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Pizza Mafia - Over! Who lived happily ever after in the land of Tito's refrigerator?

Apr 17, 2011
I'm not, it's just a general point. If people are solely reliant on meta, I will spend all of this game trying to break them of that habit. It's not a good habit to make and it can really cripple players who don't realize that people can change their metas.
Apr 17, 2011
So there you go Joey, you just answered one of your own questions, and now the only thing you have left on smarg is redirction on me but you can go ahead and play with that.
That, in and of itself, is pretty dang scummy. It screams self-preservation methods because there's no significant reason--I don't care if ES (lopl you) is worse than Smarg at something, by admitting he's worse, smarg admitted he's bad. At this point in the game, that's more than any other potential wagon has.

Also, this half of the hydra really likes T-Block too.

(Long stream of posts about to happen, I'm sorry).

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
T-Block, I want you to vote Asdioh because I want a claim out of Asdioh and if it's inadequate then we lynch his scummy arse to the trash can. <3

I'm also eager cuz I haven't really seen you vote anyone seriously yet and you shouldn't be afraid to vote people. Though I like your hesitancy cuz it's a town-tell. Also I got what you were saying.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
god i hate long posts with multiple quotes
Nononono I did not just answer my own question. I didn't ask if your read was strong enough I asked you to list them and you said no. You just did so without saying and it's bugging me as to why you did that. Wth do you mean you don't have quotes or anything to pick and choose from to paint Joey as scum because there are definite posts that you could see as scumJoey because I see them myself. What do you mean vibes? That just sounds like a bunch of bull to skate around the fact of calling someone scummy and not leaving a trace.
Yes, you did. I don't have strong enough feelings about them to list them in any sort of scummy order. That's all there is to it. As usual, you're looking too hard into things to try to find scumminess that isn't there.

Way to cop out.....you can still express an opinion on someone by reading. Have you ever replaced into a game? If you did so and used that excuse to not have a read on anyone you would be lynched super quick. There is info and you just are shrugging away at it which I don't like at all.
Well, if you know me, then you'll know that I'll already have to do a reread to find this supposed info I'm shrugging away. All I'm saying is that nothing STOOD OUT TO ME as strongly scummy or towny from these players. I gave you my opinions on them, but at that point couldn't put them in a list for you. Big deal.

AM wasn't being hypocritical but you were trying to twist his words to make it seem they were being hypocritical which is discrediting them and their arguement. You continue to discredit them in this post as well a but more down. The thing is, is that you are continuing the joke to stress the point that I am not believeable regardless of what I may be which can paint someone in a bad light and make certain people not trust that person anymore. Why continue it besides to "joke" and make me look worse? What do you gain from doing so?
Nope, he was being hypocritical.
"meta isn't a solid tell because they can change game-to-game"
followed by
"policy lynch this person because she is inactive, and even if she's active she won't do us much good"

(I pointed it out in 219, then AM instantly retaliates)

The bolded is meta. The "inactive" part was what AM defended against. "Inactive" isn't even a large part of what I was going for. He thinks she won't be a good player in general based on META. It was his ONLY reasoning for voting her. I was pointing out HYPOCRISY.

Wow you need to go back and read. Please do then get back to me cuz why I think you are scum should be pretty obvious at this point. Don't strawman me! haha~ ^^
Typical me :/

You are discrediting the entire thing AM had to say about you to simple OMGUS which is just not true at all. Once again, you are strawmanning the main point of the arguement to the easiest sense in which you can attack it. Why? Go back and actually look at why they are calling you out as scum.
I wanted him to respond to this, not you.

Lol do not redirect this to Joey Asdioh.

How do you feel about dieing duder?
I'm not redirecting. Just saying how he asked a meta question, and I responded saying
1. based on meta, I think Smarg is towny
2. your reasonings for thinking she is scum in the first place are crappy

Then people like you and AM jump on me for using meta.

more to come in hopefully a smaller post while I read the new stuff -_-
Apr 17, 2011
Way to try to call a hydra with two people hypocrites on something both heads obviously disagree with. It's obvious which one of us is posting. Stop re a c h i n g for the gun.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
@J: Why are you pushing for an Asdioh claim to early?

Asdioh should be allowed to refute the arguments against him before we push a claim. We have plenty of time.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@J: Why are you pushing for an Asdioh claim to early?

