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Project M Social Thread

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Pot splitter
Mar 26, 2010
Can anybody explain (or direct me to an explanation of) the order of P:M stages in the Melee-FC build?

I just don't understand how the stages are divided into those 5 groups, top being blue, bottom being red. I would assume it has something to do with starter/neutral stages versus counterpicks, but Dracula's Castle is in the second echelon while Pictochat is in the first O.o



Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Yeah, instead of banning individual stages, you ban a group of similar stages. And the Starter list is a separate thing only for the first match.


Smash Master
May 6, 2012
I originally tested it on Pit, it set up for stuff but didn't true combo into anything. I guess Pit was just too floaty to show the combo potential.
If the person lands= QDGrab becomes an instant bummer unless they tech in place or roll (in which case you have to call the roll before deciding your distance before hand), but with QDattack (using A) it catches everything: still in air, landing unteched (and possibly teched), tech roll away. If you know the person tech rolled towards you, you can end it with B (or WD I guess) and then f-tilt/d-smash/jab. Going for a JC Grab I'm not usually able to convert it to something else in time, but with QD attack using A if you didn't hit something you get more frames to react.

Also Jump off/QD to Dair for edge guarding: I always RAR mine to be backwards facing, You can then Bair after the weak hit (or miss) or if you miss you have the option of double jumping to the ledge. If it's not RARed, you might get a better option to fair? But if you miss then you lose the ability to grab the ledge with a DJ, so you're left with jumping on the actual stage(usually with a bair) /side-b/Up-b/AD, and I don't know if it adds any frames for reversing a side-b (like a 3 frame turn animation or something).

Also something I need to explore more: against someone with no projectiles (or slow to pick ones like peach), on a far stage (FD), When you have considerable distance just charging a QD... that's it. No WD/DDing around, just charging the QD. Eventually you'll reach the max speed/damage sound and past that you still got considerable time before it releases itself, and even if you get to the point where it releases yourself you're not in a bad position you got all your options and at extreme speed. If peach try's to pull a turnip you can immediately release the QD, if they jump/attack you can do anything you want because QD has all the options besides needing a WD first for most ground moves, but I think this can be a great mix up/thing to do. It might seem a little scrubby of a tactic, but I think it can put a lot of pressure on an opponent with all the options and speed than just a stupid guy charging QD because he doesn't know what to do/Can't DD good lol.

That reminds me, Eli uses a tactic S2J said is scrubby (because it uses your DJ and is easily read?), running off but coming back on with a DJ to bair. He's not Falcon though he's DK so the better range is there, but yeah you'll see him do this every so often. Just wanted to point out my daily Eli observations, whether it's bad or good I don't know, probably good until you're playing someone at S2J's level lol.

Ike vs Marth: Marth's weakness is him being in the air above you, and Ike can easily keep him up there with travelling Up airs and his wonderful Up-tilt. I think Eli is afraid to take his game to the air sometimes vs Marth because that's where Ike gets juggled as well, but you have to abuse the same weaknesses when you have him on the runs than fear to keep it grounded- and that might come from a lack of Up-air usage. If you're already in the air yourself you can Up-air to FFall which can auto cancel easily depending on your height, and it could hit the marth. There's also QD/QDAttack if you got ample time but far height in the air to come down from, charge it and release if he's coming in with something otherwise if he's not coming in (possibly from knowing you might QDAttack a straight approach) then you can just release it and if there's any ledges time the ledge cancel.
-DrPP Advises Up-throw in Marth dittos because of this, Ike might want to do the same. With that said though Ike still has a great ground game anyways vs Marth, with WD back F-tilt/ CC D-smash. Then it's pretty well known that Ike's d-tilt owns his un-sweetspotted recovery.

That pic is a pretty accurate representation of how badly DDD beats Ike.

http://youtu.be/hMJL2bT-mlU Broken Inhale
The pic was of damage from Hurricane Ike if no one noticed.

Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IVkEKxKwuc&feature=youtu.be :phone: :ike:


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Yeah, instead of banning individual stages, you ban a group of similar stages. And the Starter list is a separate thing only for the first match.
The stages seemed to have only vague similarities at best though. Pictochat is a random transforming stage with 20 ******** setups while SV is a flat trapezoid with a single moving platform.

If anything Pictochat is more similar to DL because of the massive ceiling and wind.


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
So Sonic. If whoever recorded finals and grand finals at LIMBO uploads sometime tomorrow or so, we got some serious Sonic **** to show. He's a maniac.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
That was the whole point of the group lol
I guess you could cut down on group size and spread those out in the base groups


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Group banning just assumes far too much on the player's part for it to be good, imo. I'd much rather just have 3 bans or whatever to place wherever I want.

There are many factors that come into play when picking and banning stages such as ceiling height, walls being present, moving platforms, and simply stage familiarity. Group banning just assumes that "Oh, he's gonna want a big stage to live a long time. Better ban this one."

