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  • Hi. I'm the guy that usually uploads Smashing Grounds results. Just wanted to know if you were going to be uploading results in the future since you did it this week. I don't want to make a double upload if you're going to be uploading them.
    Hey there, you don't have to worry about double uploads or anything. As you've probably noticed I'm a Rankings Mod so I can delete extras if that ever happens. I'll still be leaving it up to you to upload the brackets and whatnot, I just did it this week because I noticed it was taking you a bit longer than usual.
    Do you feel the 3.5 Tournaments Results Archive is still necessary considering the advent of SmashBoards Rankings and such? It seems quite inactive as well, seeing posts generally a week+ apart.
    I don't really feels its necessary anymore. I initially made it because of some players requests, but it rarely sees attention. If you want to take it off sticky status that's fine by me.
    Strong Badam
    Strong Badam
    Okay! I unstuck it. Just trying to clean up the PM boards a bit. Thanks ♥
    Hey Crow,

    If you could verify that it's me in the BUST pools I'd be very grateful. I want those 3 points! ^_^

    Yo, Crow, I'm sure you've at least SEEN me around, and was wanting to let you know that there ARE videos for Montana Melee that were streamed, at least for the Top Four. About two hours of games if you were wanting to link to them. I represent one of the major areas in Montana, so I'll post videos to you when I can if you need them.

    I hate to ask this, but will you be uploading the results for Smashing Grounds 4.4 PM Singles soon?
    I was busy at work these past few days so I didn't have the chance. I'm currently asking on the FB group for the bracket so I can upload it.
    Just wanted to say good stuff with uploading results and actually putting in all the information. More TOs need to do that.
    Thank you, I appreciate it. Just trying to make sure all NE tournaments get recorded permanently.
    dood, how've you been?
    im sorry to bug you, but can you assist me in putting in new characters?
    and i also need to know how to get my wii to read my burned twilight princess GC version on a disk
    Do you mean replacing textures and such? As for burned CD's I don't recommend that, CFG Loader can play GC games off a HDD in FAT32 format. It's much easier that way.
    Claus of Tazmily
    Claus of Tazmily
    well i only have one little usb at the moment and brawl takes up its majority and i bought like 50 dvd+r disks so i can burn games . and as for characters i mean like i went on brawl vault and lets say i saw skull kid and i wanted him would he be a texture or what because some characters have their own moves right? for instance skul kid has a Moon final smash
    Check your inbox
    Hey, whereabouts in Boston are you? We could play sometime :)
    I'm actually trying to set it up real soon. I don't have my own Wii and usually play either off my friends or on Dolphin. And I'm usually free everyday after 12 and weekends, that might change soon cause of a second job I'm getting at LaserQuest lol.
    Ah, so it'd be at a friends or such?
    Probably, but if we play smash maybe after next week then I should have my setup done since I'll be ordering that hard drive to USB load from.
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