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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Bahaha, exactly! He's got a knack for making you feel like an idiot; why not continue with what you're good at? =)


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
But what would a laughing dog AT do? Shoot a bunch of ducks that come raing down? Shoot you and then carrie you up to the screen and give his usual thumbs up? Nintendog already has the whole blocking the screen thing. Perhaps he'll just appear and if you kill him, you get 70+ KOs

He would just laugh at you! He wouldn't do any damage or harm anyone, just simply mock your misfortune. Thus, the Goldeen of ATs.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007

He would just laugh at you! He wouldn't do any damage or harm anyone, just simply mock your misfortune. Thus, the Goldeen of ATs.
Exactly! And since the AT' are invincible,you can't harm anyway,thus pissing the player off even more!


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Hmm, a good way to make your enemy very, very mad. And a way to get your second controller broken in your opponent's rage, just stop him before he lunges at the screen shouting "WHO'S LAUGHING NOW? WHO THE ****'S LAUGHING NOW?!?"

I rarely ever say LOL,but that sir, is worthy of one. LOL!!!


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007

mach rider, yoshi, paper mario, and balloon fight was available in VC over the last two weeks
can anyone smell newcomers and returners in a trailer :laugh:


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Hmm, a good way to make your enemy very, very mad. And a way to get your second controller broken in your opponent's rage, just stop him before he lunges at the screen shouting "WHO'S LAUGHING NOW? WHO THE ****'S LAUGHING NOW?!?"
:laugh: Exactly the point! Thankfully, Laughing Dog is a likely candidate to be included as an AT, at that. Let's just cross our fingers that our dream comes true.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007

mach rider, yoshi, paper mario, and balloon fight was available in VC over the last two weeks
can anyone smell newcomers and returners in a trailer :laugh:
HECK YES! We need a trailer,its been NINE MONTHS since that Nintendo World one came out. (The 15 second one doesn't count,that was a teaser. Yes,there is a difference.)


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
I am just sick and tired of this stupid rumor. So many people think this withought even thinking about it for one minute. Did it ever occur to anybody that they made Goro an assist trophy because he is virtually unimportant storyline wise. He's never actually done anything to affect the story, all he is is falcons rival and one of the original four. You want to know what I think? I think that they will make Falcon and Pico the playable reps in brawl because they are the two members of the original four who matter most storyline wise and they will make Goro and Dr. Stewart assist trophies because they are the two members of the original four who are unimportant storyline wise. This way all of the original four get in brawl without taking up as much space.
It's not a rumor, it's just my opinion...

Do I want Pico (or any other non Black Shadow character) in Brawl? Absolutely, but I'm just trying to be realistic. Goroh is by far the second most well known F-Zero character (right after Falcon) and Sakurai even depicted the character in the Melee opening cutscene. Pico might be more important storywise, but frankly not too many people (other than the hardcore fans) pay attention to the (awesome) storyline of F-Zero.

Let's face facts Numa: if we were having this conversation a month ago we would both agree that if only one additional F-Zero character were to make the cut, Goroh would be it. With him out of the picture, things just don't look good for a second F-Zero rep in my view.

Frankly, I'm be relieved when Captain Falcon is confirmed.

Meh. Don't get me wrong: I love the Paper Mario series, even though I think the first is still my favorite. I just think that the Mario series has other characters that deserve some attention aside from another version of Mario. :ohwell:
Fair enough.

My real objection is to WWLink as an uninspired Link clone. If they want to include him, whatever. I just don't want it to be YLink with a different look. He has enough to choose from, so be original.
But by your logic, wouldn't Luigi also have to be cut so that Kamek, Boo or another more original character could make the cut? Originality is an important factor to consider - but so is importance to the series.

I acknowledge this fact, although I would much prefer Midna and Toad in their respective places. C'est la vie.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Sorry it I sounded too combative...

Considering that I have no particular attachment to any of those characters (even though I love WW), I'd rather see someone like Little Mac or Mike Jones in their stead. Just me? Maybe.

I'll be sure to sign your petition, by the way.
Thanks a bunch. :)

I just have to say: Why have clones when you can have original characters? Surely 'the Studio' thought of this earlier and decided to make the characters first and the stages second (There is an over abundant amount of three platform stages). Simple. This will be the Best. Cloneless. Game. EVER.
Sadly, I have to say that's the way it's looking. I once thought that we might see a ton of clones, so that the total roster would contain as many plyable characters as possible. However, the presence of Goroh as an AT implies to me that we'll see a tiny roster of 35 or so and a hundred or so "runner up" characters in the form of ATs. However, I think we might see one or two Luigi-esque clones - and WW Young Link will most definitely be among them.

Look at my earlier response to the PM hating.

Why isn't AC getting a character?(This weird for me because this is the only AC character I actually like)

Also,what's wrong with the Laughing Dog? I'll great because of three reasons:

1.He's the perfect retro and WTF character all in one

2.He could have a very unique moveset.

3.You KNOW you want to smack him around a bit!

I only didn't put Ike because him and Marth are very similar(with the armor and the blue hair) so they would get confused with each other,but I suppose Ike was a better shot than Roy,so.....

