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Proposed Standardized Ruleset

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Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2010
FL -> AZ -> OH
FoD and GHZ are pretty 'medium' too.
Compared to YS and WW.

on a scalseof sorts:




So what i mean is:

First game:

Stage striking as normal (1-2-1)

Next game:

Winner strikes 2 stages from the complete list.
Loser chooses a stage.


Next game:

Winner strikes 2 stages from the complete list.
Loser chooses a stage.

So strikes (or bans) are made for the immediate Next game ONLY.
if the person wants to strike the same stages again, that's up to them.
ok, so my point was for when game 3 occurs. Winner of game 2 strikes two stages based on information they have gotten through the set, including stage strikes from winner game 1. Winner game 1, however, only struck one stage and played it as a stage they don't like just to give better odds of it not being struck by winner of game 2. They then pick that stage in game 3, and winner of game 2 feels crappy because they were cheesed out of not striking that stage. While it is on them that they didn't strike it, it's a weird way to lose a set and if misunderstood makes for a not fun tournament experience.

It's a weird case to cover, but a case I would like covered because I've seen newer players and older players get hit by this in tournaments, and leave on a loss that they feel was underhanded in the way it happened.

I mostly just want the rule to be explicitly stated, but my personal preference would be bans to striking so the possibility is not there whatsoever.

Starter Stage List:

  • Smashville
  • Pokemon Stadium 2
  • Battlefield
  • Fountain of Dreams
  • Green Hill Zone
Counter Pick List:

  • Lylat Cruise
  • Yoshi's Island
  • Final Destination
  • Warioware
  • Norfair
  • Distant Planet
  • Yoshi’s Story
  • Dreamland 64
I feel like this has too many large stages vs small stages (ps2, lylat, fd, DL64, distant planet vs fod, ghz, ww, ys) - I'd probably remove lylat and one other (maybe DP?) to bring it down to 10 total stages, as there aren't really good small stages to add in as well (unless metal cavern?), and the reasons above for 10 stages instead of 12-13. If we added in MC, I'd still want only 2 bans.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2005
Character selection preceding stage banning

The main question that should be answered before the stage limit (and other issues) should be addressed is whether character selection should precede stage banning. By answering this question, will everyone be able to follow the same reasoning in determining what numbers can fit well and what numbers do fit best. When people have been arguing for or against a certain stage limit (among other issues), they have been doing so while having different conceptions about the answer to this question.

Narpas_sword, and Jtm94 have given solid reasoning for warranting character selection before stage bans.

The main argument in design is as follows:

“Counterpicking stage first allows the winner to pick a really strong character on the stage that was counterpicked making it possibly difficult for the loser to counterpick the winner’s character.

Counterpicking the winner’s character first allows the winning player to minimize the loser’s ability to select the worst stage possible in the MU, but giving the loser the ability to still pick a favorable if not even stage for that MU.

The former is less fair for the loser than the latter. If fairness for the loser is the main factor that should be argued for or against this situation, then the latter should be used unless significant evidence suggests otherwise.”

There have been no arguments against character selection preceding stage banning that address this particular argument above (fairness for the loser) which should be the main factor that dictates whether or not it should happen.

It would be best to solve this issue first before continuing to argue about things without everyone being on the same page. Please solve this everyone.
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Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2010
FL -> AZ -> OH
Character selection preceding stage bannning

The main question that should be answered before the stage limit (and other issues) should be addressed is whether character selection should precede stage banning. By answering this question, will everyone be able to follow the same reasoning in determining what numbers can fit well and what numbers do fit best. When people have been arguing for or against a certain stage limit (among other issues), they have been doing so while having different conceptions about the answer to this question.

Narpas_sword, and Jtm94 have given solid reasoning for warranting character selection before stage bans.

The main argument in design is as follows:

“Counterpicking stage first allows the winner to pick a really strong character on the stage that was counterpicked making it possibly difficult for the loser to counterpick the winner’s character.

Counterpicking the winner’s character first allows the winning player to minimize the loser’s ability to select the worst stage possible in the MU, but giving the loser the ability to still pick a favorable if not even stage for that MU.

The former is less fair for the loser than the latter. If fairness for the loser is the main factor that should be argued for or against this situation, then the latter should be used unless significant evidence suggests otherwise.”

There have been no arguments against character selection preceding stage banning that address this particular argument above (fairness for the loser) which should be the main factor that dictates whether or not it should happen.

It would be best to solve this issue first before continuing to argue about things without everyone being on the same page. Please solve this everyone.
The biggest argument against it I can think of is that it might give the loser too much of an advantage going to the next game (full information upfront = always the right stage = no counterplay against it except playing all-around good characters after a win). This could cause less character diversity and might make game 1 more important and have more weight than it already does (assuming that losing side gets much better odds of winning with this change, win 1, lose 2, win 3 happens a lot easier).

Having said that, I'm unsure what my opinion would be without actually testing this in multiple tournaments and talking to people during/after events.


