- Not exactly sure how to pronounce "Minccino".
- "Gigalith" isn't bad. I can live with it.
- "Sandile" almost sounds like "sandal"... I may be tempted to nickname one "Sandal" now.
- "Blitzle" is alright, though I would've imagined they go with something that rhymes with "zebra". There's always its evolution, I guess.
- "Pidove", even though it clearly isn't a dove? Well, I suppose since "Pidgey" is already taken, there isn't much they can do. What would happen if Game Freak releases a 6th Gen Dove Pokemon now, huh?
- "Klink"? I probably would've stuck with "Gear", but seeing as "gear" is a generic and uncreative word to use for a name, Nintendo had to go with something else. In Japan, seeing as "gear" is an English word, I guess it sounds more "exotic" to them than it would for us. Kind of explains "Tina" to "Terra" in Final Fantasy VI... but that's a different topic altogether.
- "Darmanitan"? I don't know what that's supposed to reference? Orangutan, maybe? Even then, it looks like a gorilla to me. I think they should have kept "daruma" in there, since that is clearly what it's based on. Still, it could've been worse.
- "Juniper", eh? Doesn't sound as hot as Araragi, but it's not like it makes her any worse. XD