Asdioh should be allowed to refute the arguments against him before we push a claim. We have plenty of time.
Gah this is why you are appearing so towny to me, the hesitancy, the saying we have alot of time, the wanting to give everyone a fair chance. Yay. =3

Also I am pushing Asdioh to claim so early because I truly believe he is scum and I go hard on my reads. It's how you can get things done. ^^ He is also the most un-deniable scummy person in this game and his defenses thus far are inadequate and don't help his case but actually hurt his case.

I mean you don't have to vote him and you should do as you please but it'd be nice if you were with me.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Says he just read the whole thread, but couldn't find much information. I just re-read myself, and I found tons. He's being non-committal, refusing to take stances. I don't buy that he couldn't get enough of a read.
Sorry, I'll have to try again.

This bothers me - RVS vote being "somewhat" serious? The RVS vote was clearly a joke in my eyes. To me, this feels like he is trying to "clear" the pressure off him by showing that he took a stance early, which happens to align with one of his scum "picks" (quotes because he isn't solid on it at all). Scum read from this.

He doesn't say much about the other two players.
This was because of the reaction I got from Soup, and the reaction Soup then got from Gheb:

Do I get to first for once?!

Vote: Joey

^ because I didn't like this OBVIOUS SCUM TRYING TO BUDDY TOWN
Also asdioh, not sure if serious.
This is beyond stupid lmao

Ghebs reaction in particular got me curious, thus why I asked him if I was serious (unfortunately I had to go to work at that point) because he obviously assumed I was completely joking. I mean, I kind of was, because it was RVS and there was nothing to go on, but I didn't discount the possibility of scum buddying town just because of that. I wanted to see Joeys reaction to my vote, and Ghebs answer to my question. Joey basically shrugged it off, and Gheb thought it was 100% not serious. It didn't give me much to go on.

Asdioh has been forced to answer the question by J - he can't really get away with not answering at this point. He says Joey, but qualifies his choice as being based on "the tiniest of vibes". More being non-commital.

This might be an inappropriate question to ask at this point, but I assume someone would bring up meta if Asdioh is known for playing like this as town, right? =P
Again, I'll reread (already, ugh) to get a stronger opinion on them.

And yes, this is exactly how I've been playing as town (and this makes five town games straight.)
Apr 17, 2011
T-Block, I'm sorry, you're correct and I did not actually post it. I was thinking it, though.

I could see Asdioh-scum trying to derail a wagon on me to get me on his side, and the meta argument does suck. AM, am I correct that you proposed a PL on me as a reaction test?
I dunno, I'm not really for the random votes or policy lynches as my first vote but I'm not Broto and that is Broto's schtick. I haven't played with you guys enough to say yes or no on whether or not it actualy was but I think he mentioned it as slightly legit. Either way, I can pretty safely say that he was probably fishing for your reaction the most.

Too bad you provided a scummy one. p:


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Quick question: who are the girls in this game? Just so I don't address someone the wrong way =x

I don't mean to distract from the good pressure that's going on here, but let's not forget about those we haven't heard much from:

@Glyph: What do you think of smarg? Do you agree with the scum evidence brought up against her?

@Terywj: When you're feeling better, top two scum picks and reasoning behind it?

@July: You've played with J before, right? How do you feel about his aggression towards Asdioh, along with the quick call for a claim less than 24 hours into the game?

@Roxy: Would you even answer a question if I asked you one?


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
T-Block, I want you to vote Asdioh because I want a claim out of Asdioh
suddenly your towny points with me took a hit. I thought you said I'm the one that thinks you're scum every game, not the other way around?

Way to try to call a hydra with two people hypocrites on something both heads obviously disagree with. It's obvious which one of us is posting. Stop re a c h i n g for the gun.
....it's not obvious to me at all? I've never even played with WL before. Aside from the annoying TTGL crap which I know is Ryker, idk o_o


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky

...town. He was debating what he thought was a bad idea and he directed towards good questions.

J - town. I tend to agree with his ideas and I like his play so far.

AM - Eh. Null at the moment.

Evil Soup

Smash Rookie
Apr 3, 2011
Asdioh, may I ask you why the **** you would even care about ghebs reaction to a 'joke'?

I mean seriously, was that part even needed, what did clearing that up help us understand More?

Insecure scum at best, I don't even need to go into detail with everything else.

unvote vote asdioh


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Also I am pushing Asdioh to claim so early because I truly believe he is scum and I go hard on my reads. It's how you can get things done. ^^ He is also the most un-deniable scummy person in this game and his defenses thus far are inadequate and don't help his case but actually hurt his case.
Would you mind telling me what exactly I did that was scummy, instead of dismissing my question as "strawmanning?"

