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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
Well still with the A trick, what if an Avid Samus player doesn't like Zamus playing style. It forces them to either learn Zamus, or avoid the smash ball. (assuming it can't be turned off.)
I'm an avid Samus player that doesn't like Zamus. I'll probably just learn to play Zamus decently, in the event that I have to play as her. I don't play at real tournaments, so it isn't that big of a blow to the balls to me as it is to the pro Samus players. I feel sorry for those guys.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Well still with the A trick, what if an Avid Samus player doesn't like Zamus playing style. It forces them to either learn Zamus, or avoid the smash ball. (assuming it can't be turned off.)

Actually, I just realized something. This isn't as bad as people (and myself) thought. *As long* as the FS can be turned off, there's really nothing to worry about. The only time we need to be worried is when all the info on FS's is out, and we learn if they can be turned off (or can't).

.... Well I thought I had it figured out.... oh well
You raise a valid point too...

What if at the beginning(?) of a match, you ally hold A... Now what? It's not like you can turn back into Samus.

Another question; Anyone think Zamus will have a FS, if she is a seperate character (assuming at the start of the match you can be Zamus) from Samus?

This is the best argument for alternative Zamus playability case IMO. She has been in about half of the screenshots we've seen. And something tells me that they didn't just do it cuz they liked her so much. I'm thinking there's an easy way to become Zamus, whether it be in game or before starting. I'm not sure I care. As I've said all along, I trust what Sakurai has decided to do. And just like with everything else, I don't think we see the full story in the updates. They're just a taste.
Thanks bro. :)

I'm an avid Samus player that doesn't like Zamus. I'll probably just learn to play Zamus decently, in the event that I have to play as her. I don't play at real tournaments, so it isn't that big of a blow to the balls to me as it is to the pro Samus players. I feel sorry for those guys.
It doesn't hurt to learn how your counter part plays. I know most Zelda players (except my friend, Elana) learn to play Sheik so that if they're in a bind, they have something else to fall back on.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
Thanks for the response, WiseGuy. Honestly, that conflict of interest thing is the same reason I think Megaman's chances might not have been as good as I once thought. Capcom might want to keep the possibility (even just the possibility,) of publishing another big Capcom universe fighter on the Wii open.

Next day, and I'm feeling better about Zamus, as it seems a lot of others here are. Admittedly, I do love me some variety in playing. It's also plausible that Zamus could just be a Luigi'd Samus, and the change wouldn't be that jarring anyway. ...If she is a fully original character only accessible by FS, I still might be a bit upset. There're so many character hopefuls out there!


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Well, one thing's for sure, Brawl is going to be VERY diffrent from Melee, I mean if Melee or the Brawl trailers hadn't come out and someone said: 'What if there was an item that made characters do one super move and when Samus does it she loses her suit and becomes Zero Suit Samus, with a tight, light blue sit on.' They'd be thrown into the loony bin. I mean in retro spect, transformations is a crazy idea and to hinge it on an item is even more out there. But then again, since when has Smash Bros. been a regular fighting game?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
In your sock drawer
i really hope Jigglypuff does return, hes my favorite character and my best character even though hes not the best at taking hits. but still i do not appreciate the people who diss jigglypuff or pichu. especially wiseguys comments about them in his prediction list. that was not cool. ok ill shut up now..


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007

i will play smash just like any other sequel made by nintendo

play it, have fun, adapt to changes, train hard, all while experiencing the same things with friends

i loved sunshine, melee, and the other sequels in the gc

why can't people learn that adaption and perseverence is what truly makes a vg


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Here here! How true. Without going out on a limb, you'll never get the sweetest fruit. I know that somethings in Brawl seem overly diffrent and out there, but in the end, it's all worth it. I mean in Melee, I'm sure it would have been seen as impossible or crazy to have a 2D character, two characters you control at once, or a transforming character. Don't think that this will be horrible. It'll probably even things out between the transformations. But all in all, the things eople think will be too crazy or out there will probably be one of the best features in Brawl. And if you don't like it you'll probably learn to love it.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota

