You know, I remember when Melee was still the only game in town...
And kids would come onto Smashboards competitive threads and be like, "omg wtf u guys are dickheads fer turning a kids game into a life GET A LYFE TURNY F@GS LOLZ"
Of course, they spent time to register an account on SWF to come on and flame people that they never met, even though they obviously both loved the same game, but played it differently. They didn't contribute to the other threads, merely took the time to come on and make one post blasting professional players.
Now, I feel the same way about those kids as I do people who spend hours upon hours playing Brawl, but still go to tournaments, still pay somewhat-hard-earned money to travel to these venues and vie for their chance at winning, all while saying that Melee should be back and joking that Brawl doesn't matter because it's broken and not competitive.
It's like someone who *****es and complains that the government isn't doing enough to represent their interests, but has never actively gone out and voted in their petty lives.
The minute you begin training competitively and actively competing in any kind of game, sport or other aspect in life, you lose the right to complain about it. When you start to memorize statistics and numbers about said thing and still whine about how pointless it is, you earn the right for people to call you on how hypocritical and pathetic you are.