Smash Ace
Apr 5, 2014
Ferndale, WA
Is Lylat really that big though? I would put it in the same group as battlefield, Smashville, and Yoshi's Island before I would put it with Dreamland and distant planet.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2005
The biggest argument against it I can think of is that it might give the loser too much of an advantage going to the next game (full information upfront = always the right stage = no counterplay against it except playing all-around good characters after a win). This could cause less character diversity and might make game 1 more important and have more weight than it already does (assuming that losing side gets much better odds of winning with this change, win 1, lose 2, win 3 happens a lot easier).

Having said that, I'm unsure what my opinion would be without actually testing this in multiple tournaments and talking to people during/after events.

Full information upfront does not equal "always the right stage," because the winner then proceeds to ban the 2 “best stages” (or most polarizing stages for that MU) leaving what should be a bunch of even stages or stages that are slightly advantageous for the loser. Choosing characters first ensures the character MU advantage, and the winner ensures that the loser doesn’t get the stage that causes the huge MU imbalances. This process would lead to more “even” MUs without having to guess or have information about the other player beforehand for either player.

Currently we have a system where the winner gets the most important information, (they get the stage selected beforehand) and knows exactly the best character to use to take advantage of the stage to its fullest, making it difficult to counterpick the character for the loser. It could also in turn give the loser too much advantage if the winner incorrectly guessed which character the loser was going to choose and the winner chooses the wrong character, such as in the example Boiko gave previously.

Furthermore, supposing that out of the 8-10 stages, a character does poorly on more than 3 of them (3 covers the 2 banned stages + Dave’s rule), then there is clearly a balance issue with either the stage list and/or the character.

If PM is striving for balance, which it is, then it should be the case that every character should eventually have winnable MUs against the whole cast, given that they aren’t playing on a stage which causes such huge advantages for either character.
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Smash Master
Mar 15, 2014
San Antonio
A resounding hell no. No offense.

I already have Frigate, and at least that has a lot more going on to stop it from being a just generic futuristic stage.
Um why? That background is light years better than the current norfair. And it's way different from frigate
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Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
Um why? That background is light years better than the current norfair. And it's way different from frigate
And I highly disagree. It's a bland futuristic stage. Norfair may just be a generic fire level, but it's still one of the most iconic locations in the series. It's like scrapping Green Hill Zone for Sonic.

A lot of the PM base and those on Brawl vault like to "over-competitize" stages to the point a lot of the heart of the series is lost. That's why we end up with ugly crap like Rumble Falls and Skyloft.
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Smash Master
Mar 15, 2014
San Antonio
And I highly disagree. It's a bland futuristic stage. Norfair may just be a generic fire level, but it's still one of the most iconic locations in the series. It's like scrapping Green Hill Zone for Sonic.

A lot of the PM base and those on Brawl vault like to "over-competitize" stages to the point a lot of the heart of the series is lost. That's why we end up with ugly crap like Rumble Falls and Skyloft.
It's not bland at all. If anything, it pays homage to one of the most iconic things in the series, the Super Metroid title screen.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2013
North of the Wall
Green Hill Zone
Pokémon Stadium 2
Dreamland 64

I really feel if either FoD or DL64 were on the starters, 9/10 they would be struck. However given we don't really have a "definite" fifth starter yet, I'm more inclined to include DL64. It's still very commonly used and has a large amount of familiarity for many players. The blastzones are definitely polarizing, but I think it's the best we've got right now. Plus IIRC (I have bad memory) they're all in a row on the bottom row of the CSS. It's just nicely positioned right now.

Counter Picks:
Yoshi's Island
Final Destination
Fountain of Dreams
Distant Planet

In terms of stage size, this would give us.

1 Small (GHZ), 2 Medium(BF,SV) , 2 Large for starters (PS2, DL64)

1 Small (WW), Two Medium (YI, FoD), 2 Large (FD, DP) (I guess FD is largeish?) counterpicks. (though these aren't as clear cut sizes)

Keeps the stages diverse but not too polarizing, I think bans would cover most of your characters bad stages?

Two other things just for a crappy opinion. I think this game is more counterpick heavy character-wise than stage wise, so I think characters should be declared first.

Also I do like the idea of that Metroid stage, but it needs a lot more TLC before its added. More metroids, more things going on would look interesting, right now its kinda empty feeling.

Though having a moving metroid behind a stage would be really awesome.
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Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2014
I'm really not liking the imbalance of stage sizes on these lists. Why does there have to be like 5 big stages, and 2 small ones for every list? There's no way we need ALL of the big stages just because they are viable. That's already a problem in stage lists, and unbanning more stages will make it worse. It really sucks playing a character that really likes small stages when big stage lovers can ban both your small ones and you can only ban half of their big ones...

I really wish there was another good small stage blast zone stage, but... Make it happen PMDT pls


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2006
And I highly disagree. It's a bland futuristic stage. Norfair may just be a generic fire level, but it's still one of the most iconic locations in the series. It's like scrapping Green Hill Zone for Sonic.

