There is actually a lot of bad points coming in from
both sides on this. It would require quite a wall to correct some of you, which I honestly don't feel like writing - but maybe if I leave you guys with some truths, you can figure out why you guys are wrong via dot connecting.
A) Willingly allowing randomness into competition is utterly unacceptable.
B) Randomness in itself is not unacceptable, it
becomes unacceptable when it changes the outcome in a competition.
C) When randomness does
not affect the outcome of a competition, it is acceptable, i.e. its effect is negligible.
have to agree with the three above points. It's logic.
Oh **** it. I'll explain. I'm going to be brief though.
"Deal with Pictochat like you deal with tripping."
Flawed logic. We have the option of accepting or denying Pictochat - the same cannot be said for tripping.
"Allowing Pictochat is comparable to allowing some items."
Very flawed logic. Items cannot be dealt with preemptively beyond being on the stage - Pictochat's drawings can be preemptively dealt with in numerous ways, as well as being predicted. The two are incomparable.
"A restricted stage list hurts lower tiers." Which is being misinterpreted as: "Open the stage list to alter match-ups." But really means: "A restricted stage list artificially hurts and caters to specific characters, which is of course unacceptable."
Altering match-ups is unacceptable. A restricted stage list alters match-ups. There is a contradiction here. Play the game given. Remove the degenerate crap, and then play your crappy game, which unfortunately means: Meta Knight, tripping, planking, and Pictochat.
Anyways, back to Pictochat. This'll (hopefully) be my last statement since I've really just realized this is the same region that bans
Jungle Japes.
Remember the three green truths above? Pictochat falls under "C".
The randomness doesn't matter to non-ignorant players.
Oh, and here's my post that kinda destroyed Inui, and was thus ignored, earlier. Read that too.