Here's my updated list:

Mario Series:

5.Boswer. Jr(no Shadow Mario)
6.Paper Mario(replacement for Doc Mario)

Yoshi series

Wario Series:

Donkey Kong series:
9.Donkey Kong
10.Diddy Kong

LOZ series:
14.WW Young Link or Midna

Pokemon series:


Star Fox Series:
20/21/22.Falco/Krystal/Wolf(I'd like to see at least three or four SF characters,in some combo of these guys)

Metroid Series:
24.Zamus(Zamus can separate or transformation,I don't care)

Kirby Series:

27.Meta Knight
28.King Dedede

29.Captain Falcon

30.Ness(I don't really like him,but I think the original 12 is here to stay)

Fire Emblem:




36.The Ice Climbers
38.Mr.Ressetti(The only AC character that doesn't piss me off to end besides K.K. Slider)
39.Captain Olimar
40.Laughing Dog

I'm sad I had to remove Mr.Game and Watch because he was my favorite character in Brawl,but I have a feeling is greatness shall only be witnessed once.

Also, here's a couple issues: I would like to address:

If you had to choose between Midna or WW link,who would it be? I mean,now that I think about it I'm not sure which I would choose,what do you guys like?

Also,why do so many people want Dixie and Diddy as a double team? That would ruin Diddy,in my opinion. The double team thing should be Ice Climbers ONLY,why does everyone want those two together?
That's much better. 8/10

Midna or WW Link? That's a tough one, but I have to side with WW Link. He's much more important to the series thatn Midna. However, I'm sure we'll see at least 5 Zelda characters in Brawl - since that's the number that was in Melee. My guess is that they will both get in.

I agree that Diddy/Dixie is a bad idea. Diddy is by far the most deserving potential newcomer, and he deserves his own slot on the roster. Dixie? Assist Trophy.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
@ chibirobo hopefully you knew i was joking

anyway here are some ATs
King Zing- found in both dkc 1-2 so is an important enemy to kongs (basically the king boo of the dk series)
Emperor bulblax- found in both pikmin games and is a boss reflecting the bulborb family
metroid- obvious reasons
game and watch -if he doesn't come back as a playable he should be an AT


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2007
Also, here's a couple issues: I would like to address:

If you had to choose between Midna or WW link,who would it be? I mean,now that I think about it I'm not sure which I would choose,what do you guys like?

Also,why do so many people want Dixie and Diddy as a double team? That would ruin Diddy,in my opinion. The double team thing should be Ice Climbers ONLY,why does everyone want those two together?
Midna hands down, why because WW Link is just not original enough. Don't get me wrong I still want him in but Midna AND Wolf Link would be great! She is new to the series and with the success of Twilight Princess.. plus Link and Zelda are being remodeled according to their TP models. Which shows how much consideration they're putting into Twilight characters. Just look at the bridge of eldin stage.

And same for diddy and dixie, could go both ways for them but I would rather have them together than seperate wasting a character slot for someone MUCH better.

PS. Click Midna and Wolf Link in my sig for a moveset. I was a solo midna supporter before but that moveset changed my mind.
Same for Diddy.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
It's not a rumor, it's just my opinion...
You'd be surprised how many people besides you think this.

Do I want Pico (or any other non Black Shadow character) in Brawl? Absolutely, but I'm just trying to be realistic. Goroh is by far the second most well known F-Zero character (right after Falcon) and Sakurai even depicted the character in the Melee opening cutscene. Pico might be more important storywise, but frankly not too many people (other than the hardcore fans) pay attention to the (awesome) storyline of F-Zero.

Let's face facts Numa: if we were having this conversation a month ago we would both agree that if only one additional F-Zero character were to make the cut, Goroh would be it. With him out of the picture, things just don't look good for a second F-Zero rep in my view.

Frankly, I'm be relieved when Captain Falcon is confirmed.
Let me ask you something does Sakurai and co. really think that what the fans think is more important than the truth? The entire world could say that Goroh is the second most important character in the franchise but that doesn't change the fact that he isn't. So what if only a handful of people know of Pico's importance, it doesn't change the fact that he is important and by putting him in brawl as a PC they could not only make Pico a more recognizable character but they could also make more people aware of his importance.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
But by your logic, wouldn't Luigi also have to be cut so that Kamek, Boo or another more original character could make the cut? Originality is an important factor to consider - but so is importance to the series.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Sorry it I sounded too combative...
Luigi is different enough from Mario that I'm comfortable having him around. His specials are very different, and his playstyle is quite a change from Mario. If WW Link got a similar treatment, then I might be able to accept him openly. I thought YLink was uninspired and not different enough.

And you didn't sound combative at all! Fear not, Wiseguy: I respect your opinions, despite any qualms I may have with them. :chuckle:


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Let me ask you something does Sakurai and co. really think that what the fans think is more important than the truth? The entire world could say that Goroh is the second most important character in the franchise but that doesn't change the fact that he isn't. So what if only a handful of people know of Pico's importance, it doesn't change the fact that he is important and by putting him in brawl as a PC they could not only make Pico a more recognizable character but they could also make more people aware of his importance.
Okay. I conceed that IF a second F-Zero character makes the cut, Pico has the best chance.

But isn't it at least possible that Falcon will once again be the sole F-Zero rep? I guess I'm asking how you can be so positive that that Sakurai is even considering including a second rep for a series that, as awesome as it is, is pretty niche in comparision to most Nintendo franchises.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Okay. I conceed that IF a second F-Zero character makes the cut, Pico has the best chance.

But isn't it at least possible that Falcon will once again be the sole F-Zero rep? I guess I'm asking how you can be so positive that that Sakurai is even considering including a second rep for a series that, as awesome as it is, is pretty niche in comparision to most Nintendo franchises.
Falcon being the only F-Zero rep in brawl will happen the same day I say Midna could be in brawl as a PC, never. It's not a niche franchise or whatever it's one of if not the biggest racing franchise Nintendo has. So what if the last couple games where lesser known not canon handheld titles that came out a while ago that doesn't mean that the franchise is dead or not popular anymore or any of that ****. It just means Nintendo hasn't had the chance to make another big game yet and with over 100 Wii games in development (most of them we don't know about) and over 140 DS games in development (most of which we don't know about) I wouldn't say it's to crazy to think that at least one of them is an F-Zero game. Really I don't see what the big deal is with adding more than one F-Zero rep and Pico has alot of potential to be either a snake or falcon clone (or have an original moveset but clones take less time as you love to point out).