i will play smash just like any other sequel made by nintendo

play it, have fun, adapt to changes, train hard, all while experiencing the same things with friends

i loved sunshine, melee, and the other sequels in the gc

why can't people learn that adaption and perseverence is what truly makes a vg
QFT, Donkey Smasher. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Apprentice
May 31, 2007
That's an interesting point. In the past, Link could creat his own bombs (a sort of item...) and Peach would occasionally pull a Bob-bomb out of nowhere... if sakurai is trying to blur the lines between character and item we could see more examples like Wario's chopper and Samus' armour.

I hope more of the Smash community at least gives the items a chance before turning them off. From the looks of it, Sakurai has put alot of thought in making the items varied and fun.
Yeah, I've always been the casual type that liked playing with items...random exploding capsules and all :p I guess I can see why they're disabled in pro tournaments, but I've always thought they were an integral part of Smash Bros.

As for this whole Zamus thing, I guess the original trailer was more truthful instead of cinematic like most of us thought, given Samus's final smash and Wario's motorcycle. But I suppose that's OK, I'll render a verdict on the transformation once I actually get to play.

Also, I've never seen Peach pull out a Bob-omb...I always heard she could, but I guess I've yet to see it.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
ah it is elusive so far i've seen
peach's b down pull out turnips, bobombs, mr. saturns, and beam swords

if it haven't happened to you yet then either you or your friends are not peach users (they love the down b ) or your very unlucky


Smash Apprentice
Jul 9, 2007
*Ahem* ;)

Doesn't anyone else think that looks an awful lot like Sheik's downsmash?
Indeed it does; the move that kind of looks like Sheik's break-dancing. I thought the same thing too when I saw it... Could Zero Suit Samus possibly be the new Sheik?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
Indeed it does; the move that kind of looks like Sheik's break-dancing. I thought the same thing too when I saw it... Could Zero Suit Samus possibly be the new Sheik?
The rumors have already been flying, and all her moves so far look either like they're highly lifted from Sheik or just very much in her spirit of doing things. I think it's pretty possible that this is where Sakurai's airlifted Sheik's moveset to now that we probably won't be actually seeing OoT Zelda's mansformation in the game. ;)


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
*Ahem* ;)

Doesn't anyone else think that looks an awful lot like Sheik's downsmash?
Animation-wise, it's identical Captain Falcon's getting up attack.

...<_< Most of her attacks that've been shown greatly resemble those done by Captain Falcon in SSBM. She doesn't run as fast as Sheik could, jumps higher...She really doesn't look like she could replace Sheik like a lot of people have been saying. :/


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007

Animation-wise, it's identical Captain Falcon's getting up attack.

...<_< Most of her attacks that've been shown greatly resemble those done by Captain Falcon in SSBM. She doesn't run as fast as Sheik could, jumps higher...She really doesn't look like she could replace Sheik like a lot of people have been saying. :/
Ah, I know the move you're talking about now. This also is a possibility...Iunno. If he does go the Sheik route, like I said, it could be much more in the spirit of the character and not actually Sheik's moveset. Though I will be looking a bit closer at CF's moveset, now that you mention it...


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Why Sakurai? Why? You know how much people seem to hate Shiek, and yet you create another Shiek type character, only make it playable via items (therefor only on casual play) and give her longer range? Do you hate us that much? Pity the casual player.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
That might have once been true for Sonic, but these days most of his games pretty much suck (the DS game was alright...) so I think the thing that keeps fans drawn to the series is the characters (though I can't see the appeal).
SSBB=the ultimate redemption for SONIC!

Bah! My alegance lies with the caveman. I will admt that Hudson would probably prefer B-Man in Brawl. My only hope is if Sakurai sees reason and decides Bonk is the better choice...

