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Project M Social Thread

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meh. the dude said "tapping a quickly". I don't get "press A once" out of that
I did use a misplaced modifier. No problem now though.

So if I c-stick all my aerials, I'm limited to only one part of Doc/Mario's fair?
Most likely. Idk how the cstick would be used to map 2 aerials of the same direction. I guess the aerial that is best fit for the cstick with spacing should get it.

I believe you could just C-stick the input twice to get the doc fair out if we did that. Getting doc himself would be a better alternative, but I don't think we should coin that as our only option when we don't have the ability to do that in a practical fashion at the moment.
Cstick has to go back to neutral to do another input which would be annoying to do frame perfectly.

Doc and Y. Link are bad choices to import into P:M due to their similarities with their Melee counterparts and the fact that their pros can be infused into Tink and Mario. M2, Pichu, and Roy are at least fundamentally different in gameplay from other characters and are unique enough.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Southgate, MI
this is the speed of top level melee (yes i know its an old vid): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ewky1ZcpGlU

now imagine diddy playing at this speed....

now imagine him throwing a banana..and how slow the tripping would seem in relation to the rest of the game (not including diddy cancelling the animation by grabbing)

just asking for it to be the same speed as everything else. It isnt a real nerf (also consider tech rolls being slowed down ala melee)
true enough. maybe this is too frame-dependent for P:M, yeah...maybe brawl+? i bet they'd--
oh wait.

i like the double input mario fair. but opponents should know when either is coming, even if it's the last second. ipso facto, the suggestion of lighting his hand aflame on the second input. so a player has a visual cue of what's coming, and will notice when they're set on fire.


Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2009
Northfield, MN
I have a better idea. Let's keep Mario's mixed f-air how it is, and not over-complicate things. It's fine how it is. (That is, frames 16-17 = Doc hit, frames 18-22 = Mario hit)

Can't we just got a clone engine and just make a copy of Doc. <_<

Or like replace the Red Alloy with Mario and the original Mario with Doc. <_>
First option would make Mario vs. Doc impossible, would make it impossible to have Mario/Doc teams, would screw up replays with the alternate character, and probably wouldn't work with Riivolution, due to how the code works.

Second option wouldn't work either, because Alloys can't shield, dodge, or taunt, can't grab ledges, don't have specials, and require special codes so that they don't freeze the game.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 14, 2009
Is there anyway to program falling speeds for the characters? If the characters didn't float so much, we would pretty much get as close to Melee as possible. Assuming that giving characters more weight like Melee will also give them different aerial acceleration (Like Falcon jumping across the stage with ease)


Smash Champion
May 16, 2006
There's some good ideas going on for tripping but I still don't like tripping in general. I'll just have to try it out and see how it works.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Southgate, MI
mini, programming falling speed has been possible for a long time. but i'm not sure to the extent. can we mod not just the initial, but the acceleration as well, ala the difference in CF and Falco fallspeed?


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2009
Is there anyway to program falling speeds for the characters? If the characters didn't float so much, we would pretty much get as close to Melee as possible. Assuming that giving characters more weight like Melee will also give them different aerial acceleration (Like Falcon jumping across the stage with ease)

Called PSA and it's been around a long *** time :p


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
Sup shanus. I have the SC2 beta now. Ditch these losers, let's play.
this weekend we'll play, my account reset (yet again), so I'm going to need to place into plat yet again

shanus.shanus will be it


Dec 18, 2003
Olympia, WA
Is there anyway to program falling speeds for the characters? If the characters didn't float so much, we would pretty much get as close to Melee as possible. Assuming that giving characters more weight like Melee will also give them different aerial acceleration (Like Falcon jumping across the stage with ease)
...Hello. Welcome to modding Brawl. :urg:


Smash Apprentice
Jan 28, 2009
Will Luigi's SideB cancel his second jump like in melee or will it be like in brawl? I hate that in melee :(

Also are there any plans to change some recoverys?


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Will Luigi's SideB cancel his second jump like in melee or will it be like in brawl? I hate that in melee :(

Also are there any plans to change some recoverys?
I think it's safe to say that Luigi's side-B will remain as it is in Brawl.

Some characters are probably going to have their recoveries changed. Recoveries like MK's and ROB's are too good for Melee-style mechanics.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 28, 2009
That's good to hear.
I cant wait to finally play this!

Will there be a version for PAL users? Sorry if this had been asked before.)