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
sakurai and co. are more about the truth. its their game, so let them make it.
True, but isn't everybody entitled to some measure of speculation? I mean, that what's this thread is all about.


Anyway. I'm not too keen on the F-Zero franchise; it's not a matter of disliking it, mind, but just a lack of knowledge. The only F-Zero game that I've ever played was the arcade version of F-Zero GX. It was a fun, solid game (though I still prefer Mario Kart). However, it was also very lonely; I frequented the arcade that it was at and not many people huddled around the game to play it. Plus, the game didn't do so well in sales when it was released to the Gamecube (at least, from what I've read).

With that said, I'm gonna have to side with Wiseguy. Not many people gravitate towards F-Zero; like Earthbound, it is secular and ekes out a particular niche in the shadows of the Big N's larger titles like Mario and Zelda. It hovers somewhere between cult status and recognizable, with the YEHS!!! Man (That's Captain Falcon) standing head and shoulders as the representative due to his well-balanced stats and his popularity. Falcon is kinda like the Mario of the F-Zero franchise, with characters like Goroh being likened as the F-Zero's Luigi and everybody else being an assembly of less popular characters.

At least, that's my take on the issue. Here's hoping that the Smash Boards **** up again and lock my happy *** out.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Hey, I'm waiting for the Twilight Princess sequel set in Termania where TP Link and the character formerally known as The Hero of Time (aka: Fierce Diety Link) square off in the ultimate showdown. Expect to see Fierce Diety in SSB4.
Lawl, I think there'd be a better chance of Tingle becoming a war god before that happens, sadly. Still though, your predictions seem to be fairly reasonable, even down to those who you admit probably wont quite make it. I was just wondering what YOUR opinion on FD Link would be.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Falcon being the only F-Zero rep in brawl will happen the same day I say Midna could be in brawl as a PC, never. It's not a niche franchise or whatever it's one of if not the biggest racing franchise Nintendo has. So what if the last couple games where lesser known not canon handheld titles that came out a while ago that doesn't mean that the franchise is dead or not popular anymore or any of that ****. It just means Nintendo hasn't had the chance to make another big game yet and with over 100 Wii games in development (most of them we don't know about) and over 140 DS games in development (most of which we don't know about) I wouldn't say it's to crazy to think that at least one of them is an F-Zero game. Really I don't see what the big deal is with adding more than one F-Zero rep and Pico has alot of potential to be either a snake or falcon clone (or have an original moveset but clones take less time as you love to point out).
I think those numbers were the total number of games, including all the 3rd party projects. Only a small fraction of those are Nintendo games, and most of those are casual games.

Why is it so impossible that a second F-Zero character won't make the cut? Let's say the roster is only 35 characters or less. Isn't is at least possible that Sakurai won't have time to include a second F-Zero rep?


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Double post? WHAT double post?

Lawl, I think there'd be a better chance of Tingle becoming a war god before that happens, sadly. Still though, your predictions seem to be fairly reasonable, even down to those who you admit probably wont quite make it. I was just wondering what YOUR opinion on FD Link would be.
I think FD Link rocks, and would be an awesome addition. He represents one of my all time favorite moments in gaming. However, he's not very likely - unfortunately. I'll definitely put him on my runner up list, however.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
I think those numbers were the total number of games, including all the 3rd party projects. Only a small fraction of those are Nintendo games, and most of those are casual games.
Even so it's not that farfechted to think Nintendo would want to bring back one of their older underappreciated franchises with a new twist on the Wii or DS.

Why is it so impossible that a second F-Zero character won't make the cut? Let's say the roster is only 35 characters or less. Isn't is at least possible that Sakurai won't have time to include a second F-Zero rep?
Anyone who says we're only getting 35 characters has no idea what they are talking about. Not only does brawl have a bigger team but they also have more time and because brawl is using the same engine as melee returning characters with the same moveset could be implemented faster and more easily because they still have the coding and all that jazz left over from melee. All that they would need to do would be to update the visuals and tweek a few charatcers stats for balance. Plus as you like to point out all the time they still have clones to fall back on. Their really is no reason for their to be less than fourty characters in this game.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Honestly, I don't think another F-Zero rep is that unlikely. Granted, many of us seemed to think Goroh was guaranteed the next F-Zero rep, but seeing as F-Zero is full of characters that have loads of potential due to their varying personalities and the fact that they are practically a clean canvas for Sakurai to create a whole new moveset, Goroh being another sword user may not have been what Sakurai was looking for, as it's hardly offering something fresh and there are plenty of other possible newcomers. I don't feel that Goroh's npcification was an act to keep Captain Falcon a loner, but possibly an opt for a potentially more riveting and unique moveset.

Who's getting this moveset, it could be Pico, a member of the original four, Bull**** Black Shadow, the batman ripoff who fancies himself as the main antagonist of the series, or maybe even Jody Summers for a possible female rep. Those are the only ones that I can recall due to my limited knowledge of the series, but there are possibly other choices if even those don't appear to Sakurai. Regardless, I still think there's a good chance that F-Zero will get another rep.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Double post? WHAT double post?

