Update, gents. Deoxys and Nook replaced, plus a new runnerup character and a new honourable mention.
Don't worry, I'll get around to that AT update any centurt now...
Yes, yes i am. How does it feel?
Well done. Puppies support any argument - unless your target is a heartless monster like Wrath of Koarin.
(Don't wrooy Koarin, I'll get to you soon enough.)
Indeed, there are many- more i kno myself. Ive only played a few of his recent games.
Here are a few u might not know:
Punch- Gasp!
Kick- Amazing right?
Fly- w/ a propeller thingy or jetpack
Hi-jack- This is kinda weird, but fun! B-man jumps on the head of an opponent and is able to temporarily control them, kinda. Basically both Bomberman and the player control one body.
Go Meta- This one could be used as a temp. Shiek-like transformation or as a Final Smash. Bomberman is instantly covered in Knight's armor and is equiped w/ a shield and sword. (Similar to Metaknight) bomberman becomes a fast-moving master swordsman. however, in this state he cannot lay bombs.
The list goes on and on.
If he is in Brawl, his item could be Sickness. In Bomberman 64, the Sickness would gives its user abilities- that would most times affect them negatively. It could make its user: large, strong, but slow; small, fast, but weak and light; make them do random attacks; make them invisible; etc. The Sickness can be easily passed on like the Gooey Bomb.
There is more than bombs beneath the man...
Okay, point taken. Still, there is nothing there that screams super original moveset - in my humble opinion. The hijack is most unique, but I just can't see it as working in the context of Smash. Obviously every character has the potential for a great movset, I just see Bonk as a have a higher potential in this regard. Is that enough to get him place in Brawl over B-Man? Maybe, maybe not. It's all in Sakurai's hands...
True. however, i think u missunderstood me. i meant they are "not aliens", they are pretty common. And besides, Bomberman doesn't look like a man, he is very cartoonish. Snake, for example, is a man (no homo).
Alot of characters are famous for their abilities and gameplay. Sonic is a good example. (Most) people love his earlier, fast-paced games. No one ever like him simply because he was a hedgehog of could ran very fast. Now with a personality and storyline, people hate him- yet still accept him in brawl. Sure B-man doesnt have a compelling job or is a monkey, but could still contribute to Brawl. Furthermore, what man do u know craps bombs? He solves problem by BLOWING THINGS UP- whats not to love?
That might have once been true for Sonic, but these days most of his games pretty much suck (the DS game was alright...) so I think the thing that keeps fans drawn to the series is the characters (though I can't see the appeal).
Bonk's first game was fairly unremarkable (compared to the Mario platformers) yet it was a hit thanks to uniqueness and likeability of the main character. Bomerman games, however rose to greatness for their gameplay - not at all becuase of the character. They could have put generis bomb throwing stuck figures and the game would have still rocked. Oh wait! They did.
You know, if the playable character in the Bomerman games had been an awesome, Bomb weilding caveman - Hudson would have had the one of the most successful games in history!
And, not trailing to far behind was Bomberman on the VC. Yes, Bonk would complete his rivalry with Sonic and Mario. So would Megaman, hes even bigger than Bonk! SSBB definitely needs a rep from Hudson, since Hudson help make alot of Mario Partys and their ties are really close. Its too bad BOTH of them cant make it, yet i still favor Bomberman for unique weaponry, popularity, Nintendo-ness (alot games on Nintendo), retro-ness, and overall pwnage. C'mon now, u cannot defy Bomberman's pwnage over Bonk. Bomberman wins...
Bah! My alegance lies with the caveman. I will admt that Hudson would probably prefer B-Man in Brawl. My only hope is if Sakurai sees reason and decides Bonk is the better choice...
I agree. Both of them are pretty equal and both stand good chances of appearing. Yet again, if was up to Hudson or the public- Bomberman wins. Hes their Golden Child, and the crowd loves him.
Yeah, I guess...
Im glad u enjoy the debate. To be honest, there isnt alot of people in the BDF (Bomberman Defence Force). Theres only like.....25 at most. That sad compared to Sonic's 350 million.
Youll be hearing alot more from me. DJ Napps doesnt back down...
To be perfectly honest, I'm beginning to think that we won't see any more third party newcomers. Think about it, if there was ever a time to unveil Sonic and Megaman in their biggest game of the year, E3 was it. Let's hope I'm wrong....
