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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2007
Why would you want to do that when you could use your invicibility to attack safely?
Makes it less of a waiting game until spawn invincibility wears off. You get one good shot at the opponent. Need the invincibility for something? Don't attack.

I'm pretty sure respawn invincibility is one of the least unbalanced "issues," a word I use with the most lenient value :V
Wasn't saying it was an issue. Wasn't suggesting it as a fix. I was just curious if it could be done and provided as an option, even if it doesn't make its way into the official build.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Makes it less of a waiting game until spawn invincibility wears off. You get one good shot at the opponent. Need the invincibility for something? Don't attack.

Wasn't saying it was an issue. Wasn't suggesting it as a fix. I was just curious if it could be done and provided as an option, even if it doesn't make its way into the official build.

The passive-aggressive tone here is unbearable. Don't say things like "It would make it less of a waiting game, " and then say "I wasn't saying it's an issue." There is obviously more pretense to your message if you wanted to make a suggestion than "Just something that could be an option," otherwise you wouldn't have brought it up in the first place.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2007
The passive-aggressive tone here is unbearable. Don't say things like "It would make it less of a waiting game, " and then say "I wasn't saying it's an issue." There is obviously more pretense to your message if you wanted to make a suggestion than "Just something that could be an option," otherwise you wouldn't have brought it up in the first place.
I don't expect the team to add it into the official build. In my experience, they don't take terribly kindly to suggestions.

I think that if my suggestion were implemented it would make the respawn period a bit more strategic and benefit the game, but I really do not think they'd ever seriously take what I say into consideration.

I do however want the code made so I could use it on my own. I don't know how hard it is to code, but I'd guess this would be something relatively simple, compared to more complex issues they've dealt with.

I don't think this is a balance issue at all. I don't think it'll change the game terribly much if it's added or if it isn't. It's not an issue like ledge occupation times, or landing detection were. I just want other people's opinions on the idea, and I want the code made so I could use it for myself even if it isn't the tournament standard.

Could you please not be so aggressive and consider the idea on it's own merits, not any agenda I may or may not have?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2007
I can affirm that the team will not be making special alternate codes for individuals' use. Go to the code suggestion thread for that.

Here is the request thread.
Already posted there. You can check the post time, it was 15 hours ago, roughly.

Maybe you could try discussing ideas instead of shooting them down? If they won't make it for individual use, lets at least discuss whether it would benefit the game.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
So for Ness's down B, how about letting him turn around and JC it instantly? It would be quite useful in tandem with his DJC to create interesting pressure and movement options. I was also thinking it could have a hitbox on start up that deals a little damage (Maybe like 5-7%?), but no knockback. "What would be the point, then?" you might ask, or maybe you don't, I don't know what you ask and don't ask. Well the answer to that question I can not confirm was asked, is that it would still do shield damage and shield stun, in addition to being canceled by his jumps. I feel it would greatly improve his overall performance as an aerial assaulting character.


Let's consider why the invincibility on respawn is there in the first place.
Smash can be called a glorified king of the hill. The invincibility allows a small window where you can attempt to take back center stage without fear of being punished, i.e. the king cannot just take stage control once and maintain it thoughout the entire match. It helps to keep the stage-control dynamic from being too one-sided. You can use the invincibility to do something else, but the main reason it's there is to offset the natural advantage that the other player has from being able to chose their position after you died. If you lose invincibility by attacking, the effectiveness of this small balancing tool is lowered. It's not too big a deal, but it will change the dynamics of stage control from melee, almost certainly in an undesirable direction.

As invincibility is, the player that just lost 1/4 of their stocks is almost guaranteed either stage control or some %. It's a small advantage to the "losing" player, similar to CP. Perfectly legit.
If invincibility is canceled, the player must risk invincibility for an attack. This allows the defending (didn't just die) player to rest easy in the knowledge that as soon as an attack input is entered, they are free to take back the stage/attack. Application: You spawn and try to attack to force me out of the middle. Where before I would have to eat % or give up ground, I can now shieldgrab, CC, or any take any other reactionary measure as if you had never had invincibility at all.


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2009
Sunny Mobile, AL
Speaking if respawn. All the melee stages have their respawns set to the melee style port dependent locations.

Have the pros and cons of this ever been discussed? I feel like it's such a small detail that it's easy to ignore. It only makes a real different on FD where it allows the defending player to run out the invincibility easier. It's also worth noting that it gives ports 3 & 4 an advantage beyond the normal port priority because they spawn in the middle.



Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2007
Let's consider why the invincibility on respawn is there in the first place.
Smash can be called a glorified king of the hill. The invincibility allows a small window where you can attempt to take back center stage without fear of being punished, i.e. the king cannot just take stage control once and maintain it thoughout the entire match. It helps to keep the stage-control dynamic from being too one-sided. You can use the invincibility to do something else, but the main reason it's there is to offset the natural advantage that the other player has from being able to chose their position after you died. If you lose invincibility by attacking, the effectiveness of this small balancing tool is lowered. It's not too big a deal, but it will change the dynamics of stage control from melee, almost certainly in an undesirable direction.
Alright, thank you. I don't know if I'd agree that it's undesirable, but at least you discussed it in a pretty rational manner, and made a good argument.