I think FD Link rocks, and would be an awesome addition. He represents one of my all time favorite moments in gaming. However, he's not very likely - unfortunately. I'll definitely put him on my runner up list, however.
I'm not sure if I've ever told you this, but Wiseguy? You Rawk!


Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Honestly, I don't think another F-Zero rep is that unlikely. Granted, many of us seemed to think Goroh was guaranteed the next F-Zero rep, but seeing as F-Zero is full of characters that have loads of potential due to their varying personalities and the fact that they are practically a clean canvas for Sakurai to create a whole new moveset, Goroh being another sword user may not have been what Sakurai was looking for, as it's hardly offering something fresh and there are plenty of other possible newcomers. I don't feel that Goroh's npcification was an act to keep Captain Falcon a loner, but possibly an opt for a potentially more riveting and unique moveset.

Who's getting this moveset, it could be Pico, a member of the original four, Bull**** Black Shadow, the batman ripoff who fancies himself as the main antagonist of the series, or maybe even Jody Summers for a possible female rep. Those are the only ones that I can recall due to my limited knowledge of the series, but there are possibly other choices if even those don't appear to Sakurai. Regardless, I still think there's a good chance that F-Zero will get another rep.
I'd just like to point out that Black Shadow isn't the main antagonist of the series and has never been. That honor goes to deathborne.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
I didn't think he was, but like I said my knowledge on the series is limited. People just seem to have suggested him as the most likely villain choice now that Goroh's out of the picture (though Goroh seems more of a rival rather than an actual villain).


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Even so it's not that farfechted to think Nintendo would want to bring back one of their older underappreciated franchises with a new twist on the Wii or DS.

Anyone who says we're only getting 35 characters has no idea what they are talking about. Not only does brawl have a bigger team but they also have more time and because brawl is using the same engine as melee returning characters with the same moveset could be implemented faster and more easily because they still have the coding and all that jazz left over from melee. All that they would need to do would be to update the visuals and tweek a few charatcers stats for balance. Plus as you like to point out all the time they still have clones to fall back on. Their really is no reason for their to be less than fourty characters in this game.
Those are all valid points. A second F-Zero character IS a possibility. Maybe even a likely one, given that Sakurai has even more time and resources.

However, including as many characters as possible may not be Sakurai's goal. Think about it: fewer characters gives his team more time to ensure that the game is balanced and include more features like maps, items and gameplay modes.

I'm not saying that's what they will do for sure, Because NOTHING is for certain. It's all just speculation. That's all I'm saying.

Honestly, I don't think another F-Zero rep is that unlikely. Granted, many of us seemed to think Goroh was guaranteed the next F-Zero rep, but seeing as F-Zero is full of characters that have loads of potential due to their varying personalities and the fact that they are practically a clean canvas for Sakurai to create a whole new moveset, Goroh being another sword user may not have been what Sakurai was looking for, as it's hardly offering something fresh and there are plenty of other possible newcomers. I don't feel that Goroh's npcification was an act to keep Captain Falcon a loner, but possibly an opt for a potentially more riveting and unique moveset.

Who's getting this moveset, it could be Pico, a member of the original four, Bull**** Black Shadow, the batman ripoff who fancies himself as the main antagonist of the series, or maybe even Jody Summers for a possible female rep. Those are the only ones that I can recall due to my limited knowledge of the series, but there are possibly other choices if even those don't appear to Sakurai. Regardless, I still think there's a good chance that F-Zero will get another rep.
It'a an interesting discussion, to be sure. Goroh's AT status could be a sign that a more original F-Zero character is being thrown our way, or proof that we won't see as many characters in the roster as I once thought. Either way, these future updates are going to be interesting to watch...


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
On the precipice of victory
I think we'll start seeing more Star Fox reps soon, and more than likely Yoshi reps as well. Kamek and Birdo are possibilities, and we all know Yoshi is gonna be in. But please, for sanity's sake, confirm Falco already!

Also, how come everybody's vouching for Pico now that Goroh's out of the picture?


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Feirce Diety Link is AWESOME, but it would fit in with the whole cool, totally diffrent then their normal look alt costumes that's been talked about.

On that note, I think that Zelda could have her previous look (For the few people who liked it.)

I think that perhaps Mario could appear as Shadow Mario (Ditto for Link as Dark Link)

Wario should have his Wario-Man getup from WarioWare: Touched

Samus: Light Samus, man, was she cool looking.

And Link could, perhaps have WW Link as an alt costume. (Please don't flame me!)

EDIT: Hey, I can edit now!


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
On the precipice of victory
I'm just not convinced of the possibility of another F-Zero rep aside from Goroh, as likely as it seems. It's like having a Mortal Kombat game with, say, Jarek, and not Scorpion or Sub-Zero. You can't leave out the icons.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Feirce Diety Link is AWESOME, but it would fit in with the whole cool, totally diffrent then their normal look alt costumes that's been talked about.

On that note, I think that Zelda could have her previous look (For the few people who liked it.)

I think that perhaps Mario could appear as Shadow Mario (Ditto for Link as Dark Link)

Wario should have his Wario-Man getup from WarioWare: Touched

Samus: Light Samus, man, was she cool looking.

And Link could, perhaps have WW Link as an alt costume. (Please don't flame me!)

EDIT: Hey, I can edit now!
Another FD supporter. I am a happy dark god. I would rather prefer Link being able to become Fierce Deity Link, Magic Armor Link, Dark Link and Zora Armor Link. That would be t3h r0xx0rz.
And I also like your other costume ideas dude. Samus as Light Samus? Coolness. Same with Shadow Mario. I would love to see those instead of crappy recolors. Ugh.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Work has been bogging me down.