It wasn't hard at all for experienced players. The adventure mode needs to be free roaming like Zelda, be a 2D sidescroller like a Ice Climbers and Super Mario Bros. combination, maybe have dugeons, a open and fun world with areas of tons of enemies, and areas of no enemies, etc. In other words, not the same stuff over and over again by force, but rather do what you want, with levels from every single series repped in Brawl.
I imagine snkeaing around in Snake's box or a barrell as WW Link, flying the skies in the diverse and amazingly large levels as Pit, Ridley, or MK, getting attacked by Animal Crossing villagers as Lucas, getting attacked by the Sharks (virtually a evil gang that has taken over) Onett as Snake (Rpg ftw!), etc. Now that would be intertaining, with mixtures of levels, styles, gameplay, dugeons, and even story modes. Imagine embarking on a quest across the many worlds of SSBB repped series=awsome.
I'll keep babeling. Running through the grass at a microscopic size as a Mii=Pikmin world, Running across Hyrule field and the Bridge of Eldin in tLOZ, exploring castles in FE, exploring everything in Mushroom Kingdom, wondering the streets of Delfino Plaza as Bowser Jr. (for some humor), wandering Angel Land as Dedede, free roaming DK isle as Sonic, going through Green Hill Zone as Mario (minus Tails annoying voice), and fighting waddle dees in a Kirby world as Ike. C'mon, how does that not sound awsome=???
All tht is fine, but no matter what they do it will get old after two or thre playthroughs. I still say they should focus mostly on the multiplayer, becuase that's what we'll be playing for years to come. Between Prime 3 and Galaxy, I've got my single player Nintendo fix all ***** up this fall.
But why not give Pokemon one more rep=??? That was basically Pokemon's low point, from 2001-2003, before Pokemon R/S/E (3rd gen), and this gen is the highest point ever, in terms of stocks, sales, merchandise, maybe even the cartoon show views, and card game. So with Pokemon on the rise, why not 5 reps=???
Also, why does DK only deserve two reps, it has been a more imfluentail series then all the other 2 and 3 rep series. With DKC being one of the top 5 selling games of all-time, and the DKC series being a classic, I see no reason why not 3 rep reps. Also, you still got 2 too many 3rd party characters Wiseguy, and I think you know the 4 I want. (Snake, Sonic, Megaman, Geno)
Why not have one more Pokemon rep? Because four is already four too many, that's why.
How would it look to give DK three characters when Metroid (one of Nintendo's longest running and revolutionary franchises) is likely only getting two roster slots (Samus/Zamus and Ridley)? Let's face facts: Sakurai clearly stated that Zamus is a transformation and Dark Samus is a stong candidiate for an AT.
To heck with that mole, Miis ftw, and Miis for the AC rep spot!
Call me old fashioned, but I say a character has to actually HAVE APPEARED IN AN ANIMAL CROSSING GAME before they can represent the series.
Riddle me this: if Sakurai sees Miis as the new Animal Crossing humans - why are the humans in Smashville clearly not Miis.
Resseti for the freaking win!
but why cut Marth? Sure he hasn't starred in a recent FE game, but when it gets down to it he is more important in the FE story than Ike. Even you said yourself Wiseguy he has a 50% chance, though I think he's basically confirmed. Ike and Marth are the first two FE spots, who's taking the 3rd=??? I'm guessing Black Knight or Roy most likely.
There is a 99.99 chance that Ike will be included. Case closed.
Now given that reality, there will likely be one more FE character. I'd say there is a 50% chance they choose Marth (who is basically a lamer version of Ike) and a 50% chance that they choose another character from the newer FE games (which we can actually buy) like Black Kinght or Miciaiah. Black Knight owns all, so I'm hoping for the later.
I'm waiting for a graphically updated MM/OOT with TP Wiimote controls, along with a still cel-shaded WW with Wiimote TP controls. Also, a 3D remake of the first two LOZ games would rock...maybe ALTTP to prove it to be as good as all OOT (both are tied for my second fav Zelda game). Zelda Remakes FTW! Also, A LA remake would be awsome into 3D. What can I say, I'd love to see every Zelda game remade on the Wii, I love all of them!