A lot of the PM base and those on Brawl vault like to "over-competitize" stages to the point a lot of the heart of the series is lost. That's why we end up with ugly crap like Rumble Falls and Skyloft.
what does that even mean
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Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
I support 10 stages over anymore. My reasoning is the same as Umbreon's that I would rather have 10 no-nonsense stages vs 12 arguably accepted stages. It's going to be more difficult to agree on even more stages.

I don't want any more than 2 bans for 10 stages as well. 1 ban doesn't feel like enough unless we want to boost the loser's power in the counter pick process while choosing character's first. If you choose characters first you don't have to ban contingency stages because you know they have a pocket X character so it becomes pretty no-nonsense to ban their best stage.

Extra stages.... I guess Norfair has my vote. I don't like Skyworld or DP, and people seem to dislike Lylat. I am against including BOTH Warioware and Yoshi's Story in the same list. Do we want Warioware or Yoshi's Story in the list? Speak up now or hold peace. We have WW, GHZ, FoD as smaller stages already. If people just want a smaller feeling stage in general I would recommend either Lylat, or even Metal Cavern, but that's as far as it goes. The goal is to create a stage list that includes as few controversial stages as possible. If people agree on them though I'm down for whatever and I can try my best to push for testing the stage list.


Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2014
I support 10 stages over anymore. My reasoning is the same as Umbreon's that I would rather have 10 no-nonsense stages vs 12 arguably accepted stages. It's going to be more difficult to agree on even more stages.

I don't want any more than 2 bans for 10 stages as well. 1 ban doesn't feel like enough unless we want to boost the loser's power in the counter pick process while choosing character's first. If you choose characters first you don't have to ban contingency stages because you know they have a pocket X character so it becomes pretty no-nonsense to ban their best stage.

Extra stages.... I guess Norfair has my vote. I don't like Skyworld or DP, and people seem to dislike Lylat. I am against including BOTH Warioware and Yoshi's Story in the same list. Do we want Warioware or Yoshi's Story in the list? Speak up now or hold peace. We have WW, GHZ, FoD as smaller stages already. If people just want a smaller feeling stage in general I would recommend either Lylat, or even Metal Cavern, but that's as far as it goes. The goal is to create a stage list that includes as few controversial stages as possible. If people agree on them though I'm down for whatever and I can try my best to push for testing the stage list.
First off, FoD isn't small, it's straight up medium. Secondly, it's fine to have 3 small stages since we'll have 3 large ones too, especially since GHZ is only kinda small. The vast majority of viable stages are large or medium, with only 3 good small ones. Having all 3 (viable) small ones is the only way imo


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
what does that even mean
It's hard to actually put into words, so "soul" is pretty much the thing that came to mind. Rumble Falls looks empty and soulless to me, and so does that Norfair redesign.

If it gets changed anyway I won't care. You asked for people's opinion so I simply gave mine. It just happened to be the only negative one.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2006
It's hard to actually put into words, so "soul" is pretty much the thing that came to mind. Rumble Falls looks empty and soulless to me, and so does that Norfair redesign.

If it gets changed anyway I won't care. You asked for people's opinion so I simply gave mine. It just happened to be the only negative one.
That's not the background that's going in the next build...that's just an alternate background for people who didn't like the lava version.

Rumble Falls is just vBrawl Rumble Falls but not ****ty. Also I spent years importing Skyloft into Brawl and retexturing it so I really don't appreciate that


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
I didn't intend to be rude or downplay your work on the stage, and I apologize if it came out the way. Calling it "crap" was pretty crass on my part, but I assumed we were all adults here who could handle one another's opinions on things without their being hurt feelings. No matter how hard the PMDT work, not every aspect design will appease everyone. It certainly doesn't mean we don't appreciate it. If people still like the game as a whole and play it, that's all that matters.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2006
I'm honestly just curious why you feel that way. You never really explained yourself. But at this point I don't really care and would rather get back to the topic at hand
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Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
Green Hill Zone
Pokémon Stadium 2

Counter Picks(5):
Yoshi's Island
Final Destination
Fountain of Dreams
Yoshi's Story

None of the CP stages fit in starters and neither do DP, Skyworld, Lylat, or Dreamland. I'd sooner have Metal Cavern a starter.


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2010
FL -> AZ -> OH
Full information upfront does not equal "always the right stage," because the winner then proceeds to ban the 2 “best stages” (or most polarizing stages for that MU) leaving what should be a bunch of even stages or stages that are slightly advantageous for the loser. Choosing characters first ensures the character MU advantage, and the winner ensures that the loser doesn’t get the stage that causes the huge MU imbalances. This process would lead to more “even” MUs without having to guess or have information about the other player beforehand for either player.

Currently we have a system where the winner gets the most important information, (they get the stage selected beforehand) and knows exactly the best character to use to take advantage of the stage to its fullest, making it difficult to counterpick the character for the loser. It could also in turn give the loser too much advantage if the winner incorrectly guessed which character the loser was going to choose and the winner chooses the wrong character, such as in the example Boiko gave previously.