Speaking if respawn. All the melee stages have their respawns set to the melee style port dependent locations.

Have the pros and cons of this ever been discussed? I feel like it's such a small detail that it's easy to ignore. It only makes a real different on FD where it allows the defending player to run out the invincibility easier. It's also worth noting that it gives ports 3 & 4 an advantage beyond the normal port priority because they spawn in the middle.

I think that the respawn points should be moved to the center. It's kind of annoying to edgeguard, then have the guy respawn over my head. Options across the players should be equalized. On that note, I think FSA advantages as well as general port priority advantages should be gotten rid of. It makes port selection at tournaments simpler, especially for doubles, and help balance things slightly. Especially in ganondorf vs ganondorf matchups.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
We will be streaming soon, with...
Neko and friends

And tomorrow, even more. We're having a legit P:M tourney tomorrow, both singles and doubles.

I'll post here when the streams get going.



Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2011
bayview ,wi
i hav a question if any one could answer it plzz ?? wer do i go to download project m /the demo at least since they didmt release it yet, n what charcaters are on the demo???



Smash Master
Feb 15, 2007
But since a legitimate new poster in this thread is asking an honest question, it deserves an answer. You can download Demo 1 from last year here: http://projectm.dantarion.com/downloads/

It's extremely outdated and not representative of the current state of the project, but for whatever it's worth, here it is. The characters in the demo are the ones on this page who are shown in color.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2011
bayview ,wi
But since a legitimate new poster in this thread is asking an honest question, it deserves an answer. You can download Demo 1 from last year here: http://projectm.dantarion.com/downloads/

It's extremely outdated and not representative of the current state of the project, but for whatever it's worth, here it is. The characters in the demo are the ones on this page who are shown in color.
thanks, n also wen r they going to mak demo 2 or finish it?


I R MarF

Smash Ace
Apr 2, 2010
At my house
I think I am going to repost some of the stuff I said before because I believe some of the topics brought up are of community concern:

On the topic of overpowered characters, I would like to share an opinion that will most likely recieve a lot of backlash, but I'm curious what others have to say/do they agree...

TBH, I love the creativity of the P:M team in terms of the directions they took each character; no one feels homogenized.

Yet at the same time, some of the design choices feel like they were made with "no balls". I'm obviously not trying to insult, but when I say they were made with "no balls", I'm talking about the fact it seems like some of these characters were made with the thought process of "what would make a perfect character?" instead of something that actually should have been "whats the bare minimum for a melee character to be as viable as say... C. Falcon or ICs?"

What I mean is that even though the top tiers are allegedly being used as viability models, it doesn't really seem like actual character concept is being applied. To elaborate, the "viability model" seem to strictly pertain to whether the character is able to compete with Fox/Falco/Shiek/Jiggs. IMO, it is bad to just go by that because your character design is completely unrestricted.

You see, most of the top and high tiers have weaknesses almost as well defined as their strengths. For instance, if I asked you: What are Fox's strengths and what are his weaknesses? Most people would say that he is fast, powerful, and has ridiculous amounts of options but is easily combo'd/gimped, chaingrabbed, and has technical consistency barriers. The strengths and weaknesses of Falco, Jiggs, Marth, Peach, C. Falcon, ICs, Ganon, Doc, and Samus are all just as easy to pinpoint. This is because these weaknesses are significant to their playstyles... in fact, so significant... they are counterbalances.

Yet when I watch a recent video such as this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woFlo3Sh8AU

I have great difficulty attempting to determine ROB's statistical weaknesses let alone an obvious counterbalance. He seems to have great aerials, solid aerial mobility, great grabs, platform ranged AND spammable tilts, decent WD, excellent projectiles for both offense and defense, excellent edge guarding, good recovery. The only thing I can think of is that he is a big target, which doesn't offset his game because it gives him the extra range, and is difficult to take advantage of by the opponent because he has such quick mobility options and projectiles to keep the opponent out. There is nothing definitive that holds ROB back.

Here is another match: http://www.youtube.com/user/JCaesar007#p/u/18/LPAE0ROQnt4

Again, I'm watching it trying to determine Zelda's major counterbalance. I notice she has an excellent ability to cover a lot of her mistakes, projectiles (useful for stage control and defense), powerful fair/bair, quick dsmash, powerful utilt, effective high percent KO set ups, good recovery, and amazingly powerful throws. What are her weaknesses? Thats she is light and has poor air and dash speed? (Even though they are both offset by teleport). Just like ROB, what weaknesses are there are trivial and drowned out by free reigning strengths.

When I see how characters like ROB and Zelda are coming along, I feel like they were designed with a mentality like: "How do we make ROB/Zelda viable? How about we just make EVERYTHING pretty darn good?"

