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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Deoxys unconfirmed! Yayyy! Well, not for Wiseguy, but for me. Deoxys is just meh. Mewtwo's chances of being the Psychic rep have just been boosted. =)


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Switch FC
Too bad, Deoxys would of been awesome...

Though there is one good thing.

Mewtwo is now the UNDISPUTED pokemon antagonist choice for SSBB!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
As has Blaziken's chances of being the 3rd gen rep :D
Please crawl in a hole and shoot youself. :(
Wiseguy, please, don't put Blaziken on the list.
Go with Gardevoir for now, because it was mentioned by Sakurai, and has massive popularity in Japan, which is exactly how Jiggs got in in the first place.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Switch FC
Please crawl in a hole and shoot youself. :(
Wiseguy, please, don't put Blaziken on the list.
Go with Gardevoir for now, because it was mentioned by Sakurai, and has massive popularity in Japan, which is exactly how Jiggs got in in the first place.
Mewtwo would like to psychically scream "I DESERVE THE SPOT!".


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
Honestly, If Deoxys didn't make it in, then I'm not sure we're gonna see a new pokemon representative for Brawl at all. Which is a shame, because monsters with elemental superpowers are pretty fun to play as.

It's too bad, that hyper beam would've been a fun move to have. Still, as long as Mewtwo is back and spruced up a few tiers, I won't mind too much.

Smile Guy

Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
Well, that is one big hit on the head for the supporters of the "Deoxys in Brawl!" I think I understand what Sakurai's doing now. He may not be confirming characters but bit by bit he's uncomfirming characters.

We now know that Samurai Goro, (assumedly) Tom Nook, and Deoxys won't be playable characters after all.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Please crawl in a hole and shoot youself. :(
Wiseguy, please, don't put Blaziken on the list.
Go with Gardevoir for now, because it was mentioned by Sakurai, and has massive popularity in Japan, which is exactly how Jiggs got in in the first place.
Well Gardveoir's fanbase isn't ha;f as big, HALF! Besides, now I think the F-Zero deserves the spot Deoxys had on my list. I'll revise it and eidt it to a realistic list. :)


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Honestly, If Deoxys didn't make it in, then I'm not sure we're gonna see a new pokemon representative for Brawl at all. Which is a shame, because monsters with elemental superpowers are pretty fun to play as.
I'm not too sure I understand. You're saying that because Deoxys was pokeballed, the chances of all other new pokemon have dropped dramatically? It's not as thought there aren't hundreds of other viable candidates to take his place, and I personally don't think Deoxys was that original an idea anyway. I don't think his disconfirmation has that serious an effect on the franchise.

Though it looks like Sakurai isn't just looking at the fanbase of these critters now, so I'm guessing we're going to get a few surprises.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Maryland; DC suburbs
It'll probably end up being Jiggly, Pikachu (obviously), and Mewtow and Pichu will be replaced by another small crappy one that noone really wanted or ever thought about outside of jokes.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
*Sets down a coffin with the name "Deoxys" carved on it into a grave next to the coffins that say "Samurai Goroh" and "Tom Nook" while whistling "Another One Bites the Dust" as his supporters are mourning around him*

Sorry,I couldn't resist. :)

Anyway,looks like I'm going to have to change my Brawl list now!


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
I never wanted Deoxys in as a playable character, so I'm relieved. He looks like a bizarre cross between Tingle and an octopus, and doesn't appear to have a personality to be honest. At least his supporters can take solace in the fact that its hyper bean look pretty awesome. With Deoxys, Goroh, and (likely) Nook out of the picture, it seems that the SSBB team is being strict on its choices. Hopefully this means more representation across the board (lots of franchises), instead of loading up franchises that don't really need it (no Hammer Bro so generic enemies, CF is enough for F-Zero, AC doesn't really need or fit with playable representation, and SSB does not need another floating psychic Pokemon).

The apparent strictness makes it seem more likely that, for example, Star Fox will only have three reps: Fox, Falco, and Krystal. One more would just be unnecessary. Fox and Krystal are obvious, but why Falco over Fox? Because three anthropomorphic Canidae underrepresents Star Fox; the franchise has a greater variety of important characters than that.

Regarding Lucario, he's also extremely popular, but he also (as a bipedal fighting Pokemon) brings a new fighting style to the Pokemon reps. Deoxys would likely only work best as a floating fighter with psychic moves, but Mewtwo already fulfills that (and has personality). Yes, the team could have givein him a new moveset, but why bother when there inherently different Pokemon to work with like Lucario?