Also, a TP sequal where Link goes to both Termania and Hyrule would rock! Maybe a bigger Termania, and maybe longer, but still limited time (maybe a week, and the time is to beat the entire game=the days and nights are a lot longer), and a moon falling, Majora's Mask finds it's revenge, and takes over Skull Kid again, by finding him in the sacred grove! Then Majora's Mask uses Skull Kid, and is even stronger then ever, with the 4 boss masks fused in him from MM.
It should be called "Majora's Wrath", or something cool like that, with the awsome Majora theme of course. Just a thought.
LOL at your Sega president thoughts Wiseguy, lol!
Remakes? Naw, I can play the old Zeldas on Virtual console.
I really hope they continue the OoT>MM>TP storyline in the next Wii Zelda. Combining the superior gameplay of TP with the insane storyline of MM would undoubtely be the best game ever.
Wow. That's frickin' hysterical. Comparing Brawl's graphics to Melee's graphics is like comparing apples and oranges.
...Oh, my Lord. I can post on the Smash Boards freely now.
Smooth Criminal
P.S. I signed your petition, Wiseguy. I think we do need to raise our voices an octave higher and have Nintendo (or somebody from the company) personally assure us of Brawl's online capabilities.
Thanks for the support SC. Not everyone has been so kind....
Either my computer won't load GameTrailers...
Or the link is broken.
Hmm... the link works fine for me...
Try typing the url for gametrailers and finding the vid comparing Melee and Brawl scrrenshots in the user vid section. It's among the most popular at the moment.
who said that deoxys will be a pokeball pokemon
why that was me
Deoxys unconfirmed! Yayyy! Well, not for Wiseguy, but for me. Deoxys is just meh. Mewtwo's chances of being the Psychic rep have just been boosted. =)
Well, that is one big hit on the head for the supporters of the "Deoxys in Brawl!" I think I understand what Sakurai's doing now. He may not be confirming characters but bit by bit he's uncomfirming characters.
We now know that Samurai Goro, (assumedly) Tom Nook, and Deoxys won't be playable characters after all.
*Sets down a coffin with the name "Deoxys" carved on it into a grave next to the coffins that say "Samurai Goroh" and "Tom Nook" while whistling "Another One Bites the Dust" as his supporters are mourning around him*
Sorry,I couldn't resist.
Anyway,looks like I'm going to have to change my Brawl list now!
Dang, Wiseguy, you're getting shot down left and right these days...
I'm so going to crack up when Stafy, Falco, and Mewtwo make an appearance...
Yep, Deoxys was Pokeballed. Between this, Goroh and Nook Sakurai is trying to prove me wrong on every turn.
Ugh, it seems that all Sakurai's doing now a days is deconfirming, though he probably can't show really new confirmations, so I guess the only alternative is deconfirmations. But if he continues to do this and unconfirms Olimar, Midna, or Krystal I'M GOING TO BLOW MY TOP!
Olimar MUST be playable. DO whatever you want Sakurai, but you'd better no mess with Olimar! Otherwise, the ghosts of a millions puppies will haunt you for the rest of your days!
tomorrows update, assist trophy, midna. i would laugh so hard.
actually, i havn't had to change my list at all. i forgot deoxys, had put blood falcon in, then came here and was convinced gorah was better, but i was too lazy to edit, and i never thought nook stood a chance.
Not nearly as hard as I'll laugh when Sheik bites the dust, my friend. Oh what a sweet day that will be...
Your list doesn't even have Ray01 as an honorable mention.
Why does Captain Olmar deserve a spot over a really cool 3-inch robot?
Because Olimar is more awesome, more original, and his games don't suck. (That last one is just my personal view.)
But just for you, I put Ray in my runner up list. I actually think Ray has a pretty good chance, and might actually be a cool addition to the roster.
Ever played Pikmin? Then he needs no further explanation.
Olimar stands to have the most original moveset yet. Even a robot would be similar to Fox with his lasers or link with bombs or samus with missiles, whereas Olimar could be vastly different from everyone seeing that he uses Pikmin.
.Could it be? Grim Lizard and I actually agree on something?!
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there alot of pupies died. i have played pikmin,but he will be AT
we are likely going to get a character confirmed tommorow.
Agreed. My bet is Zamus.
Well, Deoxys is deconfirmed. I'll be honest here, I'm pretty happy about it. I disliked the thing and it ups the chances of every other pokemon rep I like. In fact, the only reason I am not extremely happy is that a lot of people have been dissapointed and sad, and hey, sadness of others' is never something to be glad about. I even liked some of the Deoxys supporters. But life must go on, I guess. I'll be on your same boat soon enough.