They aren't getting a rep, so it doesn't matter.

To be perfectly honest, I'm beginning to think that we won't see any more third party newcomers. Think about it, if there was ever a time to unveil Sonic and Megaman in their biggest game of the year, E3 was it. Let's hope I'm wrong....
If you read SamuraiPanda's thread, Sakurai and Nintendo said that the 3rd party developers need to keep it a secret, otherwise they won't do it. Trust me, they went for the biggest 3rd party characters=Sonic the Hedgehog and Megaman. Now who else is happy=???

All tht is fine, but no matter what they do it will get old after two or thre playthroughs. I still say they should focus mostly on the multiplayer, becuase that's what we'll be playing for years to come. Between Prime 3 and Galaxy, I've got my single player Nintendo fix all ***** up this fall.
Yes, but why not get spoiled=??? In SSB64 Sakurai wanted in depth story, Miyamoto told him to focus on multiplater. In SSBM the same thing happened, only Miyamoto let Sakurai do the single iplayer after the multiplayer had come together. in Brawl, Miyamoto is letting Sakurai free, and Sakurai is doing the same thing, but has a special team devote only to single player mode. Hopefully we get the detailed single player mode I was talking about and hoping for. That would make me excited and extremely happy!

Why not have one more Pokemon rep? Because four is already four too many, that's why.
Mewtwo is awsome, c'mon how isn't he=??? And the puff in smash is awsome, and Pikachu has some pretty sweet moves. Don't even mention Pichu, unless you talk about Chu Dat's pwnage skillz with Pichu, definitely worth mentioning.

How would it look to give DK three characters when Metroid (one of Nintendo's longest running and revolutionary franchises) is likely only getting two roster slots (Samus/Zamus and Ridley)? Let's face facts: Sakurai clearly stated that Zamus is a transformation and Dark Samus is a stong candidiate for an AT.
Because DK almost outsells Metroid it 4 to 1.

Call me old fashioned, but I say a character has to actually HAVE APPEARED IN AN ANIMAL CROSSING GAME before they can represent the series.
But Resetti only appears when you push the reset button, which virtually nobody does. At least Nook was one of the most important characters, Resetti is a minor one. Face it, he has little hope.

Riddle me this: if Sakurai sees Miis as the new Animal Crossing humans - why are the humans in Smashville clearly not Miis.
Because he felt like making it feel more...human. Also, lack of reps and lack of meaning in the series for Resetti kills him. Face it, he doensn't play that big of roll. I'll give you that Nook played a big roll, but Resetti is a NO!

Resseti for the freaking win!
Miis ftw! after all...."THIS IS SPARTA!!!!"

There is a 99.99 chance that Ike will be included. Case closed.
I'm not arguing that at all.

Now given that reality, there will likely be one more FE character. I'd say there is a 50% chance they choose Marth (who is basically a lamer version of Ike) and a 50% chance that they choose another character from the newer FE games (which we can actually buy) like Black Kinght or Miciaiah. Black Knight owns all, so I'm hoping for the later.
Black Knight doesn't serve a nearly as prominant roll as Marth. And unless you actually played his game, and understand the words he says, I see no legiment reason to hate on him. Face it, in comparision, Black Knight doesn't serve half as a important roll as Marth in the series. And his time isn't up, he's the star of 2 classic games, and classics live forever. Now for the 3rd spot I think there will be, Black Knight is the 2nd most likely IMO, only behind Roy. Miciah...well she doesn't look cool at all. Seems like a Zelda rip off...

Remakes? Naw, I can play the old Zeldas on Virtual console.

I really hope they continue the OoT>MM>TP storyline in the next Wii Zelda. Combining the superior gameplay of TP with the insane storyline of MM would undoubtely be the best game ever.
Seriously, how would TP controls and graphics on OOT, MM, and WW not be awsome=??? (okay maybe not graphics on WW). That would be totally awsome, maybe package them together like the Collector's Edition, or Ocarina of Time: Master Quest. That would seriously pwn some anti-Lucario scrub but! :) Plus Shiggy said that there won't be another Zelda for a while sadly. Something tells me he is working on Star Fox Wii, Pikmin Wii, and F-Zero Wii.