*crosses fingers for a Golden Sun rep*

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Dang, Wiseguy, you're getting shot down left and right these days...:p

I'm so going to crack up when Stafy, Falco, and Mewtwo make an appearance...


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
tomorrows update, assist trophy, midna. i would laugh so hard.

actually, i havn't had to change my list at all. i forgot deoxys, had put blood falcon in, then came here and was convinced gorah was better, but i was too lazy to edit, and i never thought nook stood a chance.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007
Has anyone noticed that--until now--Sakurai hasn´t shown anything from the new generation of Pokémon (Diamond and Pearl), and instead only showcases Pokémon from the third generation (Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald) such as Groudon and Deoxys? Logically this doesn´t make too much sense, considering that Diamond and Pearl are all the rage right now (and what Nintendo is currently marketing).

So, who else thinks that maybe Sakurai didn´t have time to program anything from the fourth generation into SSBB?


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
I'm sure that Sakurai is only giving us the tip of the information iceburg, only deconfirming and not adding any characters (He hasn't even put Snake up!), I mean he has a little while before giving us too much info, he has a couple of months before he even has to consider teling us anything serious. But he does tell us whoes not a PC, so that's probably going to keep happening through the moth, with some returning characters scattered around occasioally, but no real, new information. Darn you Sakurai for keeping us on the edges of our seats!


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
really, he's got to hold us off till december third, he won't start confirming unnaounced characters till maybe late august or september.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Yeah, It's also kind of annoying that when he tells us something, all of the information about it we get is a couple of captions and a few scentances. I'd like it if it gave music along with a stage, and perhaps the official discription, but that would be optimistic to the point of foolishness.

But I think everyone's in agreement that if Sakurai elaborated a little more on what he's put up on the dojo (Like explaining weather AC had a PC or just a stage).

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Your list doesn't even have Ray01 as an honorable mention. :( Why does Captain Olmar deserve a spot over a really cool 3-inch robot?
Ever played Pikmin? Then he needs no further explanation.

Olimar stands to have the most original moveset yet. Even a robot would be similar to Fox with his lasers or link with bombs or samus with missiles, whereas Olimar could be vastly different from everyone seeing that he uses Pikmin.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
To side with grim over here, I too agree that Olimar can be the most original character in the entire game, let's just hope that he gets confirmed eventually
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there alot of pupies died. i have played pikmin,but he will be AT


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Well, Deoxys is deconfirmed. I'll be honest here, I'm pretty happy about it. I disliked the thing and it ups the chances of every other pokemon rep I like. In fact, the only reason I am not extremely happy is that a lot of people have been dissapointed and sad, and hey, sadness of others' is never something to be glad about. I even liked some of the Deoxys supporters. But life must go on, I guess. I'll be on your same boat soon enough.

Meanwhile, Wisey, what about subtituting that Deoxys in your roster for something else? Say, good old Mewtwo, for example? ;) Or maybe the little lady in my sig? :laugh:

Samusrules93 said:
tomorrows update, assist trophy, midna. i would laugh so hard.
Given pretty much everyone here but Numa is a Midna supporter, I'd recommend you to not do that around here. It would be like running around the Ridley thread and rooting for Sylux over Ridley. We'd feast on your entrails :mad:.

Nah, j/k.

If Midna's unconfirmed, I'd be too busy crying like a baby to actually hurt you :urg:

EDIT: Koarin, it'd be nice if you refrained from spamming that much. We all know there's a risk of olimar not being there (mainly due to the complication of a making and balancing such a character), but I think he has a better chance of making it in than you seem to believe.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
You know, it doesn't bother me that Deoxys is a pokeball-mon now. I never really thought he'd be a great playable character anyway, but that's just me.

I'm just putting in my two cents to defend Sakurai here, but maybe they already tried making these characters playable. Maybe with the set up they have, it couldn't work. I say maybe, cause I don't think Sakurai would sabatoge his greatest creation to the Nintendo community. But at least he's trying to get the characters people want into Brawl in some way, shape or form (I'm so punny. ^_^ >_> Deoxys? Anyone? Anyone? :cricket:). Granted, us competitive types aren't gonna have a need for pokeballs and assist trophies. But he HAS to appeal to both sides; Competitive and casual players. Granted, we're getting the shaft right now. :-P But I think Brawl will come out alright. Maybe I'm being too optimistic.

