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Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
I'm hopefully going if i'm not busy =P ... hope to see a good turnout at least ... so we can have a nice tourney and not play the same dam faces lol


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
The weeklies are losing is "luster" IMO. it's always so typical. typical winners, typical tourney, typical faces. LoLz

Low tier tournament would been nice, or even random character, random stage select.

oooo- page 100


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
it was stupid in my books n weeklies r losin itz luster in a way.come 2 myz.cuz it won't b the same.itz ten dollar entrance fee on sat n singles n teams fee will b discuss when ya come 2 my house.itz also pokemon tournaments n the entrance fee applies 2 both cuz itz not friendly's itz a tournament.reason entrance fee is 10 dollars cuz electricly n food n drinks will b provided n one extra good thing.i do not touch the pot money wat so eva n if ya don't want me 2 join i won't so different people can win n i'm goin 2 keep stats on the people that come.if u have anything 2 ask oni163 on aol is my name or message me here

Scissors Sir

Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2006
Queens, NYC myspace.com/15453187
So let me get this right bum...

Your solution to weeklies not being what they used to be is moving them from a somewhat spacious location to a smaller, definitely less roomier venue which is your home??

I couldn't help but lol at that one

I think I lol'd for about 20 minutes

I even put my AIM away message to "lol"

Electricity? Electricity is included?

Oh boy I guess people can bring their families and set their fridges up.


Words of wisdom

Friends don't let friends lol and drive.


Man I tell ya....

I needed a good laugh.


I guess u can set up a pay corner to train people also.

Charge them a dollar a minute.

And just so people know

If you're looking to train hit him up
He lives in the bx and his AIM is Oni163



Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2005
New York Citaaay :333 Occupation: Stripper ;]
So let me get this right bum...

Your solution to weeklies not being what they used to be is moving them from a somewhat spacious location to a smaller, definitely less roomier venue which is your home??

I couldn't help but lol at that one

I think I lol'd for about 20 minutes

I even put my AIM away message to "lol"

Electricity? Electricity is included?

Oh boy I guess people can bring their families and set their fridges up.


Words of wisdom

Friends don't let friends lol and drive.


Man I tell ya....

I needed a good laugh.


I guess u can set up a pay corner to train people also.

Charge them a dollar a minute.

And just so people know

If you're looking to train hit him up
He lives in the bx and his AIM is Oni163




Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
it actually wasn't funny.when stores take money out the pot isn't it the same thing?my house is small but ain't that small n i'm not takin money out the pot.hopefully by 2 weeks i'm gettin a bigger place which is gonna b alot better.i'm not even joinin the tournament so otha people get a chance 2 shine n show their stuff.electricly is not included but neccasary n at the end of the month don't u got 2 pay 4 electricly or do we live in anotha planet?b 4 u start sayin stuff know ur info.2 the people thatz comin let me know on aol or on smashboards.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
wes told me 2 tell ya everything is regular,teams first n singles second.the weekly is still goin just in case people think itz not cuz of pound 2

Scissors Sir

Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2006
Queens, NYC myspace.com/15453187
No one's tellin u not to do what you're doin.

Just the way you're talking about it is funny.

And if I wanna open my mouth and say something that makes no sense like "horsedick" I'll say it and that will never change about me.

Ur just mad that I told people u used me as an excuse to leave a crew u didn't wanna be a part of anyway.

Guess I still don't know my info right?

Congrats on the new house.


Did you know lol helps fight cancer? Lolololol

Lol saved three babies from a burning building....


You should try to lol sometimes...

Not the fake ones dave taught you either...

He's the king of phony lol

Also known as plol

But I wish your "weak" -lies the best

*struts out of thread*
Apr 22, 2006
i think what bum is doing is pretty cool if he isnt planning on taking money out of the pot and not entering it himself. he's doing a lot and not trying to reap money from it.

Scissors Sir

Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2006
Queens, NYC myspace.com/15453187
Yes it is cool.

So was netzero when it used to be free

You know what. I'm not gonna talk about these kinda issues anymore.

Cuz people only see the top layer and are blind to everything else going on.

I would go further into detail about what one of your beloved smash community members did to all of you (I'm not talking about bum here)

But like I said. I'm done talking about those kinda issues.

I'll let him continue to smile in all of your faces.(I'm not talking about dave either)

Hmm wonder who that leaves.

All I'm saying is

Let's just all party

Everyone likes to party

X-rated suggestions need not apply though

Anyone wake up yet?


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2007
Stealing Many Burritos and Miscellaneous Beverages
1st for shout outs.
good **** to everyone i love all smashers everywhere, everyone was exquisite.

ihnc all day baby we mad beast makin it to da top. we know its hard to win with bum there but at least we try everyweek......one day...lol. give support to tec0 and grill at pound, ihnc.

x-sorry i infinited u for your whole last stock..yd u pick pkmn stadium anyway i love that stage?

silven-so much for u owning my crew. LOL. good **** doe. ur samus is pretty fast nice stuff.

vanz-im never playing ganon again hes done.

starz-your hair mindgamed me. lol wait till u see me next week.

killafox-cant wait for our real matches we gotta like sit down n play for like an hour. im sorry i didnt wanna try that hard bc i was warming up n stuff u already know.

bum- next time i see you im gonna give u 15 dollars.....again...lol.

see you guys at w2z'



Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
The tourny started of fine, but ended bad on my part. I had to fight my crew member in the losers bracket. really stupid and I dont even wanna get into what happen in that match for me........one word.......Marth.....So yea I left pissed and not too happy.....