Yep, Deoxys was Pokeballed. Between this, Goroh and Nook Sakurai is trying to prove me wrong on every turn.
I love his comments on Deoxys "This one is popular"=stupid. Imagine him going: Diddy Kong: AT "This one is popular", Ridley AT: "This one is popular", Megaman AT: "This one is popular". That is basically what he said. Not his brightest moment.

Olimar MUST be playable. DO whatever you want Sakurai, but you'd better no mess with Olimar! Otherwise, the ghosts of a millions puppies will haunt you for the rest of your days! :mad:
You're almost as extreme as me and my new top pick for Brawl, Lucario. I'll post further down what that is all about to clear things up! ;) Olimar as a PC FTW! :)

2) Yep, the anti Midna crowd puzzles me. If any new Zelda character has a chance, it's the main character in Twilight Princess.

*Whew* We can call the apocalypse is called off. Grim and I are once again on opposite sides of the fence.

Was Midna really that annoying? I found her far less so than those stupid fairies and talking objects...
She was the best Zelda character since WW Link and Skull Kid. She was intresting, and as far as you knew, she was a traitor, and was using you, which she was. She was the most developed Zelda character ever, and is the most intresting character that was ever made last year.

Plus that is the only Zelda game with TWO main protaganist characters=Link and Midna.

Now for Lucario being my top pick for Brawl! When Deoxys was deconfirmed for Brawl, I was ranting aobut it, obviously. And this one guy said Lucario doens't stand a prayer. I challenged him, and soon enough, we had a bet so much more extreme than the I have with samusrules. If Lucario is in Brawl, he'll buy me Brawl before it's release, along with wearing a sig saying "Johnkight1 owned me like the n00b I am" for a month. For him, the opposite is true. I always liked Lucario, but now I'm full for Lucario! $50...ahem Lucario for BRAWL! :) :p :laugh:

I've told a lot of people of it on the SWF, and they lol so hard about it. But anyways, $50 and Lucario for BRAWL and FTW! :laugh: :chuckle: :p Also, I'll make my remade Brawl character prediction list soon, so stay tuned! :)


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Just like to let Wiseguy know, Falco's coming back. That's all.
I honestly don't know about that. Don't get me wrong, i'm pro-falco just not at the expense of Krystal. I just see her with a more unique moveset than what Falco would provide. So to make me happy with the situation would call for 3 (fox, krystal, falco) which I *suppose* could happen, but then you get the pro-wolf crowd against you. Everyone would be happy with all four but I don't think SF is that big.....

@JK1, I think that ties Wise for longest multquote I've seen. He might just have to make a longer one so he stays the coolest person on the forum. :laugh:

Edit: Well that update didn't really answer much questions did it? I hope the recent scrub riots don't continue.
ps. Has anyone else noticed that in a lot of the screenshots, Pit is getting beat down? Smaus FS, Pit getting blasted, Zamus update Pit getting kicked. Strange.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
"But Resetti only appears when you push the reset button, which virtually nobody does. At least Nook was one of the most important characters, Resetti is a minor one. Face it, he has little hope."

That little *******s lectures got more **** annoying each time. and longer too. one time i wasn't able to get through the lecture and sold the game.

And midna was annoying too. with her freaking laugh everytime you got close to something you needed to do, or just randomly to throw you off. little *****. and she was making you do things, but wouldn't tell you how, and got pissed if they weren't completed. i hate midna and ressetti.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Whoah, whoah, whoah. Where is all of this hatred comng from? I know, I've played Twilight Princess, I found the laugh to be helpful in some situations. Of course, I think we can all agree that Midna was better than Navi for two reasons: 1. HEY!!! LOOK!!! LISTEN!!! Enough said. 2. She, unlike Navi, did stuff. Her cool, glowing hand from her head, the Circle of Coolness she'd produes, the fact that she was the most important person in the game, second to Link.(She was the TWILIGHT PRINCESS!!)

