I'm still supporting Sony. I'm still fully confident that the services PSN+ brings are still waaaaaaaaaaay better than XBL
Besides, XBL could get easily hacked as well and the only reason why nobody has is because nobody hates Microsoft. Literally, the only reason why Sony was hacked in the first place is because a bunch of 12 year olds got pissed an acted like children on the fact that some hacker got sued and then gonna get hacked again because another bunch of 12 year olds are pissed at how Sony is handling this. I mean it's not like I can brush up a bit on computers and hack XBL myself just because I felt like it. It's literally that easy these days
I just wish my friends would realize that XBL could also get hacked as easily as Sony wa hacked because even though XBL IS the paid service, it still does not mean it is inherenty impossible to hack. Sure it might be a bit harder, but come on. No matter how much anybody tries to patch anything or make more secure, it is still possible to bypass. For example (and please don't tell me that video games and a service don't beck to compare I know, its to make a point) Pokemon BW makes it so that if you rom it, it has a no XP gain thing built into it to make it harder for pirates to play it. That was easily bypassed with a cheat code/patch on the emulator an poof it was playable again. Same with HGSS. It ha a black screen thing built in for rooms but people easily got around that as well
Point is, is that there is no way to make anything impossible to hack. Make it harder, sure. But never to make it impossible. He'll, even Sony said that they'd just make it
harder for hackers to get identity info, but it's still possible. I don't understand why XBL would be the exception when it is still as susceptible to hacks as PSN is and why people would switch consoles over something hackers who give us all bad names
I encourage people, actually to not switch and show that we are still together and strong against these hackers