Can anyone figure out this problem with his walking? It makes no sense for me.
Just for some background on how I got it to work and not stick in the ground...
The TransN bone is what controls movement. The index for TransN on Red Alloy is 5 iirc and it's 4 on Waluigi (might be 4 and 3, either way, they're one apart from each other). When dealing with the motion, the movement for the model is referrenced to the bone index, not the bone name (good job Nintendo). So originally the movement for running was still on TransN bone on Waluigi, but it had to be on one index higher which is XRotN. I took the Z displacement change that was on TransN and moved it to XRotN and then it worked (this was the fix in v.02) so then I had to fix the height. The height of the model was stored in originally YRotN, though of course Red Alloy's YRotN had an index of one higher than Waluigi's YRotN so I had to move the Y displacement of Waluigi's YRotN to the next bone (can't remember the name off the top of my head).
This all together fixed Running perfectly, but when I do it for walking, yea it puts him above ground and moves, but for some reason his walking and momentum goes into overdrive. It makes no sense at all. iirc when I fixed just WalkSlow (testing that before fixing WalkMiddle and WalkFast) WalkSlow worked fine (which is when I posted here I think I found the work around) which means there's a glitch in WalkMiddle or WalkFast most likely. I still don't get it though. I'm going to try some more things tomorrow and see if I can get anything.
Supposedly it's going to be a busy day at work tomorrow, but I'm going to bring my Wii anyway (lol) so I can actually work on it while at work tomorrow. My job is awesome.
Another thing, there is a limit to the size FitZakoBoy.pac can be. I haven't nailed down the size limit yet, but it seems to be around 85kb. Once the file size reaches this limit, Waluigi won't load and it will freeze (with no beep noise though) when you pick a stage. Is there any way a code can be made to remove this limit?
Something else, ThatGuyYouMightKnow, I'll try looking into it tomorrow as well (I'm not too good with PSA though) but can you see if this new thing you've thought of can add special attacks to Waluigi (Red Alloy)? What about shielding and such?
To fix the grab we need the ability to add a new bone, or manually edit the Catch animation, which is what I'm going to try and do.
Hey Chibo. . . we just released the first somewhat playable AT in Brawl. No one can ever take that away from us. (Mostly you, but I like to think I helped out

We just made Brawl history.
This post is a lot longer than I was originally intending for
Note to self: Remember to make this later when Waluigi is done:
Tomorrow I'll get the custom textures up, k? I'll put them as actual, in game pics so you guys can compare. And yes, I'll do pics for all 12 (I accidentally botched the one, but that's fine) >_>
Tonight I'm tired, which is the only reason why I'm retiring from the animating for the night.
What do you think is the best way to do multiple textures atm? When there is a character clone engine we can do it so you switch colors when you hold a certain button, but for now.... Release different versions? Like download standard Waluigi, Luigi Suit Waluigi, etc. I like Ice Waluigi a lot. I wanna work on some CSPs and CBPs for Waluigi soon. I should be able to knock them out in a single short sitting.
What we need is a code that can do this now which would be really easy imo.
The current CSS Alloy fix (I'm assuming) tells the game which CSP and CBP to load for the Alloys. Someone mentioned in a thread that there were some unused CSP and Icon slots. We just need the Alloy code modified so Red Alloy points to one of these blank locations, then we edit them. Then make it so like default costume selected loads FitZakoBoy00.pac/pcs, red costume selected loads FitZakoBoy01.pac/pcs, etc. Even though 01...05 don't exist on the Brawl disc, perhaps it would still work as long as they are on the SD card? I mean, that means the game would freeze if a SD card with that file wasn't in, but who cares. Waluigi requires a SD card lol.
I thought Waluigi would at least have a bone for his racket, meaning I could easily make it vanish and reappear for different animations, but he doesn't and it becomes more difficult.
I would look into Peach, Kirby, Dedede, and Sonic (And others, but those are the main ones I can think of), who use commands to call upon certain parts of their model, but I am a little busy with my own projects right now, so its up to you if you feel like it.
While thinking about it there's going to be some animations that shouldn't have a racket such as his taunts mainly. The crotch chop wouldn't look right with a tennis racket, nor would a DDR Waluigi animation.