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PPMD's Falco Discussion Thread


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2009
Irvine, SoCal
Is there an efficient way to break in a stiff control stick or do I just have to go turbo nerd mode and play a lot to loosen it up and get used to it? Among other things, it makes falco vs puff hilarious because I cannot DI puff's uthrow unless I super duper see it coming LOL


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
..i was about to say the falco main social thread, but pp/bones/me are the only falco mains and everyone else plays like peach/zelda/other random *** ****ing characters.
>still playing falco
>not playing Peach master race


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
Is there an efficient way to break in a stiff control stick or do I just have to go turbo nerd mode and play a lot to loosen it up and get used to it? Among other things, it makes falco vs puff hilarious because I cannot DI puff's uthrow unless I super duper see it coming LOL
you should be di'ing before the grab... you dont have to see it super duper coming, its an option select when you mess up

anyways, thanks for the headphone advice guys


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
That's why you should just talk falco over aim and let us bull**** around here in the social thread.

..i was about to say the falco main social thread, but pp/bones/me are the only falco mains and everyone else plays like peach/zelda/other random *** ****ing characters.
I'm a fraud Falco main. I go Falco in tourney, but I play 10 other characters in friendlies. :urg:

Is there an efficient way to break in a stiff control stick or do I just have to go turbo nerd mode and play a lot to loosen it up and get used to it? Among other things, it makes falco vs puff hilarious because I cannot DI puff's uthrow unless I super duper see it coming LOL
You make turbo nerd mode sound like a chore! The key is to moonwalk like crazy though I'd be paranoid that would loosen a new controller too much, but I like my stick to be kinda stiff so go for it if you want.

>still playing falco
>not playing Peach master race
*bows down to Peach mains*
"No! I'm sorry master! I will never shine again; just please just don't make my lasers obsolete by floating over them!!!"

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Flowing... hmm.. that's cool, an interesting concept indeed. I'm wondering what triggers can allow me to tap into this flow. I'm guessing athletes get something like this.

You think, actually thinking about it and trying to rationalize it disallows you "flowing"?
I guess this goes into the psychology of the game.

BTW should I post my videos for critique here 'cause I'm not getting responses in new topics.
Athletes most certainly are affected by this state of being. Having your entire body function perfectly without conscious thought and performing your best on one of the few instances it "counts" is pretty crucial, but of course inconsistent.

That next question is a subject of a lot of debate(or it should be). On one hand, it stands to reason that you can recreate that state of being much more often if you think about the game very often, do things that put you in the proper successful state like when you did it once(maybe you ate toast that morning or listened to some dumb song, doesn't matter what if it works). On the other hand, intuitive knowledge is pretty, well, intuitive....so it's hard to just concretely nail down what can be done to maximize its benefits other than simply keeping your mind on what you hope the intuitive knowledge will help you with and hoping for the best.

Post vids for critique here btw.


Sep 30, 2012
Tucson, Arizona
When I have an absolutely brand new controller i usually spend like a month playing nothing but marth.

marth feels so glorious with a factory brand new control stick. so easy to pivot grab.


Smash Cadet
Mar 14, 2010
St. Louis
I kinda freeze up when getting comboed hard, and I realize I don't really know that much about anti-combo game other than that DI away is usually the best choice and mixing up techs. What are some basics of getting out of combos? It's probably really different depending on who's comboing you, so if the question is too general, how about getting out of Falco combos specifically?


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Learn how to alter your DI so that you land on or edgecancel off platforms ... can save your butt many times

I.e. if you're getting shined, try to DI the shine so that if they Dair you, you can DI toward a platform and edgecancel off

Remember that certain moves you actually do want to DI toward them ... prime example is Marth's uptilt ... the best DI is with the sword most of the time to get as far away as possible

Also try to figure out when they want to end their combo and survival DI your butt off


Smash Cadet
Mar 14, 2010
St. Louis
Learn how to alter your DI so that you land on or edgecancel off platforms ... can save your butt many times

I.e. if you're getting shined, try to DI the shine so that if they Dair you, you can DI toward a platform and edgecancel off

Remember that certain moves you actually do want to DI toward them ... prime example is Marth's uptilt ... the best DI is with the sword most of the time to get as far away as possible

Also try to figure out when they want to end their combo and survival DI your butt off
Thanks, is edge canceling sliding off an edge without teching?