I'm afraid Wolf Link/Midna are gonna be assit trophy/ies. :-? I really liked that moveset Ferro(?) made (and I'm supportive of them as a playable character). Same for Ridley, but I never wanted Ridley as a playable anyway. Sorry guys, I just don't think it'd work. Just my opinion. Not saying it couldn't, but I don't think it could. Unless someone can prove me wrong with an awesome moveset. ;)


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Psh. Midna will NOT be an AT. PC all the way, baby. =)

And I'm kind of excited that Deoxys has been unconfirmed--no offense, Deoxites--because it ups the chances of both Mewtwo and Lucario. Heck, even Gardy has a better chance now.

It's strange: when I was browsing the site before the update came, I looked at the Pokéball section and thought to myself, "Hm...they haven't shown a new Pokéball character in a while..."

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I'm not a Midna supporter. She annoyed the crap out of me, especially in the Ganon battle.

I really hope she's AT at best, and I'm a huge LoZ supporter, but I just don't want her.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
On the precipice of victory
I'd rather see Ridley in than Wolf Link/Midna. I just alienated one group and joined another in one sentence. Somebody give me an award.

But seriously, Ridley would be great, and honestly, who else could represent Metroid alongside Samus? Mother Brain? We all know the Metroid series needs another rep, and Ridley is the only one well-known enough to do it.

Would you have watched Speed if it didn't have Keanu Reeves? I know it's the reason I didn't watch the sequel. So I answered your question for you. Nobody can answer now. Another point for me.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Why are people against Midna? If you saw the trailer for Twilight Princess way back when and saw Link turn into Wolf Link, you must have admitted that that was pretty cool. We need to have another Metroid rep, I agree, but why would anyone be aganst another character? I understand that Vioxor wants Ridly in more than Midna, but why would anyone not want them in for the sake that they didn't like them, or that they can't think of a plausable moveset (both of which are no real excuse).

All I have to say is that if Pichu, Ice Climbers, and Jigglypuff could get into Brawl, anyone can, even the people that people think 'Wouldn't fit in' such as Nook or Miis. I say, the more the merrier. The only one's I want are Wolf Link (With Midna, of course), Olimar, Ridley, Krystal, and Sonic. Other than those five (Which I'm pretty sure will get in) I don't care if they put Tingle in there. That just proves that people don't have to hate one character to love another, t just shows that you want these guys in. To say: 'I hate that character, he'll just be an AT' is a load of ****. I just want as many coo, interesting characters in Brawl, and if the final roster still has Pichu, then fine by me.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Psh. Midna will NOT be an AT. PC all the way, baby. =)

And I'm kind of excited that Deoxys has been unconfirmed--no offense, Deoxites--because it ups the chances of both Mewtwo and Lucario. Heck, even Gardy has a better chance now.
Pretty much my reasoning. I like that Deoxys has been unconfirmed because it ups the chances of better (for me) candidates. I'm not going to rub it in the Deoxites' faces, however, like a few people have already done, because every one of us risks being in their same place soon enough with Sakurai's ruthless selection screen :(.

the grim lizard said:
I'm not a Midna supporter. She annoyed the crap out of me, especially in the Ganon battle.

I really hope she's AT at best, and I'm a huge LoZ supporter, but I just don't want her.
So that makes you, Numa and Samusrules in the whole thread (I mean somewhat regulars, of course. Random haters are meaningless). Maybe one or two more I forgot. I still think Midna supporters are a pretty good percentage of the regular thread goers ;).

And to be honest, the one who annoyed the hell out of me in the Ganon battle was Zelda, not Midna. "Stop hogging the light arrows! **** upstart! You did nothing in the whole game and now you wanna play hero at the worst time possible?! And if you're going to hog them, at least BOTHER AIMING BY YOURSELF!" Grah. Stupid princess. Avenging Midna was probably the only reason I actually bothered to complete that irritating ride sequence, myself (I had been extremely dissapointed a bit earlier by Ganon's appearance - up to then, despite a hint here and there I actually hoped Nintendo would have another game without Ganon as the villain, I like the variety - so wasn't it for Midna being the only character in there to actually motivate me I might have not bothered to even complete the game)
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