If people are still looking for a placeto stay I can help.
Haven't asked Ghost though, I ASSUME he doesn'tmind, not going to say yes unless he does (which is extremely likely).
Besides, i'm the crabby moody one so you just have to have me say yes mostly. hehehe

Also, I have room for say a thousand people.
Or lots anyway.
We even have a SPARE double bed and couch.
Even our carpet is super silky smooth comfortable.
BUT, you'd have to put up with me,

The household cat might make up for it though.
Don't try contacting me by internets though, I'm only on once a month at best. (18 minutes left

My phone number is somewhere.
TV's, yes
well, we have 1 in the lounge, i'd really like to get my other one back, that could be 2,and if you want me to bring my big bertha, then i might if enough people want it.
So maybe 3.
OK, i'm done.