As far as ICs go, that matchup is just ridiculous. I definitely wish I could sit down with an IC player for a few hours and try to figure it out. I definitely think it's one of the least fleshed out matchups Falco has.
My exact text conversation with Dr. Peepee from Saturday:
Max [3:30] Dude I bet chi that you were gonna get 17th lol. I think I lost the bet. Glad your hard work paid off dude.
Kevin [3:32] Lmao well I'm not done yet but hey thanks
Max [5:39] Ok i'm working so I can't watch the stream. Did you win yet? Did you play anyone after hax?
Kevin [5:44] I'm in winners semis and no one after hax done for the day
Max [5:48] Hax played ****ing beautiful against you considering how gay that match is. Do you know who you have first for tomorrow?
Kevin [5:51] I also was dumb =(
Kevin [5:51] I have wobbles
Max [5:53] All of the foxes are out basically so you have a really good chance to play both hbox and wobbles. Got a plan?
Kevin [6:35] Well I am def playin wobbles lol. And wobbles not much of a plan yet but Hbox patience and nairs lol like always
Max [6:41] I think you should come up with a plan for wobbles on fountain, you basically have to autoban final and fountain is his first pick every time.
Kevin [6:57] Right yeah that's fair. I think ill play slowly so I don't get caught slippin on the low plats. Not sure how to kill nana fast so I guess nair her a ton
Max [7:12] I'd say only do aerials if they're already separated, the double shield is like the low platform where you let the climbers get sketchy conversions into deathgrabs. Slow play is imo the right answer but it might be better to just move around and wait for him to jump after you so you can fish for low risk ways to separate them. I don't have the answers, I just want you to think about it so you have a plan.
Kevin [7:31] I would like to aerial once he's shielding he can't deal with it but otherwise slow play and well timed lasers is good. I don't want to fall into him he can shift too quickly. Forcing horizontal play is my best thing anyway.
Max [7:41] I remember watching you play wobbles at apex and the set was really slow and awkward but at least you didn't get caught by any surprises. Anyway congrats on outplacing crush. I'll be watching you tomorrow.Good luck, not that you need it.
Kevin [9:05] Thanks ill focus up and talk more about it later probly
Now go watch his match vs Wobbles and let's talk about it:
Yes Kevin that includes you.