Defending Smarg was where I first went wrong I guess. After that I really don't know what happened...


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
vote: Asdioh

Please come up with some stances, Asdioh. Thanks ;)

Ghebs reaction in particular got me curious, thus why I asked him if I was serious (unfortunately I had to go to work at that point) because he obviously assumed I was completely joking. I mean, I kind of was, because it was RVS and there was nothing to go on, but I didn't discount the possibility of scum buddying town just because of that. I wanted to see Joeys reaction to my vote, and Ghebs answer to my question. Joey basically shrugged it off, and Gheb thought it was 100% not serious. It didn't give me much to go on.
That seems odd to me - how could you think Joey's post was anything but RVS? Wouldn't you expect Joey to just say "oh it was rvs it doesn't mean anything"? Feels like you're reaching here.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
god i hate long posts with multiple quotes
Disagree =P I love 'em.

Asdioh said:
Yes, you did. I don't have strong enough feelings about them to list them in any sort of scummy order. That's all there is to it. As usual, you're looking too hard into things to try to find scumminess that isn't there.
Way to try and belittle what I was doing AGAIN. All you have to say is complaining and saying that I am looking too hard for scumminess that isn't there. By saying this you are saying that nothing you have done is remotely scummy at all and you don't get where I am coming from at all. Also it's discrediting the arguement again BY STRAWMANNING. (so glad someone told me what that means cuz it applies to this so much). When I asked that queswtion you just denied me and said, "Lol I'm not doing that." and try and give views on the most vocal people in the game which equivalated to nothing but IDKs and shrugs which shows nothing at all because at the time there was alot to work with. T-Block backs this statement up.

Asdioh said:
Well, if you know me, then you'll know that I'll already have to do a reread to find this supposed info I'm shrugging away. All I'm saying is that nothing STOOD OUT TO ME as strongly scummy or towny from these players. I gave you my opinions on them, but at that point couldn't put them in a list for you. Big deal.
How can nothing stand out to you? We had tons of stuff and others agree to this. How come you are the only one to say this after reading? The bolded part is so scummy it hurts. =< Please die?

Asdioh said:
Nope, he was being hypocritical.
"meta isn't a solid tell because they can change game-to-game"
followed by
"policy lynch this person because she is inactive, and even if she's active she won't do us much good"

(I pointed it out in 219, then AM instantly retaliates)[

The bolded is meta. The "inactive" part was what AM defended against. "Inactive" isn't even a large part of what I was going for. He thinks she won't be a good player in general based on META. It was his ONLY reasoning for voting her. I was pointing out HYPOCRISY.

That's all you get for this.

Asdioh said:
Typical me :/
No way in hell are you using this stupid defense. Refute it, don't just say "Lol that's just me." Cuz it's utter garbage.

Asdioh said:
I wanted him to respond to this, not you.
1. I'll respond to what I want to. kay thanks~
2. You didn't make it clear that you only wanted AM to respond and no one else, so fair game.
3. Why did you not want me to respond to it?
4. Why did you not respond to the quote but instead shrug it off saying that I should not have responded. It's not helpful to just point that out and not respond.

Asdioh said:
I'm not redirecting.
Lol. xD Alright then.

Asdioh said:
Just saying how he asked a meta question, and I responded saying
1. based on meta, I think Smarg is towny
2. your reasonings for thinking she is scum in the first place are crappy

Then people like you and AM jump on me for using meta.
Actually explain number 2 in depth more, if they were utter crap, why were other people agreeing and seemed to mutually agree on it? Why did you not speak up a lil bit more? Why did you not destroy the wagon? Reason is I think you were just discrediting the Smarg wagon TO DISCREDIT IT and nothing more.

So Smargy is a town read to you?
Apr 17, 2011
T-Block, I'm sorry, you're correct and I did not actually post it. I was thinking it, though.

I could see Asdioh-scum trying to derail a wagon on me to get me on his side, and the meta argument does suck. AM, am I correct that you proposed a PL on me as a reaction test?
One you failed with flying colors.

Unvote Vote Asdioh

@AM: in response to my vote, you OMGUS'd without hesitation and mentioned that you were a hydra as part of your defense.

Can you elaborate on this whole point more for me, please? What exactly am I supposed to call out a hydra on?
Learn the definiton of your terms. An OMGUS vote is a baseless one and your's is certainly not. Stop trying to discredit me with terms that you misuse.