What I find interesting is that, in the event that there are around 40 characters, Sakurai will have to release (on average) one character per week in order to reveal the entire roster before the game ships. Due to his sporadic nature, I'd bet that there will be off weeks, with him giving away no characters for 5 days and then a couple the next. Never-the-less, Sakurai's going to have to get his butt in gear if he wants to show us what characters we're getting before someone else does, and the next three or four weeks might give us a good idea as to how many characters we can expect before December hits.

As for the whole Mario vs. Zelda vs. Pokemon thing, Pokemon wins the sales game. There is a very valid (and logical) reason why, though. Pokemon is primarily released on the Game Boy, which happens to be the most readily available, hottest-selling system of all time. So yeah, obviously Pokemon is going to sell more games that consistently release on a console that a 'bajillion' people own. It's just common sense.

Intuition, creativity, and the overall thought put into the games would suggest that Mario is the clear cut winner, with Zelda trailing close behind.

DJ Napps

Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2007
Howard U
Touche, yet...

A puppy? Awww I feel terrible... wait, are you using my own tactics against me?
Yes, yes i am. How does it feel?

I've poked asround the B-man thread before and many people have pointed out that he has bombs with special abilities - like fire bombs and wind bombs.... but those still count as bombs, right? Or does the character have other abiliites I am unaware of?
Indeed, there are many- more i kno myself. Ive only played a few of his recent games.
Here are a few u might not know:
Punch- Gasp!
Kick- Amazing right?
Fly- w/ a propeller thingy or jetpack
Hi-jack- This is kinda weird, but fun! B-man jumps on the head of an opponent and is able to temporarily control them, kinda. Basically both Bomberman and the player control one body.
Go Meta- This one could be used as a temp. Shiek-like transformation or as a Final Smash. Bomberman is instantly covered in Knight's armor and is equiped w/ a shield and sword. (Similar to Metaknight) bomberman becomes a fast-moving master swordsman. however, in this state he cannot lay bombs.

The list goes on and on.
If he is in Brawl, his item could be Sickness. In Bomberman 64, the Sickness would gives its user abilities- that would most times affect them negatively. It could make its user: large, strong, but slow; small, fast, but weak and light; make them do random attacks; make them invisible; etc. The Sickness can be easily passed on like the Gooey Bomb.

There is more than bombs beneath the man...

Plumbers, Cavemen and giant monkeys generic? You've lost me. Those are all unique ideas for a for a videogame protagonist. Bomerman is... a man. And Bomerman is popular because of his games, not because the character is all that compelling. Bonk, however, rose to greatness out sheer force of peronality. He's a freakin caveman, dude - and he solves all his probelms with a headbutt. What's not to love?
True. however, i think u missunderstood me. i meant they are "not aliens", they are pretty common. And besides, Bomberman doesn't look like a man, he is very cartoonish. Snake, for example, is a man (no homo).
Alot of characters are famous for their abilities and gameplay. Sonic is a good example. (Most) people love his earlier, fast-paced games. No one ever like him simply because he was a hedgehog of could ran very fast. Now with a personality and storyline, people hate him- yet still accept him in brawl. Sure B-man doesnt have a compelling job or is a monkey, but could still contribute to Brawl. Furthermore, what man do u know craps bombs? He solves problem by BLOWING THINGS UP- whats not to love?:chuckle:

Bomerman is far more iconic than Bonk becuase he's been around forever and his rivalry with Wario should not be overlooked. However, Bonk brings something even more important: he completes the epic 16 bit console war rivalry betweem Mario, Sonic and Bonk. Having them all in the same game would be historic. Bonk has also become a superstar on virtual console. Last holiday, Bonk's Adventure was the most downloaded game on VC.
And, not trailing to far behind was Bomberman on the VC. Yes, Bonk would complete his rivalry with Sonic and Mario. So would Megaman, hes even bigger than Bonk! SSBB definitely needs a rep from Hudson, since Hudson help make alot of Mario Partys and their ties are really close. Its too bad BOTH of them cant make it, yet i still favor Bomberman for unique weaponry, popularity, Nintendo-ness (alot games on Nintendo), retro-ness, and overall pwnage. C'mon now, u cannot defy Bomberman's pwnage over Bonk. Bomberman wins...

The way I see it, it's about even. Bomerman is the more popular and iconic, while Bonk has more of a nalstalga factor (though Bomerman also has that) and brings a much more unique presence to the roster and has a greater potential for a unique moveset.
I agree. Both of them are pretty equal and both stand good chances of appearing. Yet again, if was up to Hudson or the public- Bomberman wins. Hes their Golden Child, and the crowd loves him.

Hey, no prob. I was hoping the Bomerman defenece force would show up. A little divewrsity of opinion keeps this thread interesting.
Im glad u enjoy the debate. To be honest, there isnt alot of people in the BDF (Bomberman Defence Force). Theres only like.....25 at most. That sad compared to Sonic's 350 million.

Youll be hearing alot more from me. DJ Napps doesnt back down...


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I can't beleive I've been neglecting my precious Predictions thread... I guess my Smashers Unite! thread has been taking alot of my internet time....
I guess so! Don't worry, this thread will have life post Brawl's release, so no worries. It has over twice the views of the nearest opinion thread! That is something worth mentioning Wiseguy!