That's just my opinion though. TO's can have the freedom to run whatever kind of stagelist they want. In my case, I run tournaments using the Conservative BC Stage List (CBC).


Final Destination
Pokemon Stadium 2
Yoshi's Story (Melee)


Dracula's Castle
Pokemon Stadium 1
Dream Land 64
Fountain Of Dreams
Rumble Falls
Green Hill Zone(Singles only)
Wario Ware (Singles only)
SSE: Jungle (Doubles only)

~Stage Strike from neutrals 1-2-1 using Rock-Paper-Scissors to determine who strikes first.

~Winner of gets 3 stage bans for the rest of the set.

~Loser picks a stage from the stages remaining.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
If the person lands= QDGrab becomes an instant bummer unless they tech in place or roll (in which case you have to call the roll before deciding your distance before hand), but with QDattack (using A) it catches everything: still in air, landing unteched (and possibly teched), tech roll away. If you know the person tech rolled towards you, you can end it with B (or WD I guess) and then f-tilt/d-smash/jab. Going for a JC Grab I'm not usually able to convert it to something else in time, but with QD attack using A if you didn't hit something you get more frames to react.

Also Jump off/QD to Dair for edge guarding: I always RAR mine to be backwards facing, You can then Bair after the weak hit (or miss) or if you miss you have the option of double jumping to the ledge. If it's not RARed, you might get a better option to fair? But if you miss then you lose the ability to grab the ledge with a DJ, so you're left with jumping on the actual stage(usually with a bair) /side-b/Up-b/AD, and I don't know if it adds any frames for reversing a side-b (like a 3 frame turn animation or something).

Also something I need to explore more: against someone with no projectiles (or slow to pick ones like peach), on a far stage (FD), When you have considerable distance just charging a QD... that's it. No WD/DDing around, just charging the QD. Eventually you'll reach the max speed/damage sound and past that you still got considerable time before it releases itself, and even if you get to the point where it releases yourself you're not in a bad position you got all your options and at extreme speed. If peach try's to pull a turnip you can immediately release the QD, if they jump/attack you can do anything you want because QD has all the options besides needing a WD first for most ground moves, but I think this can be a great mix up/thing to do. It might seem a little scrubby of a tactic, but I think it can put a lot of pressure on an opponent with all the options and speed than just a stupid guy charging QD because he doesn't know what to do/Can't DD good lol.

That reminds me, Eli uses a tactic S2J said is scrubby (because it uses your DJ and is easily read?), running off but coming back on with a DJ to bair. He's not Falcon though he's DK so the better range is there, but yeah you'll see him do this every so often. Just wanted to point out my daily Eli observations, whether it's bad or good I don't know, probably good until you're playing someone at S2J's level lol.

Ike vs Marth: Marth's weakness is him being in the air above you, and Ike can easily keep him up there with travelling Up airs and his wonderful Up-tilt. I think Eli is afraid to take his game to the air sometimes vs Marth because that's where Ike gets juggled as well, but you have to abuse the same weaknesses when you have him on the runs than fear to keep it grounded- and that might come from a lack of Up-air usage. If you're already in the air yourself you can Up-air to FFall which can auto cancel easily depending on your height, and it could hit the marth. There's also QD/QDAttack if you got ample time but far height in the air to come down from, charge it and release if he's coming in with something otherwise if he's not coming in (possibly from knowing you might QDAttack a straight approach) then you can just release it and if there's any ledges time the ledge cancel.
-DrPP Advises Up-throw in Marth dittos because of this, Ike might want to do the same. With that said though Ike still has a great ground game anyways vs Marth, with WD back F-tilt/ CC D-smash. Then it's pretty well known that Ike's d-tilt owns his un-sweetspotted recovery.

http://youtu.be/hMJL2bT-mlU Broken Inhale
The pic was of damage from Hurricane Ike if no one noticed.

Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IVkEKxKwuc&feature=youtu.be :phone: :ike:
Interesting stuff, thanks for posting this.

Also, I have videos from a PM tournament we had in IL today. Out of 41, the top four were the following:

1. metroid :ikebrawl:
2. ORLY :bowserbrawl:
3. Kirk :ikebrawl:/:bowserbrawl:
4. Rat :sonicbrawl:

EDIT: Ike continues his winning streak in IL.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
I really wish there was a stage with the Rumble Falls platform layout, but not as big and without the slants on the base and platforms.

Should consider that for the norfair layout IMO.