Moving on, I have one thing to say and thats to bum, Dude, our tourny match, I had a big azz feeling you sandbagged on me. thats the only reason it went 2 out of three. To me I did not like that. If im gonna go 2 out of three with you, I want that at you playing your best, not showing pitty for me, cause it makes me think Im doing something right and later on I hear that you sandbagged on me. So its like all that was for nothing, I could like never go best 2 out of three with you at all. cause if you were playing for real, I would have just lost bad as before. Its not a really good feeling, really after how my day ended.

I will say this to you though, if you were sandbagging, I did not like that at all, the match was fake and I feel like crap, thinking I got better and able to hang with a guy that got 4th in MLG. and later I find out, its not true, my hard work ment nothing at all cause you played fake, not real. Also how I cant beat other people, not even in Peach dittos which I just keep loseing in, so that person is better than me, and all my hard work is for nothing, and you just proved it right there.

Now if you were NOT sandbagging on my and played me for real, then I will say that im surpised I went blow for blow with you Bum. I guess I can say my hard work is paying off big time in some areas. And it was a fun match and I think I got better just case of that, so "ll thank you for it. Cause your a nasty azz smash player, and I nearly went even with you, so Im proudd with just that even though my day ended bad and the dumb loses I got.

Now I dont really know if you sandbagged on me or not, so I wont go saying it. cause the only person who REALLY knows is you, so I'll leave it at that., for the rest of you that I played today, Good matches I suppose. it was fun. I'll catch you guys around. Laterz.....


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2007
Stealing Many Burritos and Miscellaneous Beverages


FOSHO...wtf are you talking about, you're the only one from your crew that I played....and it was only 2 matches, don't get all giddy I was being stupid in those matches but whatever no point in saying much. I'm glad you're taking the wins to the head though ^_^, next thing you know you'll be comparable to Ness. Kthnxbai..

Oh and GET AT ME! <----[Vanz taught me that]
we already discussed this in the crew thread.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
ok i got 2 set things straight 4 people like darkpeach.when ya start 2 talk like that u make it seem like ya tryin 2 get fame or idk but u shouldn't b worry about that.i told hax i'm not no god n i am defeatable yes i may b real good but everyone in this game is defeatable.i'm no different from u darkpeach n i know wat u mean n i didn't sandbagged but i wasn't play 2 serious either the whole way of the tournament.sandbagging would b i pick anotha character or kill myself.i just wasn't into the whole way considerin i knew i had a tournament 2 throw myself 2day.all of ya gettin better including urself dark peach n i see alot of ya when ya play me ya get nervous n thatz one of my problems when i play sumone on a high caliber like pc.just view me as ur friend thatz just battling u n nothin else.i'm a regular smashhead aka cool guy lol well i hope so.keep training cuz it payz like jason,jeffery,warriorknight n nintendo those guys excel so much from when i first seen them.if anything u know my screen name just message me n we can train one day.this applies 2 anyone


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2005
bronx, ny (im up for any fights, if u intersested,

**wonders who ron is talking about**

yo, good stuff everyone. bum, good **** in teams. it was a pleasure teaming witchu.

d@mn, i really wanted to enter singles. oh well, maybe next time.

hax and jman, next time, we not splitting! lol.

everyone else like jash and blaze, rafa and PB&J and anyone else. good stuff, c-ya next time.


Smash Rookie
Jan 5, 2005
Bronx, New York
My team got annihalated. :/ We honestly didn't think we'd do so bad, but we did. :/ but I had fun. You guys probably remember us, the only ones dressed up. but yea, I think we would have done better in the singles since we have like no team work going and I'm just generally better at singles. but yea, I might be coming back but only for friendlies. When do people play smash a lot besides tournies and where do people go more often, w2z or nyclan? Like, what days and times?


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
**** i couldn't go ... >_> ... well anyway i hope a lot of peopole go to web2 ... cuz i should b there ^_^ ... also ron i'm waiting for the mystery person lol ... don't leave me in suspense limbo man lol hahahahaha


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
My team got annihalated. :/ We honestly didn't think we'd do so bad, but we did. :/ but I had fun. You guys probably remember us, the only ones dressed up. but yea, I think we would have done better in the singles since we have like no team work going and I'm just generally better at singles. but yea, I might be coming back but only for friendlies. When do people play smash a lot besides tournies and where do people go more often, w2z or nyclan? Like, what days and times?

I remember you guys LOL!! I was the guy that asked you if you were nervous and you said "no, it's just a game" LOL good stuff :laugh:

Double Link For the win
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