Smash Hero
yeah, thats probably most of it. i just feel like with ganon's dair in melee, theres a noticable extension of the legs when he's falling, which is why ganon can actually space a hitbox of dair below a persons shield when he does it right. I literally feel like his legs aren't as long, so when i dair oos, which i do a lot in friendlies, it feels like nothing happens.Sounds like your main concern is ganons landing detection. Thats the reason it doesn't penetrate platforms as much and you probably had more difficulty wavelanding as well?
and yeah, if its possible to waveland horizontally on platforms, i couldn't find it. it's probably with that landing detection though.
also, as odd as this may sound, i space with moonwalks fairly often. keeps me facing the same direction while still moving in the other direction like an extension of a waveland. in any case, will moonwalks be added to other characters than falcon?