Meanwhile, Wisey, what about subtituting that Deoxys in your roster for something else? Say, good old Mewtwo, for example?
Or maybe the little lady in my sig?
Given pretty much everyone here but Numa is a Midna supporter, I'd recommend you to not do that around here. It would be like running around the Ridley thread and rooting for Sylux over Ridley. We'd
feast on your entrails .
Nah, j/k.
If Midna's unconfirmed, I'd be too busy crying like a baby to actually hurt you
EDIT: Koarin, it'd be nice if you refrained from spamming
that much. We all know there's a risk of olimar not being there (mainly due to the complication of a making and balancing such a character), but I think he has a better chance of making it in than you seem to believe.
1) Read my update and be happy Drascin.
2) Yep, the anti Midna crowd puzzles me. If any new Zelda character has a chance, it's the main character in Twilight Princess.
I'm not a Midna supporter. She annoyed the crap out of me, especially in the Ganon battle.
I really hope she's AT at best, and I'm a huge LoZ supporter, but I just don't want her.
*Whew* We can call the apocalypse is called off. Grim and I are once again on opposite sides of the fence.
Was Midna really that annoying? I found her far less so than those stupid fairies and talking objects...
Why are people against Midna? If you saw the trailer for Twilight Princess way back when and saw Link turn into Wolf Link, you must have admitted that that was pretty cool. We need to have another Metroid rep, I agree, but why would anyone be aganst another character? I understand that Vioxor wants Ridly in more than Midna, but why would anyone not want them in for the sake that they didn't like them, or that they can't think of a plausable moveset (both of which are no real excuse).
All I have to say is that if Pichu, Ice Climbers, and Jigglypuff could get into Brawl, anyone can, even the people that people think 'Wouldn't fit in' such as Nook or Miis. I say, the more the merrier. The only one's I want are Wolf Link (With Midna, of course), Olimar, Ridley, Krystal, and Sonic. Other than those five (Which I'm pretty sure will get in) I don't care if they put Tingle in there. That just proves that people don't have to hate one character to love another, t just shows that you want these guys in. To say: 'I hate that character, he'll just be an AT' is a load of ****. I just want as many coo, interesting characters in Brawl, and if the final roster still has Pichu, then fine by me.
Pretty much my reasoning. I like that Deoxys has been unconfirmed because it ups the chances of better (for me) candidates. I'm not going to rub it in the Deoxites' faces, however, like a few people have already done, because every one of us risks being in their same place soon enough with Sakurai's ruthless selection screen
So that makes you, Numa and Samusrules in the whole thread (I mean somewhat regulars, of course. Random haters are meaningless). Maybe one or two more I forgot. I still think Midna supporters are a pretty good percentage of the regular thread goers
And to be honest, the one who annoyed the hell out of me in the Ganon battle was Zelda, not Midna. "Stop hogging the light arrows! **** upstart! You did nothing in the whole game and now you wanna play hero at the worst time possible?! And if you're going to hog them, at least BOTHER AIMING BY YOURSELF!" Grah. Stupid princess. Avenging Midna was probably the only reason I actually bothered to complete that irritating ride sequence, myself (I had been extremely dissapointed a bit earlier by Ganon's appearance - up to then, despite a hint here and there I actually hoped Nintendo would have another game without Ganon as the villain, I like the variety - so wasn't it for Midna being the only character in there to actually motivate me I might have not bothered to even complete the game)
Yeah. Is it odd to anyone that the least interesting and least important character in Twilight Princess (Zelda) was always a shoein becuase of HER NAME? Oh well... she'a a pretty face, and that's something.
That's true. They replaced him with stupid Jason Patric, though. Why couldn't it have been Bruce Willis or Kiefer Sutherland? Die Hard and 24 FTW!
24 owns all! Best show of all time, by far. But that pretty much goes without saying.
Phew! That's lucky... Omilar may not make it but I'm pretty sure Olimar from Pikmin will. C'mon dude... have a little originality. Olimar would be absolutely awesome for Brawl.
I've got a list of potential Assist Trophies that could be used from the Zelda series. I'm a complete geek when it comes to Zelda so if you want me to elaborate on any ideas I'll be ready and willing to do so:
The giant statues from Wind Waker with spikes all around them. I think it would be suiting for them to spin around wildly hitting anybody who gets in their way before after a few seconds exploding in a puff of smoke.