A hydra is two different people and, to some extent should be treated as such. I do not feel your callout even matters as much than had you caught Joey saying it. Call me out if you want, I really don't care. The great Kamina will not let scum bother him.

Unvote Vote Asdioh

Who the hell do you think I am?!

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Oh, Asdioh at L-2 now.


Asdioh at L-3. I think that's a better place for him to be at this point in the game.
Gah more towniness. <3

Lol let's hope I am reading this new person correctly cuz I usually suck at this. =P

Though I suggest L-2 so he doesn't self-hammer himself and we can still force a claim out of him.
Apr 17, 2011
The TTGL crap is entirely Ryker. Entirely. The difference in posting style is so marked that it's obvious which one of us is posting.

T-Block, I will predict Asdioh's response to that already:
"wtf i'm voting am, ihave a stance, step off"

Asdioh, stop being so dang scummy. You're relying on meta and the only vote you have is against us which it really isn't a hypocritical tell at all. Policy lynches are not meta. Voting an inactive only has to do with their play because of the fact that they aren't playing. That counts, but barely and not enough to say it's hypocritical for advocating a policy lynch on the fact that a person doesn't play the game and/or is inactive. If you want to blame Ryker for the "when she's active she's a liability", I'll put my hands up--I can't do anything about that comment. That was all Ryker and I'm 90% sure he was using his vote to fish for reactions anyway, regardless of other circumstances.

Yeh, T-Block, you're safe at L-2, scum's not dumb enough to quickhammer. I'd love it, it'd make our job easier, but I sincerely hope they're not that stupid.
Apr 17, 2011

No way in hell are you using this stupid defense. Refute it, don't just say "Lol that's just me." Cuz it's utter garbage.?
It's inane, I think we've already specifically stated we're not passing people based on meta alone.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Quick question: who are the girls in this game? Just so I don't address someone the wrong way =x
July and Smarg are the only girls. The rest of us are of the male category.

suddenly your towny points with me took a hit. I thought you said I'm the one that thinks you're scum every game, not the other way around?
Like I really cherish your town points. Asdioh, we have been in four games, this is like the first or second time I have called you scum and followed through with trying to get you lynched. Quit over-exaggerating and trying to belittle me. Goodness gracious I feel like a broken record because that is all you have been doing.

Asdioh, may I ask you why the **** you would even care about ghebs reaction to a 'joke'?

I mean seriously, was that part even needed, what did clearing that up help us understand More?

Insecure scum at best, I don't even need to go into detail with everything else.

unvote vote asdioh

I am saving this post, regardless of what Asdioh flips....

Would you mind telling me what exactly I did that was scummy, instead of dismissing my question as "strawmanning?"
READ DAMMIT. Lol just do that and maybe you'll see. Why do you think others have agreed to you being scummy? I have put it on a silver platter why you are scummy and have gotten you to L-2. If it wasn't obvious as to why you are scummy, how come the votes have gotten onto you?

The TTGL crap is entirely Ryker. Entirely. The difference in posting style is so marked that it's obvious which one of us is posting.

T-Block, I will predict Asdioh's response to that already:
"wtf i'm voting am, ihave a stance, step off"
Agree with the first part sincerly, it's too easy to see which side of the hydra is posting.

Also I lawl'd at the second portion.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
T-Block, I will predict Asdioh's response to that already:
"wtf i'm voting am, ihave a stance, step off"
My opinion is that you are pro scum that knows how to immediately turn a single vote on you into a bandwagon against that person. You're also trying to refute my stances before I can even make them. I think you are scum.

I think T-block is clearly town.
I think J is reaching really hard.
I think Soup is bandwagoning AS ALWAYS, for saying he would have "J and Asdioh stuff soon" then coming back with "wtf Asdioh this tiny thing is so scummy I'm not gonna bother with the rest"
I think Gheb is towny, but with too little info to get a strong read off that.
I think Smarg looks alright, as I did last game in which I was right. My read on her last game was not based on meta.

I think that I am going to do a more thorough reread now, and I also think that I am not going to claim as town on D1 for three games in a row, ok?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I think T-block is clearly town.

Asdioh said:
I think J is reaching really hard.
Lol good try but no. So the entire arguement against you is a reaching one?