Furthermore, supposing that out of the 8-10 stages, a character does poorly on more than 3 of them (3 covers the 2 banned stages + Dave’s rule), then there is clearly a balance issue with either the stage list and/or the character.

If PM is striving for balance, which it is, then it should be the case that every character should eventually have winnable MUs against the whole cast, given that they aren’t playing on a stage which causes such huge advantages for either character.
It depends on their balance style, and realistically, creating a stagelist for this build, very few characters have winnable matchups against the cast assuming they choose any stage they want.

And it's the right decision based on what's left every time. Assuming character changes at that screen, when it gets to game 3 likely a different stage will be better in game 3 for the initial winner.

I understand the argument against a guessing game - that makes sense. The guessing game would still exist, though, for the winner but they would have less information (be in a worse spot potentially) when choosing characters. Also, I don't agree with it being hard to counterpick with this system. The winner gets some information - they then have to consider what approach the loser is going to take and weigh their odds against it. The loser has a game plan with stage choice, and if the winner chooses a different character unexpectedly, the loser has all information and can then respond accordingly.

With boikos example, the same issue would happen with both situations.


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2011
Keeping balance towards stage size in starters and counter-picks, the most logical setup is similar to what we've been running:

Yoshi's Story (S)
Battlefield (M)
Smashville (M)
Green Hill Zone (S/M)*
Pokemon Stadium 2 (M/L)

Final Destination (L)
Dreamland (L)
Wario Ware (S)
Fountain of Dreams (S/M)*

* = interchangeable

That gives 3 small, 3 large, and 2 medium with one small/medium stage. The last stage is the most controversial considering that the other outright medium stages are Yoshi's Island, Lylat Cruise, and Norfair. GHZ and FoD are bigger small stages because of the blastzones vertically being more suited towards medium size stages (FoD being closer to medium overall than GHZ). Overall, we have to keep one of the S/M stages to maintain a balance of 3/3/3. That leaves YI, LC, or Norfair as the potential medium stages; however, everyone is so volatile with the choices that I feel it won't get too far.

With a 9 stage starter + 2 bans, the loser of game 4 will be able to pick between 5 stages left (with DSR active). So, this makes it to where you'll have to win on a weaker stage unless you plan to hold onto that stage until the last game of the set (provided neither player switches characters). I think this is the most optimal with what's currently in our stage pool.

Adding more stages would be much harder to deal with because the only other small-esque stage is Metal Cavern, but it's only small when you're near the edges. Everywhere else is medium sized (blastzones and stage size included). From there, you'd have a decision of YI, LC, and Norfair as your medium stage again, then you'd have a dilemma with the large stages. All proclaimed large stages have medium vertical blastzones except for Dracula's Castle and Kongo's Jungle. Just from this alone, I'd probably keep things to a 9 stage limit. Makes things much less complicated imo.


Mar 31, 2011
New York
^Only reason I wouldn't call them interchangeable is that by adding FoD, you have three tri platform stages and can't strike them all.
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Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
3/3/3 is probably the wrong ratio. I think 2/5/2 is probably better, with 1 stage ban. Small stages would be either WW or Yoshi, and then GHZ. Large stage would be PS2, and then one out of DL/DP/FD/Skyworld.

Alternatively you can run 3/5/3, and give players 2 bans. This would work out similar to the prior instance (they would ban out the more extreme Yoshi + WW, or the more extreme DL/Skyworld, leaving PS2 and GHZ as intended).

If you have a majority on medium stages, it's way easier to balance the small/big scale. Take 5/1/5 for example (extremity obv): how many bans do you give players? If you give 3 to each, that still leaves 2 big or small stages to deal with despite a hefty amount of bans.

Starter list should also try to be 1/3/1 and not 2/1/2 imo
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Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2011
I'm not opposed to the ratio change, but the current problem is finding the appropriate medium stage that everyone can agree with. I'm assuming the medium stage list you're referring to is:

LC / NF / YI
LC / NF / YI


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I'm not opposed to the ratio change, but the current problem is finding the appropriate medium stage that everyone can agree with. I'm assuming the medium stage list you're referring to is:

LC / NF / YI
LC / NF / YI
I am too much of an idealist. We don't have 5 uncontested medium stages. SV and BF are literally it, maybe FoD as well. Ideally for me, Rumble Falls would get reworked towards middle stage size, we would get a SV or smaller stage with no platforms, and stuff like MC be changed to more symmetrical.

As it stands, I don't know if we can craft an awesome stage list. We should have a game with 11 or more total stages, without compromising on stage quality. We certainly have to compromise on that with larger lists, and smaller lists can be excessively conservative (but at this point maybe the best solution).


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
I'm honestly just curious why you feel that way. You never really explained yourself. But at this point I don't really care and would rather get back to the topic at hand
Your new Norfair background looks like it was taken from the SSE, and that was pretty soulless. It's best to pretend like that never happened, even for conceptual purposes.

Deleted member

There have been no arguments against character selection preceding stage banning that address this particular argument above (fairness for the loser) which should be the main factor that dictates whether or not it should happen.

