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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2008
Pembroke Pines, FL
He didn't get hit by it at all... because he shielded it beforehand. vBrawl treats projectiles weirdly on shields in that when you do not PS Reflect projectiles (meaning normally shield it) they sometimes bounce off of it. Remember those videos before vBrawl released in the US and how people thought PS Reflect was in because they saw the projectile bounce back? Well, that's what that was in that video. The bouncing off does NOT allow them to hit the opponent at all.

No, it's not a glitch Jalued, it's not even remotely related to momentum >_>;
Look at it again.

I'm talking about when Lucario uses the aerial side-B to throw Marth down into the spirit bomb. He clearly makes contact with it.

EDIT: Oh, wait. Maybe I misinterpreted your response. Are you saying that the initial shielding of the blast actually neutralized it and what was left was just a retardedly confusing aesthetic?


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Yes, he shielded the spirit bomb initially, which caused it to bounce off of it. Making the hitbox effectively gone because he shielded it, hence why he didn't get hit by it as it was passing by when Lucario aerial Side B'd him to the ground. Sometimes the shield will make the spirit bomb gone, sometimes it won't. This happens with MOST projectiles, such as Link's boomerang even.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
I just thought of something.

Can Lucario's grounded command dash (Extremespeed?) cross up someone in sheild? Or maybe his (EX? Special?) command dash?

That'd be awesome as hell.



Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
It's just like when you shield Link's up-B, you can drop your shield and safely stand in it. Once you shield a non-repeating hitbox, it can't hit you.

I just thought of something.

Can Lucario's grounded command dash (Extremespeed?) cross up someone in sheild? Or maybe his (EX? Special?) command dash?

That'd be awesome as hell.

Yeah, why not? You can go through their shield with it.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! <
yeah, you didnt use much of the new tools snake had. little c4s and mines. little drags.
LOL that's the least helpful comment in the world Neko. kinda kidding, but yo, what new tools would I even know to use if you were the only one there who could tell me about them [but didn't]? You know I'm no longer in the loop on anything hahaha
^how to ask for help and be an a** at the same time ^_^

drags? don't know what that means

But yeah, just to be completely clear about my post: What new tools does Snake have?

Also: will I be seeing you [and P:M?] at Caboose's on Saturdayyyy? =D???



Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2010
Holy balls. Lucas just got ten times better. So he has similar fair and bair, like Zelda?

Though I imagine his bair is stronger than fair, unlike Zelda's.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2010
That's some Bowser class damage! That shield got *****. It'll probably get nerfed.

It reminds me of Ness' dair, but sideways and on steroids. lol


Smash Champion
May 16, 2006
Just noticed you're from hamilton. Come to toronto's melee tournament this saturday to play. I'm bringing project m.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2008
Pembroke Pines, FL
Yes, he shielded the spirit bomb initially, which caused it to bounce off of it. Making the hitbox effectively gone because he shielded it, hence why he didn't get hit by it as it was passing by when Lucario aerial Side B'd him to the ground. Sometimes the shield will make the spirit bomb gone, sometimes it won't. This happens with MOST projectiles, such as Link's boomerang even.
There's a plan to fix this, right?

It's confusing and I'm pretty sure the Lucario player thought that he was going to pull off some crazy ****ing combo.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
LOL that's the least helpful comment in the world Neko. kinda kidding, but yo, what new tools would I even know to use if you were the only one there who could tell me about them [but didn't]? You know I'm no longer in the loop on anything hahaha
^how to ask for help and be an a** at the same time ^_^

drags? don't know what that means

But yeah, just to be completely clear about my post: What new tools does Snake have?

Also: will I be seeing you [and P:M?] at Caboose's on Saturdayyyy? =D???

Let's see. C4, as you know, when stuck on an opponent, will never drop or explode on its own, as a result, sticking someone asap is the best thing you can do. You can fake out a detonation to force them to spot dodge or airdodge and punish them for that. C4 will vanish when snake dies.

Landmind is a KO move, and is activated sooner, but you can act out of planting it sooner.

WHen you grab someone and press left/right on the dpad, snake will walk with the opponent still being grabbed, allowing you to pinpoint where your opponent lands with fixed kb fthrow/bthrow.

Up B has a hitbox, as you know, and it can be used for combos. you can also use Up B as a ghetto DJC, aka up b and aerial instantly out of it.

and of course, absuing snake's broken crouch to crouch cancel sticky someone.

and on the build right now, the knife, with the stun knife variation that allows for combos and ****.

Also, nikita is a KO move now.

and yes, ill be coming to caboose fest this saturday.

in other news.

<GHNeko> i only feel flattered when my characters get complimented
<Pinkie_pie> ^^
<Pinkie_pie> which isnt falco by a long shot
<Glitch> that lucas
<GHNeko> LOL
<Glitch> xD!
<GHNeko> get wrecked neko
llooool #projectm


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2004
150km north of nowhere, Canada
Warning: I havn't had time to watch streams lately, and Mario usually isn't shown much these days, and I am tired of waiting for demo 2.

