There's slight differences between melee and PM for me, but they're negligible. What really kills Melee for me though is the lack of diversity. There are only a couple of truly successful people who don't play a top tier. I really do tire of the fact that if I turn on a random Melee tourney, chances are I'll see nothing but spacies, marth, jiggs, sheik, and they're gonna pick one of five stages with the same tracks and the same skins. Maybe there will be a player or two in any given tourney that plays a different character, but there's almost negligible chance that they'll decide on the gentlemen's clause and choose a stage not on the list. The skins and music are the least of my complaints, but they don't really help Melee from feeling so stale. This is never the case with PM. There's basically no chance that you won't see an interesting matchup, given that there's what, like 861 matchups or something? And there's always at least 10 stages to choose from at any given tourney.