It would be best to solve this issue first before continuing to argue about things without everyone being on the same page. Please solve this everyone.
this is a great post. that said, i'm not sure whether its actually better or not in theory because some characters definitely lose to MUs more than stages, but the opposite also holds true for characters like bowser. i think a lack of forthcoming arguments have been made because its not really something thats been tested. we definitely grandfathered the old melee ruleset it even way before this thread and now is certainly a good time to test it.

as an aside, i dont think it really affects stages though, since its pretty clear what is acceptable or not in terms of stage legality. we have minor issues with a handful of stages, but relatively speaking these are very trivial disagreements with regards to the stage list at large and we are 95% on the same page, even if it doesnt feel like it sometimes. im pretty okay addressing CP order and moving the stage list argument along in tandem.

i have a lot to get caught up with in this thread so yeah i'll get on that today.


i think we should stop categorizing stages as much. when i say we should have 2 small stages in the full set, its a relative thing and not a category. the difference in practice is negligible but in this thread it sounds like a much bigger deal than it really is. really, how much bigger is PS2 than smashville? does it really matter? probably not in most cases.

the way i see the stage list is like 2 small stages, 2 large ones, our non-debatable first 3 starters, and then 3 others that are more strategically based than they are size based for what they offer (YI for recovery, FoD for platform manipulation, FD for a lack of platform manipulation). i think maybe lylat could go in here if for whatever you reason you like the low sides (i think theyre too polarizing, ex. kirby would always want to go there, but thats just me). but overall if you want a "small stage" and don't have GHZ or WW you're probably going to still pick whatever is smallest given your remaining choices, and frankly thats fine as long as it ensures a reasonable interactive match. it's not like "oh all the small stages are gone i guess i dont have a real CP anymore" or whatever.

and frankly, i'm pretty okay putting norfair to the 5th starter and DP to the large CP. i would like a better starter for the large stage and i definitely dont think DP fits that role, but lets be real, if you dont want to get bomb camped or something you won't go to a large stage anyway. as long as its decently acceptable, its probably fine for tournament play. my real issue with norfair is that its too opened up for (MK/fox/CF/sonic style) dashdancing and chaingrabbing which makes it redundant with FD/GHZ on chaingrabbing and FD/DP for dashdancing. everything else fits 2 bans except that as far as i can tell. heres just hoping we get something better down the road.

@ SOJ SOJ the norfair redo looks amazing.
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Dec 11, 2013
Wellington, New Zealand
ok, so my point was for when game 3 occurs. Winner of game 2 strikes two stages based on information they have gotten through the set, including stage strikes from winner game 1. Winner game 1, however, only struck one stage and played it as a stage they don't like just to give better odds of it not being struck by winner of game 2. They then pick that stage in game 3, and winner of game 2 feels crappy because they were cheesed out of not striking that stage. While it is on them that they didn't strike it, it's a weird way to lose a set and if misunderstood makes for a not fun tournament experience.

It's a weird case to cover, but a case I would like covered because I've seen newer players and older players get hit by this in tournaments, and leave on a loss that they feel was underhanded in the way it happened.

I mostly just want the rule to be explicitly stated, but my personal preference would be bans to striking so the possibility is not there whatsoever.

I feel like this has too many large stages vs small stages (ps2, lylat, fd, DL64, distant planet vs fod, ghz, ww, ys) - I'd probably remove lylat and one other (maybe DP?) to bring it down to 10 total stages, as there aren't really good small stages to add in as well (unless metal cavern?), and the reasons above for 10 stages instead of 12-13. If we added in MC, I'd still want only 2 bans.

Your opening case is covered by selecting Characters before stages and then striking for that game only. The rule is that you can pick ANYTHING that isn’t struck by your opponent for the next game.
If the person doesn’t strike a stage because he thought something wrong, that’s on him.
Tbh if someone wants to waste a strike on a stage they actually want to go on later, that’s their risk.

It’s a very obscure scenario though, and I don’t think it warrants banning for the set.
Especially when banning for the set can mess up character changes.

Character selection preceding stage banning

The main question that should be answered before the stage limit (and other issues) should be addressed is whether character selection should precede stage banning. By answering this question, will everyone be able to follow the same reasoning in determining what numbers can fit well and what numbers do fit best. When people have been arguing for or against a certain stage limit (among other issues), they have been doing so while having different conceptions about the answer to this question.

Narpas_sword, and Jtm94 have given solid reasoning for warranting character selection before stage bans.

The main argument in design is as follows:

“Counterpicking stage first allows the winner to pick a really strong character on the stage that was counterpicked making it possibly difficult for the loser to counterpick the winner’s character.

Counterpicking the winner’s character first allows the winning player to minimize the loser’s ability to select the worst stage possible in the MU, but giving the loser the ability to still pick a favorable if not even stage for that MU.

The former is less fair for the loser than the latter. If fairness for the loser is the main factor that should be argued for or against this situation, then the latter should be used unless significant evidence suggests otherwise.”

There have been no arguments against character selection preceding stage banning that address this particular argument above (fairness for the loser) which should be the main factor that dictates whether or not it should happen.

