Führer President King DopeLord The VI
Honestly im getting a little bit scared about the recent climate. I remember about 3 years ago, march was super awesome because it was warm and relaxing. But now it seems like winter last much longer then it normally should. I blame mother nature...... I think we gotta get rid of her......So, that actually reminds me, I want to ask all of you something- What do you think about climate change now? Have recent global weather patterns changed your mind or affected your opinion about it in any way? Do you think it's just natural or is there cause for concern? No need for essay posts (not feeling like reading them either XD) just a short answer is fine.
I'll answer it myself to start; I believed it when they first started talking about it, and the recent weather patterns are confirming it for me. Here in the South we're getting weather that goes into the high 70's one day and then 30s-40's the next (both highest temps of the day). Needing a thick robe one day, and then skimpy clothes the very next day, it's pretty crazy.I do think there's cause for concern and that people should look more into environmental impacts.