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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
Snap, I hope you also realize that techroll speed and frames I'm pretty sure are not perfected yet. Magus could correct me as he has been beasting on melee-fications as of late, but I'm pretty sure tech reads right now for some characters are easier than they should be.

Additionally, remember your playing something that is inherently a work-in-progress. Lucas and Snake are prime examples who literally (through svn revisions we can confirm) 50-100 iterations of refinements. Wario is still earlier in the development cycle and will become more and more refined with time. Do we claim something to not be broken at this point? Of course not, its work in progress. Thats the nature of this project and something you need to recognize as well. We listen to input and I'm sure those in charge of wario (Shell, SMK, others) will definitely listen to your feedback.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
just thought of something that could be cool.

in melee and brawl, once characters reach above 100% they take longer to recover from the ledge to the stage and struggle out of grabs. so for pokemon trainer, i think once they reach over 100% squirtle, ivysaur, and charizard should keep that exhausted stance like they do when they've been out too long without switching. nothing big but i thought it might be a cool idea.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
This thread gets too many posts when you leave it for over half a day...

About Norfair...
A while ago, in the competitive stage hacking thread, I suggested this platform layout (which I made a mockup for) that people seemed to like. It was going to be worked on but no one was able to remove just the lava plume and the giant lava wave from the background so no progress was made.

This keeps the multiple-ledges-per-side aspect like the original (but not going overboard with 3 per side, since the top layer wouldn't have ledges), but makes it take up so much space. Also, when the lava comes from underneath, there's still a decent sized platform to fight on. With lava coming from the side, it'll probably feel slightly more cramped (despite actually having about the same amount of space as just the top layer) but it's still enough, IMO.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2010
Carbondale, IL
This thread gets too many posts when you leave it for over half a day...

About Norfair...
A while ago, in the competitive stage hacking thread, I suggested this platform layout (which I made a mockup for) that people seemed to like. It was going to be worked on but no one was able to remove just the lava plume and the giant lava wave from the background so no progress was made.

This keeps the multiple-ledges-per-side aspect like the original (but not going overboard with 3 per side, since the top layer wouldn't have ledges), but makes it take up so much space. Also, when the lava comes from underneath, there's still a decent sized platform to fight on. With lava coming from the side, it'll probably feel slightly more cramped (despite actually having about the same amount of space as just the top layer) but it's still enough, IMO.
I was actually thinking of making that layout for myself when I had some time. So uber-ninja'd. It looks really cool.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
And lol didn't buff or nerf Snake. What do you call uptilt? Or Grenades. C4 and D-smash have become integral parts of his game (actually, we were thinking of giving bair back some kill power because he now struggles to get kills. Oops?)

Or give something else so that he has something more than
Nades, C4, and Mines.

Like make uthrow CG Fatties and FFers or make bair stronger like you suggested.

Really? Over 100 revisions?
In the time span of about 7 months?
Good thing this is a closed alpha then.

That would have driven everyone nuts over the updates.....

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
Snap, I hope you also realize that techroll speed and frames I'm pretty sure are not perfected yet. Magus could correct me as he has been beasting on melee-fications as of late, but I'm pretty sure tech reads right now for some characters are easier than they should be.

Additionally, remember your playing something that is inherently a work-in-progress. Lucas and Snake are prime examples who literally (through svn revisions we can confirm) 50-100 iterations of refinements. Wario is still earlier in the development cycle and will become more and more refined with time. Do we claim something to not be broken at this point? Of course not, its work in progress. Thats the nature of this project and something you need to recognize as well. We listen to input and I'm sure those in charge of wario (Shell, SMK, others) will definitely listen to your feedback.
Thanks shanus, you handsome son of a *****.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
Snap, I got your Wario feedback.

In addition to fixing tech rolls, I know there are several things we can do to fix Wario dair including upping KB vs. grounded foes, increasing the aerial end lag from 20 to 30ish frames, and possibly limiting the DIability of the bounce at first so he has to predict techs rather than react to them, while preserving Dair -> Aerial followups.

While it needs fixing, do you like the fundamental idea of the new Dair? The aerial followups? Dair to Air Bite / Fart / Uair / etc has a lot of potential, it just needs fine tuning, in my mind.

Your other feedback is being discussed as well.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
Snap, I got your Wario feedback.

In addition to fixing tech rolls, I know there are several things we can do to fix Wario dair including upping KB vs. grounded foes, increasing the aerial end lag from 20 to 30ish frames, and possibly limiting the DIability of the bounce at first so he has to predict techs rather than react to them, while preserving Dair -> Aerial followups.

While it needs fixing, do you like the fundamental idea of the new Dair? The aerial followups? Dair to Air Bite / Fart / Uair / etc has a lot of potential, it just needs fine tuning, in my mind.

Your other feedback is being discussed as well.
Thanks for taking me seriously.

The wario backroom is currently discussing project M wario, the general consensus seems to be The old dair is greatly missed.

I like the creativity but i honestly think this dair is better suited for a game like brawl minus.

I will continue to test it out a little bit as the week progress's and let you know my findings

Deleted member

That Norfair would actually make an interesting CP.

If there are ledges on the middle two platforms outer sides, then it could be a CP for characters who get gimped easily as they'd have two options to sweet spot.

The lava from below would also make gimping difficult, but combos easier.

PC, do it.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008


=====.......... =====

Thats what I envision when I see norfair

I see it as 5 platforms in an X shape allowing for crazy wavelanding jumping and mobile projectile gameplay.