It would be best to solve this issue first before continuing to argue about things without everyone being on the same page. Please solve this everyone.

Agreed, this really needs to be sorted.
But Starter list can be decided upon too.
It’s the counter-pick stages that this affects.

And yea, I’m yet to see any positives for Stage>Character selection.
If no one is able to argue for Stage>Character, I say we just change it now.
Make a decision and move on to the next topic.

We can always change the rules after we use them for a while, if they really aren’t working.
“Because we did it that way in melee” is definitely not a supporting argument though.

The same argument is there for fod and ghz on the other end.

Not really.
Lylat is almost EXACTLY the same size as Battlefield.
FoD is to Battlefield what Battlefield is to PS2.

First off, FoD isn't small, it's straight up medium. Secondly, it's fine to have 3 small stages since we'll have 3 large ones too, especially since GHZ is only kinda small. The vast majority of viable stages are large or medium, with only 3 good small ones. Having all 3 (viable) small ones is the only way imo

You say FoD is ‘straight up Medium’, then ‘GHZ is ‘only kinda small’.
They’re pretty much exactly the same.

Keeping balance towards stage size in starters and counter-picks, the most logical setup is similar to what we've been running:

Yoshi's Story (S)
Battlefield (M)
Smashville (M)
Green Hill Zone (S/M)*
Pokemon Stadium 2 (M/L)

Final Destination (L)
Dreamland (L)
Wario Ware (S)
Fountain of Dreams (S/M)*

* = interchangeable

That gives 3 small, 3 large, and 2 medium with one small/medium stage. The last stage is the most controversial considering that the other outright medium stages are Yoshi's Island, Lylat Cruise, and Norfair. GHZ and FoD are bigger small stages because of the blastzones vertically being more suited towards medium size stages (FoD being closer to medium overall than GHZ). Overall, we have to keep one of the S/M stages to maintain a balance of 3/3/3. That leaves YI, LC, or Norfair as the potential medium stages; however, everyone is so volatile with the choices that I feel it won't get too far.

With a 9 stage starter + 2 bans, the loser of game 4 will be able to pick between 5 stages left (with DSR active). So, this makes it to where you'll have to win on a weaker stage unless you plan to hold onto that stage until the last game of the set (provided neither player switches characters). I think this is the most optimal with what's currently in our stage pool.

Adding more stages would be much harder to deal with because the only other small-esque stage is Metal Cavern, but it's only small when you're near the edges. Everywhere else is medium sized (blastzones and stage size included). From there, you'd have a decision of YI, LC, and Norfair as your medium stage again, then you'd have a dilemma with the large stages. All proclaimed large stages have medium vertical blastzones except for Dracula's Castle and Kongo's Jungle. Just from this alone, I'd probably keep things to a 9 stage limit. Makes things much less complicated imo.

That starter list has a very small, but no very large. It weighs too small.

S / MS / M / M / ML

If dreamland is too big for starter and should be a counter pick (I agree) so should Yoshi Story.

Open up JOE! ‘s Stage tool, and compare:
Green Hill Zone
Pokemon Stadium 2
Then put Yoshi over top and you’ll see what I mean.

Lylat is actually a perfect size for a medium stage.

People have problems with the ledge, either the slope, or the head-banging ceiling, which is like melee BF. Also it’s just too ‘busy’ in the background.

Norfair is another great medium sized stage, but people have a problem with the platforms and the background.
Both could, with some work, eventually be starter material. But we need a list for now, not for future.

Deleted member

That starter list has a very small, but no very large. It weighs too small.

S / MS / M / M / ML
like this, this doesnt actually matter, and frankly its kinda good to have stages on the smaller side because bigger stages are more prone to poor/linear forms of interaction. armada's YL timing out hungrybox on DL64 was a fascinating set for an 82 minute grand finals, but we have no interest in replicating that imo


Dec 11, 2013
Wellington, New Zealand
like this, this doesnt actually matter, and frankly its kinda good to have stages on the smaller side because bigger stages are more prone to poor/linear forms of interaction. armada's YL timing out hungrybox on DL64 was a fascinating set for an 82 minute grand finals, but we have no interest in replicating that imo
But why should characters that prefer a large stage get disadvantaged because 'it's less fun to watch'?
Don't put YS in starters for the same reason you don't put DL in. its too far to one side.

GHZ, FoD, BF, SV, PS2 is almost perfect.
SM / SM / M / M* / ML
It's slightly bias towards smaller stages, but not so much as having YS in there.

* SmashVille has a strange property where it can be considered a fairly large platform for playing on, but can also end up very close to the blastzones.

I still feel that's the most fair way to go for now. Adjustments can be made if other stages are changed in patches.

If we want 5 strictly medium, we could go really weird and have

BF, SV, Norfair, Lylat, Yoshi Island.
They all nave near exact blastzones and similar main stage size, with varying platform layouts.

