Ike's dthrow leads into a lot of stuff if you don't DI it properly.
I know that. I play against an Ike all the time, but an
infinite sounds extremely unlikely. An infinite is not just some silly CG, even disregarding DI. It's a lock that keeps you held way past 300% and beyond. As a vBrawl DDD main, I know about my infinites. If I hear that Ike can
infinite, that perks up my ears, even though I know it's probably DI dependent. It means that, at any %, certain DIs will always lead into a setup for something (like Lucario's old uthrow > bair but worse). I already know that in 2.1, with bad DI (towards the direction Ike is facing), you could be ftilted (some chars can even be re-grabbed) and if the throw sent you offstage, you could be daired or faired. Even when DI'd properly onstage (away from the direction he's facing), it's a still tech-chase onstage and still a guaranteed fair against certain chars (like Lucario

Edit: This post is like hours late.