=== is a platform and ...... is air (nothing)

Move the lowest platform and make it the center platform and put the other 4 around it.

Take the idea further if you want, you can have those 4 platforms rotate clockwise/counterclockwise around the central platform like in the castlevania level.

The norfair shown above was cool as well


Project M Back Roomer
Nov 29, 2009
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
I will try and make that layout, Perfect Chaos. I am able to remove the lava wave in the back, I am also able to get rid of the left and/or right lava walls, the lava that rises from the ground, and the safety bubble. Just in case you guys wanted me to remove any of those hazards. Btw the distance the lava walls travel on the left and right side are not animations, they are most likely floating points in the STDT which have yet to be found. Same with the distance of the lava floor distance.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
That Norfair would actually make an interesting CP.

If there are ledges on the middle two platforms outer sides, then it could be a CP for characters who get gimped easily as they'd have two options to sweet spot.

The lava from below would also make gimping difficult, but combos easier.

PC, do it.
As much as I would like to edit it myself, my knowledge of stage hacking is very minimal. I actually enjoy the aspect of stage modding much more than character modding then it comes to hacks for competitive play (or even just hacking in general), but it's unfortunate that I can't do much. So I'm stuck with just coming up with ideas and hoping that those more capable than me like the idea and can pull it off. :(


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2010
Carbondale, IL
I will try and make that layout, Perfect Chaos. I am able to remove the lava wave in the back, I am also able to get rid of the left and/or right lava walls, the lava that rises from the ground, and the safety bubble. Just in case you guys wanted me to remove any of those hazards. Btw the distance the lava walls travel on the left and right side are not animations, they are most likely floating points in the STDT which have yet to be found. Same with the distance of the lava floor distance.
How do you find all of that so quickly? I think stage hackers blow me away the most next to Dantarion. Because Dantarion is a wizard.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
I'm amazed and confused at the incredible amount of stupidity in this thread. then again, Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 33 (25 members and 8 guests), at least 5 out of 33 people have to be complete idiots...maybe more.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
come on dev team :( ...don't fold to negative feedback
Did you see a "we will bring back the Bike and Dair and cancel our desires to alter Wario as a combined image of Wario Land as well as his current Brawl self" there?
We're just admitting that Wario isn't perfect yet (which we did already know... he's an experimental character still for a reason... we're just telling those who brought him up today) and that things DO need adjusting.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
Thanks for taking me seriously.

The wario backroom is currently discussing project M wario, the general consensus seems to be The old dair is greatly missed.

I like the creativity but i honestly think this dair is better suited for a game like brawl minus.

I will continue to test it out a little bit as the week progress's and let you know my findings
What other members of the Wario BR have played the new (WIP) Project M Wario build for more than a couple hours, if you don't mind me asking?

There's only so much you can contribute to the discussion of the new build without lots of hands-on time. The Snake BR would probably freak at the idea of limiting Snake to one grenade and nerfing his tilts until they truly understand all of his new options and how they fit into the context of the Melee environment. I suspect that the same principle holds true for Wario.

But anyways, I hope you get a handle on his new options. Who knows, you might like some of them.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 17, 2009
As much as I would like to edit it myself, my knowledge of stage hacking is very minimal. I actually enjoy the aspect of stage modding much more than character modding then it comes to hacks for competitive play (or even just hacking in general), but it's unfortunate that I can't do much. So I'm stuck with just coming up with ideas and hoping that those more capable than me like the idea and can pull it off. :(
Then...would you mind if I made the layout shown in your stead?

Of course, if the picture shown had already been submitted as a stage, I'll kindly withdraw.

If it hasn't, I'd like some support regarding boundaries suitable for PM's settings. Personally though, the middle platforms could stand to be a little further spread apart...



=====.......... =====

Thats what I envision when I see norfair

I see it as 5 platforms in an X shape allowing for crazy wavelanding jumping and mobile projectile gameplay.

=== is a platform and ...... is air (nothing)

Move the lowest platform and make it the center platform and put the other 4 around it.

Take the idea further if you want, you can have those 4 platforms rotate clockwise/counterclockwise around the central platform like in the castlevania level.

The norfair shown above was cool as well
Or I could do this; easily I'll add. The animations could take time, though.

If truly necessary, I'll be glad to attempt another contribution. Of course, when it comes to the earlier mentioned lava plumes, there probably isn't much I'm capable of changing. If it's a matter of editing the STDT, then I'll see what I can do. If not, then perhaps one could simply make another Metroid-themed stage in place of Norfair.


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
I'm amazed and confused at the incredible amount of stupidity in this thread. then again, Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 33 (25 members and 8 guests), at least 5 out of 33 people have to be complete idiots...maybe more.
Don't hate man. I'm only an idiot 20% of the time. ): Sorry.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2010
Carbondale, IL
Are there plans to make an edit for Rainbow Cruise or is it just getting replaced? I've had an idea I've been working on that I thought you guys could use. Once I finish it that is.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2010
Carbondale, IL
What makes DK 64 banned? That's a very basic stage aside from the barrel under the stage.

EDIT: I'm working on making it stop scrolling because of how much you get screwed by falling behind. If they don't need anything for it then I'll probably just keep the edit for myself. Maybe.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
Good Question.

Might have to do with the stage not being properly scaled with the characters in Melee.
Why not make it smaller to match the characters like in SSB64 to stop forms of run away from happening like with PS.
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