Obviously shyguys, slopes, platforms, etc are a problem on some for 'starters' though.
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Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2011
My list is just going with what we have in the stage pool. People generally are fine with PS2 moreso than Dreamland. That's why I just wrote it that way. I don't care what changes the starter lists makes in terms of whether Dreamland should replace PS2 or w/e, but a decision should be made because we're all just going in circles at this point.

I listed YI, LC, and Norfair together because they have similar numbers to classify as a medium stage, but people are constantly disagreeing with each other on it. So, I put it outside of the list and deal with the stages we already have to fill a 3/3/3 ratio. The list may favor slightly smaller blastzones, but when you break it down in multiple sections, I think it's okay with what we got.

Vertical Blastzones:
YS (L)
GHZ (M / H)
SV (M / H)
BF (M / H)
PS2 (L / M)

Horizontal Blastzones:
YS (S)
SV (M)
BF (M)
PS2 (L)

Vertical BZ wise, Dreamland & Dracula is the only viable options, but Dreamland is over the top because the jump from medium ones to it is around a 40 unit jump. Dracula's is actually the best option for VBZs because it's actually in the sweetspot numbers (220-230). Horizontal BZ wise, we have a ton of stages that are over 200 units (mostly starting at 220+). I don't think there's any need to touch this part of list because PM allows for more combo enders that make the slightly larger HBZs seem normal.

If we really needed to add a large stage, then Dracula's Castle makes sense despite the HBZ being slightly wider than Dreamland's. Though, the platform movement is questionable.

I'm not talking about anything needing rework. I'm using what we have now. Fix the stages later after we get a list out now.

3/3/3 is probably the wrong ratio. I think 2/5/2 is probably better, with 1 stage ban. Small stages would be either WW or Yoshi, and then GHZ. Large stage would be PS2, and then one out of DL/DP/FD/Skyworld.

Alternatively you can run 3/5/3, and give players 2 bans. This would work out similar to the prior instance (they would ban out the more extreme Yoshi + WW, or the more extreme DL/Skyworld, leaving PS2 and GHZ as intended).

If you have a majority on medium stages, it's way easier to balance the small/big scale. Take 5/1/5 for example (extremity obv): how many bans do you give players? If you give 3 to each, that still leaves 2 big or small stages to deal with despite a hefty amount of bans.

Starter list should also try to be 1/3/1 and not 2/1/2 imo
Now that I thought about this, I don't see a big difference in changing the ratio. A 2/5/2 & 3/5/3 ratio just does the same thing in terms of a 3/3/3 w 2 bans ratio. You're going to get CP'd to one of the extreme stages either in the beginning of a set or at the end. You're just making more mid-sized stages available, but seeing as how everyone has a problem with the other available mid-sized stages (YI, LC, NF) I don't see the worth in going through the trouble. At the end of the day, I believe it's safe to say that 1 small/large stage will get banned through a set. Which leaves a potential mix of (in a Bo5 set):

1 S / 3 M / 1 L
1 S / 2 M / 2 L
2 S / 3 M / 0 L
2 S / 2 M / 1 L
0 S / 3 M / 2 L

In these cases, players will be using medium stages more and will probably use at max 2 of the extreme stages.

Also, I would like to know what starter lists have been 2/1/2 if it's respectively S/M/L. I've never seen or heard that kind of setup.
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Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Also, I would like to know what starter lists have been 2/1/2 if it's respectively S/M/L. I've never seen or heard that kind of setup.
Some stage lists are really close to 2/1/2 or even leaning towards big stages: the biggest mistake is that people use PS2 thinking it's a medium stage when it's one of the larger offerings out there.

PS2 (Large stage, mistaken for medium stage)
DP/Dreamland (unarguably large stages)
BF (Med)
SV (Med)
GHZ/WW/Yoshi's (Decently small for GHZ and quite small for the others)

Lot of people would see this and say oh we have 3 medium: PS2, BF, and SV, when it's actually more slanted towards big stages than they realized.

For 2/1/2, it's not very common since a lot of areas run both BF and SV. I have seen a couple where they omit SV and replaced it with FoD (which kind of leans towards smaller) and so you get 2 big, 2 small incl. FoD, and BF as the middle.

And I agree, given the current stages and the lack of universal acceptance for some of the other medium stages, it's probably best to run a more conservative stage list of roughly 9 stages. Although again, 2 bans each with 9 stages takes away nearly half of the legal stages (if your ban format allows players to CP stages they have personally banned, this is less of an issue sometimes). The best format with 9 stages, would probably be 1 ban only and the 2/5/2 format. If you cram the stage list with stages more likely to cause MU troubles (small and big ones), you either need more bans or accept the increased influence they have over the set. At only 9 stages, 2 bans might be pushing it? At that point, trying to rebalance the list with more medium stages (including LC/Norfair/controversial ones) might make more sense than stretching bans even though we lack more quality medium stages? Idk.

All of this lets me hope that the next patch or phase has some plans for retooling current stages or adding in new ones to supplement what we have
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Dec 11, 2013
Wellington, New Zealand
People think of Ps2 as 'medium' because it has fairly low ceiling considering.
A lot of the characters that liek big stages for recovery (samus, peach, jiggs) are all floaty, and get vert killed easily on PS2.

