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PPMD's Falco Discussion Thread


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
^I lost

And aight PP, there's probably quite a bit to nitpick >_> I started writing on a whim and then completely lost interest as I was doing it...bleh. I'm interested to hear it all regardless :D

Also kinda interested in what you figured out related to that day you played amazingly

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I solved like every problem I had it was so good <.<

Oh you mean that thing I remembered.....some of it was mindset, other parts of it was related to neutral position.

Mindset: I remembered I need to focus on keeping a close spacing and lasers are an extension of my spacing. I keep in mind that being relatively close to my opponent is something that is pretty good because that's where Falco's true pressure lies, not in lasering from mid stage if the opponent isn't biting. Also, staying positive but still wanting to execute perfectly every time, that is how I solve my motivation problem. =) As long as I get hit, then when I'm playing like this I want to do better and play hard.

Neutral position: The amount of lasers shot(up to 3 probably) affect people's responses in a similar way for each person, but differently for each number of lasers used. For example, I think many people would try to attack/dodge through a first laser, but if a second one directly follows, then people may feel locked up temporarily. A third one usually registers to people as spam. I need to test this idea more, but I think there's something in this idea(that I subconsciously abuse while playing well which is annoying lol) that causes people to act similarly for each amount of lasers shot and can probably be turned to my advantage. Mango doesn't shoot many lasers because of something possibly related to this principle as well. I don't think I shot many when I played really well so it may have to do with how long it takes to shoot or something and....lol I'm just guessing right now I should just test it. XD
Edit: Forgot to mention that each laser probably accomplishes a different conditioning at different spacings but I believe spacing is the main factor involved here. Shouldn't be that hard to play around with and adjust to test.

Yeah I'll get back to your post eventually. promise.

also LOL umbreon I approve. =p


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
I think the lack of lasers has to do with movement stuff with falco btw

There's a lot to say about what you said... idk I'll aim you later >_>

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
yes but movement stuff is all so vague and has to do with spacing/threats of moves and such so I didn't feel right using a term like "movement" to cover it.

I'll be home Saturday night but I'm not sure when I'll be on AIM next before the night of the 2nd, honestly. Just leave me a message lol.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
my feeling about shooting a lot of lasers has for a while been that mango shoots less lasors because his opponent has to respect them whether or not he actually fires, so he just takes advantage of that....


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
so, PP's mindset about choosing not to attempt to pre-match mindgame mango

is that brucing?
technically speaking
and then morally speaking

i think it supersedes all forms of 'john' but it seems like it might fall under the 'bruce' category


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Technically they have three actionable frames, but the shine happens on that third frame, so you'd have to be doing an invincible one-frame move to not get hit by it, which basically narrows it down to another shine and moves that are invincible frame-1 like Samus and Bowser's up-Bs.

Spot dodges are invincible frame 2, so that's still an option, but if we're assuming perfect gameplay, Falco still has plenty of options to punish the recovery on the spot dodge. Rolls are invincible frame 4, so if you try to buffer a roll after the first shine, you'll get hit, but again this is assuming frame perfection and no staling on the shine, so under real conditions it's probably a good option.
oh yeah, that's true. I made a mistake there.

@unknown falco edgeguards vs samus suck
foxes are p good
marths suck

i don't know what you think you can do vs. her grapple but i'm pretty sure i have counters too it
I knew it.

p.s. MM me at apex
so are you gonna back out of the MM at the last second again?


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
Did i back out of one vs. you? my apologies
we'll get one this time for sure :)

vanz demoralized me pretty hard not gonna lie, nothing like that will happen this go round though

are we talking about ways to prevent samus from grabbing the ledge? or getting back into a favorable position once the ledge has been grabbed

i have one thing for each that is pretty solid that i haven't seen from any other samus

feel free to explain how you think you can edgeguard, her though, unless you think it's easily counterable lol

i've never really had a hard time vs falco on the edge i wasn't even aware falcos thought they had an easy time edgeguarding samus haha

my solid things are more for matchups like fox/ganon/marth, maybe shiek, kinda shiek i guess, idk exactly how sheiks do it, i should be alright though

actually here, lemme just say that if you think grabbing the ledge vs. her grapple is the end all that's quite wrong, however you spin it, unless your fox then you get to guess and get a kill, with only a small risk to yourself, falco on the other hand i have never seen anything solidly beat my work arounds

and aerial interrupting is my preferred way to get back onto the stage from the ledge btw, i would say atm i'm probably about 60/70% consistent with it, averaging probably something like 5 actionable invincibility frames, any where from -x to +8 though
gonna have to remember to practice that before apex...should be 80/90% consistent by the time tourney rolls around

but far be it for me to try and convince you falco can't edgeguard samus, you'll see in our MM's


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
Knit-i want to show you something @ apex falco can do to samus when she graples,i really dont want to post it because dont want people to say its impossible or something stupid,but we will play @ apex and ill show what i mean



Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Knit-i want to show you something @ apex falco can do to samus when she graples,i really dont want to post it because dont want people to say its impossible or something stupid,but we will play @ apex and ill show what i mean
It's impossible.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
if it's the shine turnaround dair then you already showed me that at To5...**** was ****

but my counter counters it

i hope it's not something else, i'd hate to also get edgeguarded by falco along w/ all the other **** he has lol, such an annoying matchup

Deleted member

how to edge guard samus as falco: don't care what she does and attack it cause she can't crouch and your moves always win forever.

this game is deep.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
so, PP's mindset about choosing not to attempt to pre-match mindgame mango

is that brucing?
technically speaking
and then morally speaking

i think it supersedes all forms of 'john' but it seems like it might fall under the 'bruce' category
I looked up "brucing" and....



Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
I looked up "brucing" and....


i can only imagine, ur talking about the urban dictionary link? maybe that's why it didn't catch on like johns did LOL

uhhh let me find u what i was referring too...
it's significantly less sexual

here it's a big long read if u dun wanna read it


i'll sum up in spoilers cause it's a pretty good read any way

u'll probably enjoy the articles style of writing too

basically brucing is making a decision, conscious or otherwise, that you know to be sub optimal, or directly counter productive to winning, in order to for ____ reason to cause yourself to lose, my interpretation, or maybe this is verbatim from the article i can't remember, was to almost cushion the blow of a loss. an example would be going for that a risky off the stage spike that costs ur 2nd jump and getting gimped for it, when u know that the best option was to stay on the stage and handle it safely from there

i wonder if all brawl becomes a standard tourney side even it it will help smash's image or hurt it...


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
By that logic, it is brucing for PP to not break Mango's fingers. You have to draw a line somewhere, plus PP's desire to beat Mango at his best will help him improve more. It's more along the lines of playing to learn, as opposed to getting Mango drunk and taking a win, but not having improved or learned anything.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
By that logic, it is brucing for PP to not break Mango's fingers. You have to draw a line somewhere, plus PP's desire to beat Mango at his best will help him improve more. It's more along the lines of playing to learn, as opposed to getting Mango drunk and taking a win, but not having improved or learned anything.
you can't just say you have to draw the line
and then not draw the line

i think breaking his fingers is a bit further down the path than some pre-game mindgames


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Nah, it's wrong not to bruce if not brucing requires attempting to sabotage your opponent with dirty tricks outside of the game.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
what dirty tricks...
what are dirty tricks any way
i wasn't talking about poisoning him, or slashing his tires

i'm talkin like tellin mango/everyone ur not feelin well/nervous when ur fine or something

since when has breaking someones fingers ever been considered mindgames lol


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2011
Gensokyan Embassy, Munich, Germany
By that logic, it is brucing for PP to not break Mango's fingers. You have to draw a line somewhere, plus PP's desire to beat Mango at his best will help him improve more. It's more along the lines of playing to learn, as opposed to getting Mango drunk and taking a win, but not having improved or learned anything.
I heard Mango doesn't need much help to get drunk :D

And I think, the line is pretty much drawn by "tournament legal"; thou shalt not hit your opponent and stuff :)


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
lol so you're not supposed to say anything outside of the game that may influence your opponents play negatively or in a way to benefit yourself? lol


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
lol so you're not supposed to say anything outside of the game that may influence your opponents play negatively or in a way to benefit yourself? lol
It's not that you're "not supposed to" or "not allowed to" do anything outside the game to improve your chances. Personally, I use these things all the time, but to say someone is Brucing or being a scrub by not abusing advantages outside of the game is just ridiculous.


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2010
Lincoln Nebraska
you can't just say you have to draw the line
and then not draw the line

i think breaking his fingers is a bit further down the path than some pre-game mindgames
You don't get it, you're the one who drew the line saying outside mindgames are necessary to not be a scrub. It's ultimately up to Dr. PP to decide what he wants to do before a match, and saying that he is "brucing" if he doesn't do what you think is optimal is moronic.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
i'm just gonna quote my initial post on the subject
so, PP's mindset about choosing not to attempt to pre-match mindgame mango

is that brucing?
technically speaking
and then morally speaking

i think it supersedes all forms of 'john' but it seems like it might fall under the 'bruce' category
and then ask where you're drawing your assumptions that i called PP a scrub, or thought his choice not to do it was sub optimal

or assumed that i was talking about breaking mango's fingers

i asked if his choice not to do it would fall under the category of brucing, nothing more nothing less

doser ur just like really bad at this game


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2010
Brooklyn New York
@Veetaak. Lol i cant seem to get on my facebook account because of security questions on my phone.

@Crush lol i been to America a lot of times before. I have family here.


Deleted member

I thought it was obvious that the line is drawn between inside and outside of the game... Inside the game, anything goes.
Depends on the player. I guess I've met some pretty dirty players over the years though. Newer players are gayer on the boards and less sincere with you as a general statement, but they are cleaner and nicer in person than they used to be.

Kevin I think you're approaching the lasers thing correctly but for the wrong reasons. You don't want to use them from a true neutral position because that's when you should be closing space, and no amount of space requires 3 lasers. You can justify MAYBE 2 but generally once you're in your position the gun can go away in favor of pressuring with strong spacing game and your area of threat. I think using lasers as a damaging tool is a horribly outdated and dangerous strategy, and if you're not using them strictly for control they're not worth the risk, which is an idea that goes along with "spam". Just IMO.

Again, I think strong spacing and a good positioning game are the 2 main aspects that the better players should be focusing on because they solve SO many problems or simply put you above your near-competitors. On stages with larger "escape" areas over falco (DL64 is a good example) I think you can justify more lasers from the neutral game, but on stages like fountain it's really hard to make good use of them even for control, and you'd be better off controlling the center box like you'd expect from ganon or peach and preventing good movement from your opponent.

Except maybe fox. Fox is gay on rainbow fountains lol.


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Do you have any input on usage of small, reverse SHLs? They've become somewhat of a staple of my game play, but I'm not really sure what role they play, if any. Is using them to reset spacing a legit strategy, or is this me using it as a crutch for getting out-spaced?
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