One day at a time.
Apr 11, 2007
Knightdale/Raleigh, NC
Switch FC
I'm a fraud Falco main. I go Falco in tourney, but I play 10 other characters in friendlies. :urg:
Same story for myself until recently. As you can see I sport a nice yellow mouse sprite now. Result of playing everyone but Bowser.

avatar state
^ feelssogood

marth feels so glorious with a factory brand new control stick. so easy to pivot grab.
He feels like the only character I can play because with anyone else, the new stick recoils any projectile into the opposite direction. :falco:

Athletes most certainly are affected by this state of being. Having your entire body function perfectly without conscious thought and performing your best on one of the few instances it "counts" is pretty crucial, but of course inconsistent.

That next question is a subject of a lot of debate(or it should be). On one hand, it stands to reason that you can recreate that state of being much more often if you think about the game very often, do things that put you in the proper successful state like when you did it once(maybe you ate toast that morning or listened to some dumb song, doesn't matter what if it works). On the other hand, intuitive knowledge is pretty, well, intuitive....so it's hard to just concretely nail down what can be done to maximize its benefits other than simply keeping your mind on what you hope the intuitive knowledge will help you with and hoping for the best.
So insightful. I've been thinking a lot about this recently, and I can't seem to pinpoint mine consistently. Of course it could very well even be a combination of factors that lead to 'avatar state', as Tai dubs. :drflip:

Deleted member

what does this have to do with country folk
the point is to suggest that you're acting like however country folk act, and that it is by extension some detestable behavior.

the point is to be condescending/insulting at the same time. it's a point of humor.

it's like when people want to talk about something with me and i tell them that i'm not into pokemon, bringing the initial subject down to the level of a game to make it petty and trivial, and by extension it insults the person for having petty interests.

adding a strong but brief element of distaste adds sincerity to it to make it spiteful, which magnifies the humor.

you probably see this all the time in different forms and don't realize it, but thats what good humor is all about really.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
pp how do i not get wrecked by mangos falcon
don't let him gay you. gay is when he FHs/attacks then shields/doesn't FF moves. stupid jigglypuff.

FH'ing you can either Bair into him/maybe uptilt, but you're better off just catching his landing lag if you can. Jumping and shooting him sometimes can be cool.

attacks then shields is beaten by just reading him and moving OOS/counterpressuring after your shield is hit. FH'ing OOS can be especially useful since you're falco and the best Mango can hope for there is a Uair trade with your Dair. try to avoid letting him float there in front of you and don't shield unless you absolutely have to.

that last piece of advice is also how you handle not-FF'ing moves because they take longer to do obviously.

finish your combos and don't go for blind fsmashes.

don't ever DJ if you can help it(though it did save you once at neutral....so maybe just be really careful when using it)

you get baited by mango jumping around too much. learn how to create openings.....probably at closer spacings than what you were attacking from.

you just get flustered and freak out because it's mango it looks like. observe his reactions to your attacks/lasers/pressure before just swinging immediately after a laser as you were prone to do. the one time you didn't attack right after lasering you did it again and mango knew you would so you died for it.

you need to plan your combos better, you dropped too much free stuff.

when you cross up nair mango has stomped OOS like every time. you should be reading that.

tech was also a little off.

too much lasering when pressured @ 3rd stock g1. mango knew you'd jump and not aerial/utilt because you kept running and shooting when he was above you.

bad edgehop double lasers....you did those almost every time and mango caught you for it.

that's game 1 notes but it's probably useful in general.

Deleted member

Do you read XKCD?
i saw one the other day that i thought was awesome, it was a drag and click picture. i spent a solid hour looking around on it. thats about the begging and end of my exposure to it. i've been meaning to go back and look at more of them, but homework death has stopped me thus far.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2011
Mint Hill North Carolina
Athletes most certainly are affected by this state of being. Having your entire body function perfectly without conscious thought and performing your best on one of the few instances it "counts" is pretty crucial, but of course inconsistent.

That next question is a subject of a lot of debate(or it should be). On one hand, it stands to reason that you can recreate that state of being much more often if you think about the game very often, do things that put you in the proper successful state like when you did it once(maybe you ate toast that morning or listened to some dumb song, doesn't matter what if it works). On the other hand, intuitive knowledge is pretty, well, intuitive....so it's hard to just concretely nail down what can be done to maximize its benefits other than simply keeping your mind on what you hope the intuitive knowledge will help you with and hoping for the best.