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
That's good to hear.
I cant wait to finally play this!

Will there be a version for PAL users? Sorry if this had been asked before.)
I am not sure how compatible my codes are with PAL, as I am completely unaware of how the offsets differ between PAL fighter.pac and NTSC fighter.pac

However, I strongly recommend setting up a NTSC ISO for it if it won't work.


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
Please take out grab armor <_<

one time i had this guy in a double down smash with link (down smash and the boomerang carries him from the first slash to the second)

and he escaped being pulled to the second with grab armor =_= you know how hard that move is to pull off?..

grab armor is rediculous. and it makes no d***(why is that censored?.. w/e) sense ._.

Ok on an entirely unrelated topic, i assume jabs(Link's) are going to be like in melee right? With like 0 hitstun? and will Link have a clawshot the size of Final Destination again? (exaggeration). He probably won't need it because of the aerial-glide-toss-yourself-into-bomb thing but it would be cool anyway.. Uhh what else.. I got nothin e.e

and as for the "this can never replace normal brawl" thing.. Oh god i hope it does.. <_<


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
It might as well be mentioned for the uninformed that I am now part of this project.

You'll be seeing some of my animations when this comes out.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 28, 2009
I am not sure how compatible my codes are with PAL, as I am completely unaware of how the offsets differ between PAL fighter.pac and NTSC fighter.pac

However, I strongly recommend setting up a NTSC ISO for it if it won't work.
That's no problem for me, I got both versions. But I hope for other europeans who doesn't have the NTSC version that it will work for PAL someday, so that more people can play this awesome game.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
Heard discussion of recoveries, thought I could suggest some changes.

Mario- perhaps let him walljump at the top of it, by having it put him in special fall akin to sonic (so he can attack while falling) in that manner it would boost his on stage game too, as up-B OOS is a great option for mario except it was so horrible because he had to fall in helplessness to the stage, this would give him a great on stage option, and a better recovery.
DK- give him the melee hit on startup again, and otherwise he is pretty good.
Link- w/ AGT and bomb jumping back, I'm sure he is fine.
Samus- her recovery is already good, AGT zair will only help it.
Kirby- Give the startup and end frames of rock (down-B) heavy armor.
Fox- already pretty good.
Pikachu- already great.
Marth- he is already good.
G&W- good already, you could bring back melee version or keep brawl, both are good.
Luigi- w/ jump to down-B, side-B, and up-B all as good tools for recovery, he has a linear recovery, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Buff side-B a tad bit?
Diddy- he already has a good recovery.
Zelda- Allow jump cancelling naryu, cut a few frames off up-B startup.
Sheik- already has a great recovery, maybe make it so you can grab the ledge out of up-B start, like in melee?
Pit- he has a good recovery, but it is a bit slow to fit in a melee environment. I suggest further discussion on what to do with it.
Meta- he has a great recovery, personally I suggest buffing dimensional cape so it starts and ends faster and doesn't put you in free fall, increasing the movement speed of side-B, making him a fast faller so he flubs in the air, and giving him low priority. Turn tornado into something like marios melee down-B, where he can't fly around using it, and instead it stays in place and multihits for a second, and then ends.
Falco- Increase the length of his firebird.
Squirtle- Make it so if you hold B, it has a strong hit at the end of it, but if you don't he doesn't go into freefall and can attack out of it.
Zard- He has a pretty good recovery.
Ivy- In need of radical redesign, I suggest discussion.
Ike- Jump cancel his aerial side-b as well.
Snake- If he still has a jump he can jump out of it to cancel.
Peach- Make it so side-B can hit the wall and bounce up and off.
Yoshi- he already has a good recovery.
Ganon- Make the grab box on his up-B bigger, and when he lands it there should be enough hitstun that they can't automatically punish.
ICs- already good recovery.
D3- make him flub a bit less in the air.
Wolf- looks good.
Lucario- make his up-B airdodge cancellable, which would improve his onstage game as well.
Ness- buff his zap jump and give him heavy armor while controlling pk thunder.
Sonic- decrease the height gained, speed up his ascension.
Bowser- already good.
Wario- make his up-B controllable while he rises, so he can weave like his normal playstyle.
Toon Link- already good, AGT will help alot.
R.O.B- needs discussion.
Olimar- needs discussion.
The captain- already good.
Jiggly- his recovery is already good enough.
Lucas- Zap jump is already good enough, along with the other facets of his recovery.