So is the breakdown of Mario:M's moves between doc/mario as follows? too lazy to make it look cleaner.

1. Jab 1/2/3:
2. Tilts up/fwd/dwn:
3. smashes up/fwd/down:
4. B moves up/fwd/down/neutral:
5. Aerials up/fwd/back/down/neutral:

1. Mario
2. Mario/Mario/Mario? (or is down tilt the strange doc one?)
3. Mario?/Mario/Mario (Doc's upsmash is better imo)
4. Mario/Mario?/Mario/Both (Cape has doc hitbox or mario hitbox?) Fireballs = pills with less damage?
5. Mario/both/Doc/Mario/Mario

Since Doc is the better character in Melee, we want Mario:M to be better than that.

so Mario:M is Doc + Marginally better recovery,uptilt, Dair, and jab + potentially all benefits of Mario's Fair + more range on fsmash - combo potential on upsmash - damage on projectile (approximately)

Assuming Mario:M has Doc's cape hitboxes, that's what it looks like to me. If you ignore a couple of the nerfs, it is pretty much Doc but better in all respects that Mario does it better. However, I think Docs upsmash and the damage of pills are actually a big plus. In addition to this, most of the Mario superior moves don't really improve things all that much or add much new to his game that we havn't already seen with melee mario.

Why am i writing all this? Well I'd like to see a couple changes to Mario:M and I've grown tired of waiting for Demo2 to be able to give a more hands on view. I've been told that the PMBR is happy with where Mario:M is currently as well.

First, I'd love to see Mario:M have Docs up-smash, because it is good and it is different. I don't care too much, and this could already be the case, but I want to mention it.

Second, I think Mario Tornado should be buffed a bit. It does next to nothing in serious play right now. I would suggest the last hit spike like in 64 (which might actually let you combo off it on stage if it bounces them in the right way, but they could tech it) and I think it deserves a small adjustment in the height it grants. At least let it get its maximm height within human ability of pressing the button (mario party players exluded).

Finally, my original suggestion, I'd like to see up-air have the same completion time frame wise as back air, which I believe speeds it up 2 frames. This would give Mario players some more technical aspects to their game and would not really affect things in a large way. It is already possible to jump after a short hop up air in melee, and this would just make it more reliable, but still require skill.
Advantages of doing this change:
- more technical depth allowed to an existing Melee character
- adds to an already existing gameplay element, like the up-b walljump
- Gives people more possibilities and creativity
- Buffs a character slightly who is dangerously close to being high tier (if compared to melee) already with a buff that should not impact things too greatly.

Drawbacks of doing this change:

Doc up-smash I'm on the fence about, but Mario tornado and more technical depth is something i'd like to see. As shown, it doesn't look like Mario:M is going to be overpowered, as it is essentially and competetively Doc but with more uses and improvements for some of his moves from Mario. We don't know how a tier list is going to look, but we can be pretty certain Mario isn't going to be at the top judging by the relatively low amount of changes. Plus, mario tornado spike is a throwback to 64. awesome.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Already has Doc usmash. We always picked the best move between the two (except nair, which is arguable both ways and have different uses). And a few moves have new stats to work better.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
it almost never happens.... its a very minor point to nitpick
Well it happens to me semi-frequently in vbrawl, maybe like once a sitting or so. I find that it usually happens when you powershield it at a certain angle.

Not sure how often it happens in p:m, but if the cause is from powershielding, then I can see it not happening quite as frequently.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2011
Houston, Texas
I always felt you could combine Mario and Doc's nairs pretty easily.

Frame 1 = Mario's nair, dealing 12% damage

Frame 2 to the end = Doc's nair, going from 10% - 14% the longer it stays in the air

this way if you hit on frame 1 you get rewarded with the higher initial BKB, but if you manage to land a sex kick at the end of the move, its significantly stronger than the frame 1 hit.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2010
Well it happens to me semi-frequently in vbrawl, maybe like once a sitting or so. I find that it usually happens when you powershield it at a certain angle.

Not sure how often it happens in p:m, but if the cause is from powershielding, then I can see it not happening quite as frequently.
i believe they said it happens from normal shielding, if it happened from power shielding....the projectile hitboxes shouldn't become invalid.

Anyways, if it's fixable....plz don't toss it aside PMBR
(whether it happens often or not)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2011
Houston, Texas
Not really. The only ways I ever got 14% nairs on Doc in Melee was to linger a sex kick over an edge, letting the opponent see what was coming from a mile away.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
hdt, grab 2 more gifs

then merge them all into one, and after they end, have the words Project:M pop up
like the melee version that's floating somewhere on smasboards.
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