Post vids for critique here btw.

Please excuse the poor quality, lag, and pausing in these. I had to take them from twitch, highlight them then upload blah blah.

Let me know what you think. These were in the last two hours of a 9 hour friendly session, (and my first time playing vs people instead of cpus)


Smash Ace
Mar 28, 2012
San Francisco, Venezuela (not the famous one)
I've done this paticular thing with falco the most so hopefully you guy's could give me an answer, what's it called when your on a platform, and you want to drop down and do an aerial at the same time, BUT you do the aerial right on top of the platform, as if you DJCed the aerial? i've done it about 4 times and i have no idea how i did it, and it seems like it's extremely hard to do?


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
Platform cancelled aerial, is the name I believe. It's pretty difficult to do, yeah. I think it autocancels too? I'm not sure on that.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
PP, the only way to beat Mango is by having a better offense than him. ;) I could not beat him in Falcon dittos but I did it with Marth a lot of times... for me it's just trying to out guess him. lol.


Smash Ace
Mar 28, 2012
San Francisco, Venezuela (not the famous one)
you cannot do it with most aerials. It involves doing the aerial really quickly after dropping through the platform.
I'm not sure if you've seen a TAS video called marth vs shiek by epicasy (i think that's it) on marth's first stock (right after he takes shieks first stock) shiek goes on the right platform and breaks his shield via platform canceling, and she used everysingle aerial, same goes for marth, he breaks shieks shield and he used all of his aerials plus shield breaker (ya know neutral b). Sorry for getting off topic like this, it's just really, REALLY amazing that particular technique, and seeing as how no one has really got the hang of it :crazy:


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
I've done this paticular thing with falco the most so hopefully you guy's could give me an answer, what's it called when your on a platform, and you want to drop down and do an aerial at the same time, BUT you do the aerial right on top of the platform, as if you DJCed the aerial? i've done it about 4 times and i have no idea how i did it, and it seems like it's extremely hard to do?
It's not hard to do if you're trying. I shield drop into PCed attacks pretty often, and sometimes not even trying to. Just drop through and aerial immediately. The catch is that you'll only land if you hit someone before dropping below the platform (and the moves that this works with often move your landing detection diamond thing higher).

Spacies can do it with bair, Falco can do it with dair if the platform is moving downwards (like on KJ64 or PS transformations), Marth's fair, Sheik's nair, Doc/Mario's bair, and there's plenty more (just test with any quick aerial). If you just want to get the hang of it, I'd suggest beginning with Luigi's bair. His body goes flat making him have to go further down before he's considered underneath the platform, and his bair comes out quick so that it hits sooner after beginning the drop. The reason it may seem like it autocancels sometimes is because some people L-cancel way too early than they should. You can usually L-cancel with FFers as you drop through and still get the L-cancel as you land, but if you hit someone the hitlag often makes you miss. People doing this early L-cancel during the drop through obviously L-cancel PCed aerials because they L-cancel immediately after their aerial comes out, and just before they land on the plat.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina

Please excuse the poor quality, lag, and pausing in these. I had to take them from twitch, highlight them then upload blah blah.

Let me know what you think. These were in the last two hours of a 9 hour friendly session, (and my first time playing vs people instead of cpus)
will critique later

PP, the only way to beat Mango is by having a better offense than him. ;) I could not beat him in Falcon dittos but I did it with Marth a lot of times... for me it's just trying to out guess him. lol.
Mango's kinda bad vs Marth, and I don't think my issue is offense. I need to improve on pretty much all fronts in the ditto.

Deleted member

danger =/= stupidity

i think you should be aggressive as ****, just not with blind swings. pin the ****er and grab him.


Sep 30, 2012
Tucson, Arizona
I hate FH happy players.

That is all.

Is there any way to minimize frustration regarding missed tech? A lot of my cues seem to be small and subconcious, so I feel really bad whenever i bother other people with silent tech johns.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2011
Pascagoula, MS
I want to play Falco, but aside from me landing shinegrabs consistently, I get ***** in every other aspect.

Seriously shinegrab is way too good.
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