Hey, I've got some vids that I'd like to have critiqued. I apologize about the way they were uploaded; Zbet was feeling super lazy

I do have all of them cued up in link form with times for you guys, though, so that should help.
Please critique these matches; I feel that I played my best in these matches. I am always in second port as the red Falco with the CODA tag, Blake is always in third port, and Zbet in first.
[COLLAPSE="Good matches"]vs Zbet (Peach)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKf7Yg7sJ00#t=10m18s 10:18 - 14:10
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKf7Yg7sJ00#t=14m18s 14:18 - 18:10
vs Blake (Falco)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKf7Yg7sJ00#t=3m26s 3:26 - 6:03
vs Blake (Marth)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKf7Yg7sJ00#t=20m48s 20:48 - 24:07
vs Blake (Sheik)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKf7Yg7sJ00#t=1h3s 1:00:03 - 1:03:03
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKf7Yg7sJ00#t=1h5m17s 1:05:17 - 1:08:08[/COLLAPSE]
I feel pretty uncomfortable with the Marth matchup right now, so any critiques on the Marth match are especially appreciated.
If anyone ends up wanting to critique more/other matches, here is a list of links to a good number of them:
[COLLAPSE="Other matches"]vs Zbet (Peach)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKf7Yg7sJ00#t=1h8m23s 1:08:23 - 1:12:45
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKf7Yg7sJ00#t=1h12m57s 1:12:57 - 1:16:18
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKf7Yg7sJ00#t=1h19m55s 1:19:55 - 1:23:13
vs Blake (Falco)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKf7Yg7sJ00 0:00 - 3:15 The beginning got clipped a bit, sorry about that.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKf7Yg7sJ00#t=1h23m27s 1:23:27 - 1:26:16
vs Blake (Falcon)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKf7Yg7sJ00#t=56m24s 56:24 - 59:46
vs Blake (Fox)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKf7Yg7sJ00#t=1h3m12s 1:03:12 - 1:04:51[/COLLAPSE]
Marth Match
21:00 - Make sure you're comfortable L-cancelling early so you can land on low plats. It's extremely useful because you can alternate rising and drop through dairs and do stupid 80% combos without any real work.
21:10 - You almost always want to DI utilts behind Marth so he can't get easy followups. You will get daired by the ledge a lot if your kneejerk reaction is to hold in against it.
21:30 - You don't want to throw out laggy moves vs. a shielding Marth, especially by the ledge. Either just grab them or do something like a fadeaway shine-aerial to bait the grab.
21:35 - You seem to tech in place a lot. Look at how the Marth is spaced before you land, and evaluate whether your can escape with a tech roll away or not. In that case, you definitely could have.
21:45 - There was no reason to empty hop there. Lasers AC, so you almost always want to be lasering instead of empty hopping, especially when they are shielding already. By spacing a little closer you could have just laser-shined without any risk of being grabbed.
22:00 - Always WD out of your shine in the direction that you hit them. So in that case you hit him with the right side of your shine, so you should have WDed right since that makes it easier to compensate for whatever DI they do. In that situation it would have enabled you to close the gap to the ledge much more quickly and probably knocked him off with another for an edgeguard.
22:25 - I would have daired him again instead of using bair because he wasn't at high enough % that he would be far enough off stage to be edgeguarded. Any time you can force Marth into a teching position is a very good opportunity to take because the only way he can avoid a punish is by sliding off the edge, and he would have had to DI at a perfect angle to slide off that close to the ledge. He probably would have landed on the platform or edge of the stage, and then it's just a simple matter of dsmashing missed tech/tech in place and reacting to the other options.
22:30 - You have a bad habit of trying to DJ back onto the stage with an attack. It is usually too risky, especially because Marth has so many overhead moves with his disjointed sword. You could have ledge cancelled a Phantasm off the top platform and completely taken control of the center stage as he whiffs an fsmash.
22:45 - This is why I am constantly telling people to never jab Marth when he's facing you. It's honestly just never worth it. You are risking getting shield/CC grabbed, and the benefit of hitting that jab is almost nothing. The only time you'll ever link a dash attack or something else out of a jab is if you catch them off guard and they are at a decently high %. Instead, you would be much better off just running up and grabbing him, or in this case, since he was trapped at the ledge, I would have dashed back to adjust my spacing and SHFFLed to initiate shield pressure.
22:50 - There's the tech in place again. Obviously your opponent was potentially covering all of your tech options, but the fact that he wasn't facing you means you can actually miss the tech intentionally without worrying much about jab reset. Teching through him you get regrabbed, teching in place you get utilted, teching away you get dash attacked (which you could try to ground tech), but utilt usually won't hit a missed tech, and he also can't chase and grab. At that point most people would turn around and shield for a get-up-attack letting you roll away. If he doesn't, then you just have all of the various options out of missed tech that you usually have, and you will just have to do risk-assessment to decide what he is most likely to cover properly and what is the most risky option to do. Ex. Picking the option that results in you getting grabbed or utilted at high %s is a lot less devastating than rolling into an fsmash.
23:23 - FHing a nair like that is way too risky. He was just coming up out of a missed tech, so you can usually predict defensive options. He's either going to try to escape (WD off the plat/jump), or he's going to shield. Obviously he countered, but I like to just think of counter as a shield combined with a really good OoS attack. lol He could also get-up-attack or wait, but those options only work when you get impatient with waiting underneath him. So just looking at those options, your best bet would probably be to do something like SH, then see what he does, then DJ to punish. Even if you can't reach him with an attack as he WDs away, you can always just hold down center stage while he struggles to find a way off the side plat. More often, people will simply shield because they are afraid of getting hit. This means you can simply DJ onto the top plat and grab him, and this would work vs. counter too of course.
23:40 - Here's another situation where I would rather dair to force a tech chase on a plat than hit him further into the air. Right after you do uair, you shouldn't have DJed. Any time Marth is recovery high, you can at the very least trade bair to knock them back off. There's almost nothing they can do. So if you look at when you did that DJ and instead imagine positioning yourself under the side plat with your back to him, you can see how he's virtually guaranteed to get knocked off stage again.
24:05 - Ugh, that hurt to watch. lol It was the same thing you did at 22:30.
Overall, not too bad. Most of the stuff getting you killed are bad habits, or missed DI on utilt/dash attack. When you can learn to DI all of Marth's setup moves, it makes it so much harder for him to land a KO move, and it make sa huge difference because you can swing matches back in your favor by racking up damage while you sit at 100%+ unable to be comboed into anything. It was sort of hard to give advice on the neutral spacing since you both seem pretty awkward with DDWDing still, but I definitely think you should use more lasers. They are hard to use on FoD unless you practice it a lot, but simply lasering and then DDing to react to them is extremely powerful, and you also didn't seem to like doing laser into anything. One last thing is I would recommend learning to Firebird stall by hitting away on the control stick and rolling it upwards to jump, then pressing B. It's way easier than trying to go straight down then straight back up. It also looked like you were doing your LHDLs like that because you went so high and got fsmashed. lol I highly recommend using Y as it gives you much more control while still letting you shoot extremely low lasers. I actually learned to LHDL by first learning to SHDL with Fox, and then just added in the downward press before the jump. Hope this helps! ^_^