find grade school anime chicks appealing doesn't mean we do irl.

I personally find kids to be very annoying (I know from experience from working at a children's church), and I would not go after any girl younger than 13.

Think of it like a "type", small chest, short, slender, sure kids have that image, but alot of adults also fit that type.

E ven though yume is a loli loving pedophile he's awesome because he lets me know about all the kewl animes and helped me find something I was looking for <3
Kay less mad nao <3

edit: at RATED, you mean do it when you are already holding on to the ledge right? I've seen Ally do it and copied it, I actually won a 2v1 by planking using that method lol. It's pretty easy to pull off so idk if it needs a vid, but I can make one if needed.

And yesss <3 adult lolis, but <3 jailbait lolis moar lol. Good luck with her! =p


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR

edit: at RATED, you mean do it when you are already holding on to the ledge right? I've seen Ally do it and copied it, I actually won a 2v1 by planking using that method lol. It's pretty easy to pull off so idk if it needs a vid, but I can make one if needed.

And yesss <3 adult lolis, but <3 jailbait lolis moar lol. Good luck with her! =p
yes that thing. oh I guess Ally was way ahead :laugh: . I did by myself at training mode, trying to find a way to beat Ling Ling's DDD in next tourney jajajajajaja I do know the MU is just that he also knows the matchup since we play against each other in every tourney.

ftw lolis ... adult lolis I dislike girls that are like 4 years younger like me or more. I am 20.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I was trying to sound sarcastic bu tnow that I look back at my post I sound rather angry lol

sorry yume D:


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
lets see.. I've played FF 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 for 2 years, skipped 12, now waiting on 13 in 6 hours.... yeaaaa but **** square for ****ing up with all the localization... I don't want no fancy schmancy words to describe what I want to attack and ****... i wish they just kept the japanese wording (ATK, BLA, HLR w/e) and not that crappy (com, med, w/e)

hopefully I can bum rush FF13 in a week and get End of Eternity next week


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
When you get FF13, tell me if there is an option to turn the dialogs and music to Japanese, they sound soooooo much better that way


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
wow, I was just trying a bunch of ledge stuff with snake the other day trying to figure out some ways out of some of the ridiculous ledge traps people have on snake but I couldn't get that to work because I didn't think about using claw position or using a different jump button. hopefully this will be helpful but it looks like it's pretty counterable/leaves snake open...


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
When you get FF13, tell me if there is an option to turn the dialogs and music to Japanese, they sound soooooo much better that way
my brother got FF13 since early since he manages a gamestop. We've already played through like, 4 hours of it. Its actually pretty sick

I told him he should turn it to japanese or try doing so, but he didn't bother. The english voice actors sort of suck and the lines are really cheesy...


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
wow, I was just trying a bunch of ledge stuff with snake the other day trying to figure out some ways out of some of the ridiculous ledge traps people have on snake but I couldn't get that to work because I didn't think about using claw position or using a different jump button. hopefully this will be helpful but it looks like it's pretty counterable/leaves snake open...
Another thing you can do is ledgehop backwards nade pull. So you drop from the ledge, then press jump, flick control stick back, and hold b. I find it to be a very good method for getting back on the stage.

edit: loving this messy discussion of lolis, ff13, and Brawl lawl.

Nappy, yeah I heard that it has the Japanese voice feature, what I'm really wondering about is if that changes the theme song, because the Japanese theme song >>>>> English theme song


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
I actually like using ledgehop wave bounce nikitas to recover, your opponent will think that you messed up and try to grab you, then BAM they blow up lol.

You know I think I'll make a vid of all the ledge tricks I know with Snake, although it wouldnt be editted unless some1 who knows how wants to help me.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
unless we're talking about something completely different I don't see how they blow up unless they tried to run past you and pivot grab you or something(this is the kind of stupid **** I would do!) do you mean jumping from the ledge and doing it or letting go of the ledge jumping back on and reverse nikita/grenading?
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