Pit, R.O.B., MK, Olimar, Ivy. They need serious work on editing their recoveries.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
Because everything must get better and better. Better I say!

PS: apply melee gravity and lawl at all the people plummeting to their dooms.

EDITO: and actually, not too much of this is huge buffs to recovery. Marios boosts his onstage game mostly, doesn't make his recovery that much better. DKs is just reverting to melee recovery. Link I made no changes for. Same for samus. Kirby I just suggested giving armor to down-B, so it would (occasionally) see some use aside from camping through final smashes. Fox and Pikachu I made no suggestions for. Same for G+W, Marth, Weegee, and Diddy. Zelda I just suggested buffing Naryu, mostly helping onstage by jump canceling, and make up-B start a tiny bit sooner, but mostly I think Naryu would be good. Sheik doesn't need any buffs, just reverting to melee. Pit and Meta need changes, but to what I have no idea. Falco was just slightly longer, gravity will hurt him more anyway. Squirtle just giving him an option at the peak, as far as actual recovery it doesn't change much. Zard was fine, and Ivy needs change but I don't know to what. Ike just jump cancel his side-b, which he can already do on the ground. Snake just jump out, he already flies high anyway. Peach gets AGT, so she gets buffed. Yoshi is fine, Ganon just is safe from the punishing him for landing the move. ICs and D3 are unchanged. Wolf is unchanged. Lucario mostly buffs his onstage game. Ness has a buff sure, but he needs it. Sonic I said decrease the height, his recovery is already fantastic. Bowser is unchanged. Wario just add more control, fitting his playstyle. Toon Link with AGT gets buffed anyway. R.O.B and Oli need discussion, Captain, Jiggly, and Lucas are unchanged.

Very little buffs to recovery actually.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
tbh I didn't even read it, I just saw Stingers' comment about buffing recoveries, which is pretty much out of the question :p


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2008
Los Angleles, California
ROB and MK, mainly MK would seem to have problematic recoveries. ROB's recovery would seem to at least be chasable and he can't airdodge out of it so you can hit him off the stage while he's rising or about to land if you have the priority. In addition, his recovery won't auto-sweetspot the edge, so there is another vulnerability point. It is for this reason that I would actually be alright with TRYING to leave ROB's recovery as it is in the first public beta and see what happens. However, if we do change it, I would recommend it have a similar concept to yoshi's upB. He could have like 7 times to press upB when offstage each press diminishing in effectiveness. So in theory the 1st upB would boost him up as much as marth's or samus's upB, while the last upB would just be a small boost, like an airdodge, or olimar's upB (not the grapple distance, the actual movement). ROB in general worries me. He seems like in a melee enviroment, he would have a lot of matchups where he just ***** some characters with his edgeguarding, his what will probably be a good ability to use crouch cancel, and his wavedash (which will be pretty good I'm guessing from looking at his glide toss and overall traction). BUT I also feel like he will also have a bunch of matchups where he just gets wrecked if his opponent can pressure well past crouch-cancel and has a good recovery to get past gimps. Although this is all speculation and I might just be worrying over nothing. Still, if we do decide to change ROB up, I think we should keep in mind that ROB players would not appreciate us turning his moveset inside out for the sake of a little more balance. ROB's strongpoints should remain there. Good recovery, edgeguarding, etc.

MK however, is a character I'm rather confident will need some changing in terms of recovery and moveset specifics in general. Although I'm not exactly sure how to balance him without changing the actual character a lot.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
I believe it was suggested somewhere, but what about making MK's Shuttle Loop not enter into a glide? If normal gliding already goes into freefall, then he'd have to be very careful in deciding whether to glide, nado, drill or loop at the very least.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
When you mean special fall after aerial dodge, you mean entering helpless state, right? This is coming from a guy who missed every single stream. Since we're on the topic of ROB, it'd be a pain to have that if that's the case.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2008
Los Angleles, California
When you mean special fall after aerial dodge, you mean entering helpless state, right? This is coming from a guy who missed every single stream. Since we're on the topic of ROB, it'd be a pain to have that if that's the case.
Yes, thats what special fall is. Not sure how this is a particularly big deal for ROB though, especially when he gets a great WD from this.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
That's precisely what I meant. If you guys managed to hardcode ROB to have a helpless state, then you deserve a medal for that alone. Was just wondering if you looked at every nook and cranny for possible problems.
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