Thanks a ton for your support JK1, esspecially for putting a link to my thread on your

In anyone else hasn't seen the thread yet, it's right here:

No problems, just thought I'd help with the online support. Trust me, people are clicking my link, I had yeahdude join the clan I'm in the link rightabve the link to your thread. Plus it sounds contresversal and intresting, and that is good! :) I'm sure that has attracted 10 or so people at least, and I'm glad I did that! I'm very positive Brawl will have online, but showing the sigs and how much we want online play in Brawl is good. After all, why not show our support for Sakurai and online play=???

Plus I thought I'd help out a good cause. Maybe Roy and Marth's return will be next on my list, since they are that awsome! Pls I'd hate to lose Roy, he's my 4th best character, and he is wayyyy diffrent from Marth. :( Something tells me we're on opposite sides on this subject of Roy and Marth Wisey, lol! XD

Within good reason though, the few comments saying "I won't buy a Wii or Brawl unless Brawl has online" bugged me a lot. Still, this is a minor threat to a good cause.

True enough, but I felt the single player mode in Melee was plenty robust. Besides Wii owners have plenty of full fledged single players adventures - not the least of which being Mario Galaxy and Prime 3.
It wasn't hard at all for experienced players. The adventure mode needs to be free roaming like Zelda, be a 2D sidescroller like a Ice Climbers and Super Mario Bros. combination, maybe have dugeons, a open and fun world with areas of tons of enemies, and areas of no enemies, etc. In other words, not the same stuff over and over again by force, but rather do what you want, with levels from every single series repped in Brawl.

I imagine snkeaing around in Snake's box or a barrell as WW Link, flying the skies in the diverse and amazingly large levels as Pit, Ridley, or MK, getting attacked by Animal Crossing villagers as Lucas, getting attacked by the Sharks (virtually a evil gang that has taken over) Onett as Snake (Rpg ftw!), etc. Now that would be intertaining, with mixtures of levels, styles, gameplay, dugeons, and even story modes. Imagine embarking on a quest across the many worlds of SSBB repped series=awsome.

I'll keep babeling. Running through the grass at a microscopic size as a Mii=Pikmin world, Running across Hyrule field and the Bridge of Eldin in tLOZ, exploring castles in FE, exploring everything in Mushroom Kingdom, wondering the streets of Delfino Plaza as Bowser Jr. (for some humor), wandering Angel Land as Dedede, free roaming DK isle as Sonic, going through Green Hill Zone as Mario (minus Tails annoying voice), and fighting waddle dees in a Kirby world as Ike. C'mon, how does that not sound awsome=??? :)

One word: awesome!

All I can say is stay tuned later today for an update to my character roster. ;)
Whoa, a bipolar mole with a good moveset. Neat, but unlikely, and a big 11 thumbs up to whoever drew that!

Thanks for the support dude.

Signing the petition makes you 300% cooler. :)

Yeah, that does sound pretty lame...
Can anyone disagre=??? No (lol at me answering my own question).

Yes, but I count clones like Pichu and Doc as characters. So that's why I chose to include 5 Mario reps (Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser and BJ) , 5 Zelda reps (Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Young Link and Midna/Wolf tag team) and 4 Pokemon. The same numbers as were in Melee.
But why not give Pokemon one more rep=??? That was basically Pokemon's low point, from 2001-2003, before Pokemon R/S/E (3rd gen), and this gen is the highest point ever, in terms of stocks, sales, merchandise, maybe even the cartoon show views, and card game. So with Pokemon on the rise, why not 5 reps=???

Also, why does DK only deserve two reps, it has been a more imfluentail series then all the other 2 and 3 rep series. With DKC being one of the top 5 selling games of all-time, and the DKC series being a classic, I see no reason why not 3 rep reps. Also, you still got 2 too many 3rd party characters Wiseguy, and I think you know the 4 I want. (Snake, Sonic, Megaman, Geno)

Speaking of which, GoD is going rock on every possible level! I seriously can't wait for November.

I actually want to play it even more than Mario Galaxy. Does that make me a bad person?
Yes...no no, just kidding. But SMG will probably be better, but GoD will still be great! :)

Good ideas, but I'm a little iffy on the Sony exclusive costumes. I know Snakes outfit is based on MGS2, but it's very similar to his Twin Snakes get up. Big Boss is the excepion - since he appeared as the villian in Metal Gear NES.
Well TS=MGS1 obviously, and if you look hard enough they are a lot more diffrent then you think. A Big Boss outfit would be neat, along with a Raiden (joke) outfit. I like the idea of a classic Snake outfit, that would be intresting, along with the Metal Gear Ac!d outfit. And c'mon, Snake in a tux like James Bonds would rock!

Paper Mario owns all other Mario characters - even Mario. He rocks, plain and simple. Likely? Maybe not, but who would have guessed tht we would see Doc in Melee?
Cept Luigi and Paper Luigi, and Mr. L! :laugh: Seriously, Mr. L should be a alternate Waluigi outfit, along wtih Mario's, Wario's, and Waluigi's wears.

WW Link is seaparate matter. He is a completely different person than Link and he represents all Young Links (whch accounts for just about every Zelda game).
Thank you, plus he sticks out the most out of all the Links, his fighting style is completely diffrent. If you doubt this, go on youtube and check out vids of every Zelda game, and then you'll see my way. A clone that is so original it's a original basically, that is whay I seek to see with clones, and Falco, Ganondorf, and roy acheived this, not to mention Luigi! :)

6 reps for Mario and Zelda - but 3 for Pokemon? I'd be fine with that, but it would probably cause an uprising?

Diddy/Dixie? Isn't Diddy tough enough to take on Pikachu without his girlfriend? One word: jetpack, peanut pistols, orange bombs, and super guitar. Sorry, was that more than one?