Deleted member

But why should characters that prefer a large stage get disadvantaged because 'it's less fun to watch'?
i never said anything like that, on the contrary i love watching those kind of sets. because they teach me more about smash. and stupid forms of interaction. that we can avoid. there is no skew that harms characters that prefer big stages, we have bigger available, they are just immediately banned like draculas castle. rightfully so at that.


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2011
@ DMG DMG I am not including the bans remain active throughout the set part. Bans reset per game. That's most likely why I wasn't able able to understand why you were going with a 2/5/2 ratio. If that were the case, then you kind of have to teeter the edges with a list like:

Battlefield (M)
Smashville (M)
Green Hill Zone (S/M)
Fountain of Dreams (S/M)
Pokemon Stadium 2 (M/L)

Final Destination (L) / Dreamland (L)
Wario Ware (S) / Yoshi's Story (S)

I think YS can be interchangeable with FoD and DL interchangeable with PS2. The possible starters is something like:

Battlefield (M)
Smashville (M)
Green Hill Zone (S/M)
Fountain of Dreams (S/M)
Pokemon Stadium 2 (M/L)

Yoshi's Story (S)
Battlefield (M)
Smashville (M)
Green Hill Zone (S/M)
Pokemon Stadium 2 (M/L)

Yoshi's Story (S)
Battlefield (M)
Smashville (M)
Green Hill Zone (S/M)
Dreamland (L)

Other than that, things get complicated trying to work out an agreement with LC / YI / NF, and get bad when you just do a 3 stage starter (which we already agree to not do that).


Dec 11, 2013
Wellington, New Zealand
i never said anything like that, on the contrary i love watching those kind of sets. because they teach me more about smash. and stupid forms of interaction. that we can avoid. there is no skew that harms characters that prefer big stages, we have bigger available, they are just immediately banned like draculas castle. rightfully so at that.
i apologize, no you didnt say that. it was the vibe i got from it though.

I still dont think it's ideal to have such a small stage in Starters though, it feels very much like a counter pick to me.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
@ DMG DMG I am not including the bans remain active throughout the set part. Bans reset per game. That's most likely why I wasn't able able to understand why you were going with a 2/5/2 ratio.

Well not shifting bans, but whether you can pick stages that you prior banned in a set. You could have bans shift each game, but prevent the winner from using his latest prior banned stages along with the opponent's "fresh" banned stages. It's not always clear in tourney rules whether bans apply to opponent only or to both players: in the format where bans shift after each game in longer sets, it's more likely to be clear that bans only apply against the opponent.

Still, in situations where both players don't want to shift their bans, or don't have extra characters to consider doing so with, giving 2 bans for 9 stages is likely to remove 4 stages and DSR might give unfavorable stage outcomes for longer sets. Opponent has 2 bans, while you personally might have 2 stages that are not favorable or weak for the MU, so that leaves roughly 5. The players either have to play on 1 different stage each game, or settle for a stage that probably disadvantages them (stage you prior lost on or stage that is clear CP for the opponent). Shifting bans or not, for people playing a specific MU the entire set, you might put someone at an artificial disadvantage for not having more stages available with that specific stage ban count.

Avoiding that possibility might be worth either adding another stage or two (preferrably from the medium set, despite some of the controversy), shrinking ban count to 1, or changing the ratio of S/M/L.
Reply in red ofc

Also I think technically you can get 3 stage striking to work, but it's a bit complicated. I will try to outline a system that can allow 3 stage striking to work:

1. You have both players strike at the same time. Meaning you have both of them write down their strike somewhat away from each other, or tell someone privately what their strike is, etc. Figure out and use a practical system where they effectively strike at the same time once characters are picked.

2. If they strike different stages, you treat those strikes as valid and pick the remaining last stage. Neither player technically had to strike first or give his opponent an information advantage, so it's pretty fair.

2a. If they both strike the same stage, you take note of this and repeat the process for strike #2 between the other 2 stages left. If they again match strikes, you accept those strikes and use the 3rd stage.

3. If they strike different stages for strike #2, you can either go back and decide to use the first stage they both agreed to strike (the logic being if both players felt the need to strike it and strike it for the first round, then neither side should have a strong advantage), or you can reset the striking process. With a reset, you can also add the stipulation that if their "fresh" strikes end up matching the prior "first" #1 strike, they immediately play on that stage.

Alternatively, you could state that any "new" matching strike is what you will use (Say both players struck Smashville for their absolute first strike in the prior round, before the reset. Under this rule, if they reset striking after #2 and then decide to both strike BF, BF is now the stage they will play on)

It's way more complicated than traditional striking, but I don't think it's entirely unfeasible. The biggest issue is that it's hard to stop an opponent who's trying to match your strikes as a mindgame: if he knows what stage you absolutely hate, he can try to strike it simultaneously with you somewhere during the process to try and force that stage as the starter. This is obviously risky, as he's effectively choosing to strike arguably his best stage and will backfire if you do not match him.
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