It's a potential that we've already spotted this dude as an AT but it was on the Bridge of Eldin stage so he might have been a stage hazard. I can't quite decide what he could do though. Either use his club or his arrow. Maybe one of the two.
Would be one of the most fearsome ATs. Targets in on what character (not the person who threw it) and chases and slashes at them for quite a long period of time. It would be possible to make Darknuts fall off the edge but you'd have to be pretty skilled not to get hit at all.
Deku Scrub
Rapidly fires seeds in any given direction for a short period of time a la Chikorita the Poke Ball pokemon does with her leads.
Dodongos look like alligators. Dodongos breathe fire. 'Nuff said!
Complete heals whoever used the Assist Trophy as an item.
The friendly rock species. Rolls up into boulder form and bounds off at super speeds hitting anybody foolish or slow enough to stay in their path.
Kaepora Gaebora
The annoying advice owl from Ocarina of Time. Lifts up a random player and drops there somewhere random. Could be convenient, could be disastrous.
The super-rare yellow fox things. I can't really think how they could attack so maybe it could be like a Mew principle that once you've seen it, you get the trophy or something.
Keese are small bat-like monsters. This AT would be good if it unlocked a swarm of them at all other opponents. Not quite as ferocious as Melee's Unown but still annoying.
Like Like
These dudes were in Melee actually. They swallow you up. Which would be exactly what they do in Brawl.
I think these dudes would be best in their Wind Waker form where they swipe things around with their lantern. Any person hit would be set on fire.
Octoroks (but which form?)
As one of the first ever Zelda enemies, Octoroks simply deserve recognition as ATs and yet they've had so many forms (land based, water based, etc) I just can't decide which one Would fire rocks though.
The evil ghost beings many of the Zelda games but this version would be Ocarina of Time fodder. I think they'd just float around and damage whoever has the misfortune to touch them.
Catch you and hump you. Just like they did in Melee.
Shadow Beast
The terrifying beasts that live in the Twilight World from Twilight Princess. They'd grab hold of an opponent and this would severely damage the opponent.
Skull Kid
I know people want him as a playable character but please note I've also included Tingle and I want Tingle as a playable character. Play a song that puts people in a trance maybe?
Hangs there until attacked away but damages anyone who just runs into it, including the person who threw the AT. Kind of like Wobuffet.
The skeleton beings are creepy but I think they'd just wander around aimlessly for a bit not causing too much havoc.
This is why I think he'd be a good playable character because his AT move is hard to think of. Maybe a giant rupee could squash everybody. <-- JOKE!
Wolf attack! Maybe not Wolfos seeming that Midna & Wolf Link is going to be playable characters. You heard it here first.
Flies up in the air and fires beam at unsuspecting (or unprepared) opponents.
The aquatic fish people just have to be ATs for Brawl but a move is harder to think of. Maybe they could do some slapping with their fins or something.
And that's it. You like?
One millions puppies owe you their lives Smile Guy...
That's a nice, complete list of Zelda foes that would make great ATs. I particularily like th Goron suggestion. Who doesn't love Gorons?
Though I do agree with you on the playable character for Tingle, Assist Trophie would be fine(though you guys know what I prefer). He would fly above you and drop bombs people. No rupees. And Numa isn't the only one that doesn't want Midna as a PC. Sure, if she is, I will try her out due to I am a hardcore Zelda fan but I am with him for Skull Kid. Now I ain't trying to get this into an arguement but just stating my point. She Assisted Link and should be an Assist character. Does she have a chance as a PC, yes but the antagonist crap means nothing. Look at Skull Kid in Melee, he was an antagonist but the new Tingle got added instead. I don't want her as a PC at all and would rather some others but if she is, not only will I be P!$$3D that she is in, but I will hope for another Zelda character.
PS- Finally another person who wants Tingle as a playable character.
I would argue that Midna was actually the Twilight Princess' protagonist, since she was the main focus of the plot. If anything, Link is the assist character helping her in her quest. Oh the irony...
I would say that Midna has a very high chance of making the cut. Read Ferro's moveset (there's a link in his sig and in my first post) and tell me that she wouldn't be a fun and unique addition to the roster.
EDIT: And I'd love to see your Tingle moveset.