Black Shadow? He sucks, dude. I really, really hate that character. Besides, no Goroh means no second F-Zero rep.
No, there are far more variations of possible Pokemon than Mario characters. Pokemon characters are far more original, and could have a much varied moveset than Mario characters.

Diddy and Dixie together is like teaming Sonic and Mario as the same character: It just doesn't work. They both fight they're own awsome way, and that would kill the originality of IC, absolutely kill it!

Black Shadow...if I ever saw who made that guy I'd show him to the gates of hell. He sucks, and if you actually find him to be a good villian, I suggest mental therapy, and to see Ganondorf. Black Shadow is like the worst villian EVER! If F-Zero gets another rep, Pico is who should take it, or Blood Falcon as a Doc and Ganondorf like clone. (In terms of stronger than the origial, but not too dramatic change). IDK with the F-Zero series anymore, I just don't know [wat to think].

Uh... okay.
I've got nothing.

I agree on all counts. WW Link and BJ are shoeins, in my view.
I countered for you Wisey. ;)

@ Aeris

Also, while Wario's Woods is a good game, it is a spin-off! SPIN-OFF! And WW Link is more relevant to Nintendo, and soon could be worth well over 8 million units sold, while Toad probably isn't even responsible for 1 million. Actually, at least Waluigi is Wario's brother, Daisy is the damsel in distress (or Peach as we call it) in SML, Paper Mario is the star of 4 great RPGs, and Bowser Jr. is the main villian of 2 Mario games, and probably many more in the future.

So wat does Toad got again=??? And while SK is my fav Zelda character, he has no meaning in the story compared to WW Link, and Shiek has a better chance than he does=that says a lot. You forgot Vatti, the only villian without Ganon in his name to be the main villian in multiple Zelda games (3, the 3 least selling OFFICIAL Zelda games ever). And WW Link is diffrent from TP Link, and unlike TP Link, WW Link actually kills Ganondorf permentately. Plus look at gameplay of every Zelda game, and look at all the Link's fighting styles. WW Link sticks out as the most stand out of them all!

Skapom may be cool (I wouldn't know), but there are far more important characters, and WW Link is definitely one of them. Little Mac is one of the huge amount of retro characters I want in Brawl, though i doubt him. Retro characters I want: IC, Ness, and G&W to return, Balloon Fight, Mac Rider, Little Mac, etc. etc. etc.

Peach was playable in SMB2, where she got her turnips and floating from, SMRPG, where she got the pan from, and a few other moves, got here parasola randomly, got her golf clubs and tennis racket from spin-offs, and she's starred in Super Princess Peach. Her only real random moves was her nB, dAsmash, and maybe a few others, but generally her moves were from SMB2 and SMRPG.

As for Toad, those are in games moves. I'll give you that, but most of his moveset would have to be made up, and is he really worth it=???

You lose, I'm afraid. Unless there is a subliminal message in the Starfox music saying: ".....Resetti ....... is ....... in ......... Brawl ........."
To heck with that mole, Miis ftw, and Miis for the AC rep spot! :)

Great moveset, says I.
Thanks, I might edit my sig to go to that moveset, since I think it's good. I couldn't pick one move in particular a lot of the time, because there are so many awsome moves he could do. But generally, I delagged the after effect of his attacks, kept him balanced in a mind to mind-high tier level, and got unorthodox with it, in a good way. Plus, I improved his spammability, and if he used the moveset I'd prefer, he'd be the best spammer in Brawl/

He would also be well above average air moves, somewat below average land, a bit below average ground moves, little basic combo possibility, but amazing transition combos (ie: ground to land, spam to melee, grab to air attacks, etc). He would be a harder character to use for the beginers at first, but he can overall be very creative. IMO, WW Link is about the cmobos, and is generally all around, excelling in spams, transitions, etc.

He's also the perfect mindgame character, would have about the same wavedash/waveland distance and stuff as Mario, could wall jump and crawl (as should everyone else), etc. He's about switich gears, thus leaving your opponents in the wind, and getting confused easily. He'd be super customizable, very comboable, all without being unfair or overpowered.

Now how is that not awsome=???, since we've never had a really good transition character, other than transforming from Shiek to Zelda, or vice versa. He would be his own unorthodox, ingenius style, creative style that would give birth to a new type of fighting, similar That would be pretty intresting to say the least. ;) I tried to get balance in stengths and in the tiers, unlike many overpowered characters. Insane and unorothodox, but fair character movesets FTW!!

I don't see any of the clones returning from Brawl (unless you count Luigi) but I think we could expect a few new clones. WW Link, for example brings a completely unique flavor to the roster. The Black Knight is another possibility.
but why cut Marth? Sure he hasn't starred in a recent FE game, but when it gets down to it he is more important in the FE story than Ike. Even you said yourself Wiseguy he has a 50% chance, though I think he's basically confirmed. Ike and Marth are the first two FE spots, who's taking the 3rd=??? I'm guessing Black Knight or Roy most likely.

Hey, I'm waiting for the Twilight Princess sequel set in Termania where TP Link and the character formerally known as The Hero of Time (aka: Fierce Diety Link) square off in the ultimate showdown. Expect to see Fierce Diety in SSB4.
I'm waiting for a graphically updated MM/OOT with TP Wiimote controls, along with a still cel-shaded WW with Wiimote TP controls. Also, a 3D remake of the first two LOZ games would rock...maybe ALTTP to prove it to be as good as all OOT (both are tied for my second fav Zelda game). Zelda Remakes FTW! Also, A LA remake would be awsome into 3D. What can I say, I'd love to see every Zelda game remade on the Wii, I love all of them!