We all know that isn't true, though, since thought was clearly put into making each character looks and feel different (props to P:M team), but the lack of restrictions and counterbalances in their playstyle is bad because half of learning your character is compensating for weaknesses and emphasizing on the strengths. If there are no weaknesses to compensate for, then the character stops feeling like a melee character, is that much easier to play, and it ruins the playability of other characters.

Take UMvC3 for example, low execution characters with little to no counterbalances like Wesker and Wolverine ruin the playability of other characters because they don't take devotion in order to compensate for those kinds of issues, whereas high execution characters like C. Viper do not.

*However, I guess my main point is: is that you gotta have balls with these character designs. Think along the lines of C. Falcon, the character has quite a few weaknesses, he has a bad recovery (even though he just keeps coming back like the terminator), has no projectile, and is easy to combo/overall bad defensive options. However, through hard pressing, you can use his amazing DD, his powerful aerials, and his very supplementary throw game to win. He proves to us that it actually takes a lot less to be viable than you think. But if Captain Falcon as we know him didn't exist and he was somehow as sucky as Zelda was in Melee, I feel like you guys would've made sure he had an improved grab range, better OoS, given him the ability to air dodge out of Up-b, made side-b JC'able, etc.

What I find most ironic, is that in retrospect, Sonic and Snake from Demo 1 were actually almost genius design in both being unique feel and folllowing the rules of every character's definitive weaknesses counterbalancing their strengths. Snake had the amazing stage control but poor close range control and gimpable recovery, while Sonic had amazing mobility in every respect, but had a lot of trouble killing which made him very enduring (though bair should've been a bit stronger)

Everyone hated on these character's flaws and didn't give them a chance, myself included, and I guess its because we were all spoiled by the fact they could be changed. I now realize that their design choices actually had balls and I really appreciate that you guys believed that they were ready for public release because they definitely met the criteria of counterbalancing. I suppose I should be disappointed in myself as a member of the community that drove you guys to feel these characters had to recieve changes (particularly Snake)

Now though, the design choices confuse me. You've proved that you can give characters great and unique strengths, lets see 'dem weaknesses
Also going to repost Jiang's response to my post

although i find it odd that one can write so much about a game they havent even played yet, i'd say irmarf's general statement is pretty correct. i don't really like broad white washing of moveset buffs, i like seeing characters fit into niches.

thank you for the compliments on snake's design in demo1, btw. we wanted him to be a tactical and a difficult to use character. he's gotten some straight buffs from demo1 because many of us feel like he needed a good bread and butter game so that snake didn't have to camp as much. he still gets completely wrecked if someone gets in on him though, trust me.

which brings me to another topic: what will a character look at their lamest? with lots of money on the line, what kind of dreary, repetitive playstyle will be abuseable? it was always something kept in mind when i designed a character. i always felt like tournament games are popular because of the audience. without an interested audience, competitive games won't have anyone to watch it and garner the hype. if the audience is bored with seeing a certain character play, then your game will lose viewers. so i always took measures to try to make a character that the audience would love to watch. i almost never considered where this character would fit on the tierlist. (the characters i had some hand in the designing of are snake, bowser, zss, charizard, a little bit of squirtle and ness, lucario and ike)

unfortunately not everyone in the BR agrees with designing a playstyle before worrying about tier stats so you're going to see a lot of just straight buffs to the demo2 characters and overall a lot of just good moves spread among the cast. i've recently bowed out of project M development because of disagreements with how design is dealt with (but mostly because of school/career related reasonings) but hopefully whatever happens to the characters along the way, they'll be applying whatever feedback from demo2 onto characters in demos/patches in the future.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2008
North Carolina
if people really feel zelda is too good one thing i think i can live without is the invincibility frames on nayru. Its good enough as a combo starter. maybe ground nayru could have the invincable frames but air nayru has no invincable frames.

I R MarF

Smash Ace
Apr 2, 2010
At my house
if people really feel zelda is too good one thing i think i can live without is the invincibility frames on nayru. Its good enough as a combo starter. maybe ground nayru could have the invincable frames but air nayru has no invincable frames.
Wow. I didn't know this and I kind of think invicibility frames on a land cancellable attack is a bit brawl minusy.

However, even if that was changed, its incredibily minimalistic and doesn't impact the actual main flaw with characters like ROB and Zelda, and thats the lack of a counterbalance integral to their playstyle.

EDIT: Sorry Kink, fixed it, btw, weren't you the one who mentioned Ness getting a down-b thats JC'able and allowed him to turnaround? I think that'd be a great idea; especially if it kept momentum and came out at frame 5 at the latest


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
I was thinking making it able to instant turn around and JC with proper timing, like a shine, only, more used for its positioning than for attacking itself.

I also mentioned having it do flinchless damage on start up, allowing it to aid in shield pressure and tack on damage without messing up hitstun.


Smash Cadet
Jan 21, 2012
This is probably off topic, but do they still have Lucario's cancelling system of attacks? I saw a stream recently and it didn't look like the Lucario player ever used it, either because it isn't there, or it was too complex.
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