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
do you know where the vids will be uploaded?

and lol at Ike trollig ppl still
I think either Hbox or Zoro is taking care of it, I don't remember whose comp it was. I just remember hbox mentioning something about not saving all the friendlies footage.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
I really wish there was a stage with the Rumble Falls platform layout, but not as big and without the slants on the base and platforms.
Should consider that for the norfair layout IMO.
So speaking of Rumble Falls and its curved platforms...
I find it strange that the top-left platform is still straight, while the other two are curved. I was one of the people that was involved in the creation of the current Rumble Falls back when it was in development, and the only real reason that the top-left platform was a straight one was because no one involved knew how to duplicate objects, and only two curved platforms of the correct size/angle was originally on Rumble Falls, so a straight platform was used for the remaining one. That platform just throws the balance and symmetry of the stage off.
I think that it would be a better idea to make that one curved, too, to keep the unique trait of slightly curved surfaces of the stage consistent.
And I kind of like the idea of making Norfair into the straight-platform version of this platform layout.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
I've seen people throwing out these massive shadow balls as Lucario (I think they're called spirit bombs)
I was wonder, how do you do this?
Here's a video of the move
When your hands glow, press B+A. For more information, you can check out the character page for Lucario or the Lucario Smashmod Forums.

EDIT: The bracket hasn't been uploaded yet, but in case anyone cares, full results for the IL tournament can be found in this thread. The results for PM are as follows:

41 Entrants -- $5 Entry Fee

1. Metroid :ikebrawl:
2. ORLY :bowserbrawl:
3. Kirk :ikebrawl: :bowserbrawl:
4. Rat :sonicbrawl:
5. Ripple :dkbrawl:
5. Frootloop :ikebrawl:
7. Oro :foxbrawl: :sheikbrawl:
7. OnionChowder :nessbrawl:
9. Marque :lucariobrawl:
9. Tink :sheikbrawl:
9. TGD :sheikbrawl:
9. Kels :sheikbrawl:
13. Arty :ganonbrawl:
13. DSF :falcobrawl:
13. DLA :ganonbrawl:
13. Zezima
17. Houfller
17. Spoon :snakebrawl:
17. Eddie :snakebrawl:
17. Alex :ikebrawl:
17. Norm :bowserbrawl:
17. Tre
17. Mundungu :ikebrawl:
17. Da Bess Corki Youve ever seen
25. Composer
25. Nap :charizardbrawl:
25. Dan
25. Virsith
25. XeroXen :mariobrawl:
25. BigC
25. TM44
25. Zwarm :sheikbrawl:
33. Demille
33. Xyless :luigibrawl:
33. Sago (Forefeit)
33. LMNO :sonicbrawl:
33. Zimo :ganonbrawl:
33. Nate
33. Jack Burd
33. Mrd
33. Jumbo Verde


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
I really wish there was a stage with the Rumble Falls platform layout, but not as big and without the slants on the base and platforms.

Should consider that for the norfair layout IMO.
hMMmmm... ;)

So speaking of Rumble Falls and its curved platforms...
I find it strange that the top-left platform is still straight, while the other two are curved. I was one of the people that was involved in the creation of the current Rumble Falls back when it was in development, and the only real reason that the top-left platform was a straight one was because no one involved knew how to duplicate objects, and only two curved platforms of the correct size/angle was originally on Rumble Falls, so a straight platform was used for the remaining one. That platform just throws the balance and symmetry of the stage off.
I think that it would be a better idea to make that one curved, too, to keep the unique trait of slightly curved surfaces of the stage consistent.
And I kind of like the idea of making Norfair into the straight-platform version of this platform layout.
REALLY? Is that seriously the reason? I could do that in literally less than a minute.
Heck, I've been doing that for the last 24 hours, basically xD

edit: whaaat the fuuckkkkk......
I'm actually gobsmackked in awe, so i had to post again to really get the feeling across. like seriously holy crap LOL

edit2: Learn to 3ds max. If someone can import the stage for me, I can fix that RIGHT now. I'm working on something very similar, anyways.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
REALLY? Is that seriously the reason? I could do that in literally less than a minute.
Heck, I've been doing that for the last 24 hours, basically xD

edit: whaaat the fuuckkkkk......
I'm actually gobsmackked in awe, so i had to post again to really get the feeling across. like seriously holy crap LOL

edit2: Learn to 3ds max. If someone can import the stage for me, I can fix that RIGHT now. I'm working on something very similar, anyways.
LOL That was an interesting response. I wasn't expecting such a big reaction.

Anyway, keep in mind that this was like 3+ years ago, when BrawlBox was relatively new.

I actually don't know much about stage hacking (I wish I did, so that I can contribute more in making stupid stages more competitive-friendly), unfortunately, so I was mainly just playing a support role in doing certain things and offering ideas (a lot of which actually went into the final product =D). But yeah... I want to learn more about stage editing.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
1. Metroid :ikebrawl:
I see.. You aren't as good as Vro huh? Being humble like that can usually throw off some people. Well.. That will not work, now that I know you are probably very good, maybe even as good or better.. i don't know but I'm definitely going over 100% now, you should not have won if you wanted your tactic to work.
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