Asdioh said:
I think Soup is bandwagoning AS ALWAYS, for saying he would have "J and Asdioh stuff soon" then coming back with "wtf Asdioh this tiny thing is so scummy I'm not gonna bother with the rest"
What does this show of his alignment? Scum or Town?

Asdioh said:
I think Gheb is towny, but with too little info to get a strong read off that.
Where the heck did this come from? You said you IDK the first time, then when asked for more views you pick Gheb who hasn't posted much and say that he is towny yet still don't have enough to get a strong read off of that. Listen, you're the one being hypocritical now.
I think Smarg looks alright, as I did last game in which I was right. My read on her last game was not based on meta.

Asdioh said:
I think that I am going to do a more thorough reread now, and I also think that I am not going to claim as town on D1 for three games in a row, ok?
So you aren't gonna claim and just be lynched? How helpful ^^.

Also I really can't help the fact that you are being forced to claim in this game cuz you are so dag on scummy.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Lol AM did not do the bandwagon on you.

I did for the final time.
Who the hell do you think I am?! This post doesn't hold water.

1.) Meta has it's place. If you want to call out a hydra for a contradiction, do it off of this, not what you quoted.
2.) What Kamina the wise proposed was a policy lynch, not a meta tell. Inactivity is verifiable.
3.) I have since let you in on the fact that I don't care about inactivity. No one here is trying to lynch Smargaret because of inactivity. You're trying to make sure this lynch doesn't go through by MAKING **** UP.

You will claim that you were joking about J, but you're still trying to discredit him.

Unvote Vote: Asdioh

Foolish amatuer scum, WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?!
Whoa whoa wait. I just re-read Asdioh's post after this post cuz I didn't think this could be true but then I look at the points he makes and it is true they are based off of meta.

Smarg - Meta
Evil Soup - Meta
Agressive Meditation - Meta
J - Meta

You try and discredit Joey by saying Smarg meta seems to be the same about an on-going game in which she flipped town. Discredits the arguement based on meta.

ES - tries to discredit them based on a previous statement made in another game. Based on Meta of soupa side.

AM - Tries to use the meta arguement AGAINST AM in which he tries to point them out as hypocrites from using meta. This is just weird and involved meta.

J - tries to discredit however in a very joking tone that I am strong but always wrong.

Asdioh, why did you primarily focus around meta to respond to things?
I'm with Ryker, Asdioh you got your activity when you are home but are you really happy?

Vote: Asdioh
He started it, he seemed to think I was scum bringing attention to myself by trying to prevent Smargs lynch (lol). Then you said a bunch of stuff about meta and followed along.

You still won't tell me what exactly I've done that's so scummy. I'm going to attempt to reread and see what it was. I'm still thinking it was defending Smarg and then a lack of stances... a mere <12 hours into the game. Ok, sorry, my reread might fix that. I still think you're reaching super hard though.

Going to try to not respond to anything until I'm done with my reread. -_-
It's amazing though how every game I do something that gets me targeted D1. I really didn't think it would happen again :x

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Actually, AM ninja'd me but I was bringing up the same or near similar points and if you think he has been leading this bandwagon then someone needs to re-align their eyes.

*tsk* I hope you do find why I think you are so scummy because it's amusing to see that you keep saying I am just reaching.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Going to try to not respond to anything until I'm done with my reread. -_-
It's amazing though how every game I do something that gets me targeted D1. I really didn't think it would happen again :x
AtE flavour in this post?

@Asdioh: Is J still leaning town for you? Is this supposed reaching a scum tell?


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Also wanting to note that JTB has 22 posts but really hasn't said anything of substance at all.

@JTB: Can we get some stances from you too? What do you think of Asdioh and J, both individually, and of the conflict between them?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Man with the mind-ninja. I was just thinking where JTB was at because I don't remember anything notable from him but he has a big post count.

Tell us who you think w.r.t. July/Evil Soup. Thanks.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I'll do my stances later on, I've been doing stuff while skimming the thread, so I'm not exactly clear on what's happening

plus Portal 2 comes out in less than an hour, so yeahhhh


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I really don't like Asdioh. His responses to J have been literal trash, his defense has been little to none, and his play in general is so scummy >_>;

Vote: Asdioh

L-2, right?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
The only people that have my expressed opinion to put Asdioh at L-1 range is T-block and maybe July.

Asdioh should claim after his read and Glyph should post something soon. =<


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Omg I take a nap and there is a ton to catch up on O_O Reading now, really interested in the Asdioh case because it seems pretty strong, will post with quotes and such soon
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