I just wanted to say that LUCAS is mad fun to play with!
Also... Are there any vids of someone really good with him?
I've found a lot of cool setups / combos that i never saw before.
First of all, leaving to the player the choice to jump-cancelling an aerial is really interesting: in this way Lucas is pretty awesome at controlling height of his aerial attack (combo = too good) and you can return into the stage WHILE attacking (as opposed to Ness).
His jump cancelled uair is fantastic, having less knockback than Ness's uair turns Lucas in a combo machine even on mid% (and even against non fastfaller) like in smash64 and jump cancelling it is pretty simple: press Y/X -> Up -> A -> L cancel (tap jump on). If you do it right you can't even see it, is damn fast

(you'll hear the sound!) and is a fantastic setup for a bair or fair.
You can literally carry the opponent from a side to the other with it and then BAM just smack a fair in his face.
His Nair is really good and fast too both offensively and oos.
I've found really usefull even his snake (Z-air?), is a good setup for an aerial (just try it)...
And... i'm astonished

I can't find a good use of his PSI magnet, dunno it's too slow compared to the shine (nair is better imho) and has a strange knockback...
Just my 2 cent, but probably you all already knew this stuff

Sorry for my bad English x(