Also, a TP sequal where Link goes to both Termania and Hyrule would rock! Maybe a bigger Termania, and maybe longer, but still limited time (maybe a week, and the time is to beat the entire game=the days and nights are a lot longer), and a moon falling, Majora's Mask finds it's revenge, and takes over Skull Kid again, by finding him in the sacred grove! Then Majora's Mask uses Skull Kid, and is even stronger then ever, with the 4 boss masks fused in him from MM.

It should be called "Majora's Wrath", or something cool like that, with the awsome Majora theme of course. Just a thought.

LOL at your Sega president thoughts Wiseguy, lol!

You are right about 3rd parties. Sakurai said he imagined that they might include 1-2 more, he didin't say anything definitive.
He said 1 or 2 off his head, assuming Sonic probably, maybe Megaman or Geno. However, I still think adding 3 isn't out of the question, but anymore is very unlikely. :) But that is just my opinion, I could be wrong, but chances are I'm right.

Actually, I just had a thought. Sakurai could have said that to sorta hint 3rd party developers to send their big characters into Brawl fast before the spots are gone. He probably went to Square Enix for Geno, and since he went for Sonic, he didn't respond to whether he got him or not. I find that odd, probably got Sonic, he's perfect for Brawl, along with Megaman and Geno. To heck wit hthe rest! :)



Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Also, while Wario's Woods is a good game, it is a spin-off! SPIN-OFF! And WW Link is more relevant to Nintendo, and soon could be worth well over 8 million units sold, while Toad probably isn't even responsible for 1 million. Actually, at least Waluigi is Wario's brother, Daisy is the damsel in distress (or Peach as we call it) in SML, Paper Mario is the star of 4 great RPGs, and Bowser Jr. is the main villian of 2 Mario games, and probably many more in the future.
The Mario sports games are spin-offs, and Waluigi was created for the sole purpose of having a rival for Luigi and a doubles partner for Wario in Mario Tennis 64. Waluigi has NEVER been playable outside of spin-off games, while Toad has starred in a puzzle game and a canon platformer. So to even imply that Waluigi is more deserving of a spot is just silly. Daisy may have been the damsel in distress (in ONE game!), but she has never been playable outside of spin-off games, much like Waluigi. I will concede that BJ has a good chance of being added this time around, though. Toad has been around longer and has been in more games, so I feel he is more deserving than Bowser's son.

(Also, aren't there only 3 Paper Mario games? :confused: )

So wat does Toad got again=??? And while SK is my fav Zelda character, he has no meaning in the story compared to WW Link, and Shiek has a better chance than he does=that says a lot. You forgot Vatti, the only villian without Ganon in his name to be the main villian in multiple Zelda games (3, the 3 least selling OFFICIAL Zelda games ever). And WW Link is diffrent from TP Link, and unlike TP Link, WW Link actually kills Ganondorf permentately. Plus look at gameplay of every Zelda game, and look at all the Link's fighting styles. WW Link sticks out as the most stand out of them all!
To say that Vaati is the main villain in the 3 least-lucrative Zelda games kind of disproves his importance lol. Of course WW Link sticks out: the Zelda series had never before been cel-shaded. To me, I prefer the TP fighting style (but I'm a sucker for Wii, haha). No, Skull Kid does not have the "meaning" that WW Link has; then again, Skull Kid was not the main character of a game to begin with. Sheik has a better chance because she is more popular and becuase she was in Melee. Skull Kid, to me, would be more original than WW Link.

Skapom may be cool (I wouldn't know), but there are far more important characters, and WW Link is definitely one of them. Little Mac is one of the huge amount of retro characters I want in Brawl, though i doubt him. Retro characters I want: IC, Ness, and G&W to return, Balloon Fight, Mac Rider, Little Mac, etc. etc. etc.
You can't disregard Skapon because other characters are "more important". The same argument could be used against Ice Climbers or Ness, both of which you want to see return for Brawl. For an idea of Skapon, check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OC5TBT8pTcE

I would say that Little Mac, Skapon and Mike Jones are the retro characters for me. :)

Peach was playable in SMB2, where she got her turnips and floating from, SMRPG, where she got the pan from, and a few other moves, got here parasola randomly, got her golf clubs and tennis racket from spin-offs, and she's starred in Super Princess Peach. Her only real random moves was her nB, dAsmash, and maybe a few others, but generally her moves were from SMB2 and SMRPG.
Her SideB was also pulled out of thin air. In fact, many of her A moves were created with no "real" basis. Yes, the FSmash was based on SMRPG and sports titles, and so (in a way) was her basic slap. For the most part, however, her regular attacks were invented for the game. Also, her parasol was used in SMRPG, but for smacking instead of floating, hahah.

As for Toad, those are in games moves. I'll give you that, but most of his moveset would have to be made up, and is he really worth it=???
Toad is 100% always worth it. :grin: CF and Fox's movesets each had to be made up. Even Peach's moveset was largely invented for Smash. Making a Toad moveset would be no different than making one for anyone else.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Want to have a good laugh? Watch this vid and read the comments posted below by 360 fanboys about how the images on Smashbros.com are "pre-rendered".

EDIT: Oops.Forgot to post the link:dizzy:
Wow. That's frickin' hysterical. Comparing Brawl's graphics to Melee's graphics is like comparing apples and oranges.

...Oh, my Lord. I can post on the Smash Boards freely now.

Smooth Criminal

P.S. I signed your petition, Wiseguy. I think we do need to raise our voices an octave higher and have Nintendo (or somebody from the company) personally assure us of Brawl's online capabilities.
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