On Resetti, yeah he's annoying, but it's funny, to push this nutter's buttns and watch him bawl and scream and go to incrediblr legnths to stop you frompushing a button. Personally, I think he's the only AC to be put in Brawl, he's got a weapon, he's got the "I'm gonna ****in' kill you!" attitude and, who expects an agry pick-axe wailding mole? No one!

But listen, every game has an annoying character. They're justthere to stop you from playing the game wrong until you never get to the final boss because you never notice that button. Case in point: As annoying a Midna is, she's there to prevent you from doing stupid stuff. Same with Resetti, just look at it from their perspective: "Hit the button! No, over there. GOD! No, don't do that. WTF! No, I can't just tell you, then you'll tink the game's too easy and hate it... NO! Great, we're dead." You see?

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
Ah, I know the move you're talking about now. This also is a possibility...Iunno. If he does go the Sheik route, like I said, it could be much more in the spirit of the character and not actually Sheik's moveset. Though I will be looking a bit closer at CF's moveset, now that you mention it...
Samus and Captain Falcon shared a few moves in Melee because they had a similar frame or build or whatever you want to call it. They were both humanoid characters that were the same height and had similar proportions. So, one's move could be given to the other with little effort. Now, Zero Suit Samus is a tall, skinny, humanoid character who is slighter stronger and faster than the average human because she was infused with Chozo blood. So likely, she will have similar moves to Captain Falcon (her Down B move that she used in the second trailer) because he too, is a very fast and very strong humanoid character. She will also have similar moves to Shiek (a couple of her tilts) because she is a flexible, female humanoid character, too. And of course, she will share similar moves to the suited Samus (her get up attack after she's been knocked down) because she is Samus. It's hard to think of a lot of ways that the human body can bend and move in an attempt to harm another, so of course you're going to see similar attack animations.

I wouldn't jump to conclusions and say she's a clone or incarnation of anybody at this point. We've only seen four or five of her moves. And if Sakurai keeps true to her character, she will be a very feeble, yet agile character. So I do not see her as a broken character like Shiek by any means.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Well, if anything (after actually looking at Samus' Final Smash), I see Zero Suit Samus as being the weaker counterpart of the two. I just can't see how he could rationalize giving Samus such a large, potent weapon like that, and then transform her into a more powerful form to boot.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
ZS Samus seems undoubtedly the weaker of the two, as todays update pretty much verified she's not as powerful and lacks Samus' weaponry. However, Sakurai's emphasis on ZS Samus as a speed character makes me think she'll follow on after Shiek, or rather what Shiek was intended to be rather than the unbalanced fiend she turned out to be. I'm guessing ZS Samus will have many combo moves and could possibly be a hit and run like character, though it looks like she'll prefer to stay in close combat quarters rather than Samus who has a lot of potential at range. Overall, I get the feeling that ZS Samus is merely just a side effect rather than an outright disadvantage, though I imagine the fact that the two differ in style so much would easily be off putting for those even used to playing as ZS Samus.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
no duh falco's back, i think starfox will get four reps, but even if they don't falco won't leave.

and wiseguy, check out my new sig


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Los Angeles (310)
I would like to point out that even thought Zero Suit Zamus might be weaker than Samus, that won't necessarily make her inferior. In fact she might be a better fighter because of her speed and weaker attacks (combo ability).


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Maryland; DC suburbs
I have another suggestion, haven't been around for the last couple weeks so it may have already been made and I really don't feel like spending the time to look for it. Rosetta from Mario Galaxy. I saw a picture of her on a news site (can't remember which one), I think it's a possibility that she'll at least be a peach clone or something.

I love that sig Samusrules


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island

Okay guys, this is kind of off but I have proof Tingle is not a homosexual! I bet you want to read more now eh...seems interesting..? I thought no one liked Tingle and wouldn't care? Anyways, if you guys knew anything about Tingle, his new game actually explains how he is not in fact a homosexual.
Here it is- According to Tingles Freshly Picked Rose Colored Rupee Land, it will basically tell how Tingle became, Tingle! Tingle is actually very interested in woman. According to this game, a sequence shows what Tingle dreams about most...can you guess? Well, he actually dreams about "beautiful woman surrounding him". That is what Tingle dreams about and apparently it shows pictures. Objection of the game is to go to land to land, place to place, to collect rupees to make a Tingle Tower so high that it will reach Rupee Land where all of Tingles dreams can and will come true! His dreams meaning woman. If you want actual proof on this and think I am making it up, read this thing I found for it! http://forums.nintendo.com/nintendo/board/message?board.id=Reviews&message.id=4018 Take to mind he actually played the game so he knows about it! Also know that the guy says "...a sword and a shield..."(what Tingle doesn't wield )but Tingle in fact uses a sword in the game at one point. He was referring to Link. There is more than meets the eye to Tingle and take notice you guys think this is Japan only? Wrong, it is scheduled to come out in Europe and U.S. has no notices. Read that article for the whole scheme of the game. I just wanted to point this out.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
"But Resetti only appears when you push the reset button, which virtually nobody does. At least Nook was one of the most important characters, Resetti is a minor one. Face it, he has little hope."

That little *******s lectures got more **** annoying each time. and longer too. one time i wasn't able to get through the lecture and sold the game.

And midna was annoying too. with her freaking laugh everytime you got close to something you needed to do, or just randomly to throw you off. little *****. and she was making you do things, but wouldn't tell you how, and got pissed if they weren't completed. i hate midna and ressetti.
Lecture...I wasn't lecturing, I was stating a point. I'm saying Resetti isn't that important to the series. AT least Nook was important to the series, look at it in retrospective. I've seen Nook in Animal Crossing for like a total of well over 5 hours (random number off the top of my head). Resetti I've seen 5 times, for like 5 minutes each time=25 minutes. Nook is the most important non-Animal Crossing Human, while Resetti....he's nowhere close.

Her laugh sorta got annoying, but c'mon, like there weren't mo=re annoying characters=??? The cross-dressing clowns, the mailman, those wierd dancers in Majora's Mask, Tatei, Navi (HEY!!! LISTEN!!! WATCH OUT!!!), etc. etc. etc.

What are you talking about, she told you what to do everytime almost. Her moves were awsome, she was powerful, and she was unique. Best Zelda character since Skull Kid. Seriously, use real evidence why they should/shouldn't be in, not "well I don't like them." Midna is the most important character to the story, along with Link, as the main protaganists.

Chill out, you had absolutely no reason to blow like that. I didn't say anything fanboyish, I'm just stating the facts. Nook and the AC humans are the main characters, Resetti is well...I don't really know how to categorize him. Midna is one of the two main characters in Twilight Princess. There was no reason to snap like that, at all.

What is with these people on these boards these days=??? I swear in the last 3 days everyone has been so f****** p**** to me, and everyone else. It is really getting on my nerves, and is ZSS being only able to access through only the Final Smashes really that big of a deal=??? Even if that is the only way to access her, big woop, though she will be accessible via menu or A button, or something. In fact, I'm almost positive! :)


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
I actually made that into a ringtone for my phone.


No, really. It's the world's most annoying ringtone, and I'm the only one immune to it.

See, why couldn't Ganondorf do something like that...

Which is why I think Ganondorf sent Navi to drive Link into insanity, seen here...

Once that was done, Ganondorf would clone Navi on a mass level, and release his hell faieries out into the world... Driving his foes into insanity one... by one...

At least, that's what I'd do if I was Ganondorf.
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